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Created June 13, 2018 01:13
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
groupWinners = {}
groups = {
"a" : ["Russia", "Saudia Arabia", "Egypt", "Uruguay"],
"b" : ["Portugal", "Spain", "Morrocco", "Iran"],
"c" : ["France", "Austrailia", "Peru", "Denmark"],
"d" : ["Argentina", "Iceland", "Croatia", "Nigeria"],
"e" : ["Brazil", "Switzerland", "Costa Rica", "Serbia"],
"f" : ["Germany", "Mexico", "Sweden", "Korea"],
"g" : ["Belgium", "Panama", "Tunisia", "England"],
"h" : ["Poland", "Senegal", "Colombia", "Japan"],
def main():
detailedGroups = int(input("\n\nWould you like to \n1. Be asked about individual group stage games \nOR \n2. Just pick group winners?\n\nEnter 1 or 2: "))
if(detailedGroups == 1):
for i in range(97, 105):
print("\n Group " + chr(i).upper())
groupWinners[chr(i)] = groupStage(groups[chr(i)])
for i in range(97, 105):
print("\n Group " + chr(i).upper())
groupWinners[chr(i)] = briefGroupStage(groups[chr(i)])
q1 = ["", ""]
q2 = ["", ""]
q3 = ["", ""]
q4 = ["", ""]
s1 = ["", ""]
s2 = ["", ""]
f = ["", ""]
print("\n\n\nRound of 16: ")
q1[0] = knockout(groupWinners["a"][0], groupWinners["b"][1])
q1[1] = knockout(groupWinners["c"][0], groupWinners["d"][1])
q2[0] = knockout(groupWinners["e"][0], groupWinners["f"][1])
q2[1] = knockout(groupWinners["g"][0], groupWinners["h"][1])
q3[0] = knockout(groupWinners["b"][0], groupWinners["a"][1])
q3[1] = knockout(groupWinners["c"][1], groupWinners["d"][0])
q4[0] = knockout(groupWinners["f"][0], groupWinners["e"][1])
q4[1] = knockout(groupWinners["g"][1], groupWinners["h"][0])
print("\n\n\nQuarter finals: ")
s1[0] = knockout(q1[0], q1[1])
s1[1] = knockout(q2[0], q2[1])
s2[0] = knockout(q3[0], q3[1])
s2[1] = knockout(q4[0], q4[1])
print("\n\n\nSemi Finals: ")
f[0] = knockout(s1[0], s1[1])
f[1] = knockout(s2[0], s2[1])
print("\n\n\nFinals: ")
w = knockout(f[0], f[1])
winner = Node(w)
f = buildChildren(winner, f)
s1 = buildChildren(f[0], s1)
s2 = buildChildren(f[1], s2)
q1 = buildChildren(s1[0], q1)
q2 = buildChildren(s1[1], q2)
q3 = buildChildren(s2[0], q3)
q4 = buildChildren(s2[1], q4)
buildChildren(q1[0], (groupWinners["a"][0], groupWinners["b"][1]))
buildChildren(q1[1], (groupWinners["c"][0], groupWinners["d"][1]))
buildChildren(q2[0], (groupWinners["e"][0], groupWinners["f"][1]))
buildChildren(q2[1], (groupWinners["g"][0], groupWinners["h"][1]))
buildChildren(q3[0], (groupWinners["b"][0], groupWinners["a"][1]))
buildChildren(q3[1], (groupWinners["c"][1], groupWinners["d"][0]))
buildChildren(q4[0], (groupWinners["f"][0], groupWinners["e"][1]))
buildChildren(q4[1], (groupWinners["g"][1], groupWinners["h"][0]))
def buildChildren(node, children):
left = Node(children[0].ljust(12, '-'), node)
right = Node(children[1].ljust(12, '-'), node)
return (left, right)
def knockout(team1, team2):
res = -1
while(res != "1" and res != "2"):
if(res != -1):
print("Enter either 1 or 2")
res = raw_input("\n\n1." + team1 + "\nvs. \n2." + team2 + "\n\nEnter the number of the winner: ")
if(res == "1"):
return team1
return team2
def groupStage(teams):
stats = {}
for team in teams:
stats[team] = [0,0,0,0] #points, goal difference, goals for, goals against
groupGame(0, 1, teams, stats)
groupGame(2, 3, teams, stats)
groupGame(0, 2, teams, stats)
groupGame(3, 1, teams, stats)
groupGame(3, 0, teams, stats)
groupGame(1, 2, teams, stats)
j = 0
res = ["", ""]
for i in reversed((sorted(stats, key=stats.get))):
if(j < 2):
res[j] = i
j += 1
print(res[0] + " and " + res[1] + " qualify!")
return (res)
def groupGame(ind1, ind2, teams, stats):
team1 = teams[ind1]
team2 = teams[ind2]
print("\nEnter each team's score for the game " + team1 + " vs. " + team2)
score1 = int(input(team1 + ": "))
score2 = int(input(team2 + ": "))
if(score1 < score2):
stats[team2][0] = stats[team2][0] + 3
elif(score1 == score2):
stats[team1][0] = stats[team1][0] + 1
stats[team2][0] = stats[team2][0] + 1
stats[team1][0] = stats[team1][0] + 3
#goal diff
stats[team1][1] = stats[team1][1] + score1 - score2
stats[team2][1] = stats[team2][1] + score2 - score1
#goals for
stats[team1][2] = stats[team1][2] + score1
stats[team2][2] = stats[team2][2] + score2
#goals against
stats[team1][3] = stats[team1][3] + score2
stats[team2][3] = stats[team2][3] + score1
return stats
def briefGroupStage(teams):
for i in range(1,5):
print(str(i) + ": " + teams[i-1])
winner = int(input("\nEnter the number of the winner of the group: "))-1
runner = int(input("Enter the number of the runner-up of the group: "))-1
while(runner == winner):
print("Runner-Up can't be the same as winner")
runner = int(input("Enter the number of the runner-up of the group: "))-1
return (teams[winner], teams[runner])
class Node:
def __init__(self, name, parent=None): = name
self.parent = parent
self.children = []
if parent:
def print_tree(current_node, childattr='children', nameattr='name', indent='', last='updown'):
if hasattr(current_node, nameattr):
name = lambda node: getattr(node, nameattr)
name = lambda node: str(node)
children = lambda node: getattr(node, childattr)
nb_children = lambda node: sum(nb_children(child) for child in children(node)) + 1
size_branch = {child: nb_children(child) for child in children(current_node)}
""" Creation of balanced lists for "up" branch and "down" branch. """
up = sorted(children(current_node), key=lambda node: nb_children(node))
down = []
while up and sum(size_branch[node] for node in down) < sum(size_branch[node] for node in up):
""" Printing of "up" branch. """
for child in up:
next_last = 'up' if up.index(child) is 0 else ''
next_indent = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(indent, ' ' if 'up' in last else '│', ' ' * len(name(current_node)))
print_tree(child, childattr, nameattr, next_indent, next_last)
""" Printing of current node. """
if last == 'up': start_shape = '┌'
elif last == 'down': start_shape = '└'
elif last == 'updown': start_shape = ' '
else: start_shape = '├'
if up: end_shape = '┤'
elif down: end_shape = '┐'
else: end_shape = ''
print('{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(indent, start_shape, name(current_node), end_shape))
""" Printing of "down" branch. """
for child in down:
next_last = 'down' if down.index(child) is len(down) - 1 else ''
next_indent = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(indent, ' ' if 'down' in last else '│', ' ' * len(name(current_node)))
print_tree(child, childattr, nameattr, next_indent, next_last)
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