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Last active January 13, 2016 04:44
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  • Save AndyAyersMS/2fd78ecd186cd1afc167 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndyAyersMS/2fd78ecd186cd1afc167 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<args>/nologo /optimize+ /noconfig @Repro.rsp</args>
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<args>20000 &gt; out</args>
<args>200 &gt; out</args>
<args>1000 &gt; out</args>
<args>/v /o:mum.out ..\TestData\ ..\TestData\NC_000913.bd_10xWithError_1.fa &gt; out 2&gt;&amp;1</args>
<args>&gt; out</args>
<args> &gt; out</args>
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<args>-ccommands\emfstruct.dat &gt; out</args>
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<args>-ccommands\huff.dat &gt; out</args>
<args>-ccommands\idea.dat &gt; out</args>
<args>-ccommands\lu.dat &gt; out</args>
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<args>-ccommands\nnetrect.dat &gt; out</args>
<args>-ccommands\numsortjagged.dat &gt; out</args>
<args>-ccommands\numsortrect.dat &gt; out</args>
<args>-ccommands\stringsort.dat &gt; out</args>
<args>0 0 0x66 160000 &gt; out</args>
<args>&gt; out</args>
<args>&gt; out</args>
<args>Serialize-JsonNet-TestClass 1500000 &gt; out</args>
<args>Deserialize-JsonNet-String 750000 &gt; out</args>
<args>8 -S -bench 2</args>
<args>9 -S -bench 2</args>
<args>8 -S -bench 2</args>
<args>9 -S -bench 2</args>
<args>8 -S -bench 2</args>
<args>9 -S -bench 2</args>
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"System.Runtime": "4.0.21-beta-*",
"System.Diagnostics.Contracts": "4.0.1-beta-*",
"System.Diagnostics.Debug": "4.0.11-beta-*",
"System.Diagnostics.StackTrace": "4.0.1-beta-*",
"System.Diagnostics.Tools": "4.0.1-beta-*",
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"System.Runtime.Extensions": "4.0.11-beta-*",
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.IO;
namespace BenchmarkConsoleApplication
class BenchmarkSuite
public string SuiteName;
public List<Benchmark> BenchmarkList;
public BenchmarkSuite
string suiteName
SuiteName = suiteName;
BenchmarkList = new List<Benchmark>();
class BenchmarkTagSet
public string TagName;
public List<Benchmark> BenchmarkList;
public BenchmarkTagSet
string tagName
TagName = tagName;
BenchmarkList = new List<Benchmark>();
class Benchmark
public string Name;
public string SuiteName;
public string Tags;
public string WorkingDirectory;
public string ExePath;
public string ExeArgs;
public bool DoRunInShell;
public bool UseSSE;
public bool UseAVX;
public Benchmark
string name,
string suiteName,
string tags,
string workingDirectory,
string exePath,
string exeArgs,
bool doRunInShell,
bool useSSE,
bool useAVX
Name = name;
SuiteName = suiteName;
Tags = tags;
WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
ExePath = exePath;
ExeArgs = exeArgs;
DoRunInShell = doRunInShell;
UseSSE = useSSE;
UseAVX = useAVX;
class Results
public Benchmark Benchmark;
public long[] Times;
public long Minimum;
public long Maximum;
public long Average;
public double StandardDeviation;
public int Failures;
public Results
Benchmark benchmark,
int numberOfRuns
Benchmark = benchmark;
Times = new long[numberOfRuns + 1];
Minimum = 0;
Maximum = 0;
Average = 0;
StandardDeviation = 0.0;
Failures = 0;
class Controls
public bool DoRun;
public bool DoWarmUpRun;
public bool DoVerbose;
public bool DoCoreCLR;
public bool DoListBenchmarks;
public bool DoListBenchmarkSuites;
public bool DoListBenchmarkTagSets;
public int NumberOfRunsPerBenchmark;
public string ComplusVersion;
public string BenchmarksRootDirectory;
public string BenchmarkXmlFileName;
public string SuiteName;
public List<string> IncludeBenchmarkList;
public List<string> ExcludeBenchmarkList;
public List<string> IncludeTagList;
public List<string> ExcludeTagList;
public int SuccessExitCode;
class BenchmarkSystem
public const bool OptionalField = true;
public Controls Controls = new Controls()
NumberOfRunsPerBenchmark = 1,
DoWarmUpRun = false,
DoVerbose = false,
DoCoreCLR = false,
DoListBenchmarks = false,
DoListBenchmarkSuites = false,
DoListBenchmarkTagSets = false,
DoRun = true,
ComplusVersion = "",
SuiteName = "",
BenchmarksRootDirectory = "",
BenchmarkXmlFileName = "benchmarks.xml",
IncludeBenchmarkList = new List<string>(),
ExcludeBenchmarkList = new List<string>(),
IncludeTagList = new List<string>(),
ExcludeTagList = new List<string>(),
SuccessExitCode = 100 // This is by convention with JIT tests/benchmarks. We
// can make it a parameter if we need flexibility.
// Or allow per benchmark override.
public Dictionary<string, BenchmarkSuite>
BenchmarkSuiteTable = new Dictionary<string, BenchmarkSuite>();
public Dictionary<string, BenchmarkTagSet>
BenchmarkTagSetTable = new Dictionary<string, BenchmarkTagSet>();
public List<Benchmark> BenchmarkList = new List<Benchmark>();
public List<Benchmark> SelectedBenchmarkList = new List<Benchmark>();
public List<Results> ResultsList = new List<Results>();
public Char[] ListSeparators = new Char[] {',', ' '};
public int Failures = 0;
public int NumberOfBenchmarksRun;
public static int Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("RyuJIT Benchmark System");
BenchmarkSystem benchmarkSystem = new BenchmarkSystem();
catch (Exception exception)
// Need to find portable Environment.Exit()
if (exception.Message == "Exit")
return 0;
Console.WriteLine("{0}", exception.ToString());
return -1;
return 0;
public void ProcessCommandLine(string[] args)
Controls controls = Controls;
for(int i = 0; i < args.Length;)
string arg = args[i++];
string benchmark;
string[] tags;
switch (arg)
case "-n":
arg = args[i++];
controls.NumberOfRunsPerBenchmark = Int32.Parse(arg);
case "-norun":
controls.DoRun = false;
case "-w":
controls.DoWarmUpRun = true;
case "-v":
controls.DoVerbose = true;
case "-r":
arg = args[i++];
controls.BenchmarksRootDirectory = arg;
case "-f":
arg = args[i++];
controls.BenchmarkXmlFileName = arg;
case "-s":
arg = args[i++];
controls.SuiteName = arg;
case "-i":
arg = args[i++];
benchmark = arg;
case "-e":
arg = args[i++];
benchmark = arg;
case "-list":
controls.DoListBenchmarks = true;
case "-listsuites":
controls.DoListBenchmarkSuites = true;
case "-listtags":
controls.DoListBenchmarkTagSets = true;
case "-tags":
arg = args[i++];
tags = arg.Split(ListSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
case "-notags":
arg = args[i++];
tags = arg.Split(ListSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
case "-coreclr":
controls.DoCoreCLR = true;
case "-complus_version":
arg = args[i++];
controls.ComplusVersion = arg;
throw new Exception("invalid argument: " + arg);
catch (Exception)
public void Usage()
Console.WriteLine("Usage: RunBenchmarks [options]");
Console.WriteLine(" options: ");
Console.WriteLine(" -f <xmlFile> specify benchmark xml file (default benchmarks.xml)");
Console.WriteLine(" -n <number> specify number of runs for each benchmark (default is 1)");
Console.WriteLine(" -w specify that warmup run should be done first");
Console.WriteLine(" -v run in verbose mode");
Console.WriteLine(" -r <rootDir> specify root directory to run from");
Console.WriteLine(" -s <suite> specify a single benchmark suite to run (by name)");
Console.WriteLine(" -i <benchmark> specify benchmark to include by name (multiple -i's allowed)");
Console.WriteLine(" -e <benchmark> specify benchmark to exclude by name (multiple -e's allowed)");
Console.WriteLine(" -list prints a list of the benchmark names and does nothing else");
Console.WriteLine(" -listsuites prints a list of the suite names and does nothing else");
Console.WriteLine(" -listtags prints a list of the tag names and does nothing else");
Console.WriteLine(" -coreclr run benchmarks on CoreCLR (default DesktopCLR)");
Console.WriteLine(" -complus_version <version> run benchmarks on particular DesktopCLR version");
Console.WriteLine(" -norun prints what would be run, but nothing is executed");
public void AddBenchmark
string name,
string suiteName,
string tags,
string workingDirectory,
string exePath,
string exeArgs,
bool doRunInShell,
bool useSSE,
bool useAVX
BenchmarkSuite benchmarkSuite;
BenchmarkTagSet benchmarkTagSet;
Benchmark benchmark;
benchmark = new Benchmark(name, suiteName, tags,
workingDirectory, exePath, exeArgs, doRunInShell, useSSE, useAVX);
if (!BenchmarkSuiteTable.TryGetValue(suiteName, out benchmarkSuite))
benchmarkSuite = new BenchmarkSuite(suiteName);
BenchmarkSuiteTable.Add(suiteName, benchmarkSuite);
String[] tagList = tags.Split(ListSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string tag in tagList)
if (!BenchmarkTagSetTable.TryGetValue(tag, out benchmarkTagSet))
benchmarkTagSet = new BenchmarkTagSet(tag);
BenchmarkTagSetTable.Add(tag, benchmarkTagSet);
public XmlNode SelectSingleNode
XmlNode node,
string xpath
return node.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
return XmlDocumentXPathExtensions.SelectSingleNode(node, xpath);
public string GetField
XmlNode node,
string xpath,
bool optional = false
XmlNode fieldNode = SelectSingleNode(node, xpath);
if (fieldNode == null)
if (optional)
return "";
throw new Exception("missing field: " + xpath);
return fieldNode.InnerText;
public bool GetBooleanField
XmlNode node,
string xpath,
bool optional = false
string value = GetField(node, xpath, optional);
if (value == "true")
return true;
if (value == "false")
return false;
if (optional)
return false;
throw new Exception("bad boolean value: " + value);
public XmlNodeList SelectNodes
XmlNode node,
string xpath
return node.SelectNodes(xpath);
return XmlDocumentXPathExtensions.SelectNodes(node, xpath);
public XmlNodeList GetList
XmlNode node,
string xpath
return SelectNodes(node, xpath);
public int Exit (int exitCode)
// Need to find portable Environment.Exit()
switch (exitCode)
case 0:
case -1:
case -2:
throw new Exception("Exit");
throw new Exception("BadExit");
public void BuildBenchmarksList()
string benchmarksRootDirectory = Controls.BenchmarksRootDirectory;
string benchmarkXmlFileName = Controls.BenchmarkXmlFileName;
string benchmarkXmlFullFileName;
string benchmarkRootDirectoryName;
string benchmarkSuiteName;
string benchmarkDirectoryName;
string benchmarkName;
string benchmarkExecutableName;
string benchmarkArgs;
bool doRunInShell;
bool useSSE;
bool useAVX;
string tags;
benchmarkXmlFullFileName = benchmarkXmlFileName;
if (benchmarksRootDirectory != "")
benchmarkXmlFullFileName = benchmarksRootDirectory + "\\" + benchmarkXmlFullFileName;
// Load XML description of benchmarks.
XmlDocument benchmarkXml = new XmlDocument();
var xmlFile = new FileStream(benchmarkXmlFullFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
// Get root directory for benchmark system.
benchmarkRootDirectoryName = GetField(benchmarkXml.DocumentElement, "benchmark-root-directory");
Controls.BenchmarksRootDirectory = benchmarkRootDirectoryName;
// Process each benchmark suite in the list of benchmark suites.
XmlNodeList benchmarkSuiteList = GetList(benchmarkXml.DocumentElement, "benchmark-suite");
foreach (XmlNode benchmarkSuite in benchmarkSuiteList)
benchmarkSuiteName = GetField(benchmarkSuite,"name");
//Process each benchmark in benchmark suite.
XmlNodeList benchmarkList = GetList(benchmarkSuite, "benchmark");
foreach (XmlNode benchmark in benchmarkList)
benchmarkName = GetField(benchmark, "name");
benchmarkDirectoryName = GetField(benchmark, "directory", OptionalField);
benchmarkExecutableName = GetField(benchmark, "executable");
benchmarkArgs = GetField(benchmark, "args", OptionalField);
useSSE = GetBooleanField(benchmark, "useSSE", OptionalField);
useAVX = GetBooleanField(benchmark, "useAVX", OptionalField);
doRunInShell = GetBooleanField(benchmark, "run-in-shell", OptionalField);
tags = GetField(benchmark, "tags", OptionalField);
AddBenchmark(benchmarkName, benchmarkSuiteName, tags, benchmarkDirectoryName,
benchmarkExecutableName, benchmarkArgs, doRunInShell, useSSE, useAVX);
if (Controls.DoListBenchmarks)
if (Controls.DoListBenchmarkSuites)
if (Controls.DoListBenchmarkTagSets)
public void ListBenchmarks()
Console.WriteLine("Benchmark List");
foreach (Benchmark benchmark in BenchmarkList)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", benchmark.Name);
Console.WriteLine(" Suite: {0}", benchmark.SuiteName);
Console.WriteLine(" WorkingDirectory: {0}", benchmark.WorkingDirectory);
Console.WriteLine(" ExePath: {0}", benchmark.ExePath);
Console.WriteLine(" ExeArgs: {0}", benchmark.ExeArgs);
Console.WriteLine(" RunInShell: {0}", benchmark.DoRunInShell);
Console.WriteLine(" UseSSE: {0}", benchmark.UseSSE);
Console.WriteLine(" UseAVX: {0}", benchmark.UseAVX);
Console.WriteLine(" Tags: {0}", benchmark.Tags);
public void ListBenchmarkSuites()
Console.WriteLine("Benchmark Suite List");
var benchmarkSuiteList = BenchmarkSuiteTable.Keys;
foreach (var suiteName in benchmarkSuiteList)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", suiteName);
public void ListBenchmarkTagSets()
Console.WriteLine("Benchmark TagSet List");
var benchmarkTagSetList = BenchmarkTagSetTable.Keys;
foreach (var tagName in benchmarkTagSetList)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", tagName);
public void SelectBenchmarks()
List<Benchmark> benchmarkList = BenchmarkList;
List<string> includeBenchmarkList = Controls.IncludeBenchmarkList;
List<string> excludeBenchmarkList = Controls.ExcludeBenchmarkList;
List<string> includeTagList = Controls.IncludeTagList;
List<string> excludeTagList = Controls.ExcludeTagList;
string suiteName = Controls.SuiteName;
if (suiteName != "")
BenchmarkSuite benchmarkSuite = null;
if (!BenchmarkSuiteTable.TryGetValue(suiteName, out benchmarkSuite))
throw new Exception("bad suite name: " + suiteName);
benchmarkList = benchmarkSuite.BenchmarkList;
foreach (Benchmark benchmark in benchmarkList)
string benchmarkName = benchmark.Name;
bool include = true;
if (includeBenchmarkList.Count > 0)
include = false;
if (includeBenchmarkList.Contains(benchmarkName))
include = true;
if (include && (excludeBenchmarkList.Count > 0))
if (excludeBenchmarkList.Contains(benchmarkName))
include = false;
if (include && (excludeTagList.Count > 0))
foreach (string tag in excludeTagList)
BenchmarkTagSet benchmarkTagSet = null;
if (!BenchmarkTagSetTable.TryGetValue(tag, out benchmarkTagSet))
throw new Exception("bad tag: " + tag);
List<Benchmark> excludeTagBenchmarkList = benchmarkTagSet.BenchmarkList;
if (excludeTagBenchmarkList.Contains(benchmark))
include = false;
if (include)
public Results RunBenchmark(Benchmark benchmark)
bool doRun = Controls.DoRun;
int numberOfRuns = Controls.NumberOfRunsPerBenchmark;
bool doWarmUpRun = Controls.DoWarmUpRun;
bool doCoreCLR = Controls.DoCoreCLR;
bool doVerbose = Controls.DoVerbose;
string complusVersion = Controls.ComplusVersion;
string benchmarksRootDirectory = Controls.BenchmarksRootDirectory;
string benchmarkDirectory = benchmarksRootDirectory + "\\" + benchmark.WorkingDirectory;
bool doRunInShell = benchmark.DoRunInShell;
bool useSSE = benchmark.UseSSE;
bool useAVX = benchmark.UseAVX;
int successExitCode = Controls.SuccessExitCode;
int failures = 0;
Results results = new Results(benchmark, numberOfRuns);
if (!doRun)
return results;
string workingDirectory = benchmarkDirectory;
string fileName = workingDirectory + "\\" + benchmark.ExePath;
string args = benchmark.ExeArgs;
if (doCoreCLR)
args = fileName + " " + args;
fileName = "corerun.exe";
if (doRunInShell)
args = "/C " + benchmark.ExePath + " " + args;
fileName = "cmd.exe";
if (doVerbose)
Console.WriteLine("Running benchmark {0} ...", benchmark.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking: {0} {1}", fileName, args);
for (int run = (doWarmUpRun) ? 0 : 1; run <= numberOfRuns; run++)
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = fileName,
Arguments = args,
WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory,
UseShellExecute = false
if (complusVersion != "")
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_version"] = complusVersion;
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_defaultVersion"] = complusVersion;
if (useSSE)
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_FeatureSIMD"] = "1";
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_EnableAVX"] = "0";
if (useAVX)
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_FeatureSIMD"] = "1";
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_EnableAVX"] = "1";
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_gcConcurrent"] = "0";
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_gcServer"] = "0";
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_NoGuiOnAssert"] = "1";
startInfo.Environment["COMPLUS_BreakOnUncaughtException"] = "1";
var clockTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int exitCode = 0;
using (var proc = Process.Start(startInfo))
proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
exitCode = proc.ExitCode;
catch (Exception exception)
Console.WriteLine("Could not launch test {0} exception: {1}",
startInfo.FileName, exception);
long time = clockTime.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if (exitCode != successExitCode)
time = 0;
results.Times[run] = time;
if (doVerbose)
Console.Write("Iteration benchmark {0} ", benchmark.Name);
if (exitCode == successExitCode)
Console.Write("elapsed time {0}ms", time);
if (run == 0)
Console.Write(" (warmup)");
long sum = 0;
long minimum = results.Times[1];
long maximum = minimum;
for (int run = 1; run <= numberOfRuns; run++)
long time = results.Times[run];
sum += time;
minimum = Math.Min(minimum, time);
maximum = Math.Max(maximum, time);
long average = sum / (long)numberOfRuns;
double standardDeviation = 0.0;
if (numberOfRuns > 1)
double s = 0.0;
double a = (double)average;
double n = (double)numberOfRuns;
for (int run = 1; run <= numberOfRuns; run++)
double time = (double) results.Times[run];
double t = (time - a);
s += (t * t);
double variance = s / n;
if (a == 0.0)
standardDeviation = 0.0;
standardDeviation = 100.0 * (Math.Sqrt(variance) / a); // stddev as a percentage
standardDeviation = Math.Round(standardDeviation, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
results.Average = average;
results.Minimum = minimum;
results.Maximum = maximum;
results.StandardDeviation = standardDeviation;
results.Failures = failures;
return results;
public void RunBenchmarks()
bool doVerbose = Controls.DoVerbose;
if (doVerbose)
Console.WriteLine("Run benchmarks ...");
foreach (Benchmark benchmark in SelectedBenchmarkList)
Results results = RunBenchmark(benchmark);
Failures += results.Failures;
public void ReportResults()
bool doVerbose = Controls.DoVerbose;
int numberOfBenchmarksRun = this.NumberOfBenchmarksRun;
int numberOfFailures = this.Failures;
int numberOfPasses = numberOfBenchmarksRun - numberOfFailures;
int numberOfRunsPerBenchmark = Controls.NumberOfRunsPerBenchmark;
int numberOfFailuresPerBenchmark = 0;
if (doVerbose)
Console.WriteLine("Report on benchmarks ...");
foreach (Results results in ResultsList)
string name = results.Benchmark.Name;
Console.Write("{0},", name);
long minimum = results.Minimum;
long maximum = results.Maximum;
long average = results.Average;
double standardDeviation = results.StandardDeviation;
Console.Write("{0},{1},{2},{3}", minimum, maximum, average, standardDeviation);
numberOfFailuresPerBenchmark = results.Failures;
if (numberOfFailuresPerBenchmark > 0)
Console.Write(",FAILED({0})", numberOfFailuresPerBenchmark);
Console.Write(",PASSED({0})", numberOfRunsPerBenchmark);
Console.WriteLine("TOTAL BENCHMARKS({0}), PASSED({1}), FAILED({2})",
numberOfBenchmarksRun, numberOfPasses, numberOfFailures);
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screenshot from 2016-01-12 15 19 50


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