using Catlab.GAT |
using Catlab.Theories |
using Flux |
struct EucSpc |
dim::Int |
end |
struct ParaEucFun |
domdim::Int |
coddim::Int |
paramdim::Int |
operation::Function |
end |
#This may crash if you operation fails with something other than DimensionMismatch. |
#Use with care! |
function test_operation_pef(p::ParaEucFun) |
try |
v = p.operation(zeros(p.domdim),zeros(p.paramdim)) |
return (size(v,1) == p.coddim) |
catch e |
if isa(e,DimensionMismatch) |
return false |
end |
throw(e) |
end |
end |
para_id(x,p) = x; |
#pd1 = para dim for 1st function, etc |
function para_compose(pd1,pd2,f1,f2) |
return function (x,p) |
param_1 = p[1:pd1] |
param_2 = p[pd1+1:pd1+pd2] |
f2(f1(x,param_1),param_2) |
end |
end |
@instance SymmetricMonoidalCategory(EucSpc, ParaEucFun) begin |
dom(P::ParaEucFun) = EucSpc(P.domdim) |
codom(P::ParaEucFun) = EucSpc(P.coddim) |
id(x::EucSpc) = ParaEucFun(x.dim,x.dim,0,para_id) |
compose(f::ParaEucFun, g::ParaEucFun) = |
ParaEucFun(f.domdim, g.coddim, |
f.paramdim + g.paramdim, |
para_compose(f.paramdim,g.paramdim, f.operation,g.operation)) |
otimes(a::EucSpc,b::EucSpc) = EucSpc(a.dim + b.dim) |
function otimes(f::ParaEucFun, g::ParaEucFun) |
dd = f.domdim + g.domdim |
cd = f.coddim + g.coddim |
pd = f.paramdim + g.paramdim |
op = function(x,p) |
par1 = p[1:f.paramdim] |
par2 = p[f.paramdim+1:pd] |
x1 = x[1:f.domdim] |
x2 = x[f.domdim+1:dd] |
y1 = f.operation(par1,x1) |
y2 = g.operation(par2,x2) |
return vcat(y1,y2) |
end |
ParaEucFun(dd,cd,pd,op) |
end |
munit(::Type{EucSpc}) = EucSpc(0) |
function braid(a::EucSpc,b::EucSpc) |
dim = a.dim + b.dim |
op = function(x,p) |
x1 = x[1:a.dim] |
x2 = x[a.dim+1:dim] |
return vcat(x2,x1) |
end |
ParaEucFun(dim,dim,0,op) |
end |
end |
#In reality, to get a symmetric monoidal category, we consider equivalence |
#classes of parameterized functions up to reparameterization, etc etc |
#this is too much of a pain to deal with here |
#In practice this means that when you construct eg functors from wiring diagrams |
#into ParaEuc, the value of a wiring diagram may depend on the arbitrary choice |
#of how to break it up into tensors and compositions and so on. |
#(But all the possibilities will be equivalent up to reordering the parameters) |
##Using these to run things |
struct ParaEucModel |
domdim::Int |
coddim::Int |
paramdim::Int |
param::Vector{Float64} |
operation::Function |
end |
#Calling models |
(m::ParaEucModel)(x) = m.operation(x,m.param) |
#Adds functionality from the flux library |
#Only param is trainable (obviously) |
Flux.@functor ParaEucModel (param,) |
#Create a model with randomized initialization. |
function make_model(p::ParaEucFun) |
ParaEucModel(p.domdim, p.coddim, p.paramdim, |
rand(Float64, p.paramdim), p.operation) |
end |
#Training |
#Should be implemented more generally (other losses, optimizers, etc) |
#This is just a basic version for testing and to illustrate |
function train_model(m::ParaEucModel, data) |
loss(x,y) = Flux.Losses.mse(m(x),y) |
opt = Flux.Optimise.Descent() |
Flux.train!(loss,params(m),data,opt) |
end |
#Functional programmers beware! training is stateful! This mutates the model! |
sum = ParaEucFun(2,1,0,(x,p) -> [x[1] + x[2]]) |
scale = ParaEucFun(1,1,1, (x,p) -> x * p[1]) |
fun = compose(otimes(scale,scale),sum) |
m = make_model(fun) |
data = [([0,1],[0]),([0,0],[0]),([1,0],0),([1,1],[1])] |
train_model(m,data) |
This looks awesome! I think the coherence of the parameters might be solved by https://github.com/SciML/RecursiveArrayTools.jl/blob/master/src/array_partition.jl, which lets you build recursive arrays and then access them with sequential indexing as if it were a single 1D array.