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Last active January 29, 2021 18:42
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Alphabetical sort
function alphabeticalSort<
T extends Map<unknown, unknown>,
>(collection: T): (T extends Map<infer K, infer V> ? [K, V] : never)[];
function alphabeticalSort<
T extends Array<unknown>,
>(collection: T): T;
function alphabeticalSort<
T extends Set<unknown>,
>(collection: T): (T extends Array<infer V> ? V : never)[];
function alphabeticalSort<
K extends string,
T extends Array<K> | Map<K, unknown> | Set<K>
>(collection: T): unknown[] {
const sort = (keyA: string, keyB: string): number => {
if (!keyA || keyB.length < 1) return 1;
if (!keyB || keyA.length < 1) return -1;
if (keyA[0] === keyB[0]) {
return sort(keyA.slice(1), keyB.slice(1));
return (keyA.toUpperCase().codePointAt(0) ?? 0) - (keyB.toUpperCase().codePointAt(0) ?? 0);
return [...collection].sort((keyA, keyB) => {
if (keyA === keyB) return 0;
if (keyA instanceof Array) return sort(keyA[0], keyB[0]);
return sort(keyA as K, keyB as K);
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