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Created June 18, 2016 12:32
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% First version of constraint model for add-example on alu-rf configuration
include "globals.mzn";
int: N = 10;
int: vregs = 3;
int: buses = 2;
int: registers = 3;
int: instrs = 6;
int: FUs = 2;
int: ALU = 1;
int: RF = 2;
% For precedences
int: nop = 1;
int: pass = 2;
int: load_a = 3;
int: load_b = 4;
int: add = 5;
int: store = 6;
% For text output
array[1..instrs] of string: instructions = ["nop", "pass", "load_a", "load_b", "add", "store"];
array[1..FUs] of string: units = ["ALU", "RF"];
% State array
array[0..N-1,1..buses+registers,1..vregs] of var 0..1: S;
array[1..N-1, 1..FUs] of var 1..instrs: op;
% TODO: This
solve maximize sum(n in 1..N-1) (n*S[n,3,3]);
% Single value per bus/register
forall(n in 1..N-1) (
forall(j in 1..buses) (
(sum(i in 1..vregs) (S[n,j,i]) )<= 1
% Transport constraints
forall(n in 1..N-1, i in 1..vregs) (
((S[n,1,i] = 1) -> (
% The load-instructions might need some kind of set-syntax
((S[n+1,1,i] = 1 /\ op[n,RF] != load_a /\ op[n,RF] != load_b )
\/ (S[n+1,2,i] = 1 /\ op[n,ALU] = pass)
\/ (S[n+1,1,i] = 0 /\ (op[n,RF] = load_a \/ op[n,RF] = load_b)))))
((S[n,2,i] = 1) -> (
(S[n+1,2,i] = 1 /\ ((op[n,RF] != load_a /\ op[n,RF] != load_b /\ op[n,ALU] = nop))
\/ (S[n+1,2,i] = 1 /\ (op[n,ALU] = pass /\ op[n,ALU] != nop))
\/ (S[n+1,buses+1,i] = 0 /\ op[n,RF] = store))))
forall(n in 1..N-1, i in 1..vregs) (
((S[n,1,i] = 1) /\ (op[n,RF] != load_a) /\ (op[n,RF] != load_b)) <-> (S[n+1,1,i] = 1)
/\(((S[n,2,i] = 1) /\ (op[n,ALU] != add /\ op[n,ALU] != pass)) <-> (S[n+1,2,i] = 1))
/\ ((S[n,3,i] = 1) /\ (op[n,RF] != store) <-> (S[n+1,3,i] = 1))
/\ ((S[n,4,i] = 1) <-> (S[n+1,4,i] = 1))
% input constraints
forall(i in 1..vregs, j in 1..buses) (
(S[0,j,i] = 0)
/\ (S[0,3,1] = 1)
/\ (S[0,4,2] = 1))
forall (n in 1..N) (
((op[n,ALU] = add) -> (S[n,1,1] = 1 /\ S[n,2,2] = 1) \/ (S[n,2,1] = 1 /\ S[n,1,2] = 1))
((op[n,RF] = store) -> (S[n,2,3] = 1))
% output constraints
forall(n in 1..N) (
((op[n,RF] = load_a) -> (S[n+1,1,1] = 1))
/\ ((op[n,RF] = load_b) -> (S[n+1,1,2] = 1))
/\ ((op[n,ALU] = add) -> (S[n+1,2,3] = 1))
/\ ((op[n,RF] = store) -> (S[n+1,3,3] = 1))
% output
% forall(n in 1..N-1) (
% [ show_int(1, S[n,j,i]) ++ " " ++
% if i == vregs then "\n" else "" endif
% | j in 1..buses, i in 1..vregs]
% )
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