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Last active December 13, 2023 19:45
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  • Save Arique1104/b048d298142e2bc5e8e7f6723fcac7db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Arique1104/b048d298142e2bc5e8e7f6723fcac7db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Log of Terminal Commands

Below is the list of terminal commands I used to migrate Spoke into the highest version of AWS-SDK.

10245  rm -rf Spoke_Hackathon_Fork
10246  ls
10247  cd ..
10248  rm -rf node-update
10249  ls
10250  mkdir node-update
10251  cd node-update
10252  ls
10253  gh repo clone StateVoicesNational/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork
10254  ls
10255  cd Spoke_Hackathon_Fork
10256  git checkout -b node20-update-II
10257  node -v
10258  npm -v
10259  npm outdated
10260  npm install
10261  npm outdated
10262  git status
10263  git add .
10264  git commit -m "Ran npm install and got a yarn.lock file update.  Keeping to learning purposes"
10265  npm audit
10266  npm ls
10267  npm outdated --depth
10268  npm install @babel/cli 7.23.4 --save
10269  npm install @babel/[email protected] --save
10270  git status
10271  git add .
10272  git commit -m "Adds @babel/[email protected] to dependencies"
10273  npm ls @babel/[email protected]
10274  npm ls @babel/[email protected] --depth
10275  npm ls @babel/core
10276  npm install @babel/[email protected] --save
10277  git status
10278  git add .
10279  git status"\n"
10280  git status
10281  git add .
10282  git commit -m "Removes web-cli from optional dependencies"
10283  git status
10284  npm ls @babel/traverse
10285  npm install @babel/[email protected] --save
10286  git status
10287  git add .
10288  git commit -m "Adds babel/traverse version 7.23.2 to package and yarn lock"
10289  git push origin node20-update-II
10290  npm audit fix
10291  git status
10292  git add .
10293  git commit -m "Ran npm audit fix"
10294  git push origin node20-update-II
10295  npm audit
10296  npm outdated --depth
10297  npm use
10298  npm install
10299  npm un [email protected]
10300  git status
10301  npm uninstall [email protected]
10302  npm install [email protected] --save
10303  npm install [email protected]
10304  npm install [email protected] --save
10305  npm install
10306  git add .
10307  git commit -m "Adds react-dnd version 7.7.0 to dependencies"
10308  git push origin node20-update-II
10309  npm outdated
10310  npm ls @babel/core
10311  npm audit
10312* npm ls @cypress/request
10313* npm install @cypress/[email protected] --save
10314  npm ls @cypress/request
10315  npm up @cypress/request
10316  git status
10317  yarn dev
10318  cp .env.example .env
10319  yarn dev
10320  npm install [email protected] --save
10321  npm install [email protected]
10322  git status
10323  git add .
10324  history
10325  git status
10326  yarn dev
10327  npm ls aws-sdk --all
10328  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/extensions/action-handlers/mobilecommons-signup.js
10329  git status
10330  git add .
10331  git commit -m "Updates mobilecommons-signup to remove aws-sdk which is deprecated"
10332  yarn dev
10333  git push origin node20-update-II
10334  npm install @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties
10335  git add .
10336  git commit -m "Adds babel/plugin-transform-class-properties to project dependencies"
10337  yarn dev
10338  git push origin node20-update-II
10339  npm install @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator --save
10340  git add .
10341  git commit -m "Adds @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator to project dependencies"
10342  yarn dev
10343  git push origin node20-update-II
10344  npm install @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining
10345  git add .
10346  git commit -m "Adds @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining into project dependencies"
10347  yarn dev
10348  git push origin node20-update-II
10349  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/extensions/action-handlers/revere-signup.js
10350  git status
10351  git add .
10352  git commit -m "Upgrades aws-sdk to version 3 standards"
10353  yarn dev
10354  history
10355  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/extensions/contact-loaders/csv-s3-upload/index.js
10356  yarn dev
10357  git status
10358  git add .
10359  git commit -m "Upgrades csv-s3-upload index file to use version 3 aws"
10360  git push origin node20-update-II
10361  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/extensions/contact-loaders/s3-pull/index.js
10362  yarn dev
10363  history
10364  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/workers/jobs.js
10365  yarn dev
10366  git status
10367  git add .
10368  git commit -m "Updates jobs.js to version 3 standards of aws - beginning of breaking change"
10369  npm install @aws-sdk/client-lambda --save
10370  yarn dev
10371  history
10372  git add .
10373  git commit -m "Adds @aws-sdk/client-lambda to dependencies"
10374  yarn dev
10375  npm install @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner --save
10376  git add .
10377  git commit -m "Adds aws-sdk/s3-request-predesigner to dependencies"
10378  yarn dev
10379  npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3 --save
10380  git add .
10381  git commit -m "Adds @aws-sdk/client-s3 to project dependencies"
10382  yarn dev
10383  npm install @aws-sdk/client-sqs --save
10384  yarn dev
10385  git add .
10386  git commit -m "Adds aws-sdk/client-sqs - end of breaking changes"
10387  git push origin node20-update-II
10388  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/extensions/contact-loaders/s3-pull/index.js
10389  yarn dev
10390  git status
10391  git add .
10392  git commit -m "Upgrades s3-pull index file to use version 3 of aws"
10393  git push origin node20-update-II
10394  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/extensions/job-runners/lambda-async/index.js
10395  yarn dev
10396  git status
10397  git add .
10398  git commit -m "updates lambda-async index.js to use version 3 aws-sdk"
10399  git push origin node20-update-II
10400  npm install @aws-sdk/client-lambda --save
10401  git status
10402  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/src/server/telemetry.js
10403  yarn dev
10404  git add .
10405  git commit -m "Updates telemetry.js to version 3 of aws-sdk"
10406  npm install @aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch --save
10407  git status
10408  git push origin node20-update-II
10409  git status
10410  git commit -m "Updates telemetry to use cloudwatch events and client cloud watch"
10411  git push origin node20-update-II
10412  git add .
10413  git commit -m "Adds aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch to project dependencies"
10414  yarn dev
10415  npm install @aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-events --save
10416  git add .
10417  git commit -m "Adds @aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-events to project dependencies"
10418  yarn dev
10419  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/node-update/Spoke_Hackathon_Fork/lambda.js
10420  yarn dev
10421  git status
10422  git add .
10423  git commit -m "Upgrades lambda.js to version 3 of aws-sdk"
10424  git push origin node20-update-II
10425  yarn dev
10426  npm outdated
10427  history
10428  nvm install 20.0.0
10429  nvm alias default 20.0.0
10430  git status
10431  npm install
10432  node -v
10433  npm -v
10434  git add .
10435  yarn dev
10436  git status
10437  git add .
10438  git status
10439  git commit -m "Updates node engine to v 20.0.0 and npm to v 9.6.4"
10440  git status
10441  git add .
10442  git commit -m "Ran npm install"
10443  git push origin node20-update-II
10193  cd Spoke_Hackathon_Fork
10194  ls
10195  git status
10196  git add .
10197  git commit -m "Adds node 20.x to the jest yaml file."
10198  git push origin node20-update-III
10199  npm config set engine-strict true
10200  git status
10201  npm config set engine-strict true
10202  npm config set engine-strict true --save
10203  git status
10204  yarn install
10205  yarn test
10206  yarn run test-sqlite
10207  npm outdated
10208  npm audit
10209  npm install [email protected] --save-dev
10210  git status
10211  git diff
10212  yarn test
10213  git status
10214  git add .
10215  git commit -m "Updates babel-jest to version 29.7.0"
10216  npm install [email protected] --save-dev
10217  yarn test
10218  git status
10219  git add .
10220  git commit -m "Updates jest to version 29.7.0"
10221  touch babel.config.js
10222  yarn test
10223  yarn run test-sqlite
10224  yarn run test-sqlite > test-output.txt
10225  git status
10226  git add babel.config.js
10227  git commit -m "Adds babel configuration file to match upgraded jest test configurations"
10228  npm install [email protected]
10229  npm git status
10230  git status
10231  git add package.json yarn.lock
10232  git status
10233  git commit -m "Updated core-js to version 3.34.0"
10234  npm install
10235  npm audit
10236  yarn install
10237  history
10238  yarn install
10239  yarn dev
10240  git status
10241  git add yarn.lock
10242  git commit -m "Ran yarn install"
10243  yarn run test-sqlite > test-output2.txt
10244  diff test-output.txt test-output2.txt
10245  yarn test
10246  npm install [email protected] --save
10247  npm ls core-js
10248  git add package.json yarn.lock
10249  git status
10250  git commit -m "Updates UUID package to 9.0.1"

Terminal Commands of 11.28.23

10023  ls
10024  cd merge-party-prep
10025  ls
10026  cd Spoke
10027  ls
10028  yarn dev
10029  nvm use
10030  nvm use v20
10031  nvm install
10032  nvm use
10033  nvm install 20.0
10034  nvm use
10035  yarn dev
10036  git status
10037  git add .
10038  git commit -m "Changes down to node version 20"
10039  git push origin node18-patch-arique
10040  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/lambda.js
10041  git status
10042* yarn dev
10043  git add .
10044  git commit -m "Changes automated through AWS SKD v2-tov3 upgrade"
10045  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/extensions/action-handlers/mobilecommons-signup.js
10046* yarn dev
10047  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/extensions/contact-loaders/csv-s3-upload/index.js
10048* yarn dev
10049  git status
10050  git add src/extensions/action-handlers/mobilecommons-signup.js
10051  git commit -m "updates mobile commons sign up to v3 of aws-sdk"
10052  git add src/extensions/contact-loaders/csv-s3-upload/index.js
10053  git commit -m "updates contact loader csv s3 upload sign up to v3 of aws-sdk"
10054  ls
10055  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/extensions/contact-loaders/s3-pull/index.js
10056* yarn dev
10057  git status
10058  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/extensions/contact-loaders/s3-pull/index.js
10059  git status
10060  git push origin node18-patch-arique
10061  git status
10062  git add lambda.js
10063  git commit -m "Removes extra semicolon on line 1"
10064  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/extensions/action-handlers/revere-signup.js
10065  git status
10066  git add src/extensions/action-handlers/revere-signup.js
10067  git commit -m "Migrates aws to version 3 on revere-signup.js action handler.\n"
10068  git push origin node18-patch-arique
10069  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/extensions/job-runners/lambda-async/index.js
10070  git status
10071  git add src/extensions/job-runners/lambda-async/index.js
10072  git commit -m "updates aws to version 3"
10073  git push origin node18-patch-arique
10074  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/server/telemetry.js
10075  git status
10076  git add src/server/telemetry.js
10077  git commit -m "Upgrades telemetry aws to version 3"
10078  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/src/workers/jobs.js
10079  git status
10080  git add src/workers/jobs.js
10081  git commit -m "Upgrades aws to version 3 standards in jobs.js"
10082  git push origin node18-patch-arique
10083* yarn dev
10084  npx aws-sdk-js-codemod -t v2-to-v3 /Users/ariqueaguilar/merge-party-prep/Spoke/package.json
10085  git status
10086  npm i @aws-sdk/client-sqs
10087* yarn dev
10088* nvm use
10089* npm i @aws-sdk/client-s3
10090* git status
10091* nvm use
10092* nvm install
10093* yarn install
10094* git history
10095  npm i @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner
10096  npm i @aws-sdk/client-lambda
10097  npm i @aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch
10098  npm i @aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-events
10099  npm install ajv
10100  npm install --save-dev @babel/core
10101  npm install react@^17.0.0
10102  npm install react-dom@^17.0.0
10103  npm install @date-io/core@^1.3.6 --save
10104  npm install prop-types@^15.6.0
10105  npm install webpack@>=6.0.0
10106  npm install webpack@=6.0.0
10107  npm install webpack 6.0.0
10108  npm install react@^16.0.0-alpha
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