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Created September 22, 2022 03:46
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A small F# plugin to work in a PoC
#i "nuget: C:/Users/scyth/repos/Perla/src/nupkg"
#i "nuget:"
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json, 12.0.3"
#r "nuget: CalceTypes, 1.0.2"
open System.IO
open System.Xml
open Newtonsoft.Json
open type System.Text.Encoding
open CalceTypes
let shouldTransform: OnShouldTransform =
fun args ->
let result =
[ ".xml"; ".fsproj"; ".csproj" ]
|> List.tryFind (fun exts -> args.extension.AsString = exts)
match result with
| Some _ -> Ok true
| _ -> Ok false
let transform: OnTransform =
fun args ->
let doc = XmlDocument()
doc.LoadXml args.content
let content = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc)
{ content = content
targetExtension = FileExtension.Custom ".json" }
|> Ok
with ex ->
PluginError.Transform ex.Message |> Error
let Plugin: PluginInfo =
{ name = "xml-to-json"
pluginApi = PluginApi.Stable
load = None
shouldTransform = Some shouldTransform
transform = Some transform
injectImports = None }
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