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Last active May 18, 2024 15:18
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A fuzzy-finder in 40 lines of portable Vimscript
" Pick a different highlighting group by adding this in your vimrc:
" highlight link fuzzyMatch <group>
" The "default" only makes the link if it's not already set.
highlight default link fuzzyMatch Search
" The components of the command definition:
" - complete=dir: tab-completes directories
" - nargs=*: zero or more arguments (though more than 1 will error out)
" - <q-mods>: modifiers before the command like `:vertical` or `:tab`, quoted
" - <f-args>: the space-separated arguments, formatted for a function invocation
command! -complete=dir -nargs=* Fuzzy call s:Fuzzy(<q-mods>, <f-args>)
function! s:Fuzzy(mods, dir = '.') abort
" Open a new buffer, maintaining the given modifiers. So, `:vertical Fuzzy`
" will get translated to `:vertical new` and `:tab Fuzzy` will trigger
" `:tab new`. If no modifiers are given, it'll simply be an empty string.
exe a:mods .. ' new'
" The glob() function collects all files recursively. Is it too slow?
" Install ripgrep and replace it with:
" systemlist('rg --files ' .. a:dir)
" Is that too slow? Read up on `:help job_start()`, and the contents can be
" fetched in an async way.
let b:all_paths = glob(simplify(a:dir .. '/**/*'), v:false, v:true)
" A "prompt" buffer is one that only allows editing the final line, turning
" the buffer into a REPL of sorts. Pressing enter triggers the callback
" installed with `prompt_setcallback`. The prompt's prefix character is set
" by `prompt_setprompt`.
set buftype=prompt
call prompt_setcallback(bufnr(), function('s:TextEntered'))
call prompt_setprompt(bufnr(), "> ")
" We could also update this in `s:UpdateBuffer`. Removing the limit would
" allow us to see how many results we've got and if we use `job_start` to
" load the files in an async way, we could add a loading indicator.
let &l:statusline = "[Fuzzy: " .. a:dir .. " ("..len(b:all_paths).." files)]"
" Every time the user types in insert mode, the buffer is updated with the
" contents filtered by the final line.
autocmd TextChangedI,TextChangedP <buffer> call s:UpdateBuffer()
function! s:TextEntered(_text) abort
if line('$') <= 2
" The line at the end of the buffer is the second one if there's only one
" match + the prompt line. Lower than that and we don't have a match
" Line 1 is the top line, the highest-scoring match
exe 'edit ' .. getline(1)
function! s:UpdateBuffer() abort
" Clear out the entire buffer (except for the last line) and all of its
" syntax highlighting
if line('$') > 1
1,$-1delete _
syn clear
" The final line starts with the prompt we set, `> `, let's remove it and
" all spaces, just so I can type "tag auto util" instead of "tagautoutil"
let query = matchstr(getline('$'), '^> \zs.*')
let query = substitute(query, '\s\+', '', 'g')
let results = []
" The `matchfuzzypos` function returns three lists containing:
" - the matches, sorted by score
" - the character indices of the matches
" - the scores of the matches, unused here
" The 'limit' option can be removed or replaced with a large constant to
" improve the quality of matches. You can then loop through the first
" screen-size results:
" for i in range(min([len(paths), winheight(0) - 1]))
" But if you get a full buffer of results, maybe it makes sense to keep
" typing?
let [paths, char_positions, _scores] =
\ matchfuzzypos(b:all_paths, query, { 'limit': winheight(0) - 1, 'matchseq': v:true })
for i in range(len(paths))
let path = paths[i]
" Append this path just before the final line of the buffer
call append(line('$') - 1, path)
for char_position in char_positions[i]
" The regex /\%l42\%c13./ means:
" - any character ('.')
" - on line 42 ('\%l')
" - on column 13 ('\%c')
exe 'syn match fuzzyMatch /\%' .. (line('$') - 1) .. 'l\%' .. char_position .. 'c./'
" As we're typing, the buffer will become "modified", but since it's just
" used for UI, we don't want it to be shown:
set nomodified
" After every change, jump back to the last line and scroll so that the last
" line is the last visible line.
normal! Gzb
" Always append after updating. We could be smarter here to support editing
" in the middle of the query, but that seems to me to be a rare case.
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