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AnnoyingTechnology / Lyrics of Remember Me by Risk Assessment, Jemini G.txt
Created January 16, 2025 09:42
Lyrics of Remember Me by Risk Assessment, Jemini G
Remember me?
The girl from 1970
You said you loved my high-hats
Then stripped me out my vinyl
So you could put me on CD
When all you wanted
Was to download me
That′s how it was when we all dated
Time stretched and syncopated
AnnoyingTechnology / polyfony-readme.html
Created January 6, 2025 10:41
<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="SensioLabsInsight"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Maintainability"></a></p>
<h2 id="polyfony-is-an-intuitive-light-and-powerful-php-micro-framework-">Polyfony is an intuitive, light and powerful PHP micro-framework.</h2>
<h4 id="philosophy">Philosophy</h4>
<p>Inspired by Symfony and Laravel but tailored to favour an inclination towards extreme simplicity and efficiency.<br>Compared to major PHP frameworks, Polyfony covers 95%+ of what we need most of the time, and does so using a fragment of the ressources, space, configuration files and dependencies required by major frameworks.<br>It features routing, bundles, controllers, profiler, views, ORM, tests, caches, locales, events, a
AnnoyingTechnology / gist:8349bb5a7855cd852b0a233b416344d4
Created December 27, 2024 13:13
config.ts (Bedrock Knowledge Base provider, for
// the reranking is broken
// having to use aws-cli instead of the sdk is really painful
import { promises as fs } from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import { tmpdir } from "os";
// If you need randomUUID, Node v14+ required.
// import { randomUUID } from "crypto";
type KnowledgeBaseConfig = {
export function modifyConfig(config: Config): Config {
// Extract allowed domains from[].startUrl
const allowedDomains = new Set<string>();
( || []).forEach((doc) => {
if (doc.startUrl) {
try {
const parsedUrl = new URL(doc.startUrl);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed to parse startUrl: ${doc.startUrl}`, e);
AnnoyingTechnology /
Last active October 14, 2024 17:51
Build your own arm64 Debian LXC image. (avoid unable to open file '/etc/network/interfaces.tmp.0000000' - No such file or directory)

On another Debian (x86 or arm64, doesn't matter much).

apt install distrobuilder qemu-system-common

Create a configuration file (debian.yml for example) for your LXC image :

  description: |-
    Nearly stock Debian Bookworm image
AnnoyingTechnology / young-sheldon-criticism.txt
Last active August 15, 2024 09:37
Young Sheldon criticism
Young Sheldon is a frustrating watch.
What could have been a deep dive into the childhood of a beloved character instead feels like an exercise in tedium, filled with empty episodes that offer little more than filler.
The show leans heavily on its connection to The Big Bang Theory, but it does so in the most superficial way possible.
Each episode seems to be built around a single reference or nod to the original series, something that fans can spot from a mile away.
It's as if the writers believe that these brief moments of recognition are enough to keep the audience invested. Unfortunately, they aren't.
There's a lack of substance in Young Sheldon that becomes more apparent with each episode.
The stories are often thin and feel like they’re just going through the motions.
Rather than exploring new territory or developing the characters in meaningful ways, the show seems content to coast on the familiarity of its predecessor.
AnnoyingTechnology /
Last active July 23, 2024 20:14
Qu'est devenue Laurie Destal ? (Et oui, moi aussi je suis amoureux d'elle)

interview 2015

74LAURIE DESTAL (chanteuse)


« Je fréquentais un petit disquaire de Neuilly qui n’existe plus. J’étais fan de Earth, Wind & Fire, James Brown, de Gainsbourg, Téléphone ou Françoise Hardy. J’adorais les arrangements de la chanson “Frivole de Nuit” et la funky music sur laquelle j’aime toujours danser d’ailleurs. »


You are addressing an experienced REDACTED-year-old sysadmin with REDACTED and basic understanding of most non-IT technical fields.
For non-IT related questions, answer based on scientific literature, considering their endless curiosity for atypical, surprising, complex, or scientifically beautiful topics.
Write casually and informally, except for legal or threatening letters. Be concise, to the point, and do not recontextualize or reframe unless necessary.
Use only the metric system when providing units and avoid junior-level or obvious explanations.
You may delve deeper when appropriate and speak in English and French only.
Always give your absolute best.
AnnoyingTechnology / camera-cafe-dvd12-.txt
Created June 26, 2023 14:13
Transcript using OpenAI medium model
... Hervé, tu peux m'offrir un café ? Ouais, en quelle heure ? Maintenant, t'es morte. Oh bah ça, c'est l'excuse la plus bidon que j'ai entendu pour se faire offrir un café, ça, dis-donc ! Je te jure, Hervé. Oh dis-donc, ça va, hein ? C'est odieux, ces méthodes ! ... Ouais, enfin bon, je te rappelle quand même que c'est au nombre de lait que je paye, alors... En souvenir de la soeur de ma mère qui me manquera plus que tout le monde, c'est long, quoi. Et à la soeur de ma mère que j'ai tant chérie, c'est pas mal, ça, non ? Ouais, mais c'est encore un peu long, ça me coutait cher et... Et on va faire plus, hein, voilà. Et bah, dis-je à la soeur de ma mère, c'est qui ? C'est ma tante, ok ? Donc, pour ma tante adorée, c'est bien, ça, ça fait combien, Nath ? Ça fait 17 ? Oui, c'est ça ! Je me jette à peu près à 6-7. Oui, bon, bah et à ma tante tout court, ça sera moins cher. Bon, dis-moi, est-ce que tu l'aimais, tatata ? Oh, je l'adorais, moi que ma mère, mais je l'adorais, ma tante. Bon, et bah, à toi. Bah, ça y
AnnoyingTechnology / convert-mailcow-maildir-to-eml
Last active February 11, 2025 20:04
Decrypt and decompress Maildir emails from Mailcow
# Check if all arguments are provided
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <dir_to_scan> <output_folder> <private_key_path>"
exit 1
# Set the input and output folders and private key path from the command line arguments