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Last active September 17, 2024 04:00
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Laravel 8 y Laravel 9 — División Administrativa de Chile: Regiones, Provincias y Comunas. Migraciones y Seeders.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateRegionsTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
Schema::create('regions', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Code: ISO 3366-2
* Ref:
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateProvincesTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
Schema::create('provinces', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateCommunesTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
Schema::create('communes', function (Blueprint $table) {
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use App\Region;
use App\Province;
use App\Commune;
class ChileAdministrativeDivisionsSeeder extends Seeder
* Run the database seeds.
* @return void
public function run()
$now = \Carbon\Carbon::now();
$regions = [
[1, 'Arica y Parinacota', 'AP'],
[2, 'Tarapacá', 'TA'],
[3, 'Antofagasta', 'AN'],
[4, 'Atacama', 'AT'],
[5, 'Coquimbo', 'CO'],
[6, 'Valparaiso', 'VA'],
[7, 'Metropolitana de Santiago', 'RM'],
[8, 'Libertador General Bernardo O\'Higgins', 'OH'],
[9, 'Maule', 'MA'],
[10, 'Ñuble', 'NB'],
[11, 'Biobío', 'BI'],
[12, 'La Araucanía', 'AR'],
[13, 'Los Ríos', 'LR'],
[14, 'Los Lagos', 'LL'],
[15, 'Aisén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo', 'AI'],
[16, 'Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena', 'MG']
$regions = array_map(function ($region) use ($now) {
return [
'id' => $region[0],
'name' => $region[1],
'code' => $region[2],
'updated_at' => $now,
'created_at' => $now,
}, $regions);
$provinces = [
[1, 'Arica', 1],
[2, 'Parinacota', 1],
[3, 'Iquique', 2],
[4, 'Tamarugal', 2],
[5, 'Antofagasta', 3],
[6, 'El Loa', 3],
[7, 'Tocopilla', 3],
[8, 'Copiapó', 4],
[9, 'Chañaral', 4],
[10, 'Huasco', 4],
[11, 'Elqui', 5],
[12, 'Choapa', 5],
[13, 'Limarí', 5],
[14, 'Valparaíso', 6],
[15, 'Isla De Pascua', 6],
[16, 'Los Andes', 6],
[17, 'Petorca', 6],
[18, 'Quillota', 6],
[19, 'San Antonio', 6],
[20, 'San Felipe', 6],
[21, 'Marga Marga', 6],
[22, 'Santiago', 7],
[23, 'Cordillera', 7],
[24, 'Chacabuco', 7],
[25, 'Maipo', 7],
[26, 'Melipilla', 7],
[27, 'Talagante', 7],
[28, 'Cachapoal', 8],
[29, 'Cardenal Caro', 8],
[30, 'Colchagua', 8],
[31, 'Talca', 9],
[32, 'Cauquenes', 9],
[33, 'Curicó', 9],
[34, 'Linares', 9],
[35, 'Diguillín', 10],
[36, 'Itata', 10],
[37, 'Punilla', 10],
[38, 'Concepción', 11],
[39, 'Arauco', 11],
[40, 'Bío-Bío', 11],
[41, 'Cautín', 12],
[42, 'Malleco', 12],
[43, 'Valdivia', 13],
[44, 'Ranco', 13],
[45, 'Llanquihue', 14],
[46, 'Chiloé', 14],
[47, 'Osorno', 14],
[48, 'Palena', 14],
[49, 'Coihayque', 15],
[50, 'Aisén', 15],
[51, 'Capitán Prat', 15],
[52, 'General Carrera', 15],
[53, 'Magallanes', 16],
[54, 'Antártica Chilena', 16],
[55, 'Tierra del Fuego', 16],
[56, 'Última Esperanza', 16],
$provinces = array_map(function ($province) use ($now) {
return [
'id' => $province[0],
'name' => $province[1],
'region_id' => $province[2],
'updated_at' => $now,
'created_at' => $now,
}, $provinces);
$communes = [
[1, 'Arica', 1],
[2, 'Camarones', 1],
[3, 'Putre', 2],
[4, 'General Lagos', 2],
[5, 'Iquique', 3],
[6, 'Alto Hospicio', 3],
[7, 'Pozo Almonte', 4],
[8, 'Camiña', 4],
[9, 'Colchane', 4],
[10, 'Huara', 4],
[11, 'Pica', 4],
[12, 'Antofagasta', 5],
[13, 'Mejillones', 5],
[14, 'Sierra Gorda', 5],
[15, 'Taltal', 5],
[16, 'Calama', 6],
[17, 'Ollague', 6],
[18, 'San Pedro De Atacama', 6],
[19, 'Tocopilla', 7],
[20, 'María Elena', 7],
[21, 'Copiapó', 8],
[22, 'Caldera', 8],
[23, 'Tierra Amarilla', 8],
[24, 'Chañaral', 9],
[25, 'Diego De Almagro', 9],
[26, 'Vallenar', 10],
[27, 'Alto Del Carmen', 10],
[28, 'Freirina', 10],
[29, 'Huasco', 10],
[30, 'La Serena', 11],
[31, 'Coquimbo', 11],
[32, 'Andacollo', 11],
[33, 'La Higuera', 11],
[34, 'Paiguano', 11],
[35, 'Vicuña', 11],
[36, 'Illapel', 12],
[37, 'Canela', 12],
[38, 'Los Vilos', 12],
[39, 'Salamanca', 12],
[40, 'Ovalle', 13],
[41, 'Combarbalá', 13],
[42, 'Monte Patria', 13],
[43, 'Punitaqui', 13],
[44, 'Río Hurtado', 13],
[45, 'Valparaíso', 14],
[46, 'Casablanca', 14],
[47, 'Concón', 14],
[48, 'Juan Fernández', 14],
[49, 'Puchuncaví', 14],
[50, 'Quintero', 14],
[51, 'Viña Del Mar', 14],
[52, 'Isla De Pascua', 15],
[53, 'Los Andes', 16],
[54, 'Calle Larga', 16],
[55, 'Rinconada', 16],
[56, 'San Esteban', 16],
[57, 'La Ligua', 17],
[58, 'Cabildo', 17],
[59, 'Papudo', 17],
[60, 'Petorca', 17],
[61, 'Zapallar', 17],
[62, 'Quillota', 18],
[63, 'Calera', 18],
[64, 'Hijuelas', 18],
[65, 'La Cruz', 18],
[66, 'Nogales', 18],
[67, 'San Antonio', 19],
[68, 'Algarrobo', 19],
[69, 'Cartagena', 19],
[70, 'El Quisco', 19],
[71, 'El Tabo', 19],
[72, 'Santo Domingo', 19],
[73, 'San Felipe', 20],
[74, 'Catemu', 20],
[75, 'Llaillay', 20],
[76, 'Panquehue', 20],
[77, 'Putaendo', 20],
[78, 'Santa María', 20],
[79, 'Quilpué', 21],
[80, 'Limache', 21],
[81, 'Olmué', 21],
[82, 'Villa Alemana', 21],
[83, 'Santiago', 22],
[84, 'Cerrillos', 22],
[85, 'Cerro Navia', 22],
[86, 'Conchalí', 22],
[87, 'El Bosque', 22],
[88, 'Estación Central', 22],
[89, 'Huechuraba', 22],
[90, 'Independencia', 22],
[91, 'La Cisterna', 22],
[92, 'La Florida', 22],
[93, 'La Granja', 22],
[94, 'La Pintana', 22],
[95, 'La Reina', 22],
[96, 'Las Condes', 22],
[97, 'Lo Barnechea', 22],
[98, 'Lo Espejo', 22],
[99, 'Lo Prado', 22],
[100, 'Macul', 22],
[101, 'Maipú', 22],
[102, 'Ñuñoa', 22],
[103, 'Pedro Aguirre Cerda', 22],
[104, 'Peñalolén', 22],
[105, 'Providencia', 22],
[106, 'Pudahuel', 22],
[107, 'Quilicura', 22],
[108, 'Quinta Normal', 22],
[109, 'Recoleta', 22],
[110, 'Renca', 22],
[111, 'San Joaquín', 22],
[112, 'San Miguel', 22],
[113, 'San Ramón', 22],
[114, 'Vitacura', 22],
[115, 'Puente Alto', 23],
[116, 'Pirque', 23],
[117, 'San José De Maipo', 23],
[118, 'Colina', 24],
[119, 'Lampa', 24],
[120, 'Tiltil', 24],
[121, 'San Bernardo', 25],
[122, 'Buin', 25],
[123, 'Calera De Tango', 25],
[124, 'Paine', 25],
[125, 'Melipilla', 26],
[126, 'Alhué', 26],
[127, 'Curacaví', 26],
[128, 'María Pinto', 26],
[129, 'San Pedro', 26],
[130, 'Talagante', 27],
[131, 'El Monte', 27],
[132, 'Isla De Maipo', 27],
[133, 'Padre Hurtado', 27],
[134, 'Peñaflor', 27],
[135, 'Rancagua', 28],
[136, 'Codegua', 28],
[137, 'Coinco', 28],
[138, 'Coltauco', 28],
[139, 'Doñihue', 28],
[140, 'Graneros', 28],
[141, 'Las Cabras', 28],
[142, 'Machali', 28],
[143, 'Malloa', 28],
[144, 'Mostazal', 28],
[145, 'El Olivar', 28],
[146, 'Peumo', 28],
[147, 'Pichidegua', 28],
[148, 'Quinta De Tilcoco', 28],
[149, 'Rengo', 28],
[150, 'Requinoa', 28],
[151, 'San Vicente', 28],
[152, 'Pichilemu', 29],
[153, 'La Estrella', 29],
[154, 'Litueche', 29],
[155, 'Marchihue', 29],
[156, 'Navidad', 29],
[157, 'Paredones', 29],
[158, 'San Fernando', 30],
[159, 'Chépica', 30],
[160, 'Chimbarongo', 30],
[161, 'Lolol', 30],
[162, 'Nancagua', 30],
[163, 'Palmilla', 30],
[164, 'Peralillo', 30],
[165, 'Placilla', 30],
[166, 'Pumanque', 30],
[167, 'Santa Cruz', 30],
[168, 'Talca', 31],
[169, 'Constitución', 31],
[170, 'Curepto', 31],
[171, 'Empedrado', 31],
[172, 'Maule', 31],
[173, 'Pelarco', 31],
[174, 'Pencahue', 31],
[175, 'Río Claro', 31],
[176, 'San Clemente', 31],
[177, 'San Rafael', 31],
[178, 'Cauquenes', 32],
[179, 'Chanco', 32],
[180, 'Pelluhue', 32],
[181, 'Curicó', 33],
[182, 'Hualañe', 33],
[183, 'Licantén', 33],
[184, 'Molina', 33],
[185, 'Rauco', 33],
[186, 'Romeral', 33],
[187, 'Sagrada Familia', 33],
[188, 'Teno', 33],
[189, 'Vichuquén', 33],
[190, 'Linares', 34],
[191, 'Colbún', 34],
[192, 'Longaví', 34],
[193, 'Parral', 34],
[194, 'Retiro', 34],
[195, 'San Javier', 34],
[196, 'Villa Alegre', 34],
[197, 'Yerbas Buenas', 34],
[198, 'Chillán', 35],
[199, 'Bulnes', 35],
[200, 'Chillán Viejo', 35],
[201, 'El Carmen', 35],
[202, 'Pemuco', 35],
[203, 'Pinto', 35],
[204, 'Quillón', 35],
[205, 'San Ignacio', 35],
[206, 'Yungay', 35],
[207, 'Quirihue', 36],
[208, 'Cobquecura', 36],
[209, 'Coelemu', 36],
[210, 'Ninhue', 36],
[211, 'Portezuelo', 36],
[212, 'Ranquil', 36],
[213, 'Treguaco', 36],
[214, 'San Carlos', 37],
[215, 'Coihueco', 37],
[216, 'Ñiquén', 37],
[217, 'San Fabián', 37],
[218, 'San Nicolás', 37],
[219, 'Concepción', 38],
[220, 'Coronel', 38],
[221, 'Chiguayante', 38],
[222, 'Florida', 38],
[223, 'Hualqui', 38],
[224, 'Lota', 38],
[225, 'Penco', 38],
[226, 'San Pedro de la Paz', 38],
[227, 'Santa Juana', 38],
[228, 'Talcahuano', 38],
[229, 'Tomé', 38],
[230, 'Hualpén', 38],
[231, 'Lebu', 39],
[232, 'Arauco', 39],
[233, 'Cañete', 39],
[234, 'Contulmo', 39],
[235, 'Curanilahue', 39],
[236, 'Los Alamos', 39],
[237, 'Tirua', 39],
[238, 'Los Angeles', 40],
[239, 'Antuco', 40],
[240, 'Cabrero', 40],
[241, 'Laja', 40],
[242, 'Mulchén', 40],
[243, 'Nacimiento', 40],
[244, 'Negrete', 40],
[245, 'Quilaco', 40],
[246, 'Quilleco', 40],
[247, 'San Rosendo', 40],
[248, 'Santa Bárbara', 40],
[249, 'Tucapel', 40],
[250, 'Yumbel', 40],
[251, 'Alto Biobío', 40],
[252, 'Temuco', 41],
[253, 'Carahue', 41],
[254, 'Cunco', 41],
[255, 'Curarrehue', 41],
[256, 'Freire', 41],
[257, 'Galvarino', 41],
[258, 'Gorbea', 41],
[259, 'Lautaro', 41],
[260, 'Loncoche', 41],
[261, 'Melipeuco', 41],
[262, 'Nueva Imperial', 41],
[263, 'Padre Las Casas', 41],
[264, 'Perquenco', 41],
[265, 'Pitrufquén', 41],
[266, 'Pucón', 41],
[267, 'Saavedra', 41],
[268, 'Teodoro Schmidt', 41],
[269, 'Toltén', 41],
[270, 'Vilcún', 41],
[271, 'Villarrica', 41],
[272, 'Cholchol', 41],
[273, 'Angol', 42],
[274, 'Collipulli', 42],
[275, 'Curacautín', 42],
[276, 'Ercilla', 42],
[277, 'Lonquimay', 42],
[278, 'Los Sauces', 42],
[279, 'Lumaco', 42],
[280, 'Puren', 42],
[281, 'Renaico', 42],
[282, 'Traiguén', 42],
[283, 'Victoria', 42],
[284, 'Valdivia', 43],
[285, 'Corral', 43],
[286, 'Lanco', 43],
[287, 'Los Lagos', 43],
[288, 'Máfil', 43],
[289, 'Mariquina', 43],
[290, 'Paillaco', 43],
[291, 'Panguipulli', 43],
[292, 'La Unión', 44],
[293, 'Futrono', 44],
[294, 'Lago Ranco', 44],
[295, 'Río Bueno', 44],
[296, 'Puerto Montt', 45],
[297, 'Calbuco', 45],
[298, 'Cochamó', 45],
[299, 'Fresia', 45],
[300, 'Frutillar', 45],
[301, 'Los Muermos', 45],
[302, 'Llanquihue', 45],
[303, 'Maullín', 45],
[304, 'Puerto Varas', 45],
[305, 'Castro', 46],
[306, 'Ancud', 46],
[307, 'Chonchi', 46],
[308, 'Curaco de Velez', 46],
[309, 'Dalcahue', 46],
[310, 'Puqueldón', 46],
[311, 'Queilén', 46],
[312, 'Quellón', 46],
[313, 'Quemchi', 46],
[314, 'Quinchao', 46],
[315, 'Osorno', 47],
[316, 'Puerto Octay', 47],
[317, 'Purranque', 47],
[318, 'Puyehue', 47],
[319, 'Río Negro', 47],
[320, 'San Juan de la Costa', 47],
[321, 'San Pablo', 47],
[322, 'Chaitén', 48],
[323, 'Futaleufú', 48],
[324, 'Hualaihue', 48],
[325, 'Palena', 48],
[326, 'Coihayque', 49],
[327, 'Lago Verde', 49],
[328, 'Aisén', 50],
[329, 'Cisnes', 50],
[330, 'Guaitecas', 50],
[331, 'Cochrane', 51],
[332, 'O\'Higgins', 51],
[333, 'Tortel', 51],
[334, 'Chile Chico', 52],
[335, 'Río Ibáñez', 52],
[336, 'Punta Arenas', 53],
[337, 'Laguna Blanca', 53],
[338, 'Río Verde', 53],
[339, 'San Gregorio', 53],
[340, 'Cabo de Hornos', 54],
[341, 'Antártica', 54],
[342, 'Porvenir', 55],
[343, 'Primavera', 55],
[344, 'Timaukel', 55],
[345, 'Natales', 56],
[346, 'Torres del Paine', 56],
$communes = array_map(function ($commune) use ($now) {
return [
'id' => $commune[0],
'name' => $commune[1],
'province_id' => $commune[2],
'updated_at' => $now,
'created_at' => $now,
}, $communes);
Commune::insert($communes); // Eloquent approach
// \DB::table('communes')->insert($communes); // Query Builder approach
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