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Created September 11, 2018 15:58
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* ClusterPlus
* Copyright 2018 Animeshz, All Rights Reserved
* License:
return function(\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Client $client) {
return (new class($client) extends \CharlotteDunois\Livia\Commands\Command {
function __construct($client) {
parent::__construct($client, array(
'name' => 'avatar',
'group' => 'clusterplus_meta',
'description' => 'Shows the avatar of the user if not found nothing is sent',
'guildOnly' => true,
'args' => array(
'key' => 'user',
'prompt' => 'user',
'type' => 'users',
'default' => ''
function run(\CharlotteDunois\Livia\CommandMessage $message, \ArrayObject $args, bool $fromPattern)
$embed = new \CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageEmbed(['color'=> '3447003']);
if($args['user'] !== '') {
$av = $args['user']->getAvatarURL();
$message->channel->send('', ['embed' => $embed]);
} else {
$av = $message->message->author->getAvatarURL();
if($av !== null) {
} else {
$embed->setDescription('Image not found');
$message->message->channel->send('', ['embed' => $embed]);
* ClusterPlus
* Copyright 2018 Animeshz, All Rights Reserved
* License:
namespace ClusterPlus\Commands\types;
class CustomUserArgumentType extends \CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\ArgumentType {
function __construct(\CharlotteDunois\Livia\LiviaClient $client)
parent::__construct($client, 'users');
function validate(string $value, \CharlotteDunois\Livia\CommandMessage $message, ?\CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument $arg = null) {
$prg = \preg_match('/(?:<@!?)?(\d{15,})>?/', $value, $matches);
if($prg === 1) {
return $message->client->fetchUser($matches[1])->then(function () {
return true;
}, function () {
return false;
$search = \mb_strtolower($value);
$inexactUsers = $this->client->users->filter(function ($user) use ($search) {
return (\mb_stripos($user->tag, $search) !== false);
$inexactLength = $inexactUsers->count();
if($inexactLength === 0) {
return false;
if($inexactLength === 1) {
return true;
$exactUsers = $this->client->users->filter(function ($user) use ($search) {
return (\mb_strtolower($user->tag) === $search);
$exactLength = $exactUsers->count();
if($exactLength === 1) {
return true;
if($exactLength > 0) {
$users = $exactUsers;
} else {
$users = $inexactUsers;
if($users->count() >= 15) {
return 'Multiple users found. Please be more specific.';
$users = $users->map(function (\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\User $user) {
return $user->tag;
return \CharlotteDunois\Livia\Utils\DataHelpers::disambiguation($users, 'users', null).\PHP_EOL;
function parse(string $value, \CharlotteDunois\Livia\CommandMessage $message, ?\CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument $arg = null) {
$prg = \preg_match('/(?:<@!?)?(\d{15,})>?/', $value, $matches);
if($prg === 1) {
return $this->client->users->get($matches[1]);
$search = \mb_strtolower($value);
$inexactUsers = $this->client->users->filter(function ($user) use ($search) {
return (\mb_stripos($user->tag, $search) !== false);
$inexactLength = $inexactUsers->count();
if($inexactLength === 0) {
return null;
if($inexactLength === 1) {
return $inexactUsers->first();
$exactUsers = $this->client->users->filter(function ($user) use ($search) {
return (\mb_strtolower($user->tag) === $search);
$exactLength = $exactUsers->count();
if($exactLength === 1) {
return $exactUsers->first();
return null;
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