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Created May 20, 2015 15:15
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typeVariantsDemo in Swift
// the Swift direct equivalent of the F# gist
import Darwin
enum Shape {
case Circle (radius:Double)
case Rectangle (width:Double, height:Double)
case Triangle (tbase:Double, height:Double)
func area(shape:Shape) -> Double {
switch shape {
case .Circle(let radius): return M_PI * radius * radius
case .Rectangle (let width, let height): return width * height
case .Triangle (let tbase, let height): return 0.5 * tbase * height
let cshape = Shape.Circle(radius:10.0)
println("Circle Area: %f", area(cshape))
let rshape = Shape.Rectangle(width:3.0, height:7.0)
println("Rect Area: %f", area(rshape))
let tshape = Shape.Triangle(tbase:3.0, height:7.0)
println("Triangle Area: %f", area(tshape))
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