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Last active April 24, 2024 01:44
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Convert OpenAI functions to system prompt that works with other LLMs
# Converts OpenAI compatible function calling JSON schema to a prompt that instructs the LLM to return
# a JSON object that is a choice of a function call conforming to one of the functions or a message reply
def convert_schema_to_typescript(schema):
if not schema:
return 'any'
if '$ref' in schema:
return schema['$ref'].replace('#/definitions/', '')
schema_type = schema.get('type', '')
if schema_type == 'string':
return 'string' if 'enum' not in schema else ' | '.join(f'"{e}"' for e in schema['enum'])
elif schema_type == 'number':
return 'number'
elif schema_type == 'integer':
return 'number'
elif schema_type == 'boolean':
return 'boolean'
elif schema_type == 'object':
properties = ' '.join(f"{key}{':' if key in schema.get('required', []) else '?:'} {convert_schema_to_typescript(value)};"
for key, value in schema.get('properties', {}).items())
return f"{{ {properties} }}"
elif schema_type == 'array':
return f"{convert_schema_to_typescript(schema.get('items', {}))}[]"
elif schema_type == 'null':
return 'null'
return 'any'
def convert_function_to_typescript(schema):
if not schema or schema['type'] != 'function' or 'function' not in schema:
raise ValueError('Invalid schema: Must be a function schema')
func = schema['function']
params = ', '.join(f"{param_name}{':' if param_name in func['parameters'].get('required', []) else '?:'} {convert_schema_to_typescript(param_details)}"
for param_name, param_details in func['parameters']['properties'].items())
return f"function {func['name']}({params}): any;"
def convert_function_call(tools):
conversion = "// The current environment gives you access to the following functions to use as tools:\n"
for tool in filter(lambda x: x['type'] == 'function', tools):
converted = convert_function_to_typescript(tool)
conversion += converted + '\n'
conversion += """
// Reply interface structure
interface Reply {
type: string;
// FunctionCall interface extending Reply
// Must match one of the above function definitions
interface FunctionCall extends Reply {
type: "functionCall";
name: string; /* function name */
arguments: {
name: string;
value: any;
// Default reply
// Message interface extending Reply
interface Message extends Reply {
type: "message";
content: string; // do not mention the details of your tools
Return a valid JSON object conforming to the Reply interface.
return conversion
# Sample tool for testing
sample_tool = {
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "searchAdobeScriptingAPIDocs",
"description": "Search Adobe API documentation: classes, methods, properties",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"appName": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"description": "Host app name"
"searchTerms": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Search terms"
"filter": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Limit results by type",
"enum": ["class", "method", "parameter"]
"required": ["appName", "searchTerms"]
# Test the conversion function with the sample tool
typescript_conversion = convert_function_call([sample_tool])
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