As you know, Twitch has made a weird decision to mute VODs if it finds copyrighted content in videos.
Here's how to enjoy VODs without this annoying mute feature.
- Install Fiddler (tested on on Windows).
- Enable HTTPS decryption. If you are using Firefox, you will need to do this.
Rules -> Customize Rules...
- Paste the following code in the
if (oSession.hostname == "") {
if (/^\/api\/videos\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\?as3=t.*$/.test(oSession.PathAndQuery)) {
var oBody = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oSession.responseBodyBytes);
oBody = oBody.replace(/"upkeep":"fail"/g, '"upkeep":"pass"');
- Check
File -> Capture Traffic
- Watch any VOD and enjoy!
Lack of instructions. The man wants you to download something you have no idea of what it is, configure it without correct instructions and steps to follow. Ri di cu lous