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Created November 2, 2022 08:10
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Simulation of exactly two successes with different P(success) each
import java.util.Random;
public class Scratchpad {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// set up our variables
Random rng = new Random();
double pEvent1 = 0.1308; // P(success) of event 1
double pEvent2 = 0.1623; // P(success) of event 2
double pEvent3 = 0.1436 ; // P(success) of event 3
int experiments = 10000;
int count = 0;
for(int thisTry = 0; thisTry < experiments; thisTry++){
int successes = 0;
if(rng.nextDouble() <= pEvent1) successes++;
if(rng.nextDouble() <= pEvent2) successes++;
if(rng.nextDouble() <= pEvent3) successes++;
if(successes == 2) count++;
// display results
String.format("Stats out of %s experiments\n%s had exactly 2 successes (%f)",
experiments, count, (float)count/experiments
} // main
} // Scratchpad
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