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Last active October 30, 2019 16:02
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  • Save Arinono/71a917bd2ef1653bcd2e92484565b803 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Arinono/71a917bd2ef1653bcd2e92484565b803 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. as a story
http server as server
# Working, just a proxy over an existing service
when server listen method:"post" path:"/" as request
url = request.body.get(key:"url" default:"")
output = Arinono/remove-bg remove :url
request write content:output
# Compiling, real example of what the story could be
when server listen method:"post" path:"/debug" as request
url = (request.body.get(key:"url" default:"")) to string
if url.length() == 0
request set_status code:400
request write content:"Missing URL"
log info msg:"Image URL retrieved: {url}"
headers = {"X-Api-Key": app.secrets.REMOVE_BG_API_KEY}
body = {"image_url": url, "size": "auto"}
log info msg:(json stringify content:body)
response = (http fetch url:"" :headers :body method:"post") to Map[string, List[Map[string, string]]]
if response["error"].length() > 0
log info msg:(json stringify content:response["errors"])
request set_status code:500
request write content:"Unable to remove background."
log info msg:"Uploading image to S3 bucket"
file = (Arinono/aws-s3 upload file:response bucket:"oms-arinono" key:"remove-bg/image-{(uuid generate)}") to Map[string, string]
if file["Location"].length() > 0
log info msg:"Shortening final URL"
o_url = Arinono/rebrandly shorten url:file["Location"]
if o_url.length() > 0
log info msg:o_url
request set_status code:200
request write content:o_url
Copy link

Arinono commented Oct 24, 2019

You can try this story with a simple CURL command:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	"url": ""

Required ENV Variables

S3_BUCKET: bucket-name
S3_DIRECTORY: bucket-directory
AWS_REGION: eu-west-2
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: your-aws-access-key-id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: your-aws-secret-access-key

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