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Created January 14, 2016 21:02
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/* @flow */
declare class SVGElement extends Element {}
declare class HTMLParagraphElement extends HTMLElement {
align: string;
type ElementRegistrationOptions<T> = {
prototype?: {
createdCallback?: () => void;
attachedCallback?: () => void;
detachedCallback?: () => void;
attributeChangedCallback?: (
attributeLocalName: string,
oldAttributeValue: ?string,
newAttributeValue: ?string,
attributeNamespace: ?string
) => void;
extends?: string;
declare class Document extends Node {
registerElement<T: HTMLElement|SVGElement>(
type: string,
options?: ElementRegistrationOptions<T>
): Class<T>;
declare var document: Document;
export const injectCallbacks = ({
}: {
createdCallback: () => void,
attachedCallback: () => void,
detachedCallback: () => void,
attributeChangedCallback: (
attributeLocalName: string,
oldAttributeValue: ?string,
newAttributeValue: ?string,
attributeNamespace: ?string
) => void
}): Class<HTMLParagraphElement> => document.registerElement(
'jus-ti-fied', {
extends: 'p',
prototype: Object.create(
HTMLParagraphElement.prototype, {
createdCallback: { value: createdCallback },
attachedCallback: { value: attachedCallback },
detachedCallback: { value: detachedCallback },
attributeChangedCallback: { value: attributeChangedCallback }
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