scp -i [local_ssh_key_file_path.pem] [local_file_path_to_upload] [email protected]:/home/vm-user/vm_path_to_upload
scp -i [local_ssh_key_file_path.pem] [email protected]:home/vm-user/vm_path_to_download [local_file_path_to_download]
scp -i [local_ssh_key_file_path.pem] [local_file_path_to_upload] [email protected]:/home/vm-user/vm_path_to_upload
scp -i [local_ssh_key_file_path.pem] [email protected]:home/vm-user/vm_path_to_download [local_file_path_to_download]
Create a scalable system to ingest image data, then run queries on this dataset to extract a portion, transform, apply ML models, and output to a new location along with metadata. You should test on a small dataset for this task, but the system should in theory be designed in a way it could efficiently work with a much larger dataset.
You shouldn't spend more than 8 hours on this, so it will be intentionally sparse. This helps us understand your ability to prioritize what is important.
Please provide your solution within 72 hours of reading this, or on the time line we agree on email.
When an environment variable needs to persist globally across the entire system, we can set it in the default profile loaded by all users on the system.
All global profile settings are stored under /etc/profile. And while this file can be edited directory, it is actually recommended to store global environment variables in a directory named /etc/profile.d, where you will find a list of files that are used to set environment variables for the entire system.
Create a new file under /etc/profile.d to store the global environment variable(s). The name of the should be contextual so others may understand its purpose.
sudo touch /etc/profile.d/
sudo gedit /etc/profile.d/