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Anatomy of a Cucumber test suite

features/                  # Base directory for all your features
features/step_definitions/ # Generic steps used across multiple features
features/support/          # Cucumber bootstrapping directory

On boot, Cucumber will load up features/support/env.rb. This is where you should include all the libraries you want to use. So features/support/env.rb doesn't get cluttered, it's suggested you split out your customisations into separate files under features/support/.

cucumber-nagios's env.rb looks like this:

 1 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
 3 $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
 5 require 'cucumber/nagios'
 6 require 'webrat/adapters/mechanize'
 7 require 'webrat_logging_patches'
 9 class ResponseHelper
10   def response
11     webrat_session.response
12   end
13 end
15 World do
18 end

Line 3 is just appending the directory the current file is in to the load path. This is needed so the require on Line 7 works.

Lines 5-7 are requiring bits of cucumber-nagios and webrat. These libraries are purely optional and not required by Cucumber. For example, if you were testing command line tools you'd require 'aruba'

Lines 9-13 are creating a class that contains a helper method which will be used later on in Lines 15-18.

Lines 15-18 are passing a bunch of objects to World. World is a self contained namespace that your steps run in. Instantiating objects in a World block will delegate method calls to them. For example...

class FoobarHelper
  def wangity

World do

... will make the wangity method available in all your steps:

Given /^we are flying to the moon$/ do
  wangity.should == "boing!"
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