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Last active May 24, 2020 20:53
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SOX Examples - Various Audio manipulations

Use to cut 5 seconds from end of the file.

sox input output reverse trim 5 reverse

Converts the samplerate to 48kHz:

sox infile.wav -r 48k outfile.wav

Split the stereo file into two mono files:

sox infile.wav outfile.l.wav remix 1
sox infile.wav outfile.r.wav remix 2

Convert wav/ogg/aiff to MP3:

sox file.aiff file.mp3

Show File stats and metadata:

sox file.mp3 -n stat

Increase volume:

sox -v 2.0 lower.mp3 higher_volume.mp3

Decrease volume:

sox -v 0.5  higher_volume.mp3 lower.mp3

Change the speed of a file (x2) by some factor:

sox too-slow.aiff faster.aiff speed 2.0
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