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Last active March 31, 2020 10:53
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axe-core custom command for scriptwriter and accompanying Code Tour file.

Axe Custom Command for Scriptwriter

  • install playwright npm i -g playwright.
  • install scriptwriter npm i -g scriptwriter.
  • create a folder to run scriptwriter from and to load and save files.
  • install axe-core npm -i axe-core. You can load the axe-core.command.json file to show you how to build your own commands.
  • start scriptwriter scriptwriter. You can load into -b firefox or -b webkit.
  • copy the axe.command.js file to your folder and .load axe.command or paste it right into the repl.
  • next, navigate to a site using page.goto or if you used scriptwriter --no-headless you can browse.
  • run axe on that page .axe
// install axe-core locally
scriptwriter.completion = '.axe';
director.defineCommand('axe', {
help: 'run axe-core against the current page',
async action(configFile) {
const { readFile } = fs.promises;
const axe = await readFile('./node_modules/axe-core/axe.min.js', 'utf8');
const config = configFile ? require(path.resolve(configFile)) : {};
const expression = `${axe}
;(async (config) => {
Object.assign(config, {branding: {brand: 'scriptwriter'}});
const results = await
const {incomplete, inapplicable, passes,} = results;
return {};
const response = await page.evaluate(expression);
console.log(util.inspect(response, {depth: Infinity, colors: true}));
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