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Last active October 29, 2016 15:01
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Daily journal helper
# Script for keeping a daily journal.
# Expected file structure:
# template.txt
# bin
# journal.ps1
# journal
# {year}
# {month}
# {year}-{month}-{day}.txt
# Set the $EDITOR environment variable to your preferred editor.
# Run like this:
# journal [-Days=<int>] [-When <DateTime>]
# Examples:
# journal -When 2016-10-28 (or just journal 2016-10-28) - opens the journal for the specified day
# journal -1 - opens the journal for yesterday
param (
# Add or remove days from the specified date
$Days = 0
# Date of the journal entry as YYYY-MM-DD, default today
$When = (Get-Date)
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$When = $When.AddDays($Days)
$Folder = $When.ToString("yyyy\\MM")
$File = "$($When.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')).txt"
$Location = "$PSScriptRoot\..\journal\$Folder\$File"
Write-Host Current journal: $Location
if (! (Test-Path $Location)) {
Write-Host Creating a new journal...
New-Item -Force $Location | Out-Null
Copy-Item "$PSScriptRoot\..\template.txt" $Location | Out-Null
Write-Host Running editor...
& $Env:EDITOR $Location
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