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Created July 25, 2022 20:28
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Automatically generate all different icons from a base image for a Tauri Application. It also creates the .ico and .icns files for both Windows and macOS.
Generate icons for a Tauri Application
By Ibai Farina
For correct functionality, the base logo should be 512x512 or larger (keeping the aspect ratio).
__title__ = 'Tauri Icon Generator'
__author__ = 'Ibai Farina'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__version__ = '0.1.0'
import os
import sys
os.system("cls" if == "nt" else "clear")
from PIL import Image
import icnsutil
except ImportError:
print("Error while importing the required libraries to run this app.")
print("Make sure you have installed:")
print("- PIL ( : manipulate images")
print("- icnsutil ( : create the .icns macOS icon file")
icon_guides = {
"32x32": 32,
"128x128": 128,
"128x128@2x": 256,
"icon": 512,
"Square30x30Logo": 30,
"Square44x44Logo": 44,
"Square71x71Logo": 71,
"Square89x89Logo": 89,
"Square107x107Logo": 107,
"Square142x142Logo": 142,
"Square150x150Logo": 150,
"Square284x284Logo": 284,
"Square310x310Logo": 312,
"StoreLogo": 50,
base_image_path = input("Enter the 1024x1024 base icon path: ")
base_image = # 1024x1024 base icon
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Specified filed doesn't exist!")
if not os.path.exists("icons"):
print("Creating `icons` folder")
# All png icons
for filename, size in icon_guides.items():
resized = base_image.resize((size, size))"icons", filename + ".png"))
# .ico file
sizes = [(128, 128)]"icons", "icon.ico"), sizes=sizes)
# macOS icns icons
icns = icnsutil.IcnsFile()
icns.add_media(file=os.path.join("icons", "icon.png"))
icns.add_media(file=os.path.join("icons", "[email protected]"))
icns.write(os.path.join("icons", "icon.icns"))
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