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Last active July 27, 2024 10:34
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  • Save AprilArcus/10926706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AprilArcus/10926706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# I've always disliked the "./configure" incantation - it's right here! I
# shouldn't need to tell the shell where to look for it. But of course,
# putting '.' in your $PATH is terrible -- it's insecure and throws permission
# errors if you try to 'execute' regular files. Bash 4's `shopt -s autocd`
# solves half the problem; and the ability to override
# command_not_found_handle() solves the other.
# This is an OS X-oriented script that attempts to do the most intelligent
# thing possible when you enter the name of a file in your $PWD into the bash
# prompt. It will:
# 1. Prompt to execute the file, if its executable bit is set
# 2. Preview media files in Quick Look
# 3. Prompt to open a file in its associated app, if one exists
# 4. Open text, XML, and files with no associated app in $EDITOR
# Known bugs/tricky behaviors:
# * bash chokes on file names containing parentheses.
# * Executables with spaces in their names are not supported.
# * If autocd is on, entering a .app bundle's name with navigate into it,
# rather than execute it.
# * If there is a command in $PATH with the same name as a file in $PWD, the
# command will be executed.
# Room for improvement:
# * Support for xdg-open, gnome-open and GNOME Sushi
command_not_found_handle() {
# do not run when inside Midnight Commander or within a Pipe
if test -n "$MC_SID" -o ! -t 1 ; then
echo $"$1: command not found"
return 127
if test -x "$1"; then # ∃ an executable matching the first arg?
# confirmation prompt
read -p "execute $PWD/$*? " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
printf "\n"
./$* # execute with args
printf "\n"
elif test -f "$*"; then # a file?
local FILE="$*"
local MIME_TYPE=$(file --mime-type --brief "$FILE")
local MIME_CHARS=[[:alnum:]'!#$&.+-^_']
# open text files in $EDITOR
if [[ $MIME_TYPE =~ (text/$MIME_CHARS+|application/($MIME_CHARS+\+)?xml|application/x-empty) ]]; then
# view media files in quicklook
elif [[ $MIME_TYPE =~ (image|audio|video)/$MIME_CHARS+ ]]; then
qlmanage -p "$FILE" &> /dev/null
local DEFAULT_APP=$(osascript -e "on run argv" -e "return POSIX path of default application of (info for item 1 of argv)" -e "end run" "$FILE" 2> /dev/null)
if [[ -n $DEFAULT_APP ]]; then
printf "open $PWD/$FILE"
# 'open ' '/' ' with ' ' ? █'
if (( 5 + ${#PWD} + 1 + ${#FILE} + 6 + ${#DEFAULT_APP} + 4 <= $COLUMNS )); then
printf " "
printf "\n"
read -p "with $DEFAULT_APP ? " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
open -a "$DEFAULT_APP" "$FILE"
printf "\n"
echo $"$1: command not found"
return 127
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