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Last active January 7, 2022 14:30
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Mortgage calculator in R Shiny. See more information at:
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
options(scipen = 999)
# Define UI for slider demo app ----
ui <- fluidPage(
# App title ----
titlePanel("Mortgage Calculator"),
h4(tags$a(href = "", "Antoine Soetewey")),
# Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
# Sidebar to demonstrate various slider options ----
# Input: Simple integer interval ----
numericInput("principal", "Principal (loan amount)", 200000, min = 0, step = 1000),
numericInput("interest", "Annual interest rate (in %)", 2, min = 0, max = 100, step = 0.01),
sliderInput("length", "Duration of the loan (in years)",
min = 0,
max = 30,
value = 25,
step = 1
checkboxInput("plot", "Display plot?", TRUE),
HTML('<p>Report a <a href="">bug</a> or view the <a href="">code</a>. See more information about this app in this <a href="">article</a>. Back to <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a>.</p>')
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Output: Table summarizing the values entered ----
p(em("Disclosure: Note that this application does not include investment advice or recommendations, nor a financial analysis. This application is intended for information only and you invest at your own risks. I cannot be held liable for any decision made based on the information contained in this application, nor for its use by third parties.")),
p(em("This R Shiny app is partially based on the R code of Prof. Thomas Girke.")),
# Define server logic for slider examples ----
server <- function(input, output) {
mortgage <- function(P = 500000, I = 6, L = 30, amort = TRUE, plotData = TRUE) {
J <- I / (12 * 100)
N <- 12 * L
M <- P * J / (1 - (1 + J)^(-N))
monthPay <<- M
# Calculate Amortization for each Month
if (amort == TRUE) {
Pt <- P # current principal or amount of the loan
currP <- NULL
while (Pt >= 0) {
H <- Pt * J # this is the current monthly interest
C <- M - H # this is your monthly payment minus your monthly interest, so it is the amount of principal you pay for that month
Q <- Pt - C # this is the new balance of your principal of your loan
Pt <- Q # sets P equal to Q and goes back to step 1. The loop continues until the value Q (and hence P) goes to zero
currP <- c(currP, Pt)
monthP <- c(P, currP[1:(length(currP) - 1)]) - currP
aDFmonth <<- data.frame(
Month = 1:length(currP),
Year = sort(rep(1:ceiling(N / 12), 12))[1:length(monthP)],
Balance = c(currP[1:(length(currP))]),
Payment = monthP + c((monthPay - monthP)[1:(length(monthP))]),
Principal = monthP,
Interest = c((monthPay - monthP)[1:(length(monthP))])
aDFmonth <<- subset(aDFmonth, Year <= L * 12)
aDFyear <- data.frame(
Amortization = tapply(aDFmonth$Balance, aDFmonth$Year, max),
Annual_Payment = tapply(aDFmonth$Payment, aDFmonth$Year, sum),
Annual_Principal = tapply(aDFmonth$Principal, aDFmonth$Year, sum),
Annual_Interest = tapply(aDFmonth$Interest, aDFmonth$Year, sum),
Year = as.factor(na.omit(unique(aDFmonth$Year)))
aDFyear <<- aDFyear
if (plotData == TRUE) {
aDFyear2 <- aDFyear %>%
Interest = Annual_Interest,
Payment = Annual_Payment,
Principal = Annual_Principal
aDFyear2$Year <- as.factor(aDFyear2$Year)
aDFyear2 <- melt(aDFyear2[, c("Interest", "Principal", "Year")], id.vars = "Year")
ggplot(aDFyear2, aes(x = Year, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
labs(y = "Payment") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "top")
output$text <- renderUI({
mortgage(P = input$principal, I = input$interest, L = input$length, plotData = FALSE)
"<h3>", "Summary", "</h3>",
"Principal (loan amount): ", format(round(input$principal, 2), big.mark = ","),
"Annual interest rate: ", input$interest, "%",
"Term: ", input$length, " years (", input$length * 12, " months)",
"<b>", "Monthly payment: ", format(round(monthPay, digits = 2), big.mark = ","), "</b>",
"<b>", "Total cost: ", "</b>", format(round(input$principal, 2), big.mark = ","), " (principal) + ", format(round(monthPay * 12 * input$length - input$principal, 2), big.mark = ","), " (interest) = ", "<b>", format(round(monthPay * 12 * input$length, digits = 2), big.mark = ","), "</b>"
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
mortgage(P = input$principal, I = input$interest, L = input$length, plotData = input$plot)
# Data output
output$tbl <- DT::renderDataTable({
mortgage(P = input$principal, I = input$interest, L = input$length, plotData = FALSE)
df_month <- DT::datatable(data.frame(round(aDFmonth, 2)),
extensions = "Buttons",
options = list(
lengthChange = TRUE,
dom = "Blrtip",
buttons = c("copy", "csv", "excel", "pdf", "print"),
lengthMenu = list(c(-1, 10, 12, 15, 25, 50, 100), c("All", "10", "12", "15", "25", "50", "100"))
rownames = FALSE
) %>%
formatCurrency(c("Balance", "Payment", "Principal", "Interest"), currency = "", interval = 3, mark = ",")
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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