- focus on red, green, refactor
- Start small, add complexity
- Limit scope at each step
- Use any language
- Setup a project in your language of choice.
- Add an empty method/class/module/function.
- Add an empty test.
- Assert that true equals false. Run the test, it should fail, demonstrating that the testbed is working.
- Create a function that returns the factorial of the input provided.
- happy path behavior
- 1! == 1
- 2! == 2
- 5! == 120
- 8! == 40320
- edge case
- 0! == 1
- The factorial function should handle very large calculations with exact precision
- Test cases
- 10! == 3628800
- 20! == 2432902008176640000
- 100! == 9.3 * 10^157
- Some inputs don't make sense. Negative numbers should result in an error. No inputs above 100 should be accepted. If the language is weakly typed, non-integer inputs should not be accepted.
- Test cases
- (-10)! == error
- 105! == error
- (hello)! == error
- (3.03)! == error
- The function should be exposed as a webservice. The input will be a query parameter and the output will be in json form.
- Acceptance tests
- GET http://localhost/api/factorial?input=5 -->> 200 {"output":"120"}
- GET http://localhost/api/factorial?input=100 -->> 200 {"output":"93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000"}
- GET http://localhost/api/factorial?input= -->> 400
- GET http://localhost/api/factorial?input=hello -->> 400
- The webservice should be wrapped in a simple page and presented to users
- ui/ux design will be collaborative
- Controls
- title
- header
- input
- button
- result