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Created June 23, 2016 20:00
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include "globals.mzn";
% Upper bound on #cycles
int: N = 10;
% Configuration
int: vregs = 1;
int: buses = 1;
int: registers = 1;
% Instructions
int: num_instrs = 2; % excluding nop
int: nop = 0;
int: imm_1 = 1;
int: store = 2;
% Functional units
int: num_FUs = 2;
int: IMM = 1;
int: RF = 2;
set of int: IMM_ops = {nop, imm_1};
set of int: RF_ops = {nop, store};
% State array
array[1..N,1..buses,1..vregs] of var bool: B;
array[1..N,1..registers,1..vregs] of var bool: R;
array[1..N,1..num_FUs] of var 0..num_instrs: op;
var 1..N: end;
solve minimize end;
% or maximize the number of cycles in the terminating state?
% solve maximize sum(n in 1..N) (bool2int(R[n,1,1]));
% Terminating constraint
constraint forall(n in 1..N) (
(R[n,1,1] = true) <- (end = n)
constraint forall(n in 1..N) (
op[n,IMM] in IMM_ops
/\ op[n,RF] in RF_ops
% imm_1 produces vreg 1 on bus 1
constraint forall(n in 1..N-1) (
op[n,IMM] = imm_1 <-> ((B[n,1,1] = false) /\ (B[n+1,1,1] = true))
% store copies the vreg on bus 1 to reg 1, if it's there
constraint forall(n in 1..N-1, i in 1..vregs) (
(op[n,RF] = store <-> (B[n,1,1] = true))
(op[n,RF] = store <-> ((R[n,1,i] = false /\ (R[n+1,1,i] = true))))
% Buses and Registers hold their values on nop
% constraint forall(n in 1..N-1, i in 1..vregs, j in 1..buses) (
% op[n,IMM] = nop -> (B[n,j,i] = B[n+1,j,i])
% );
constraint forall(n in 1..N-1, i in 1..vregs, r in 1..registers) (
op[n,RF] = nop -> (R[n,r,i] = R[n+1,r,i])
% at cycle N the terminating state should be true
% constraint R[N,1,1] = true;
% all registers and buses are empty in cycle 1
constraint forall (r in 1..registers, i in 1..vregs) (R[1,r,i] = false);
constraint forall (j in 1..buses, i in 1..vregs) (B[1,j,i] = false);
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