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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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A script to silently deploy software to domain when no MSI is available (Assumes silent install exists on EXE)
dim shell, DQ, MSI_store, vbsinstall_folder, path_to_exe, options, chkfile
' Constants
DQ = chr(34)
Set FSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
vbsinstall_folder = "C:\vbs_install\" 'path to store keys in
if Not Fsys.FolderExists(vbsinstall_folder) Then
End If
' specify installations here
' Install Function takes three params
' First path to exe in quotes
' Second any params to make it silent etc in quotes
' Third file to check against to see if installed (this should include version number) in quotes
Install "\\path\to\installer.exe", "/options /to /make /it /silent", "Identifying key"
' Install After takes an extra option to make sure that it doesnt install until after something else
Install_After "\\path\to\installer.exe", "/options /to /make /it /silent", "Identifying key", "Prereq Key"
' Install Function
Sub Install(path_to_exe, options, chkfile)
if Not FSys.FileExists(vbsinstall_folder & chkfile) Then
set shell=createobject("") DQ & path_to_exe & DQ & options ,0 ,true
set shell=nothing
Fsys.CreateTextFile vbsinstall_folder & chkfile
End if
End Sub
' Install After
Sub Install_After(path_to_exe, options, chkfile, prereq)
if FSys.FileExists(vbsinstall_folder & prereq) Then
Install path_to_exe, options, chkfile
End if
End Sub
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