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Created October 27, 2017 02:34
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$ bin/rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb:11
Running via Spring preloader in process 2346
Run options: include {:locations=>{"./spec/models/user_spec.rb"=>[11]}}
From: /Users/wangxuefei/Documents/rails/yelp_clone/lib/sluggable.rb @ line 10 Sluggable#to_slug:
9: def to_slug
=> 10: binding.pry
11: slug = self.send(self.class.slug_column).gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/, '-').downcase
12: slug.gsub(/[-]+/, '-')
13: end
[1] pry(#<User>)> self
=> #<User:0x007ff9bd7a1890
id: nil,
email: "an arbitrary value",
password_digest: "$2a$04$SLkzCQ3WcldhO9MxmzfD2uU8LfDgPP44RDWbFYPnoxwuqOFyXaqSm",
first_name: nil,
last_name: nil,
created_at: nil,
updated_at: nil,
slug: nil>
[2] pry(#<User>)> self.first_name = 'launch'
=> "launch"
[3] pry(#<User>)> self.last_name = 'school'
=> "school"
[4] pry(#<User>)> quit
From: /Users/wangxuefei/Documents/rails/yelp_clone/lib/sluggable.rb @ line 10 Sluggable#to_slug:
9: def to_slug
=> 10: binding.pry
11: slug = self.send(self.class.slug_column).gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/, '-').downcase
12: slug.gsub(/[-]+/, '-')
13: end
[1] pry(#<User>)> self
=> #<User:0x007ff9bd7a1890
id: nil,
password_digest: "$2a$04$SLkzCQ3WcldhO9MxmzfD2uU8LfDgPP44RDWbFYPnoxwuqOFyXaqSm",
first_name: "launch",
last_name: "school",
created_at: nil,
updated_at: nil,
slug: "launch-school">
[2] pry(#<User>)> quit
should validate that :email is case-sensitively unique
Finished in 5 minutes 1 second (files took 1.19 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures
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