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Created March 29, 2019 23:05
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Toggle between Light & Dark mode.
# This toggles the macOS appearance from Light mode to Dark mode and vice
# versa.
# Big thanks to Mike Lynn for his help. Esp. this gist:
# Still looking for the function to perfectly simulate changing themes via the
# System Prefs UI. iStat menus seems to not be getting the hint.
import platform
from Foundation import NSBundle
vers, _, _ = platform.mac_ver()
if float(vers.split('.')[1]) != 14:
appearanceBundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_("/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Appearance.prefPane")
appearanceShared = appearanceBundle.classNamed_('AppearanceShared')
app = appearanceShared.sharedAppearanceAccess()
if app.theme() == 1:
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Doesn't notify apps when run from a different user context. Even sudo -u "$username from the root user doesn't send the notification to apps.
Yeah. This is a decent start, but needs some fluff for EUX.

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