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Lin Chia Hua Appletone

  • Taipei, Taiwan
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meyu / Install Autosub on
Last active March 1, 2024 06:40
Install Autosub on macOS


安裝 Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

安裝 FFmpeg

brew install ffmpeg
pelrun /
Last active January 30, 2024 08:24
Home Assistant script to set an entity's state, used with the IKEA Tradfri remote control.
if 'entity_id' not in data:
logger.warning("===== entity_id is required if you want to set something.")
data = data.copy()
inputEntity = data.pop('entity_id')
inputStateObject = hass.states.get(inputEntity)
if inputStateObject:
inputState = inputStateObject.state
inputAttributesObject = inputStateObject.attributes.copy()
halfelf /
Created February 11, 2019 02:18
How to Build a Fast Limit Order Book

The response to my first few posts has been much larger than I’d imagined and I’d like to thank everyone for the encouragement.

If you’re interested in building a trading system I recommend first reading my previous post on general ideas to keep in mind.

My first really technical post will be on how to build a limit order book, probably the single most important component of a trading system. Because the data structure chosen to represent the limit order book will be the primary source of market information for trading models, it is important to make it both absolutely correct and extremely fast.

To give some idea of the data volumes, the Nasdaq TotalView ITCH feed, which is every event in every instrument traded on the Nasdaq, can have data rates of 20+ gigabytes/day with spikes of 3 megabytes/second or more. The individual messages average about 20 bytes each so this means handling

superseb /
Last active August 30, 2024 18:02
Deploy kubernetes-dashboard on Rancher 2.x cluster exposed using NodePort

Deploy kubernetes-dashboard on Rancher 2.x cluster exposed using NodePort

This has been updated to install Dashboard v2.0.0, see below for pre v2.0.0 instructions


Step 1: Generate kubeconfig from the UI

Generate the kubeconfig file for your cluster using the Kubeconfig File button in the Cluster view of your cluster.

DejanEnspyra / Obfuscator.swift
Created May 31, 2017 17:51
Obfuscation of hard-coded security-sensitive strings.
// Obfuscator.swift
// Created by Dejan Atanasov on 2017-05-31.
import Foundation
class Obfuscator: AnyObject {
chsh / Flat UI Colors.clr
Last active December 8, 2024 18:33
Some color pallets with Apple Color List (.clr) format
ethanhuang13 /
Last active February 3, 2023 20:21
Symbolic link from to (Xcode 11.2)
ntamvl /
Last active January 27, 2025 19:57
iTerm2 - color 'ls' and other outputs for MacOS

iTerm2 - color 'ls' and other outputs for MacOS

That's right. For OS X and BSD's ls, the flag is -G. Many people customize the behavior of ls by replacing it with an alias that adds extra options. I have the following in my .bashrc, for example:

alias ls='LSCOLORS=gxfxcxdxbxexexabagacad /bin/ls -bFHGLOPW'

Besides enabling colors in general, this sets the LSCOLORS variable in order to change which ones ls uses.

DavidNix / logNSNotifications.m
Last active December 30, 2022 10:58
Log all NSNotifications as they are fired
static void LogNSNotifications(CFNotificationCenterRef center,
void *observer,
CFStringRef name,
const void *object,
CFDictionaryRef userInfo);
void LogNSNotifications(CFNotificationCenterRef center,
void *observer,
CFStringRef name,
const void *object,