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Last active June 26, 2017 14:14
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import sys
from math import factorial
from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce
Solution to
""" Counts number of permutations of a given multiset
let m be the number of items in a multiset with n unique items
let each ith item of the multiset occur m_i times (multiplicity of m_i)
such that \sum_{i=1}^{n} m_i = m
then the number of unique permutations of the multiset is
\frac{m!}{\Pi_{i=1}^{n} m_i!}
The multiset will be given as a list of multiplicities
numer = m!
denom = \Pi_{i=1}^{n} m_i!
def multiset_perms(multiset):
numer = factorial(sum(multiset))
# product of all permutations of each multiplicity
multiplicity_perms = map(lambda v: factorial(v), multiset)
denom = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, multiplicity_perms)
return numer // denom
""" Counts number of possible unique palindromes from a Counter representing distribution of chars """
def count_unique_pals(counter):
if len([v for v in counter.values() if v % 2 == 1]) > 1:
# more than 1 character with odd occurrences
return 0
# partition into one side of the pivot
side = list(map(lambda v: v // 2, counter.values()))
return multiset_perms(side)
chars =[0]
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