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Last active January 6, 2025 22:42
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  • Save AspireOne/6f5d9490f2b919bc0f39a83c8e457faf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AspireOne/6f5d9490f2b919bc0f39a83c8e457faf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Custom hook for automatic, type-safe react-query optimistic updates with proper rollback. Use together with openapi-typescript + openapi-react-query.
import { type paths } from "@/types/api-types";
import { queryClient } from "@/api/api";
import { toast } from "sonner";
type OperationState<TData> = {
previousData: TData;
timestamp: number;
// Constants for stack management
const STALE_OPERATION_THRESHOLD = 30_000; // 30 seconds
const operationStack = new Map<string, OperationState<unknown>[]>();
const cleanupStaleOperations = (queryKeyString: string) => {
const operations = operationStack.get(queryKeyString);
if (!operations) return;
const now =;
const validOperations = operations.filter(
(op) => now - op.timestamp < STALE_OPERATION_THRESHOLD,
if (validOperations.length === 0) {
} else {
operationStack.set(queryKeyString, validOperations);
type GetOperations = {
[P in keyof paths]: paths[P]["get"] extends { responses: any } ? P : never;
}[keyof paths];
type GetResponseType<P extends GetOperations> = paths[P]["get"] extends {
responses: { default: { content: { "application/json": infer T } } };
? T
: paths[P]["get"] extends {
responses: { 200: { content: { "application/json": infer T } } };
? T
: never;
type MutationType = "patch" | "post" | "delete";
type MutationHandlers<TData, TVariables> = {
* Custom handler for optimistic update mutations.
* Executed immediately when mutation is triggered, before the server request.
* Use this handler when you need to:
* - Perform additional actions before the optimistic update
* - Cancel related queries
* - Modify the cache in a custom way
* - Store additional context for rollback
* @param variables - The variables passed to the mutation
* @param defaultHandler - The default handler that performs standard optimistic update
* @returns Promise containing the previous data (used for rollback if needed)
* @example
* ```typescript
* onMutate: async (variables, defaultHandler) => {
* // Cancel any outgoing refetches that might override our optimistic update
* await queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey: ['otherData'] });
* // Perform the default optimistic update
* const result = await defaultHandler(variables);
* // You can store additional context if needed
* return {
* ...result,
* additionalContext: 'some-value'
* };
* }
* ```
onMutate?: (
variables: TVariables,
defaultHandler: (
variables: TVariables,
) => Promise<{ previousData: TData | undefined }>,
) => Promise<{ previousData: TData | undefined }>;
* Custom error handler for failed mutations.
* Executed when the server request fails or throws an error.
* Use this handler when you need to:
* - Perform custom error handling
* - Show custom error messages
* - Execute additional rollback logic
* - Log errors in a specific way
* @param error - The error that occurred during mutation
* @param variables - The variables that were passed to the mutation
* @param context - The context returned from onMutate (contains previousData)
* @param defaultHandler - The default handler that performs standard error handling and rollback
* @example
* ```typescript
* onError: (error, variables, context, defaultHandler) => {
* // Custom error logging
* console.error(`Failed to update item ${}`, error);
* // Custom error message based on error type
* if (error.message.includes('Permission denied')) {
* toast.error('You don\'t have permission to perform this action');
* } else {
* // Use default error handling
* defaultHandler(error, variables, context);
* }
* // Additional cleanup if needed
* someCleanupFunction();
* }
* ```
onError?: (
error: Error,
variables: TVariables,
context: any,
defaultHandler: (error: Error, variables: TVariables, context: any) => void,
) => void;
type GetPatchVariables<P extends keyof paths> = paths[P]["patch"] extends {
parameters: infer Params;
requestBody: { content: { "application/json": infer Body } };
? { params: Params; body: Body }
: never;
type GetPostVariables<P extends keyof paths> = paths[P]["post"] extends {
parameters: { path: infer PathParams };
requestBody: { content: { "application/json": infer Body } };
? { params: { path: PathParams }; body: Body }
: paths[P]["post"] extends {
requestBody: { content: { "application/json": infer Body } };
? Body
: never;
type GetDeleteVariables<P extends keyof paths> = paths[P]["delete"] extends {
parameters: infer T;
? { params: T }
: never;
type GetMutationVariables<
P extends keyof paths,
T extends MutationType,
> = T extends "patch"
? GetPatchVariables<P>
: T extends "post"
? GetPostVariables<P>
: T extends "delete"
? GetDeleteVariables<P>
: never;
* A hook for handling optimistic updates in TanStack Query mutations.
* This hook provides automatic optimistic updates for POST, PATCH, and DELETE operations
* by updating the query cache immediately and rolling back if the mutation fails.
* It supports both default behavior and custom handlers.
* Features:
* - Full TypeScript support with proper type inference
* - Automatic error handling with rollback
* - Toast notifications for errors
* - Support for custom mutation handlers
* @template GetPath - The API endpoint path for the GET operation
* @template MutationPath - The API endpoint path for the mutation operation
* @template TMutationType - The type of mutation ("patch" | "post" | "delete")
* @param queryKey - The query key array for TanStack Query [method, path, params]
* @param mutationPath - The path of the mutation endpoint
* @param config - Configuration object containing update function and optional handlers
* @example
* // Example 1: Updating a report status (PATCH)
* const updateStatusMutation = $api.useMutation("patch", "/reports/{id}/status", {
* ...useOptimisticUpdate(
* ["get", "/reports", getReportsVariables],
* "/reports/{id}/status",
* {
* type: "patch",
* updateFn: (oldData, variables) => ({
* ...oldData,
* data: =>
* ===
* ? {, status: variables.body.status }
* : report
* )
* })
* }
* )
* });
* // Example 2: Adding a new note (POST)
* const addNoteMutation = $api.useMutation("post", "/feedback/{id}/notes", {
* ...useOptimisticUpdate(
* ["get", "/feedback", { params: { query: { page: 1, pageSize: 200 } } }],
* "/feedback/{id}/notes",
* {
* type: "post",
* updateFn: (oldData, variables) => ({
* ...oldData,
* data: [
* {
* id: `temp-${}`,
* content: variables.body.content,
* created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
* },
* ],
* total: + 1,
* })
* }
* )
* });
* // Example 3: Deleting an item (DELETE)
* const deleteItemMutation = $api.useMutation("delete", "/items/{id}", {
* ...useOptimisticUpdate(
* ["get", "/items", queryParams],
* "/items/{id}",
* {
* type: "delete",
* updateFn: (oldData, variables) => ({
* ...oldData,
* data:
* item => !==
* ),
* total: - 1,
* })
* }
* )
* });
* // Example 4: Using custom handlers
* const mutation = $api.useMutation("patch", "/items/{id}", {
* ...useOptimisticUpdate(
* ["get", "/items", queryParams],
* "/items/{id}",
* {
* type: "patch",
* updateFn: (old, variables) => ({
* ...old,
* data: =>
* ===
* ? { ...item, ...variables.body }
* : item
* )
* }),
* handlers: {
* onMutate: async (variables, defaultHandler) => {
* // Custom logic before mutation
* const result = await defaultHandler(variables);
* // Custom logic after mutation
* return result;
* },
* onError: (error, variables, context, defaultHandler) => {
* // Custom error handling
* defaultHandler(error, variables, context);
* }
* }
* }
* )
* });
* @returns An object containing onMutate and onError handlers for the mutation
export function useOptimisticUpdate<
GetPath extends GetOperations,
MutationPath extends keyof paths,
TMutationType extends MutationType,
queryKey: [method: "get", path: GetPath, params: any],
mutationPath: MutationPath,
config: {
type: TMutationType;
updateFn: (
old: GetResponseType<GetPath>,
variables: GetMutationVariables<MutationPath, TMutationType>,
) => GetResponseType<GetPath>;
handlers?: MutationHandlers<
GetMutationVariables<MutationPath, TMutationType>
) {
const { type, updateFn, handlers } = config;
const queryKeyString = JSON.stringify(queryKey);
const defaultOnMutate = async (
variables: GetMutationVariables<MutationPath, TMutationType>,
) => {
await queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey });
const previousData =
if (previousData) {
const operations = operationStack.get(queryKeyString) || [];
if (operations.length >= MAX_STACK_SIZE_PER_QUERY) {
const excessCount = operations.length - MAX_STACK_SIZE_PER_QUERY + 1;
operations.splice(0, excessCount);
`Operation stack for ${queryKeyString} exceeded ${MAX_STACK_SIZE_PER_QUERY} items. Removed ${excessCount} oldest operations.`,
operationStack.set(queryKeyString, [
{ previousData, timestamp: },
queryClient.setQueryData<GetResponseType<GetPath>>(queryKey, (old) => {
if (!old) return old;
return updateFn(old, variables);
return { previousData, timestamp: };
const defaultOnError = (
error: Error,
variables: GetMutationVariables<MutationPath, TMutationType>,
context: { previousData: GetResponseType<GetPath>; timestamp: number },
) => {
const operations = operationStack.get(queryKeyString) || [];
const operationIndex = operations.findIndex(
(op) => op.timestamp === context.timestamp,
if (operationIndex !== -1) {
const operation = operations[operationIndex];
if (!operation) return;
if (operations.length === 0) {
} else {
operationStack.set(queryKeyString, operations);
queryClient.setQueryData(queryKey, operation.previousData);
toast.error(`Operation failed`, { description: error.message });
return {
onMutate: async (
variables: GetMutationVariables<MutationPath, TMutationType>,
) => {
if (handlers?.onMutate) {
return handlers.onMutate(variables, defaultOnMutate);
return defaultOnMutate(variables);
onError: (
error: Error,
variables: GetMutationVariables<MutationPath, TMutationType>,
context: any,
) => {
if (handlers?.onError) {
handlers.onError(error, variables, context, defaultOnError);
} else {
defaultOnError(error, variables, context);
onSettled: (
data: unknown,
error: Error | null,
variables: GetMutationVariables<MutationPath, TMutationType>,
context: unknown,
) => {
if (
!context ||
typeof context !== "object" ||
!("timestamp" in context)
) {
const operations = operationStack.get(queryKeyString);
if (!operations) return;
const operationIndex = operations.findIndex(
(op) => op.timestamp === (context as { timestamp: number }).timestamp,
if (operationIndex !== -1) {
operations.splice(operationIndex, 1);
if (operations.length === 0) {
} else {
operationStack.set(queryKeyString, operations);
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// openapi-fetch client
import { $api } from "@/api/api";
import { useOptimisticUpdate } from "@/hooks/use-optimistic-update";
// ...

const ROWS_PER_PAGE = 20;

function ReportsPanel() {
const [page, setPage] = useState(1);

const getReportsVariables = {
  query: {
    page: page,
    limit: ROWS_PER_PAGE,

const { data: reportsData, isLoading } = $api.useQuery("get", "/reports", getReportsVariables);

// - Fully typesafe!
// - Automatic optimistic update
// - Automatic rollback in case of error
// - Support patch, post, delete
// - the internal onMutate and onError are extendable & overridable!
const updateStatusMutation = $api.useMutation(
      ["get", "/reports", getReportsVariables],
        type: "patch",
        updateFn: (report, variables) => ({
          data: =>
              ? {, status: variables.body.status }
              : report,

// ...

  params: { path: { id: reportId } },
  body: { status: newStatus },

// ...

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