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Last active January 7, 2023 02:56
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UU Mass Action EveryAction Experiment - Final Update

  • A key missing item is the final set up for my next experiment to accomplish a dynamic assignment - initially prioritized by Tali. While (in the gist linked here) you can review my process of how I learned certain things about how EveryAction functions, I also detail which items failed and why. What I would like to provide for my empathetic termination is a final update on the experiment. I detail below.

The Experiment

  • The set up for the experiment is Harry and Hermione in the same "household" because they donated as a couple.
  • Albus Dumbledore is dynamically assigned to Hogwarts, similar to a pastor assigned to their church.
  • The trick is how to accomplish this automagically, through NGP-VAN's Bulk Upload?!!

The Potential Consequences

  • The consequence of not accomplishing this on the front end (before officially bulk uploading) is that someone will have to go in and manually update (link two folks together) each "household."
  • This ultimately translates into two thank you letters being printed for one household. You would define this behavior as a duplicate.
  • It costs $175/hour to hire someone with correct EveryAction priveleges to delete large bulk errors, so it's important to keep the experiments small so that contacts and organizations uploaded during experimentation can be deleted by hand by your contractor.

Things to communicate with your new contractor

  • Expect your new contractor to provide a detailed plan and evidence on how their desired process will provide Tali's desired outcome of dynamically assigned contacts (individual and/or organization) at the time of upload.
  • Currently, in UU Mass' EveryAction
    • It appears that Hermione and Harry are in a household together, which is the desired behavior, but I had to do that manually to see what it looked liked.
    • The experiment to upload them with matching PAIR_ID was a failure.
    • Hogwarts and Dumbledore, was also linked by hand to see how it would appear once this feature was accomplished.
    • We need an auto-magical process that ensures these relationships are reflected upon initial upload. Before I got to that, I had to discover how a Financial Household was defined within EveryAction.
  • In efforts to continue the work where I left off, I wanted to communicate the next experiment by
    • First defining a financial household as reflected in EveryAction and
    • Then providing detailed instructions on what the next Bulk Upload Experiment should look like.

Defining a Financial Household

  • Financial Household Members are Contacts who give donations jointly and may or may not live at the same address.
    • This leads me to believe that financial households are created when specific data points are assigned specific column names.
    • What are those column names?
    • Let's look at a Joint Donation Example to see how we can bulk upload that.
    • What is the Donation Table Attributes?
    • date, amount, method, source, and more.


  • This will create a column Date, Amount, Method, and Source into the EveryAction First Upload EXPERIMENT FILE
    • This information will be coordinated (check options for applying new mapping) with exact information for joint donations.
  • Download EveryAction First Upload EXPERIMENT FILE
    • (1) with new columns Date, Amount, Method, and Source
      • POINT OF EXPERIMENT: Check the options for applying new mapping to see if I am able to add a transaction_id that can connect two contacts through a donation.
      • Now refering to transaction_id as Source, this means the ids from the database act as the joining force to forge this connection.
      • Accomplish this by adding the following information into first and second rows of EveryAction First Upload EXPERIMENT FILE before downloading the file.>> 1/4/2023 100 Cash 1234567
    • (2) download file as a .csv document
    • (3) Rename that csv document Household Test 1 (or whatever number you use next)
    • Follow instructions in uploading document detailed in gist hyperlinked above!

Shortfalls and Considerations of Experiment

  • Am wondering if this will count it as a $200 overall donation (AKA Duplicate)?
  • Also, will this set up automagically combine the folks into a financial household at initial upload?
  • Consider if adding a donation that shares the same Date, Amount, Method, and Sourcee BUT is duplicated in two different rows
    • DESIRED RESULT: see if it uploads as one single donation??!! Consider adding more folks (like the rugrats!) To ensure that the donation is automagically linking two contacts or a contact and organization.

New Additions

  • Upon reviewing documents to provide empathetic handoff of project due to termination of my contract, I have discovered a valuable second experiment I would like to recommend to the new contractor.

  • With the new names, adding a few real addresses, and creating one organization


  • Total Amount Donated should equal: $300
  • Now try without FamilyID and see if the unique Source Ids will create a valid donations that equal $300
    • You'll have to change names to avoid duplicates, but I detailed changes below to support in creation of experiment.
individual,Aurther,Ardvark,1st Easy Street,Denver,co,80203,776,01/01/2023,100,CASH,b34fr
individual,DW,Ardvark,1st Easy street,Denver,CO,80203,777,01/01/2023,100,CASH,yE213
organization,Sunnyside Elementary,Sunnyside,123 Learning Lane,Denver,CO,80203,778,01/01/2023,100,CASH,wicw2


  • Total Amount Donated should equal: $200
  • Now try without FamilyID and see if the unique Source Ids will create a valid donations that equal $200
    • You'll have to change names to avoid duplicates, but I detailed changes below to support in creation of this experiment.
    • DESIRED OUTCOME: DW and Sunnyside should be in the same household at the end of this bulk upload.
individual,Aurther,Ardvark,1st Easy Street,Denver,co,80203,776,01/01/2023,100,CASH,b34fr
individual,DW,Ardvark,1st Easy street,Denver,CO,80203,777,01/01/2023,100,CASH,yE213
organization,Sunnyside Elementary,Sunnyside,123 Learning Lane,Denver,CO,80203,777,01/01/2023,100,CASH,yE213


  • Total Amount Donated should equal: $200
  • Now try without FamilyID and see if the unique Source Ids will create a valid donations that equal $200
    • You'll have to change names to avoid duplicates, but I detailed changes below to support in creation of this experiment.
    • DESIRED OUTCOME: Aurther and DW should be in the same household at the end of this bulk upload.
individual,Aurther,Ardvark,1st Easy Street,Denver,co,80203,777,01/01/2023,100,CASH,yE213
individual,DW,Ardvark,1st Easy street,Denver,CO,80203,777,01/01/2023,100,CASH,yE213
organization,Sunnyside Elementary,Sunnyside,123 Learning Lane,Denver,CO,80203,776,01/01/2023,100,CASH,b34fr
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