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Last active October 13, 2024 20:39
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Fast local TRS matrix C# MIT
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
public static class Helpers
private static Matrix4x4 LocalMatrix(Vector3 translation, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale)
// every element in matrix except of translation
// ends up being multiplied by 2, so we multiply whole vector by sqrt2
// to skip multiplication at the end
const float sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730951f;
Vector4 rot = Unsafe.As<Quaternion, Vector4>(ref rotation) * sqrt2;
// xx is actually equals to rotation.x * rotation.x * 2
float xx = rot.X * rot.X;
float yy = rot.Y * rot.Y;
float zz = rot.Z * rot.Z;
float xy = rot.X * rot.Y;
float xz = rot.X * rot.Z;
float xw = rot.X * rot.W;
float yz = rot.Y * rot.Z;
float yw = rot.Y * rot.W;
float zw = rot.Z * rot.W;
Matrix4x4 mat4 = default;
mat4.M12 = scale.Y * (xy + zw);
mat4.M13 = scale.Z * (xz - yw);
mat4.M21 = scale.X * (xy - zw);
mat4.M23 = scale.Z * (yz + xw);
mat4.M31 = scale.X * (xz + yw);
mat4.M32 = scale.Y * (yz - xw);
mat4.M11 = scale.X * (1f - (yy + zz));
mat4.M22 = scale.Y * (1f - (xx + zz));
mat4.M33 = scale.Z * (1f - (xx + yy));
mat4.M41 = translation.X;
mat4.M42 = translation.Y;
mat4.M43 = translation.Z;
mat4.M44 = 1;
return mat4;
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