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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Notes on various GCSE subjects
<title>History notes</title>
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<h1>History notes:</h1>
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<h2>Hitler and the Nazis</h2>
<li>The Catholic Archbishop of Munster, <u><b>von Galen</b></u>,
led a successful campaign to end euthanasia of mentally-disabled people.</li>
<li>Various "<u><b>Swing groups</b></u>" tried to oppose Hitler, but they were stamped out</li>
<li>Many Protestant pastors, led by Martin Niem&ouml;ller, formed the <u><b>Confessional Church</b></u>
in opposition to Hitler's Reich Church. Niem&ouml;ller was held in a concentration camp during the period 1937-1945.
Another Protestant pastor, Dietrich Bonh&ouml;ffer, took part in the 1944 bomb plot and was executed.</li>
<li>Loudspeakers in public places blared out Nazi propaganda.</li>
<li>People's radios were sold very cheaply, but broadcasts were controlled.</li>
<li>Films were controlled to make films that glorified war and pilloried the Jews.</li>
<li>Cult of personality - Hitler's picture was everywhere, and he was portrayed as Germany's saviour.</li>
<li>Blockleiters in each block of flats and street informed on 'grumblers'. </li>
<li>Hitler ordered Nazification - the imposition of Nazi values - on all aspects of German life.</li>
<li>Dr Robert Ley, head of the <acronym title="German Labour Front">DAF</acronym>, boasted that he controlled workers'
lives from the 'cradle to the grave'. </li>
<li>Josef Goebbels controlled the Propaganda Ministry,
which aimed to brainwash people into obeying the Nazis and idolising Hitler.</li>
<li><a href="">BBC Bitesize History</a></li>
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