// Fantasy Map Generator main script |
"use strict;" |
fantasyMap(); |
function fantasyMap() { |
// Declare variables |
var svg = d3.select("svg"), |
defs = svg.select("#deftemp"), |
viewbox = svg.append("g").attr("id", "viewbox").on("touchmove mousemove", moved).on("click", clicked), |
ocean = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "ocean"), |
oceanLayers = ocean.append("g").attr("id", "oceanLayers"), |
oceanPattern = ocean.append("g").attr("id", "oceanPattern"), |
landmass = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "landmass"), |
terrs = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "terrs"), |
grid = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "grid"), |
overlay = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "overlay"), |
cults = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "cults"), |
routes = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "routes"), |
roads = routes.append("g").attr("id", "roads"), |
trails = routes.append("g").attr("id", "trails"), |
rivers = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "rivers"), |
terrain = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "terrain"), |
regions = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "regions"), |
borders = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "borders"), |
stateBorders = borders.append("g").attr("id", "stateBorders"), |
neutralBorders = borders.append("g").attr("id", "neutralBorders"), |
coastline = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "coastline"), |
lakes = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "lakes"), |
searoutes = routes.append("g").attr("id", "searoutes"), |
labels = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "labels"), |
icons = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "icons"), |
burgs = icons.append("g").attr("id", "burgs"), |
ruler = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "ruler"), |
debug = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "debug"); |
// Declare styles |
landmass.attr("fill", "#eef6fb"); |
coastline.attr("opacity", .5).attr("stroke", "#1f3846").attr("stroke-width", .7).attr("filter", "url(#dropShadow)"); |
regions.attr("opacity", .55); |
stateBorders.attr("opacity", .8).attr("stroke", "#56566d").attr("stroke-width", .5).attr("stroke-dasharray", "1.2 1.5").attr("stroke-linecap", "butt"); |
neutralBorders.attr("opacity", .8).attr("stroke", "#56566d").attr("stroke-width", .3).attr("stroke-dasharray", "1 1.5").attr("stroke-linecap", "butt"); |
cults.attr("opacity", .6); |
rivers.attr("fill", "#5d97bb"); |
lakes.attr("fill", "#a6c1fd").attr("stroke", "#477794").attr("stroke-width", .3); |
burgs.attr("fill", "#ffffff").attr("stroke", "#3e3e4b"); |
roads.attr("opacity", .8).attr("stroke", "#d06324").attr("stroke-width", .4).attr("stroke-dasharray", "1 2").attr("stroke-linecap", "round"); |
trails.attr("opacity", .8).attr("stroke", "#d06324").attr("stroke-width", .1).attr("stroke-dasharray", ".5 1").attr("stroke-linecap", "round"); |
searoutes.attr("opacity", .8).attr("stroke", "#ffffff").attr("stroke-width", .2).attr("stroke-dasharray", "1 2").attr("stroke-linecap", "round"); |
grid.attr("stroke", "#808080").attr("stroke-width", .1); |
ruler.style("display", "none").attr("filter", "url(#dropShadow)"); |
overlay.attr("stroke", "#808080").attr("stroke-width", .5); |
// canvas |
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"), |
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); |
// Color schemes |
var color = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateSpectral), |
colors8 = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeSet2), |
colors20 = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20); |
// Version control |
var version = "0.54b"; |
document.title = document.title + " v. " + version; |
// Common variables |
var mapWidth = 960, mapHeight = 540; // default size |
var customization, history = [], historyStage = -1, elSelected, |
cells = [], land = [], riversData = [], manors = [], states = [], |
queue = [], chain = {}, island = 0, cultureTree, manorTree, shift = false, |
scalePos = [mapWidth - 10, mapHeight - 10]; |
// randomize options |
var graphSize = +sizeInput.value, |
manorsCount = manorsOutput.innerHTML = +manorsInput.value, |
capitalsCount = regionsOutput.innerHTML = +regionsInput.value, |
neutral = countriesNeutral.value = +neutralInput.value, |
swampiness = +swampinessInput.value, |
sharpness = +sharpnessInput.value, |
precipitation = +precInput.value; |
// Groups for labels |
var fonts = ["Amatic+SC:700", "Georgia", "Times New Roman", "Arial", "Comic Sans MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Verdana", "Courier New"], |
size = rn(10 - capitalsCount / 20), |
capitals = labels.append("g").attr("id", "capitals").attr("fill", "#3e3e4b").attr("opacity", 1).attr("font-family", "Amatic SC").attr("data-font", "Amatic+SC:700").attr("font-size", size).attr("data-size", size), |
towns = labels.append("g").attr("id", "towns").attr("fill", "#3e3e4b").attr("opacity", 1).attr("font-family", "Amatic SC").attr("data-font", "Amatic+SC:700").attr("font-size", 4).attr("data-size", 4), |
size = rn(18 - capitalsCount / 6), |
countries = labels.append("g").attr("id", "countries").attr("fill", "#3e3e4b").attr("opacity", 1).attr("font-family", "Amatic SC").attr("data-font", "Amatic+SC:700").attr("font-size", size).attr("data-size", size), |
addedLabels = labels.append("g").attr("id", "addedLabels").attr("fill", "#3e3e4b").attr("opacity", 1).attr("font-family", "Amatic SC").attr("data-font", "Amatic+SC:700").attr("font-size", 18).attr("data-size", 18); |
// append ocean pattern |
oceanPattern.append("rect").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0) |
.attr("width", mapWidth).attr("height", mapHeight).attr("class", "pattern") |
.attr("stroke", "none").attr("fill", "url(#oceanPattern)"); |
oceanLayers.append("rect").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0) |
.attr("width", mapWidth).attr("height", mapHeight).attr("id", "oceanBase").attr("fill", "#5167a9"); |
// D3 Line generator |
var scX = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, mapWidth]).range([0, mapWidth]), |
scY = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, mapHeight]).range([0, mapHeight]), |
lineGen = d3.line().x(function(d) {return scX(d.scX);}).y(function(d) {return scY(d.scY);}); |
// main data variables |
var voronoi = d3.voronoi().extent([[0, 0], [mapWidth, mapHeight]]); |
var diagram, polygons, points = [], sample; |
// D3 drag and zoom behavior |
var scale = 1, viewX = 0, viewY = 0; |
var zoom = d3.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 40]) // 40x is default max zoom |
.translateExtent([[0, 0], [mapWidth, mapHeight]]) // 0,0 as default extent |
.on("zoom", zoomed); |
svg.call(zoom); |
$("#optionsContainer").draggable({handle: ".drag-trigger", snap: "svg", snapMode: "both"}); |
$("#mapLayers").sortable({items: "li:not(.solid)", cancel: ".solid", update: moveLayer}); |
$("#templateBody").sortable({items: "div:not(div[data-type='Mountain'])"}); |
$("#mapLayers, #templateBody").disableSelection(); |
var drag = d3.drag() |
.container(function() {return this;}) |
.subject(function() {var p=[d3.event.x, d3.event.y]; return [p, p];}) |
.on("start", dragstarted); |
function zoomed() { |
var scaleDiff = Math.abs(scale - d3.event.transform.k); |
scale = d3.event.transform.k; |
viewX = d3.event.transform.x; |
viewY = d3.event.transform.y; |
viewbox.attr("transform", d3.event.transform); |
// rescale only if zoom is significally changed |
if (scaleDiff > 0.0001) { |
invokeActiveZooming(); |
drawScaleBar(); |
} |
} |
// Active zooming |
function invokeActiveZooming() { |
// toggle shade/blur filter on zoom |
var filter = scale > 2.6 ? "url(#blurFilter)" : "url(#dropShadow)"; |
if (scale > 1.5 && scale <= 2.6) {filter = null;} |
coastline.attr("filter", filter); |
// rescale lables on zoom (active zooming) |
labels.selectAll("g").each(function(d) { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var desired = +el.attr("data-size"); |
var relative = rn((desired + (desired / scale)) / 2, 2); |
el.attr("font-size", relative); |
var size = +el.attr("font-size"); |
if ($("#activeZooming").hasClass("icon-eye-off") && size * scale < 6) { |
el.classed("hidden", true); |
} else { |
el.classed("hidden", false) |
} |
}); |
if (ruler.size()) { |
if (ruler.style("display") !== "none") { |
if (ruler.selectAll("g").size() < 1) {return;} |
var factor = rn(1 / Math.pow(scale, 0.3), 1); |
ruler.selectAll("circle:not(.center)").attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor); |
ruler.selectAll("circle.center").attr("r", 1.2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.3 * factor); |
ruler.selectAll("text").attr("font-size", 10 * factor); |
ruler.selectAll("line, path").attr("stroke-width", factor); |
} |
} |
} |
// Manually update viewbox |
function zoomUpdate(duration) { |
var duration = duration || 0; |
var transform = d3.zoomIdentity.translate(viewX, viewY).scale(scale); |
svg.transition().duration(duration).call(zoom.transform, transform); |
} |
// Zoom to specific point (x,y - coods, z - scale, d - duration) |
function zoomTo(x, y, z, d) { |
var transform = d3.zoomIdentity.translate(x * -z + mapWidth / 2, y * -z + mapHeight / 2).scale(z); |
svg.transition().duration(d).call(zoom.transform, transform); |
} |
// Reset zoom to initial with some duration |
function resetZoom(duration) { |
svg.transition().duration(duration).call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity); |
} |
// Changelog dialog window |
var message = "This is an old version. Please consider using an actual version located "; |
message += "<a href='https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/' target='_blank'>here</a>"; |
alertMessage.innerHTML = message; |
$("#alert").dialog( |
{resizable: false, title: "Fantasy Map Generator v. " + version, width: 300, |
buttons: {Close: function() {$(this).dialog("close");}}, |
position: {my: "center", at: "center", of: "svg"} |
}); |
generate(); // genarate map on load |
invokeActiveZooming(); // to hide what need to be hidden |
function generate() { |
console.group("Random map"); |
console.time("TOTAL"); |
if (randomizeInput.value === "1") {randomizeOptions();} |
placePoints(); |
calculateVoronoi(points); |
detectNeighbors(); |
drawScaleBar(); |
defineHeightmap(); |
markFeatures(); |
drawOcean(); |
reGraph(); |
resolveDepressions(); |
flux(); |
drawRelief(); |
drawCoastline(); |
manorsAndRegions(); |
cleanData(); |
if (!$("#toggleHeight").hasClass("buttonoff") && !terrs.selectAll("path").size()) {toggleHeight();} |
console.timeEnd("TOTAL"); |
console.groupEnd("Random map"); |
} |
// randomize options if randomization is allowed in option |
function randomizeOptions() { |
regionsInput.value = 7 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); |
manorsInput.value = regionsInput.value * 27 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 300); |
manorsCount = manorsOutput.innerHTML = manorsInput.value; |
capitalsCount = regionsOutput.innerHTML = regionsInput.value; |
precInput.value = 10 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 15); |
precipitation = precOutput.value = +precInput.value; |
} |
// Locate points to calculate Voronoi diagram |
function placePoints() { |
console.time("placePoints"); |
points = []; |
var radius = 5.9 / graphSize; // 5.9 is a radius to get 8k cells |
var sampler = poissonDiscSampler(mapWidth, mapHeight, radius); |
while (sample = sampler()) { |
var x = rn(sample[0], 2); |
var y = rn(sample[1], 2); |
points.push([x, y]); |
} |
console.timeEnd("placePoints"); |
} |
// Calculate Voronoi Diagram |
function calculateVoronoi(points) { |
console.time("calculateVoronoi"); |
diagram = voronoi(points), |
polygons = diagram.polygons(); |
console.log(" cells: " + points.length); |
console.timeEnd("calculateVoronoi"); |
} |
// Get cell info on mouse move (useful for debugging) |
function moved() { |
var point = d3.mouse(this); |
var i = diagram.find(point[0], point[1]).index; |
if (i) { |
var p = cells[i]; // get cell |
$("#lx").text(rn(point[0])); |
$("#ly").text(rn(point[1])); |
$("#cell").text(i); |
$("#height").text(ifDefined(p.height, 2)); |
$("#feature").text(ifDefined(p.feature) + "" + ifDefined(p.featureNumber)); // to support v. >0.54b |
$("#feature").text(ifDefined(p.f) + "" + ifDefined(p.fn)); |
} |
// draw line for Customization range placing |
icons.selectAll(".line").remove(); |
if (customization === 1 && icons.selectAll(".tag").size() === 1) { |
var x = +icons.select(".tag").attr("cx"); |
var y = +icons.select(".tag").attr("cy"); |
icons.insert("line", ":first-child").attr("class", "line").attr("x1", x).attr("y1", y).attr("x2", point[0]).attr("y2", point[1]); |
} |
// draw circle to show brush radius for Customization |
var circle = icons.selectAll(".circle"); |
var brush = $("#brushesButtons .pressed"); |
if (customization === 1 || customization === 2) { |
if (customization === 1 && (brush.length === 0 || brush.hasClass("feature"))) {circle.remove(); return;} |
if (customization === 2 && $("div.selected").length === 0) {circle.remove(); return;} |
var radius = customization === 1 ? brushRadius.value : countriesManuallyBrush.value; |
var r = rn(6 / graphSize * radius, 1); |
if (circle.size() > 0) {circle.attr("r", r).attr("cx", point[0]).attr("cy", point[1]);} |
else {icons.insert("circle", ":first-child").attr("class", "circle").attr("r", r).attr("cx", point[0]).attr("cy", point[1]);} |
} else {circle.remove();} |
} |
// return value (e) if defined with specified number of decimals (f) |
function ifDefined(e, f) { |
if (e == undefined) {return "no";} |
if (f) {return e.toFixed(f);} |
return e; |
} |
// Drag actions |
function dragstarted() { |
var x0 = d3.event.x, y0 = d3.event.y, |
c0 = diagram.find(x0, y0).index, c1 = c0; |
var x1, y1; |
var opisometer = $("#addOpisometer").hasClass("pressed"); |
var planimeter = $("#addPlanimeter").hasClass("pressed"); |
var factor = rn(1 / Math.pow(scale, 0.3), 1); |
if (opisometer || planimeter) { |
$("#ruler").show(); |
var type = opisometer ? "opisometer" : "planimeter"; |
var rulerNew = ruler.append("g").attr("class", type).call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
var points = [{scX: rn(x0, 2), scY: rn(y0, 2)}]; |
if (opisometer) { |
var title = |
`Opisometer is an instrument for measuring the lengths of arbitrary curved lines. |
One dash shows 30 km (18.6 mi), approximate distance of a daily loaded march. |
Click on the label to remove the ruler from the map`; |
rulerNew.append("title").text(title); |
var curve = rulerNew.append("path").attr("class", "opisometer white").attr("stroke-width", factor); |
var dash = rn(30 / distanceScale.value, 2); |
var curveGray = rulerNew.append("path").attr("class", "opisometer gray").attr("stroke-dasharray", dash).attr("stroke-width", factor); |
} else { |
var title = |
`Planimeter is an instrument to determine the area of a two-dimensional shape. |
Click on the label to remove the ruler from the map`; |
rulerNew.append("title").text(title); |
var curve = rulerNew.append("path").attr("class", "planimeter").attr("stroke-width", factor); |
} |
var text = rulerNew.append("text").attr("dy", -1).attr("font-size", 10 * factor); |
} |
d3.event.on("drag", function() { |
x1 = d3.event.x, y1 = d3.event.y; |
var c2 = diagram.find(x1, y1).index; |
// Heightmap customization |
if (customization === 1) { |
if (c2 !== c1) { |
c1 = c2; |
var brush = $("#brushesButtons .pressed").attr("id"); |
var power = +brushPower.value; |
if (brush === "brushHill") {add(c2, "hill", power);} |
if (brush === "brushPit") {addPit(1, power, c2);} |
if (!$("#brushesButtons .pressed").hasClass("feature")) { |
// move a circle to show actual change radius |
var radius = +brushRadius.value; |
var r = rn(6 / graphSize * radius, 1); |
var circle = icons.selectAll(".circle"); |
if (circle.size() > 0) {circle.attr("r", r).attr("cx", x1).attr("cy", y1);} |
else {icons.insert("circle", ":first-child").attr("class", "circle").attr("r", r).attr("cx", x1).attr("cy", y1);} |
updateCellsInRadius(c2, c0); |
} |
} |
mockHeightmap(); |
} |
// Countries customization |
if (customization === 2 && $("div.selected").length) { |
// move a circle to show actual change radius |
var radius = +countriesManuallyBrush.value; |
var r = rn(6 / graphSize * radius, 1); |
var circle = icons.selectAll(".circle"); |
if (circle.size() > 0) {circle.attr("r", r).attr("cx", x1).attr("cy", y1);} |
else {icons.insert("circle", ":first-child").attr("class", "circle").attr("r", r).attr("cx", x1).attr("cy", y1);} |
// define selection based on radius |
var selection = [c2]; |
while (radius > 1) { |
var frontier = selection.slice(); |
frontier.map(function(s) { |
cells[s].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (selection.indexOf(e) === -1) {selection.push(e);} |
}); |
}); |
radius--; |
} |
// change region within selection |
selection.map(function(c2) { |
if (cells[c2].height >= 0.2 && c2 !== c0) { |
var exists = regions.select("#temp").select("path[data-cell='"+c2+"']"); |
if (exists.size()) {exists.remove();} |
var stateNew = +$("div.selected").attr("id").slice(5); // state |
if (states[stateNew].color === "neutral") {stateNew = "neutral";} |
var stateOld = cells[c2].region; |
if (stateNew !== stateOld) { |
var color = stateNew !== "neutral" ? states[stateNew].color : "white"; |
if (stateOld !== "neutral") { |
if (cells[c2].manor !== states[stateOld].capital) { |
regions.select("#temp").append("path") |
.attr("data-cell", c2).attr("data-state", stateNew) |
.attr("d", "M" + polygons[c2].join("L") + "Z") |
.attr("fill", color).attr("stroke", color); |
} |
} else { |
regions.select("#temp").append("path") |
.attr("data-cell", c2).attr("data-state", stateNew) |
.attr("d", "M" + polygons[c2].join("L") + "Z") |
.attr("fill", color).attr("stroke", color); |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
if (opisometer || planimeter) { |
var l = points[points.length - 1]; |
var diff = Math.hypot(l.scX - x1, l.scY - y1); |
if (diff > 5) {points.push({scX: x1, scY: y1});} |
if (opisometer) { |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveBasis); |
var d = round(lineGen(points)); |
curve.attr("d", d); |
curveGray.attr("d", d); |
var dist = rn(curve.node().getTotalLength()); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
text.attr("x", x1).attr("y", y1 - 10).text(label); |
} else { |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveBasisClosed); |
var d = round(lineGen(points)); |
curve.attr("d", d); |
} |
} |
}); |
d3.event.on("end", function() { |
if (opisometer || planimeter) { |
$("#addOpisometer, #addPlanimeter").removeClass("pressed"); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default").on(".drag", null); |
if (opisometer) { |
var dist = rn(curve.node().getTotalLength()); |
var c = curve.node().getPointAtLength(dist / 2); |
var p = curve.node().getPointAtLength((dist / 2) - 1); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
var atan = p.x > c.x ? Math.atan2(p.y - c.y, p.x - c.x) : Math.atan2(c.y - p.y, c.x - p.x); |
var angle = rn(atan * 180 / Math.PI, 3); |
var tr = "rotate(" + angle + " " + c.x + " " + c.y +")"; |
text.attr("data-points", JSON.stringify(points)).attr("data-dist", dist).attr("x", c.x).attr("y", c.y).attr("transform", tr).text(label).on("click", removeParent); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("cx", points[0].scX).attr("cy", points[0].scY).attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor) |
.attr("data-edge", "start").call(d3.drag().on("start", opisometerEdgeDrag)); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("cx", points[points.length - 1].scX).attr("cy", points[points.length - 1].scY).attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor) |
.attr("data-edge", "end").call(d3.drag().on("start", opisometerEdgeDrag)); |
} else { |
var vertices = points.map(function(p) {return [p.scX, p.scY]}); |
var area = rn(Math.abs(d3.polygonArea(vertices))); // initial area as positive integer |
var areaConv = area * Math.pow(distanceScale.value, 2); // convert area to distanceScale |
areaConv = si(areaConv); |
if (areaUnit.value === "square") {areaConv += " " + distanceUnit.value + "²"} else {areaConv += " " + areaUnit.value;} |
var c = polylabel([vertices], 1.0); // pole of inaccessibility |
text.attr("x", rn(c[0], 2)).attr("y", rn(c[1], 2)).attr("data-area", area).text(areaConv).on("click", removeParent); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
// remove parent element (usually if child is clicked) |
function removeParent() { |
$(this.parentNode).remove(); |
} |
// update cells in radius if non-feature brush selected on both single click and drag |
function updateCellsInRadius(cell, source) { |
var power = +brushPower.value; |
var radius = +brushRadius.value; |
var brush = $("#brushesButtons .pressed").attr("id"); |
if ($("#brushesButtons .pressed").hasClass("feature")) {return;} |
// define selection besed on radius |
var selection = [cell]; |
while (radius > 1) { |
var frontier = selection.slice(); |
frontier.map(function(s) { |
cells[s].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (selection.indexOf(e) === -1) {selection.push(e);} |
}); |
}); |
radius--; |
} |
// change each cell in the selection |
var sourceHeight = cells[source].height; |
selection.map(function(s) { |
if (brush === "brushElevate") { |
if (cells[s].height < 0.2) {cells[s].height = 0.2} |
else {cells[s].height += power;} |
} |
if (brush === "brushDepress") {cells[s].height -= power;} |
if (brush === "brushAlign") {cells[s].height = sourceHeight;} |
if (brush === "brushSmooth") { |
var heights = [cells[s].height]; |
cells[s].neighbors.forEach(function(e) {heights.push(cells[e].height);}); |
cells[s].height = (cells[s].height + d3.mean(heights)) / 2; |
} |
}); |
} |
// turn D3 polygons array into cell array, define neighbors for each cell |
function detectNeighbors(withGrid) { |
console.time("detectNeighbors"); |
var gridPath = ""; // store grid as huge single path string |
cells = []; |
polygons.map(function(i, d) { |
var neighbors = []; |
var ctype; // define cell type, -99 for map borders |
if (withGrid) {gridPath += "M" + i.join("L") + "Z";} // grid path |
diagram.cells[d].halfedges.forEach(function(e) { |
var edge = diagram.edges[e], ea; |
if (edge.left && edge.right) { |
ea = edge.left.index; |
if (ea === d) {ea = edge.right.index;} |
neighbors.push(ea); |
} else { |
if (edge.left) {ea = edge.left.index;} else {ea = edge.right.index;} |
ctype = -99; // polygon is on border if it has edge without opposite side polygon |
} |
}) |
cells.push({index: d, data: i.data, height: 0, ctype, neighbors}); |
}); |
if (withGrid) {grid.append("path").attr("d", round(gridPath, 1));} |
console.timeEnd("detectNeighbors"); |
} |
// Generate Heigtmap routine |
function defineHeightmap() { |
console.time('defineHeightmap'); |
var mapTemplate = templateInput.value; |
if (mapTemplate === "Random") { |
var rnd = Math.random(); |
if (rnd > 0.9) {mapTemplate = "Volcano";} |
if (rnd > 0.8 && rnd <= 0.9) {mapTemplate = "High Island";} |
if (rnd > 0.6 && rnd <= 0.8) {mapTemplate = "Low Island";} |
if (rnd > 0.35 && rnd <= 0.6) {mapTemplate = "Continents";} |
if (rnd > 0.01 && rnd <= 0.35) {mapTemplate = "Archipelago";} |
if (rnd <= 0.01) {mapTemplate = "Atoll";} |
} |
addMountain(); |
if (mapTemplate === "Volcano") {templateVolcano();} |
if (mapTemplate === "High Island") {templateHighIsland();} |
if (mapTemplate === "Low Island") {templateLowIsland();} |
if (mapTemplate === "Continents") {templateContinents();} |
if (mapTemplate === "Archipelago") {templateArchipelago();} |
if (mapTemplate === "Atoll") {templateAtoll();} |
console.log(mapTemplate + " template is applied"); |
console.timeEnd('defineHeightmap'); |
} |
// Heighmap Template: Volcano |
function templateVolcano() { |
modifyHeights("all", 0.05, 1.1); |
addHill(5, 0.4); |
addHill(2, 0.15); |
addRange(3); |
addRange(-3); |
} |
// Heighmap Template: High Island |
function templateHighIsland() { |
modifyHeights("all", 0.05, 0.9); |
addRange(4); |
addHill(12, 0.25); |
addRange(-3); |
modifyHeights("land", 0, 0.75); |
addHill(3, 0.15); |
} |
// Heighmap Template: Low Island |
function templateLowIsland() { |
smoothHeights(2); |
addRange(1); |
addHill(4, 0.4); |
addHill(12, 0.2); |
addRange(-8); |
modifyHeights("land", 0, 0.35); |
} |
// Heighmap Template: Continents |
function templateContinents() { |
addHill(24, 0.25); |
addRange(4); |
addHill(3, 0.18); |
modifyHeights("land", 0, 0.7); |
var count = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6 + 2); |
addStrait(count); |
smoothHeights(2); |
addPit(7); |
addRange(-8); |
modifyHeights("land", 0, 0.8); |
modifyHeights("all", 0.02, 1); |
} |
// Heighmap Template: Archipelago |
function templateArchipelago() { |
modifyHeights("land", -0.2, 1); |
addHill(14, 0.17); |
addRange(5); |
var count = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2 + 2); |
addStrait(count); |
addRange(-12); |
addPit(8); |
modifyHeights("land", -0.05, 0.7); |
smoothHeights(4); |
} |
// Heighmap Template: Atoll |
function templateAtoll() { |
addHill(2, 0.35); |
addRange(2); |
modifyHeights("all", 0.07, 1); |
smoothHeights(1); |
modifyHeights("0.27-10", 0, 0.1); |
} |
function addMountain() { |
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * mapWidth / 3 + mapWidth / 3); |
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * mapHeight * 0.2 + mapHeight * 0.4); |
var rnd = diagram.find(x, y).index; |
var height = Math.random() * 0.1 + 0.9; |
add(rnd, "mountain", height); |
} |
function addHill(count, shift) { |
// shift from 0 to 0.5 |
for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { |
var limit = 0; |
do { |
var height = Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.1; |
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * mapWidth * (1-shift*2) + mapWidth * shift); |
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * mapHeight * (1-shift*2) + mapHeight * shift); |
var rnd = diagram.find(x, y).index; |
limit ++; |
} while (cells[rnd].height + height > 0.9 && limit < 100) |
add(rnd, "hill", height); |
} |
} |
function add(start, type, height) { |
var session = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000); |
var sharpness = 0.2; |
var radius, hRadius, mRadius; |
switch (+graphSize) { |
case 1: hRadius = 0.991; mRadius = 0.91; break; |
case 2: hRadius = 0.9967; mRadius = 0.951; break; |
case 3: hRadius = 0.999; mRadius = 0.975; break; |
case 4: hRadius = 0.9994; mRadius = 0.98; break; |
} |
radius = type === "mountain" ? mRadius : hRadius; |
var queue = [start]; |
cells[start].height += height; |
for (i = 0; i < queue.length && height >= 0.01; i++) { |
if (type == "mountain") { |
height = +cells[queue[i]].height * radius - height / 100; |
} else { |
height *= radius; |
} |
cells[queue[i]].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].used === session) {return;} |
var mod = Math.random() * sharpness + 1.1 - sharpness; |
if (sharpness == 0) {mod = 1;} |
cells[e].height += height * mod; |
if (cells[e].height > 1) {cells[e].height = 1;} |
cells[e].used = session; |
queue.push(e); |
}); |
} |
} |
function addRange(mod, height, from, to) { |
var session = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000); |
var count = Math.abs(mod); |
for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { |
var diff = 0, start = from, end = to; |
if (!start || !end) { |
do { |
var xf = Math.floor(Math.random() * (mapWidth*0.7)) + mapWidth*0.15; |
var yf = Math.floor(Math.random() * (mapHeight*0.6)) + mapHeight*0.2; |
start = diagram.find(xf, yf).index; |
var xt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (mapWidth*0.7)) + mapWidth*0.15; |
var yt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (mapHeight*0.6)) + mapHeight*0.2; |
end = diagram.find(xt, yt).index; |
diff = Math.hypot(xt - xf, yt - yf); |
} while (diff < 150 / graphSize || diff > 300 / graphSize) |
} |
var range = []; |
if (start && end) { |
for (var l = 0; start != end && l < 10000; l++) { |
var min = 10000; |
cells[start].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
diff = Math.hypot(cells[end].data[0] - cells[e].data[0], cells[end].data[1] - cells[e].data[1]); |
if (Math.random() > 0.8) {diff = diff / 2} |
if (diff < min) {min = diff, start = e;} |
}); |
range.push(start); |
} |
} |
var change = height ? height : Math.random() * 0.1 + 0.1; |
range.map(function(r) { |
var rnd = Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.8; |
if (mod > 0) {cells[r].height += change * rnd;} |
else if (cells[r].height >= 0.1) {cells[r].height -= change * rnd;} |
cells[r].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].used === session) {return;} |
cells[e].used = session; |
rnd = Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.8; |
if (mod > 0) { |
cells[e].height += change / 2 * rnd; |
} else if (cells[e].height >= 0.1) { |
cells[e].height -= change / 2 * rnd; |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
} |
function addStrait(width) { |
var session = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000); |
var top = Math.floor(Math.random() * mapWidth * 0.35 + mapWidth * 0.3); |
var bottom = Math.floor((mapWidth - top) - (mapWidth * 0.1) + (Math.random() * mapWidth * 0.2)); |
var start = diagram.find(top, mapHeight * 0.2).index; |
var end = diagram.find(bottom, mapHeight * 0.8).index; |
var range = []; |
for (var l = 0; start !== end && l < 1000; l++) { |
var min = 10000; // dummy value |
cells[start].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
diff = Math.hypot(cells[end].data[0] - cells[e].data[0], cells[end].data[1] - cells[e].data[1]); |
if (Math.random() > 0.8) {diff = diff / 2} |
if (diff < min) {min = diff; start = e;} |
}); |
range.push(start); |
} |
var query = []; |
for (; width > 0; width--) { |
range.map(function(r) { |
cells[r].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].used === session) {return;} |
cells[e].used = session; |
query.push(e); |
var height = cells[e].height * 0.23; |
cells[e].height = rn(height, 2); |
}); |
range = query.slice(); |
}); |
} |
} |
function addPit(count, height, cell) { |
var session = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000); |
for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { |
var change = height ? height + 0.1 : Math.random() * 0.1 + 0.2; |
var start = cell; |
if (!start) { |
var lowlands = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.height >= 0.2);}); |
if (lowlands.length == 0) {return;} |
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * lowlands.length); |
start = lowlands[rnd].index; |
} |
var query = [start], newQuery= []; |
// depress pit center |
cells[start].height -= change; |
if (cells[start].height < 0.05) {cells[start].height = 0.05;} |
cells[start].used = session; |
for (var i = 1; i < 10000; i++) { |
var rnd = Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.8; |
change -= i / 60 * rnd; |
if (change < 0.01) {return;} |
query.map(function(p) { |
cells[p].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].used === session) {return;} |
cells[e].used = session; |
if (Math.random() > 0.8) {return;} |
newQuery.push(e); |
cells[e].height -= change; |
if (cells[e].height < 0.05) {cells[e].height = 0.05;} |
}); |
}); |
query = newQuery.slice(); |
newQuery = []; |
} |
} |
} |
// Modify heights multiplying/adding by value |
function modifyHeights(type, add, mult) { |
cells.map(function(i) { |
if (type === "land") { |
if (i.height >= 0.2) { |
i.height += add; |
var dif = i.height - 0.2; |
var factor = mult; |
if (mult == "^2") {factor = dif} |
if (mult == "^3") {factor = dif * dif;} |
i.height = 0.2 + dif * factor; |
} |
} else if (type === "all") { |
if (i.height > 0) { |
i.height += add; |
i.height *= mult; |
} |
} else { |
var interval = type.split("-"); |
if (i.height >= +interval[0] && i.height <= +interval[1]) { |
i.height += add; |
if ($.isNumeric(mult)) {i.height *= mult; return;} |
if (mult.slice(0,1) === "^") { |
pow = mult.slice(1); |
i.height = Math.pow(i.height, pow); |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
// Smooth heights using mean of neighbors |
function smoothHeights(fraction) { |
var fraction = fraction || 2; |
cells.map(function(i) { |
var heights = [i.height]; |
i.neighbors.forEach(function(e) {heights.push(cells[e].height);}); |
i.height = (i.height * (fraction - 1) + d3.mean(heights)) / fraction; |
}); |
} |
// Randomize heights a bit |
function disruptHeights() { |
cells.map(function(i) { |
if (i.height < 0.18) {return;} |
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {return;} |
var rnd = rn(2 - Math.random() * 4) / 100; |
i.height = rn(i.height + rnd, 2); |
}); |
} |
// Mark features (ocean, lakes, islands) |
function markFeatures() { |
console.time("markFeatures"); |
var queue = [], lake = 0, number = 0, type, greater = 0, less = 0; |
// ensure all border cells are ocean |
cells.map(function(l) { |
if (l.ctype === -99) {l.height = 0;} |
else {l.height = rn(l.height, 2);} |
}); |
// start with top left corner to define Ocean first |
var start = diagram.find(0, 0).index; |
var unmarked = [cells[start]]; |
while (unmarked.length > 0) { |
if (unmarked[0].height >= 0.2) { |
type = "Island"; |
number = island; |
island += 1; |
greater = 0.2; |
less = 100; // just to omit exclusion |
} else { |
type = "Lake"; |
number = lake; |
lake += 1; |
greater = -100; // just to omit exclusion |
less = 0.2; |
} |
if (type === "Lake" && number === 0) {type = "Ocean";} |
start = unmarked[0].index; |
queue.push(start); |
cells[start].f = type; |
cells[start].fn = number; |
while (queue.length > 0) { |
var i = queue[0]; |
queue.shift(); |
cells[i].neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (!cells[e].f && cells[e].height >= greater && cells[e].height < less) { |
cells[e].f = type; |
cells[e].fn = number; |
queue.push(e); |
} |
if (type === "Island" && cells[e].height < 0.2) { |
cells[i].ctype = 2; |
cells[e].ctype = -1; |
if (cells[e].f === "Ocean") { |
// check if ocean coast is good harbor |
if (cells[i].harbor) { |
cells[i].harbor += 1; |
} else { |
cells[i].harbor = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
unmarked = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (!e.f);}); |
} |
console.log(" islands: " + island); |
console.timeEnd("markFeatures"); |
} |
function drawOcean() { |
console.time("drawOcean"); |
var limits = [], odd = 0.8; // initial odd for ocean layer is 80% |
// Define type of ocean cells based on cell distance form land |
var frontier = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.ctype === -1 && e.f === "Ocean");}); |
if (Math.random() < odd) {limits.push(-1); odd = 0.3;} |
for (var c = -2; frontier.length > 0 && c > -10; c--) { |
if (Math.random() < odd) {limits.unshift(c); odd = 0.3;} else {odd += 0.2;} |
frontier.map(function(i) { |
i.neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (!cells[e].ctype) {cells[e].ctype = c;} |
}); |
}); |
frontier = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.ctype === c);}); |
} |
if (outlineLayers.value !== "random") {limits = outlineLayers.value.split(",");} |
// Define area edges |
for (var c = 0; c < limits.length; c++) { |
var edges = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { |
if (cells[i].f === "Ocean" && cells[i].ctype >= limits[c]) { |
var cell = diagram.cells[i]; |
cell.halfedges.forEach(function(e) { |
var edge = diagram.edges[e]; |
if (edge.left && edge.right) { |
var ea = edge.left.index; |
if (ea === i) {ea = edge.right.index;} |
var ctype = cells[ea].ctype; |
if (ctype < limits[c] || ctype == undefined) { |
var start = edge[0].join(" "); |
var end = edge[1].join(" "); |
edges.push({start, end}); |
} |
} else { |
var start = edge[0].join(" "); |
var end = edge[1].join(" "); |
edges.push({start, end}); |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveBasisClosed); |
var relax = 0.8 - c / 10; |
if (relax < 0.2) {relax = 0.2}; |
var line = getContinuousLine(edges, 0, relax); |
oceanLayers.append("path").attr("d", line).attr("fill", "#ecf2f9").style("opacity", 0.4 / limits.length); |
} |
console.timeEnd("drawOcean"); |
} |
// recalculate Voronoi Graph to pack cells |
function reGraph() { |
console.time("reGraph"); |
var tempCells = [], newPoints = []; // to store new data |
land = [], polygons= []; // clear old data |
// get average precipitation based on graph size |
var avPrec = rn(precipitation / Math.sqrt(cells.length), 2); |
cells.map(function(i) { |
var height = Math.trunc(i.height * 100) / 100; |
var ctype = i.ctype; |
if (ctype !== -1 && ctype !== -2 && height < 0.2) {return;} |
var x = rn(i.data[0], 1); |
var y = rn(i.data[1], 1); |
var f = i.f; |
var fn = i.fn; |
var harbor = i.harbor; |
var copy = $.grep(newPoints, function(e) {return (e[0] == x && e[1] == y);}); |
if (!copy.length) { |
newPoints.push([x, y]); |
tempCells.push({index:tempCells.length, data:[x, y], height, ctype, f, fn, harbor}); |
} |
// add additional points for cells along coast |
if (ctype === 2 || ctype === -1) { |
i.neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].ctype === ctype) { |
var x1 = (x * 2 + cells[e].data[0]) / 3; |
var y1 = (y * 2 + cells[e].data[1]) / 3; |
x1 = rn(x1, 1), y1 = rn(y1, 1); |
copy = $.grep(newPoints, function(e) {return (e[0] === x1 && e[1] === y1);}); |
if (!copy.length) { |
newPoints.push([x1, y1]); |
tempCells.push({index:tempCells.length, data:[x1, y1], height, ctype, f, fn, harbor}); |
} |
}; |
}); |
} |
}); |
cells = tempCells; // use tempCells as the only cells array |
calculateVoronoi(newPoints); // recalculate Voronoi diagram using new points |
var gridPath = ""; // store grid as huge single path string |
cells.map(function(i, d) { |
if (i.height >= 0.2) {gridPath += round("M" + polygons[d].join("L") + "Z", 1);} |
var neighbors = []; // re-detect neighbors |
diagram.cells[d].halfedges.forEach(function(e) { |
var edge = diagram.edges[e], ea; |
if (!edge.left || !edge.right) {return;} |
ea = edge.left.index; |
if (ea === d) {ea = edge.right.index;} |
neighbors.push(ea); |
if (i.height >= 0.2 && cells[ea].height < 0.2) { |
if (i.ctype === 1) {return;} // coastal point already defined |
i.ctype = 1; // mark coastal land cells |
// move cell point closer to coast |
var x = (i.data[0] + cells[ea].data[0]) / 2; |
var y = (i.data[1] + cells[ea].data[1]) / 2; |
if (cells[ea].f === "Lake") { |
i.data[0] = rn(x + (i.data[0] - x) * 0.22, 1); |
i.data[1] = rn(y + (i.data[1] - y) * 0.22, 1); |
} else { |
i.haven = ea; // harbor haven (oposite ocean cell) |
i.coastX = rn(x + (i.data[0] - x) * 0.12, 1); |
i.coastY = rn(y + (i.data[1] - y) * 0.12, 1); |
i.data[0] = rn(x + (i.data[0] - x) * 0.4, 1); |
i.data[1] = rn(y + (i.data[1] - y) * 0.4, 1); |
} |
} |
}) |
i.neighbors = neighbors; |
if (i.haven === undefined) {delete i.harbor;} |
i.flux = avPrec; |
}); |
grid.append("path").attr("d", gridPath); |
land = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.height >= 0.2);}); |
land.sort(function(a, b) {return b.height - a.height;}); |
console.timeEnd("reGraph"); |
} |
// Draw temp Heightmap for Customization |
function mockHeightmap(log) { |
$("#landmass").empty(); |
var heights = []; |
var landCells = 0; |
cells.map(function(i) { |
if (i.height > 1) {i.height = 1;} |
if (i.height < 0) {i.height = 0;} |
if (i.height >= 0.2) { |
landCells++; |
landmass.append("path") |
.attr("d", "M" + polygons[i.index].join("L") + "Z") |
.attr("fill", color(1 - i.height)) |
.attr("stroke", color(1 - i.height)); |
} |
heights.push(i.height); |
}); |
// update history |
if (log !== "nolog") { |
history = history.slice(0, historyStage); |
history[historyStage] = heights; |
historyStage += 1; |
} |
redo.disabled = true; |
undo.disabled = true; |
if (historyStage < history.length - 1) {redo.disabled = false;} |
if (historyStage > 0) {undo.disabled = false;} |
var elevationAverage = rn(d3.mean(heights), 2); |
var landRatio = rn(landCells / cells.length * 100); |
landmassCounter.innerHTML = landCells + " (" + landRatio + "%); Average Elevation: " + elevationAverage; |
if (landCells > 100) { |
$("#getMap").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("buttonoff"); |
} else { |
$("#getMap").attr("disabled", true).addClass("buttonoff"); |
} |
// if perspective is displayed, update it |
if ($("#perspectivePanel").is(":visible")) {drawPerspective();} |
} |
// restoreHistory |
function restoreHistory(step) { |
historyStage = step; |
var heights = history[historyStage]; |
if (heights === undefined) {return;} |
cells.map(function(i, d) { |
i.height = heights[d]; |
}); |
mockHeightmap("nolog"); |
} |
// Detect and draw the coasline |
function drawCoastline() { |
console.time('drawCoastline'); |
getCurveType(); |
var oceanCoastline = "", lakeCoastline = ""; |
$("#landmass").empty(); |
var minX = mapWidth, maxX = 0; // extreme points |
var minXedge, maxXedge; // extreme edges |
for (var isle = 0; isle < island; isle++) { |
var coastal = $.grep(land, function(e) {return (e.ctype === 1 && e.fn === isle);}); |
if (!coastal.length) {continue;} |
var oceanEdges = [], lakeEdges = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < coastal.length; i++) { |
var id = coastal[i].index, cell = diagram.cells[id]; |
cell.halfedges.forEach(function(e) { |
var edge = diagram.edges[e]; |
if (edge.left && edge.right) { |
var ea = edge.left.index; |
if (ea === id) {ea = edge.right.index;} |
if (cells[ea].height < 0.2) { |
var start = edge[0].join(" "); |
var end = edge[1].join(" "); |
if (cells[ea].fn === "Lake") { |
lakeEdges.push({start, end}); |
} else { |
// island extreme points |
if (edge[0][0] < minX) {minX = edge[0][0]; minXedge = edge[0]} |
if (edge[1][0] < minX) {minX = edge[1][0]; minXedge = edge[1]} |
if (edge[0][0] > maxX) {maxX = edge[0][0]; maxXedge = edge[0]} |
if (edge[1][0] > maxX) {maxX = edge[1][0]; maxXedge = edge[1]} |
oceanEdges.push({start, end}); |
} |
} |
} |
}) |
} |
oceanCoastline += getContinuousLine(oceanEdges, 1.5, 0); |
if (lakeEdges.length > 0) {lakeCoastline += getContinuousLine(lakeEdges, 1.5, 0);} |
} |
d3.select("#shape").append("path").attr("d", oceanCoastline).attr("fill", "white"); // draw the clippath |
landmass.append("path").attr("d", oceanCoastline); // draw the landmass |
coastline.append("path").attr("d", oceanCoastline); // draw the coastline |
lakes.append("path").attr("d", lakeCoastline); // draw the lakes |
drawDefaultRuler(minXedge, maxXedge); |
console.timeEnd('drawCoastline'); |
} |
// draw default scale bar |
function drawScaleBar() { |
if ($("#scaleBar").hasClass("hidden")) {return;} // no need to re-draw hidden element |
svg.select("#scaleBar").remove(); // fully redraw every time |
var title = |
`Map scale defines ratio between distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground. |
Click to edit the map scale, drag to move the bar`; |
// get size |
var size = +barSize.value; |
var dScale = distanceScale.value; |
var unit = distanceUnit.value; |
var scaleBar = svg.append("g").attr("id", "scaleBar").on("click", editScale).call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
scaleBar.append("title").text(title); |
const init = 100; // actual length in pixels if scale, dScale and size = 1; |
let val = init * size * dScale / scale; // bar length in distance unit |
if (val > 900) {val = rn(val, -3);} // round to 1000 |
else if (val > 90) {val = rn(val, -2);} // round to 100 |
else if (val > 9) {val = rn(val, -1);} // round to 10 |
else {val = rn(val)} // round to 1 |
const l = val * scale / dScale; // actual length in pixels on this scale |
var x = 0, y = 0; // initial position |
scaleBar.append("line").attr("x1", x+0.5).attr("y1", y).attr("x2", x+l+size-0.5).attr("y2", y).attr("stroke-width", size).attr("stroke", "white"); |
scaleBar.append("line").attr("x1", x).attr("y1", y + size).attr("x2", x+l+size).attr("y2", y + size).attr("stroke-width", size).attr("stroke", "#3d3d3d"); |
var stepB = size + " " + rn(l / 5 - size, 2) + " ", stepS = size + " " + rn(l / 25 - size, 2) + " "; |
var dash = stepS + stepS + stepS + stepS + stepS + stepB + stepB + stepB + stepB; |
scaleBar.append("line").attr("x1", x).attr("y1", y).attr("x2", x+l+size).attr("y2", y) |
.attr("stroke-width", rn(size * 3, 2)).attr("stroke-dasharray", dash).attr("stroke", "#3d3d3d");; |
// small scale |
for (var s = 1; s < 5; s++) { |
var value = rn(s * l / 25, 2); |
var label = rn(value * dScale / scale); |
if (label < s) {continue;} |
if (s > 1 && (l * dScale / 25) >= 100) {continue;} |
if (s > 2 && label >= 100) {continue;} |
if (s === 4 && label >= l / 10) {continue;} |
scaleBar.append("text").attr("x", x + value).attr("y", y - 2 * size).attr("font-size", rn(2.6 * size, 1)).text(label); |
} |
// big scale |
for (var b = 0; b < 6; b++) { |
var value = rn(b * l / 5, 2); |
var label = rn(value * dScale / scale); |
if (b === 5) { |
scaleBar.append("text").attr("x", x + value).attr("y", y - 2 * size).attr("font-size", rn(5 * size, 1)).text(label + " " + unit); |
} else { |
scaleBar.append("text").attr("x", x + value).attr("y", y - 2 * size).attr("font-size", rn(5 * size, 1)).text(label); |
} |
} |
label = `One pixel equals ${dScale} ${unit}`; |
scaleBar.append("text").attr("x", x + (l+1) / 2).attr("y", y + 2 * size).attr("dominant-baseline", "text-before-edge").attr("font-size", rn(7 * size, 1)).text(label); |
// move scaleBar to desired bottom-right point |
var bbox = scaleBar.node().getBBox(); |
var tr = [scalePos[0] - bbox.width, scalePos[1] - bbox.height]; |
scaleBar.attr("transform", "translate(" + rn(tr[0]) + "," + rn(tr[1]) + ")"); |
} |
// draw default ruler measiring land x-axis edges |
function drawDefaultRuler(minXedge, maxXedge) { |
var title = |
`Ruler is an instrument for measuring thelinear lengths. |
One dash shows 30 km (18.6 mi), approximate distance of a daily loaded march. |
Drag edge circles to move the ruler, center circle to split the ruler into 2 parts. |
Click on the ruler label to remove the ruler from the map`; |
var rulerNew = ruler.append("g").attr("class", "linear").call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
rulerNew.append("title").text(title); |
var x1 = rn(minXedge[0], 2), y1 = rn(minXedge[1], 2), x2 = rn(maxXedge[0], 2), y2 = rn(maxXedge[1], 2); |
rulerNew.append("line").attr("x1", x1).attr("y1", y1).attr("x2", x2).attr("y2", y2).attr("class", "white"); |
rulerNew.append("line").attr("x1", x1).attr("y1", y1).attr("x2", x2).attr("y2", y2).attr("class", "gray").attr("stroke-dasharray", 10); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("r", 2).attr("cx", x1).attr("cy", y1).attr("stroke-width", 0.5).attr("data-edge", "left").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("r", 2).attr("cx", x2).attr("cy", y2).attr("stroke-width", 0.5).attr("data-edge", "rigth").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
var x0 = rn((x1 + x2) / 2, 2), y0 = rn((y1 + y2) / 2, 2); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("r", 1.2).attr("cx", x0).attr("cy", y0).attr("stroke-width", 0.3).attr("class", "center").call(d3.drag().on("start", rulerCenterDrag)); |
var angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI; |
var tr = "rotate(" + angle + " " + x0 + " " + y0 +")"; |
var dist = rn(Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2)); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
rulerNew.append("text").attr("x", x0).attr("y", y0).attr("dy", -1).attr("transform", tr).attr("data-dist", dist).text(label).on("click", removeParent).attr("font-size", 10); |
} |
// drag any element changing transform |
function elementDrag() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var tr = parseTransform(el.attr("transform")); |
var dx = +tr[0] - d3.event.x, dy = +tr[1] - d3.event.y; |
d3.event.on("drag", function() { |
var x = d3.event.x, y = d3.event.y; |
var transform = `translate(${(dx+x)},${(dy+y)})`; |
el.attr("transform", transform); |
}); |
d3.event.on("end", function() { |
// remember scaleBar bottom-right position |
if (el.attr("id") === "scaleBar") { |
var bbox = el.node().getBoundingClientRect(); |
scalePos = [bbox.right, bbox.bottom]; |
} |
}); |
} |
// draw ruler circles and update label |
function rulerEdgeDrag() { |
var group = d3.select(this.parentNode); |
var edge = d3.select(this).attr("data-edge"); |
var x = d3.event.x, y = d3.event.y, x0, y0; |
d3.select(this).attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y); |
var line = group.selectAll("line"); |
if (edge === "left") { |
line.attr("x1", x).attr("y1", y); |
x0 = +line.attr("x2"), y0 = +line.attr("y2"); |
} else { |
line.attr("x2", x).attr("y2", y); |
x0 = +line.attr("x1"), y0 = +line.attr("y1"); |
} |
var xc = rn((x + x0) / 2, 2), yc = rn((y + y0) / 2, 2); |
group.select(".center").attr("cx", xc).attr("cy", yc); |
var dist = rn(Math.hypot(x0 - x, y0 - y)); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
var atan = x0 > x ? Math.atan2(y0 - y, x0 - x) : Math.atan2(y - y0, x - x0); |
var angle = rn(atan * 180 / Math.PI, 3); |
var tr = "rotate(" + angle + " " + xc + " " + yc +")"; |
group.select("text").attr("x", xc).attr("y", yc).attr("transform", tr).attr("data-dist", dist).text(label); |
} |
// draw ruler center point to split ruler into 2 parts |
function rulerCenterDrag() { |
var xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2; |
var group = d3.select(this.parentNode); // current ruler group |
var x = d3.event.x, y = d3.event.y; // current coords |
var line = group.selectAll("line"); // current lines |
var x1 = +line.attr("x1"), y1 = +line.attr("y1"), x2 = +line.attr("x2"), y2 = +line.attr("y2"); // initial line edge points |
var rulerNew = ruler.insert("g", ":first-child"); |
rulerNew.call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
var title = |
`Ruler is an instrument for measuring thelinear lengths. |
One dash shows 30 km (18.6 mi), approximate distance of a daily loaded march. |
Drag edge circles to move the ruler, center circle to split the ruler into 2 parts. |
Click on the ruler label to remove the ruler from the map`; |
var factor = rn(1 / Math.pow(scale, 0.3), 1); |
rulerNew.append("title").text(title); |
rulerNew.append("line").attr("class", "white").attr("stroke-width", factor); |
var dash = +group.select(".gray").attr("stroke-dasharray"); |
rulerNew.append("line").attr("class", "gray").attr("stroke-dasharray", dash).attr("stroke-width", factor); |
rulerNew.append("text").attr("dy", -1).on("click", removeParent).attr("font-size", 10 * factor).attr("stroke-width", factor); |
d3.event.on("drag", function() { |
x = d3.event.x, y = d3.event.y; |
d3.select(this).attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y); |
// change first part |
line.attr("x1", x1).attr("y1", y1).attr("x2", x).attr("y2", y); |
var dist = rn(Math.hypot(x1 - x, y1 - y)); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
var atan = x1 > x ? Math.atan2(y1 - y, x1 - x) : Math.atan2(y - y1, x - x1); |
xc1 = rn((x + x1) / 2, 2), yc1 = rn((y + y1) / 2, 2); |
var tr = "rotate(" + rn(atan * 180 / Math.PI, 3) + " " + xc1 + " " + yc1 +")"; |
group.select("text").attr("x", xc1).attr("y", yc1).attr("transform", tr).attr("data-dist", dist).text(label); |
// change second (new) part |
dist = rn(Math.hypot(x2 - x, y2 - y)); |
label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
atan = x2 > x ? Math.atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x) : Math.atan2(y - y2, x - x2); |
xc2 = rn((x + x2) / 2, 2), yc2 = rn((y + y2) / 2, 2); |
tr = "rotate(" + rn(atan * 180 / Math.PI, 3) + " " + xc2 + " " + yc2 +")"; |
rulerNew.selectAll("line").attr("x1", x).attr("y1", y).attr("x2", x2).attr("y2", y2); |
rulerNew.select("text").attr("x", xc2).attr("y", yc2).attr("transform", tr).attr("data-dist", dist).text(label); |
}); |
d3.event.on("end", function() { |
// circles for 1st part |
group.selectAll("circle").remove(); |
group.append("circle").attr("cx", x1).attr("cy", y1).attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor).attr("data-edge", "left").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
group.append("circle").attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y).attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor).attr("data-edge", "rigth").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
group.append("circle").attr("cx", xc1).attr("cy", yc1).attr("r", 1.2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.3 * factor).attr("class", "center").call(d3.drag().on("start", rulerCenterDrag)); |
// circles for 2nd part |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y).attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor).attr("data-edge", "left").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("cx", x2).attr("cy", y2).attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor).attr("data-edge", "rigth").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("cx", xc2).attr("cy", yc2).attr("r", 1.2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.3 * factor).attr("class", "center").call(d3.drag().on("start", rulerCenterDrag)); |
}); |
} |
function opisometerEdgeDrag() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var x0 = +el.attr("cx"), y0 = +el.attr("cy"); |
var group = d3.select(this.parentNode); |
var curve = group.select(".white"); |
var curveGray = group.select(".gray"); |
var text = group.select("text"); |
var points = JSON.parse(text.attr("data-points")); |
if (x0 === points[0].scX && y0 === points[0].scY) {points.reverse();} |
d3.event.on("drag", function() { |
var x = d3.event.x, y = d3.event.y; |
el.attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y); |
var l = points[points.length - 1]; |
var diff = Math.hypot(l.scX - x, l.scY - y); |
if (diff > 5) {points.push({scX: x, scY: y});} else {return;} |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveBasis); |
var d = round(lineGen(points)); |
curve.attr("d", d); |
curveGray.attr("d", d); |
var dist = rn(curve.node().getTotalLength()); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
text.attr("x", x).attr("y", y).text(label); |
}); |
d3.event.on("end", function() { |
var dist = rn(curve.node().getTotalLength()); |
var c = curve.node().getPointAtLength(dist / 2); |
var p = curve.node().getPointAtLength((dist / 2) - 1); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
var atan = p.x > c.x ? Math.atan2(p.y - c.y, p.x - c.x) : Math.atan2(c.y - p.y, c.x - p.x); |
var angle = rn(atan * 180 / Math.PI, 3); |
var tr = "rotate(" + angle + " " + c.x + " " + c.y +")"; |
text.attr("data-points", JSON.stringify(points)).attr("data-dist", dist).attr("x", c.x).attr("y", c.y).attr("transform", tr).text(label); |
}); |
} |
function getContinuousLine(edges, indention, relax) { |
var edgesOr = edges.slice(); |
var line = ""; |
while (edges.length > 2) { |
var edgesOrdered = []; // to store points in a correct order |
var start = edges[0].start; |
var end = edges[0].end; |
edges.shift(); |
var spl = start.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: +spl[0], scY: +spl[1]}); |
spl = end.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: +spl[0], scY: +spl[1]}); |
var x0 = +spl[0], y0 = +spl[1]; |
for (var i = 0; end !== start && i < 100000; i++) { |
var next = null, index = null; |
for (var e = 0; e < edges.length; e++) { |
var edge = edges[e]; |
if (edge.start == end || edge.end == end) { |
next = edge; |
if (next.start == end) {end = next.end;} else {end = next.start;} |
index = e; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (!next) { |
console.error("Next edge is not found"); |
return ""; |
} |
spl = end.split(" "); |
if (indention || relax) { |
var dist = Math.hypot(+spl[0] - x0, +spl[1] - y0); |
if (dist >= indention && Math.random() > relax) { |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: +spl[0], scY: +spl[1]}); |
x0 = +spl[0], y0 = +spl[1]; |
} |
} else { |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: +spl[0], scY: +spl[1]}); |
} |
edges.splice(index, 1); |
if (i === 100000-1) { |
console.error("Line not ended, limit reached"); |
break; |
} |
} |
line += lineGen(edgesOrdered) + "Z"; |
} |
return round(line, 1); |
} |
// Resolve Heightmap Depressions (for a correct water flux modeling) |
function resolveDepressions() { |
console.time('resolveDepressions'); |
var depression = 1, limit = 100, minCell, minHigh; |
for (var l = 0; depression > 0 && l < limit; l++) { |
depression = 0; |
for (var i = 0; i < land.length; i++) { |
var heights = []; |
land[i].neighbors.forEach(function(e) {heights.push(+cells[e].height);}); |
var minHigh = d3.min(heights); |
if (land[i].height <= minHigh) { |
depression += 1; |
land[i].height = minHigh + 0.01; |
} |
} |
if (l === limit - 1) {console.error("Error: resolveDepressions iteration limit");} |
} |
console.timeEnd('resolveDepressions'); |
} |
function flux() { |
console.time('flux'); |
riversData = []; |
var riversOrder = [], riverNext = 0; |
land.sort(function(a, b) {return b.height - a.height;}); |
for (var i = 0; i < land.length; i++) { |
var id = land[i].index; |
var heights = []; |
land[i].neighbors.forEach(function(e) {heights.push(cells[e].height);}); |
var minId = heights.indexOf(d3.min(heights)); |
var min = land[i].neighbors[minId]; |
// Define river number |
if (land[i].flux > 0.85) { |
if (land[i].river == undefined) { |
// State new River |
land[i].river = riverNext; |
riversData.push({river: riverNext, cell: id, x: land[i].data[0], y: land[i].data[1]}); |
riverNext += 1; |
} |
// Assing existing River to the downhill cell |
if (cells[min].river == undefined) { |
cells[min].river = land[i].river; |
} else { |
var riverTo = cells[min].river; |
var iRiver = $.grep(riversData, function(e) {return (e.river == land[i].river);}); |
var minRiver = $.grep(riversData, function(e) {return (e.river == riverTo);}); |
var iRiverL = iRiver.length; |
var minRiverL = minRiver.length; |
// re-assing river nunber if new part is greater |
if (iRiverL >= minRiverL) { |
cells[min].river = land[i].river; |
iRiverL += 1; |
minRiverL -= 1; |
} |
// mark confluences |
if (cells[min].height >= 0.2 && iRiverL > 1 && minRiverL > 1) { |
if (!cells[min].confluence) { |
cells[min].confluence = minRiverL-1; |
} else { |
cells[min].confluence += minRiverL-1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
cells[min].flux += land[i].flux; |
if (land[i].river != undefined) { |
var px = cells[min].data[0]; |
var py = cells[min].data[1]; |
if (cells[min].height < 0.2) { |
// pour water to the Ocean |
var sx = land[i].data[0]; |
var sy = land[i].data[1]; |
var x = (px + sx) / 2 + (px - sx) / 20; |
var y = (py + sy) / 2 + (py - sy) / 20; |
riversData.push({river: land[i].river, cell: id, x, y}); |
} |
else { |
// add next River segment |
riversData.push({river: land[i].river, cell: min, x: px, y: py}); |
} |
} |
} |
console.timeEnd('flux'); |
drawRiverLines(riverNext); |
} |
function drawRiverLines(riverNext) { |
console.time('drawRiverLines'); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.1)); |
for (var i = 0; i < riverNext; i++) { |
var dataRiver = $.grep(riversData, function(e) {return e.river === i;}); |
if (dataRiver.length > 1) { |
var riverAmended = amendRiver(dataRiver, 1); |
var width = rn(0.8 + Math.random() * 0.4, 1); |
var increment = rn(0.8 + Math.random() * 0.4, 1); |
var d = drawRiver(riverAmended, width, increment); |
rivers.append("path").attr("d", d).attr("id", "river"+i) |
.attr("data-points", round(JSON.stringify(riverAmended), 1)) |
.attr("data-width", width).attr("data-increment", increment); |
} |
} |
rivers.selectAll("path").on("click", editRiver); |
console.timeEnd('drawRiverLines'); |
} |
// add more river points on 1/3 and 2/3 of length |
function amendRiver(dataRiver, rndFactor) { |
var riverAmended = [], side = 1; |
for (var r = 0; r < dataRiver.length; r++) { |
var dX = dataRiver[r].x; |
var dY = dataRiver[r].y; |
var cell = dataRiver[r].cell; |
var c = cells[cell].confluence || 0; |
riverAmended.push([dX, dY, c]); |
if (r+1 < dataRiver.length) { |
var eX = dataRiver[r+1].x; |
var eY = dataRiver[r+1].y; |
var angle = Math.atan2(eY - dY, eX - dX); |
var serpentine = 1 / (r+1); |
var meandr = serpentine + 0.3 + Math.random() * 0.3 * rndFactor; |
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {side *= -1}; |
var dist = Math.hypot(eX - dX, eY - dY); |
// if dist is big or river is small add 2 extra points |
if (dist > 8 || (dist > 4 && dataRiver.length < 6)) { |
var stX = (dX * 2 + eX) / 3; |
var stY = (dY * 2 + eY) / 3; |
var enX = (dX + eX * 2) / 3; |
var enY = (dY + eY * 2) / 3; |
stX += -Math.sin(angle) * meandr * side; |
stY += Math.cos(angle) * meandr * side; |
if (Math.random() > 0.8) {side *= -1}; |
enX += Math.sin(angle) * meandr * side; |
enY += -Math.cos(angle) * meandr * side; |
riverAmended.push([stX, stY], [enX, enY]); |
// if dist is medium or river is small add 1 extra point |
} else if (dist > 4 || dataRiver.length < 6) { |
var scX = (dX + eX) / 2; |
var scY = (dY + eY) / 2; |
scX += -Math.sin(angle) * meandr * side; |
scY += Math.cos(angle) * meandr * side; |
riverAmended.push([scX, scY]); |
} |
} |
} |
return riverAmended; |
} |
function drawRiver(points, width, increment) { |
var extraOffset = 0.02; // start offset to make river source visible |
var width = width || 1; // river width modifier |
var increment = increment || 1; // river bed widening modifier |
var riverLength = 0; |
points.map(function(p, i) { |
if (i === 0) {return 0;} |
riverLength += Math.hypot(p[0] - points[i-1][0], p[1] - points[i-1][1]); |
}); |
var widening = rn((1000 + (riverLength * 30)) * increment); // FIX me! |
var riverPointsLeft = [], riverPointsRight = []; |
var last = points.length - 1; |
var factor = riverLength / points.length; |
// first point |
var x = points[0][0], y = points[0][1], c; |
var angle = Math.atan2(y - points[1][1], x - points[1][0]); |
var xLeft = x + -Math.sin(angle) * extraOffset, yLeft = y + Math.cos(angle) * extraOffset; |
riverPointsLeft.push({scX:xLeft, scY:yLeft}); |
var xRight = x + Math.sin(angle) * extraOffset, yRight = y + -Math.cos(angle) * extraOffset; |
riverPointsRight.unshift({scX:xRight, scY:yRight}); |
// middle points |
for (var p = 1; p < last; p ++) { |
x = points[p][0], y = points[p][1], c = points[p][2]; |
if (c) {extraOffset += Math.atan(c * 10 / widening);} // confluence |
var xPrev = points[p-1][0], yPrev = points[p-1][1]; |
var xNext = points[p+1][0], yNext = points[p+1][1]; |
angle = Math.atan2(yPrev - yNext, xPrev - xNext); |
var offset = (Math.atan(Math.pow(p * factor, 2) / widening) / 2 * width) + extraOffset; |
xLeft = x + -Math.sin(angle) * offset, yLeft = y + Math.cos(angle) * offset; |
riverPointsLeft.push({scX:xLeft, scY:yLeft}); |
xRight = x + Math.sin(angle) * offset, yRight = y + -Math.cos(angle) * offset; |
riverPointsRight.unshift({scX:xRight, scY:yRight}); |
} |
// end point |
x = points[last][0], y = points[last][1], c = points[last][2]; |
if (c) {extraOffset += Math.atan(c * 10 / widening);} // confluence |
angle = Math.atan2(points[last-1][1] - y, points[last-1][0] - x); |
xLeft = x + -Math.sin(angle) * offset, yLeft = y + Math.cos(angle) * offset; |
riverPointsLeft.push({scX:xLeft, scY:yLeft}); |
xRight = x + Math.sin(angle) * offset, yRight = y + -Math.cos(angle) * offset; |
riverPointsRight.unshift({scX:xRight, scY:yRight}); |
// generate path and return |
var right = lineGen(riverPointsRight); |
var left = lineGen(riverPointsLeft); |
left = left.substring(left.indexOf("C")); |
var d = round(right + left + "Z", 2); |
return d; |
} |
function editRiver() { |
if (elSelected) { |
if ($("#riverNew").hasClass('pressed')) { |
var point = d3.mouse(this); |
addRiverPoint({scX:point[0], scY:point[1]}); |
redrawRiver(); |
$("#riverNew").click(); |
return; |
} |
elSelected.call(d3.drag().on("drag", null)).classed("draggable", false); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").remove(); |
} |
elSelected = d3.select(this); |
elSelected.call(d3.drag().on("start", riverDrag)).classed("draggable", true); |
var points = JSON.parse(elSelected.attr("data-points")); |
rivers.append("g").attr("class", "riverPoints").attr("transform", elSelected.attr("transform")); |
points.map(function(p) {addRiverPoint(p)}); |
var tr = parseTransform(elSelected.attr("transform")); |
riverAngle.value = tr[2]; |
riverAngleValue.innerHTML = Math.abs(+tr[2]) + "°"; |
riverScale.value = tr[5]; |
riverWidthInput.value = +elSelected.attr("data-width"); |
riverIncrement.value = +elSelected.attr("data-increment"); |
$("#riverEditor").dialog({ |
title: "Edit River", |
minHeight: 30, width: "auto", maxWidth: 275, resizable: false, |
position: {my: "center top", at: "top", of: this} |
}).on("dialogclose", function(event) { |
if (elSelected) { |
elSelected.call(d3.drag().on("drag", null)).classed("draggable", false); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").remove(); |
$(".pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default"); |
} |
}); |
} |
function addRiverPoint(point) { |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").append("circle") |
.attr("cx", point[0]).attr("cy", point[1]).attr("r", 0.35) |
.call(d3.drag().on("start", riverPointDrag)) |
.on("click", function(d) { |
if ($("#riverRemovePoint").hasClass('pressed')) { |
$(this).remove(); redrawRiver(); |
} |
if ($("#riverNew").hasClass('pressed')) { |
$("#riverNew").click(); |
} |
}); |
} |
function riverPointDrag() { |
var x = d3.event.x, y = d3.event.y; |
var el = d3.select(this); |
d3.event |
.on("drag", function() {el.attr("cx", d3.event.x).attr("cy", d3.event.y);}) |
.on("end", function() {redrawRiver();}); |
} |
$("#riverEditor .editButton, #riverEditor .editButtonS").click(function() { |
if (this.id == "riverRemove") { |
alertMessage.innerHTML = `Are you sure you want to remove the river?`; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove river", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
elSelected.remove(); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").remove(); |
$("#riverEditor").dialog("close"); |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "riverCopy") { |
var tr = parseTransform(elSelected.attr("transform")); |
var d = elSelected.attr("d"); |
var points = elSelected.attr("data-points"); |
var width = elSelected.attr("data-width"); |
var increment = elSelected.attr("data-increment"); |
var x = 2, y = 2; |
transform = `translate(${tr[0]-x},${tr[1]-y}) rotate(${tr[2]} ${tr[3]} ${tr[4]}) scale(${tr[5]})`; |
while (rivers.selectAll("[transform='" + transform + "'][d='" + d + "']").size() > 0) { |
x += 2; y += 2; |
transform = `translate(${tr[0]-x},${tr[1]-y}) rotate(${tr[2]} ${tr[3]} ${tr[4]}) scale(${tr[5]})`; |
} |
var river = +$("#rivers > path").last().attr("id").slice(5) + 1; |
rivers.append("path").attr("d", d).attr("data-points", points).attr("transform", transform) |
.attr("id", "river"+river).on("click", editRiver) |
.attr("data-width", width).attr("data-increment", increment); |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "riverRegenerate") { |
// restore main points |
var points = JSON.parse(elSelected.attr("data-points")); |
var riverCells = [], dataRiver = []; |
for (var p = 0; p < points.length; p++) { |
var cell = diagram.find(points[p][0], points[p][1], 1); |
if (cell !== null && cell !== riverCells[riverCells.length-1]) {riverCells.push(cell);} |
} |
for (var c = 0; c < riverCells.length; c++) { |
var rc = riverCells[c]; |
dataRiver.push({x:rc[0], y:rc[1], cell:rc.index}); |
} |
// if last point not in cell center push it with one extra point |
var last = points.pop(); |
if (dataRiver[dataRiver.length-1].x !== last[0]) { |
dataRiver.push({x:last[0], y:last[1], cell:dataRiver[dataRiver.length-1].cell}); |
} |
var rndFactor = 0.2 + Math.random() * 1.6; // random factor in range 0.2-1.8 |
var riverAmended = amendRiver(dataRiver, rndFactor); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.1)); |
var width = +elSelected.attr("data-width"); |
var increment = +elSelected.attr("data-increment"); |
var d = drawRiver(riverAmended, width, increment); |
elSelected.attr("d", d).attr("data-points", round(JSON.stringify(riverAmended), 1)); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").selectAll("*").remove(); |
riverAmended.map(function(p) {addRiverPoint(p);}); |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "riverResize") {$("#riverAngle, #riverAngleValue, #riverScaleIcon, #riverScale, #riverReset").toggle();} |
if (this.id == "riverWidth") {$("#riverWidthInput, #riverIncrementIcon, #riverIncrement").toggle();} |
if (this.id == "riverAddPoint" || this.id == "riverRemovePoint" || this.id == "riverNew") { |
if ($(this).hasClass('pressed')) { |
$(".pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
if (elSelected.attr("data-river") == "new") { |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").selectAll("*").remove(); |
elSelected.attr("data-river", ""); |
elSelected.call(d3.drag().on("start", riverDrag)).classed("draggable", true); |
} |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default"); |
} else { |
$(".pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
$(this).addClass('pressed'); |
if (this.id == "riverAddPoint" || this.id == "riverNew") {viewbox.style("cursor", "crosshair");} |
if (this.id == "riverNew") {rivers.select(".riverPoints").selectAll("*").remove();} |
} |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "riverReset") { |
elSelected.attr("transform", ""); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").attr("transform", ""); |
riverAngle.value = 0; |
riverAngleValue.innerHTML = "0°"; |
riverScale.value = 1; |
return; |
} |
$("#riverEditor .editButton").toggle(); |
$(this).show().next().toggle(); |
}); |
// on riverAngle change |
$("#riverAngle").change(function() { |
var tr = parseTransform(elSelected.attr("transform")); |
riverAngleValue.innerHTML = Math.abs(+this.value) + "°"; |
$(this).attr("title", $(this).val()); |
var c = elSelected.node().getBBox(); |
var angle = this.value; |
var scale = +tr[5]; |
transform = `translate(${tr[0]},${tr[1]}) rotate(${angle} ${(c.x+c.width/2)*scale} ${(c.y+c.height/2)*scale}) scale(${scale})`; |
elSelected.attr("transform", transform); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").attr("transform", transform); |
}); |
// on riverScale change |
$("#riverScale").change(function() { |
var tr = parseTransform(elSelected.attr("transform")); |
$(this).attr("title", $(this).val()); |
var scaleOld = +tr[5]; |
var scale = +this.value; |
var c = elSelected.node().getBBox(); |
var cx = c.x+c.width/2; |
var cy = c.y+c.height/2; |
var trX = +tr[0] + cx * (scaleOld - scale); |
var trY = +tr[1] + cy * (scaleOld - scale); |
var scX = +tr[3] * scale/scaleOld; |
var scY = +tr[4] * scale/scaleOld; |
transform = `translate(${trX},${trY}) rotate(${tr[2]} ${scX} ${scY}) scale(${scale})`; |
elSelected.attr("transform", transform); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").attr("transform", transform); |
}); |
// change river width |
$("#riverWidthInput, #riverIncrement").change(function() { |
var points = JSON.parse(elSelected.attr("data-points")); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.1)); |
var width = +$("#riverWidthInput").val(); |
var increment = +$("#riverIncrement").val(); |
var d = drawRiver(points, width, increment); |
elSelected.attr("d", d).attr("data-width", width).attr("data-increment", increment); |
}); |
function riverDrag() { |
var x = d3.event.x, y = d3.event.y; |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var tr = parseTransform(el.attr("transform")); |
d3.event.on("drag", function() { |
var xc = d3.event.x, yc = d3.event.y; |
var transform = `translate(${(+tr[0]+xc-x)},${(+tr[1]+yc-y)}) rotate(${tr[2]} ${tr[3]} ${tr[4]}) scale(${tr[5]})`; |
el.attr("transform", transform); |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").attr("transform", transform); |
}); |
} |
function parseTransform(string) { |
// [translateX,translateY,rotateDeg,rotateX,rotateY,scale] |
if (!string) {return [0,0,0,0,0,1];} |
var a = string.replace(/[a-z()]/g,"").replace(/[ ]/g,",").split(","); |
return [a[0] || 0, a[1] || 0, a[2] || 0, a[3] || 0, a[4] || 0, a[5] || 1]; |
} |
function redrawRiver() { |
var points = []; |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").selectAll("circle").each(function() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
points.push([+el.attr("cx"), +el.attr("cy")]); |
}); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.1)); |
var d = drawRiver(points); |
elSelected.attr("d", d).attr("data-points", round(JSON.stringify(points), 1)); |
} |
function manorsAndRegions() { |
console.group('manorsAndRegions'); |
calculateChains(); |
rankPlacesGeography(); |
getCurveType(); |
locateCultures(); |
locateCapitals(); |
generateMainRoads(); |
rankPlacesEconomy(); |
locateTowns(); |
checkAccessibility(); |
drawManors(); |
defineRegions(); |
drawRegions(); |
generatePortRoads(); |
generateSmallRoads(); |
generateOceanRoutes(); |
calculatePopulation(); |
console.groupEnd('manorsAndRegions'); |
} |
// Assess cells geographycal suitability for settlement |
function rankPlacesGeography() { |
console.time('rankPlacesGeography'); |
land.map(function(c) { |
var score = 0; |
// truncate decimals to keep dta clear |
c.height = rn(c.height, 2); |
c.flux = rn(c.flux, 2); |
// base score from height (will be biom) |
if (c.height <= 0.8) {score = 1.4;} |
if (c.height <= 0.6) {score = 1.6;} |
if (c.height <= 0.5) {score = 1.8;} |
if (c.height <= 0.4) {score = 2;} |
score += (1 - c.height) / 2; |
if (c.ctype && Math.random() < 0.8 && !c.river) { |
c.score = 0; // ignore 80% of extended cells |
} else { |
if (c.harbor) { |
if (c.harbor === 1) {score += 2;} else {score -= 0.2;} // good sea harbor is valued |
if (c.river && c.ctype === 1) {score += 2;} // sea estuaries are valued |
} |
if (c.river && c.ctype === 1) {score += 2;} // all estuaries are valued |
if (c.flux > 1) {score += Math.pow(c.flux, 0.3);} // riverbank is valued |
if (c.confluence) {score += Math.pow(c.confluence, 0.3);} // confluence is valued; |
} |
c.score = rn(score, 2); |
}); |
land.sort(function(a, b) {return b.score - a.score;}); |
console.timeEnd('rankPlacesGeography'); |
} |
// Assess the cells economical suitability for settlement |
function rankPlacesEconomy() { |
console.time('rankPlacesEconomy'); |
land.map(function(c) { |
var score = c.score; |
var path = c.path || 0; // roads are valued |
if (path) { |
path = Math.pow(path, 0.2); |
var crossroad = c.crossroad || 0; // crossroads are valued |
score = score + path + crossroad; |
} |
c.score = rn(Math.random() * score + score, 2); // 0.5 random factor |
}); |
land.sort(function(a, b) {return b.score - a.score;}); |
console.timeEnd('rankPlacesEconomy'); |
} |
// get population for manors and states |
function calculatePopulation() { |
// rank all burgs to get final scores (population); what attracts trade/people |
manors.map(function(m) { |
var cell = cells[m.cell]; |
var score = cell.score; |
if (score <= 0) {score = rn(Math.random(), 2)} |
if (cell.crossroad) {score += cell.crossroad;} // crossroads |
if (cell.confluence) {score += Math.pow(cell.confluence, 0.3);} // confluences |
if (m.i !== m.region && cell.port) {score *= 1.5;} // ports (not capital) |
if (m.i === m.region && !cell.port) {score *= 2;} // land-capitals |
if (m.i === m.region && cell.port) {score *= 3;} // port-capitals |
m.population = rn(score, 1); |
}); |
// calculate population for each region |
states.map(function(s, i) { |
// define region burgs count |
var burgs = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.region === i);}); |
s.burgs = burgs.length; |
// define region total and burgs population |
var burgsPop = 0; // get summ of all burgs population |
burgs.map(function(b) {burgsPop += b.population;}); |
s.urbanPopulation = rn(burgsPop, 2); |
var regionCells = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.region === i);}); |
var cellsScore = 0; // cells score based on elevation (but should be biome) |
regionCells.map(function(c) {cellsScore += Math.pow((1 - c.height), 3) * 10;}); |
s.cells = regionCells.length; |
var graphSizeAdj = 90 / Math.sqrt(cells.length, 2); // adjust to different graphSize |
s.ruralPopulation = rn(cellsScore * graphSizeAdj, 2); |
}); |
// collect data for neutrals |
var burgs = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.region === "neutral");}); |
if (burgs.length > 0) { |
// decrease neutral land population as neutral lands usually are pretty wild |
var ruralFactor = 0.5, urbanFactor = 0.9; |
var burgsPop = 0; |
burgs.map(function(b) { |
manors[b.i].population = rn(manors[b.i].population * urbanFactor, 1); |
burgsPop += b.population; |
}); |
var urbanPopulation = rn(burgsPop, 2); |
var regionCells = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.region === "neutral");}); |
var cellsScore = 0, area = 0; |
regionCells.map(function(c) { |
cellsScore += Math.pow((1 - c.height), 3) * 10; |
area += rn(Math.abs(d3.polygonArea(polygons[c.index]))); |
}); |
var graphSizeAdj = 90 / Math.sqrt(cells.length, 2); |
ruralPopulation = rn(cellsScore * graphSizeAdj * ruralFactor, 2); |
states.push({i: states.length, color: "neutral", name: "Neutrals", capital: "neutral", cells: regionCells.length, burgs: burgs.length, urbanPopulation, ruralPopulation, area}); |
} |
} |
// Locate cultures |
function locateCultures() { |
var cultureCenters = d3.range(7).map(function(d) {return [Math.random() * mapWidth, Math.random() * mapHeight];}); |
cultureTree = d3.quadtree().extent([[0, 0], [mapHeight, mapWidth]]).addAll(cultureCenters);; |
} |
function locateCapitals() { |
console.time('locateCapitals'); |
var spacing = mapWidth / capitalsCount; |
manorTree = d3.quadtree().extent([[0, 0], [mapHeight, mapWidth]]); |
console.log(" countries: " + capitalsCount); |
for (var l = 0; l < land.length && manors.length < capitalsCount; l++) { |
var m = manors.length; |
var dist = 10000; // dummy value |
if (l > 0) { |
var closest = manorTree.find(land[l].data[0], land[l].data[1]); |
dist = Math.hypot(land[l].data[0] - closest[0], land[l].data[1] - closest[1]); |
} |
if (dist >= spacing) { |
var cell = land[l].index; |
shiftSettlement(land[l], "capital"); |
queue.push(cell); |
queue.push(...land[l].neighbors); |
var closest = cultureTree.find(land[l].data[0], land[l].data[1]); |
var culture = cultureTree.data().indexOf(closest); |
var name = generateName(culture); |
manors.push({i: m, cell, x: land[l].data[0], y: land[l].data[1], region: m, culture, name}); |
manorTree.add([land[l].data[0], land[l].data[1]]); |
} |
if (l === land.length - 1) { |
console.error("Cannot place capitals with current spacing. Trying again with reduced spacing"); |
l = -1, manors = [], queue = []; |
manorTree = d3.quadtree().extent([[0, 0], [mapHeight, mapWidth]]); |
spacing /= 1.2; |
} |
} |
// define color scheme for resions |
var scheme = capitalsCount <= 8 ? colors8 : colors20; |
manors.map(function(e, i) { |
var mod = +powerInput.value; |
var power = rn(Math.random() * mod / 2 + 1, 1); |
var color = scheme(i / capitalsCount); |
states.push({i, color, power, capital: i}); |
states[i].name = generateStateName(i); |
var p = cells[e.cell]; |
p.manor = i; |
p.region = i; |
p.culture = e.culture; |
}); |
console.timeEnd('locateCapitals'); |
} |
function locateTowns() { |
console.time('locateTowns'); |
for (var l = 0; l < land.length && manors.length < manorsCount; l++) { |
if (queue.indexOf(land[l].index) == -1) { |
queue.push(land[l].index); |
if (land[l].ctype || Math.random() > 0.6) {queue.push(...land[l].neighbors);} |
shiftSettlement(land[l], "town"); |
var x = land[l].data[0]; |
var y = land[l].data[1]; |
var cell = land[l].index; |
var region = "neutral", culture = -1, closest = neutral; |
for (c = 0; c < capitalsCount; c++) { |
var dist = Math.hypot(manors[c].x - x, manors[c].y - y) / states[c].power; |
var cap = manors[c].cell; |
if (cells[cell].fn !== cells[cap].fn) {dist *= 3;} |
if (dist < closest) {region = c; closest = dist;} |
} |
if (closest > neutral / 5 || region === "neutral") { |
var closestCulture = cultureTree.find(x, y); |
culture = cultureTree.data().indexOf(closestCulture); |
} else { |
culture = manors[region].culture; |
} |
var name = generateName(culture); |
land[l].manor = manors.length; |
land[l].culture = culture; |
land[l].region = region; |
manors.push({i: manors.length, cell, x, y, region, culture, name}); |
} |
if (l === land.length - 1) { |
console.error("Cannot place all towns. Towns requested: " + manorsCount + ". Towns placed: " + manors.length); |
} |
} |
console.timeEnd('locateTowns'); |
} |
function shiftSettlement(cell, type) { |
if ((type === "capital" && cell.harbor) || (type === "town" && cell.harbor === 1)) { |
cell.port = true; |
cell.data[0] = cell.coastX; |
cell.data[1] = cell.coastY; |
} |
if (cell.river) { |
var shift = 0.2 * cell.flux; |
if (shift < 0.2) {shift = 0.2;} |
if (shift > 1) {shift = 1;} |
shift = Math.random() > .5 ? shift : shift * -1; |
cell.data[0] += shift; |
shift = Math.random() > .5 ? shift : shift * -1; |
cell.data[1] += shift; |
cell.data[0] = rn(cell.data[0], 2); |
cell.data[1] = rn(cell.data[1], 2); |
} |
} |
// Validate each island with manors has at least one port (so Island is accessible) |
function checkAccessibility() { |
console.time("checkAccessibility"); |
for (var i = 0; i < island; i++) { |
var manorsOnIsland = $.grep(land, function(e) {return (typeof e.manor !== "undefined" && e.fn === i);}); |
if (manorsOnIsland.length > 0) { |
var ports = $.grep(manorsOnIsland, function(p) {return (p.port);}); |
if (ports.length === 0) { |
var portCandidates = $.grep(manorsOnIsland, function(c) {return (c.harbor && c.ctype === 1);}); |
if (portCandidates.length > 0) { |
console.log("No ports on island " + manorsOnIsland[0].fn + ". Upgrading first burg to port"); |
portCandidates[0].harbor = 1; |
portCandidates[0].port = true; |
portCandidates[0].data[0] = portCandidates[0].coastX; |
portCandidates[0].data[1] = portCandidates[0].coastY; |
var manor = manors[portCandidates[0].manor]; |
manor.x = portCandidates[0].coastX; |
manor.y = portCandidates[0].coastY; |
// add 1 score point for every other burg on island (as it's the only port) |
portCandidates[0].score += Math.floor((portCandidates.length - 1) / 2); |
} else { |
console.log("No ports on island " + manorsOnIsland[0].fn + ". Reducing score for " + manorsOnIsland.length + " burgs"); |
manorsOnIsland.map(function(e) {e.score -= 2;}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
console.timeEnd("checkAccessibility"); |
} |
function generateMainRoads() { |
console.time("generateMainRoads"); |
for (var i = 0; i < island; i++) { |
var manorsOnIsland = $.grep(land, function(e) {return (typeof e.manor !== "undefined" && e.fn === i);}); |
if (manorsOnIsland.length > 1) { |
for (var d = 1; d < manorsOnIsland.length; d++) { |
for (var m = 0; m < d; m++) { |
var path = findLandPath(manorsOnIsland[d].index, manorsOnIsland[m].index, "main"); |
restorePath(manorsOnIsland[m].index, manorsOnIsland[d].index, "main", path); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
console.timeEnd("generateMainRoads"); |
} |
function generatePortRoads() { |
console.time("generatePortRoads"); |
var landCapitals = $.grep(land, function(e) {return (e.manor < capitalsCount && !e.port);}); |
landCapitals.map(function(e) { |
var ports = $.grep(land, function(l) {return (l.port && l.region === e.manor);}); |
var minDist = 1000, end = -1; |
ports.map(function(p) { |
var dist = Math.hypot(e.data[0] - p.data[0], e.data[1] - p.data[1]); |
if (dist < minDist) {minDist = dist; end = p.index;} |
}); |
if (end !== -1) { |
var start = e.index; |
var path = findLandPath(start, end, "direct"); |
restorePath(end, start, "main", path); |
} |
}); |
console.timeEnd("generatePortRoads"); |
} |
function generateSmallRoads() { |
console.time("generateSmallRoads"); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveBasis); |
for (var i = 0; i < island; i++) { |
var manorsOnIsland = $.grep(land, function(e) {return (typeof e.manor !== "undefined" && e.fn === i);}); |
var l = manorsOnIsland.length; |
if (l > 1) { |
var secondary = rn((l + 8) / 10); |
for (s = 0; s < secondary; s++) { |
var start = manorsOnIsland[Math.floor(Math.random() * l)].index; |
var end = manorsOnIsland[Math.floor(Math.random() * l)].index; |
var dist = Math.hypot(cells[start].data[0] - cells[end].data[0], cells[start].data[1] - cells[end].data[1]); |
if (dist > 10) { |
var path = findLandPath(start, end, "direct"); |
restorePath(end, start, "small", path); |
} |
} |
manorsOnIsland.map(function(e, d) { |
if (!e.path && d > 0) { |
var start = e.index, end = -1; |
var road = $.grep(land, function(e) {return (e.path && e.fn === i);}); |
if (road.length > 0) { |
var minDist = 10000; |
road.map(function(i) { |
var dist = Math.hypot(e.data[0] - i.data[0], e.data[1] - i.data[1]); |
if (dist < minDist) {minDist = dist; end = i.index;} |
}); |
} else { |
end = manorsOnIsland[0].index; |
} |
var path = findLandPath(start, end, "main"); |
restorePath(end, start, "small", path); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
console.timeEnd("generateSmallRoads"); |
} |
function generateOceanRoutes() { |
console.time("generateOceanRoutes"); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveBasis); |
var ports = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < island; i++) { |
var portsOnIsland = $.grep(land, function(e) {return (e.fn === i && e.port);}); |
if (portsOnIsland.length) {ports.push(portsOnIsland);} |
} |
ports.sort(function(a, b) {return b.length - a.length;}); |
for (var i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) { |
var start = ports[i][0].index; |
var paths = findOceanPaths(start, -1); |
// draw anchor icons |
for (var p = 0; p < ports[i].length; p++) { |
var x = ports[i][p].data[0]; |
var y = ports[i][p].data[1]; |
icons.append("use").attr("xlink:href", "#icon-anchor").attr("x", x - 0.5).attr("y", y - 0.44).attr("width", 1).attr("height", 1) |
.call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
} |
var length = ports[i].length; // ports on island |
// routes from all ports on island to 1st port on island |
for (var h = 1; h < length; h++) { |
var end = ports[i][h].index; |
restorePath(end, start, "ocean", paths); |
} |
// inter-island routes |
for (var c = i + 1; c < ports.length; c++) { |
if (i === 0 || (ports[c].length > 2 && length > 3)) { |
var end = ports[c][0].index; |
restorePath(end, start, "ocean", paths); |
} |
} |
if (length > 5) { |
ports[i].sort(function(a, b) {return b.cost - a.cost;}); |
for (var a = 2; a < length && a < 10; a++) { |
var dist = Math.hypot(ports[i][1].data[0] - ports[i][a].data[0], ports[i][1].data[1] - ports[i][a].data[1]); |
var distPath = getPathDist(ports[i][1].index, ports[i][a].index); |
if (distPath > dist * 4 + 10) { |
var totalCost = ports[i][1].cost + ports[i][a].cost; |
var paths = findOceanPaths(ports[i][1].index, ports[i][a].index); |
if (ports[i][a].cost < totalCost) { |
restorePath(ports[i][a].index, ports[i][1].index, "ocean", paths); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
console.timeEnd("generateOceanRoutes"); |
} |
function findLandPath(start, end, type) { |
// A* algorithm |
var queue = new PriorityQueue({comparator: function(a, b) {return a.p - b.p}}); |
var cameFrom = []; |
var costTotal = []; |
costTotal[start] = 0; |
queue.queue({e: start, p: 0}); |
while (queue.length > 0) { |
var next = queue.dequeue().e; |
if (next === end) {break;} |
var pol = cells[next]; |
pol.neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].height >= 0.2) { |
var cost = cells[e].height * 2; |
if (cells[e].path && type === "main") { |
cost = 0.15; |
} else { |
if (typeof e.manor === "undefined") {cost += 0.1;} |
if (typeof e.river !== "undefined") {cost -= 0.1;} |
if (cells[e].harbor) {cost *= 0.3;} |
if (cells[e].path) {cost *= 0.5;} |
cost += Math.hypot(cells[e].data[0] - pol.data[0], cells[e].data[1] - pol.data[1]) / 30; |
} |
var costNew = costTotal[next] + cost; |
if (!cameFrom[e] || costNew < costTotal[e]) { // |
costTotal[e] = costNew; |
cameFrom[e] = next; |
var dist = Math.hypot(cells[e].data[0] - cells[end].data[0], cells[e].data[1] - cells[end].data[1]) / 15; |
var priority = costNew + dist; |
queue.queue({e, p: priority}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
return cameFrom; |
} |
function findLandPaths(start, type) { |
// Dijkstra algorithm (not used now) |
var queue = new PriorityQueue({comparator: function(a, b) {return a.p - b.p}}); |
var cameFrom = []; |
var costTotal = []; |
cameFrom[start] = "no"; |
costTotal[start] = 0; |
queue.queue({e: start, p: 0}); |
while (queue.length > 0) { |
var next = queue.dequeue().e; |
var pol = cells[next]; |
pol.neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
var cost = cells[e].height; |
if (cost >= 0.2) { |
cost *= 2; |
if (typeof e.river !== "undefined") {cost -= 0.2;} |
if (pol.region !== cells[e].region) {cost += 1;} |
if (cells[e].region === "neutral") {cost += 1;} |
if (typeof e.manor !== "undefined") {cost = 0.1;} |
var costNew = costTotal[next] + cost; |
if (!cameFrom[e]) { |
costTotal[e] = costNew; |
cameFrom[e] = next; |
queue.queue({e, p: costNew}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
return cameFrom; |
} |
function findOceanPaths(start, end) { |
var queue = new PriorityQueue({comparator: function(a, b) {return a.p - b.p}}); |
var next, cameFrom = [], costTotal = []; |
cameFrom[start] = "no", costTotal[start] = 0; |
queue.queue({e: start, p: 0}); |
while (queue.length > 0 && next !== end) { |
next = queue.dequeue().e; |
var pol = cells[next]; |
pol.neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].ctype < 0 || cells[e].haven === next) { |
var cost = 1; |
if (cells[e].ctype > 0) {cost += 100;} |
if (cells[e].ctype < -1) { |
var dist = Math.hypot(cells[e].data[0] - pol.data[0], cells[e].data[1] - pol.data[1]); |
cost += 50 + dist * 2; |
} |
if (cells[e].path && cells[e].ctype < 0) {cost *= 0.8;} |
var costNew = costTotal[next] + cost; |
if (!cameFrom[e]) { |
costTotal[e] = costNew; |
cells[e].cost = costNew; |
cameFrom[e] = next; |
queue.queue({e, p: costNew}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
return cameFrom; |
} |
function getPathDist(start, end) { |
var queue = new PriorityQueue({comparator: function(a, b) {return a.p - b.p}}); |
var next, costNew; |
var cameFrom = []; |
var costTotal = []; |
cameFrom[start] = "no"; |
costTotal[start] = 0; |
queue.queue({e: start, p: 0}); |
while (queue.length > 0 && next !== end) { |
next = queue.dequeue().e; |
var pol = cells[next]; |
pol.neighbors.forEach(function(e) { |
if (cells[e].path && (cells[e].ctype === -1 || cells[e].haven === next)) { |
var dist = Math.hypot(cells[e].data[0] - pol.data[0], cells[e].data[1] - pol.data[1]); |
costNew = costTotal[next] + dist; |
if (!cameFrom[e]) { |
costTotal[e] = costNew; |
cameFrom[e] = next; |
queue.queue({e, p: costNew}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
return costNew; |
} |
function restorePath(end, start, type, from) { |
var path = [], current = end, limit = 1000; |
var prev = cells[end]; |
if (type === "ocean" || !prev.path) {path.push({scX: prev.data[0], scY: prev.data[1], i: end});} |
if (!prev.path) {prev.path = 1;} |
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) { |
current = from[current]; |
var cur = cells[current]; |
if (!cur) {break;} |
if (cur.path) { |
cur.path += 1; |
path.push({scX: cur.data[0], scY: cur.data[1], i: current}); |
prev = cur; |
drawPath(); |
} else { |
cur.path = 1; |
if (prev) {path.push({scX: prev.data[0], scY: prev.data[1], i: prev.index});} |
prev = undefined; |
path.push({scX: cur.data[0], scY: cur.data[1], i: current}); |
} |
if (current === start || !from[current]) {break;} |
} |
drawPath(); |
function drawPath() { |
if (path.length > 1) { |
// mark crossroades |
if (type === "main" || type === "small") { |
var plus = type === "main" ? 4 : 2; |
var f = cells[path[0].i]; |
if (f.path > 1) { |
if (!f.crossroad) {f.crossroad = 0;} |
f.crossroad += plus; |
} |
var t = cells[(path[path.length - 1].i)]; |
if (t.path > 1) { |
if (!t.crossroad) {t.crossroad = 0;} |
t.crossroad += plus; |
} |
} |
// draw path segments |
var line = lineGen(path); |
line = round(line, 1); |
if (type === "main") { |
roads.append("path").attr("d", line).attr("data-start", start).attr("data-end", end); |
} else if (type === "small") { |
trails.append("path").attr("d", line); |
} else if (type === "ocean") { |
searoutes.append("path").attr("d", line); |
} |
} |
path = []; |
} |
} |
// Append manors with random / generated names |
// For each non-capital manor detect the closes capital (used for areas) |
function drawManors() { |
console.time('drawManors'); |
for (var i = 0; i < manors.length; i++) { |
var x = manors[i].x; |
var y = manors[i].y; |
var cell = manors[i].cell; |
var name = manors[i].name; |
if (i < capitalsCount) { |
burgs.append("circle").attr("id", "manorIcon"+i).attr("r", 1).attr("stroke-width", .24).attr("class", "manor").attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y); |
capitals.append("text").attr("id", "manorLabel"+i).attr("x", x).attr("y", y).attr("dy", -1.3).text(name); |
} else { |
burgs.append("circle").attr("id", "manorIcon"+i).attr("r", .5).attr("stroke-width", .12).attr("class", "manor").attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y); |
towns.append("text").attr("id", "manorLabel"+i).attr("x", x).attr("y", y).attr("dy", -.7).text(name); |
} |
} |
labels.selectAll("text").on("click", editLabel); |
burgs.selectAll("circle").call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
console.timeEnd('drawManors'); |
} |
// calculate Markov's chain from real data |
function calculateChains() { |
var vowels = "aeiouy"; |
//var digraphs = ["ai","ay","ea","ee","ei","ey","ie","oa","oo","ow","ue","ch","ng","ph","sh","th","wh"]; |
for (var l = 0; l < cultures.length; l++) { |
var probs = []; // Coleshill -> co les hil l-com |
var inline = manorNames[l].join(" ").toLowerCase(); |
var syl = ""; |
for (var i = -1; i < inline.length - 2;) { |
if (i < 0) {var f = " ";} else {var f = inline[i];} |
var str = "", vowel = 0; |
for (var c = i+1; str.length < 5; c++) { |
if (inline[c] === undefined) {break;} |
str += inline[c]; |
if (str === " ") {break;} |
if (inline[c] !== "o" && inline[c] !== "e" && vowels.includes(inline[c]) && inline[c+1] === inline[c]) {break;} |
if (inline[c+2] === " ") {str += inline[c+1]; break;} |
if (vowels.includes(inline[c])) {vowel++;} |
if (vowel && vowels.includes(inline[c+2])) {break;} |
} |
i += str.length; |
probs[f] = probs[f] || []; |
probs[f].push(str); |
} |
chain[l] = probs; |
} |
} |
// generate random name using Markov's chain |
function generateName(culture) { |
var data = chain[culture], res = "", next = data[" "]; |
var cur = next[Math.floor(Math.random() * next.length)]; |
while (res.length < 7) { |
var l = cur.charAt(cur.length - 1); |
if (cur !== " ") { |
res += cur; |
next = data[l]; |
cur = next[Math.floor(Math.random() * next.length)]; |
} else if (res.length > 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)) { |
break; |
} else { |
next = data[" "]; |
cur = next[Math.floor(Math.random() * next.length)]; |
} |
} |
var name = res.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + res.slice(1); |
return name; |
} |
// Define areas based on the closest manor to a polygon |
function defineRegions() { |
console.time('defineRegions'); |
manorTree = d3.quadtree().extent([[0, 0], [mapHeight, mapWidth]]); |
manors.map(function(m) {manorTree.add([m.x, m.y]);}); |
land.map(function(i) { |
if (i.region !== undefined) {return;} |
var x = i.data[0], y = i.data[1]; |
var closest = manorTree.find(x, y); |
var dist = Math.hypot(closest[0] - x, closest[1] - y); |
if (dist > neutral / 2) { |
i.region = "neutral"; |
var closestCulture = cultureTree.find(i.data[0], i.data[1]); |
i.culture = cultureTree.data().indexOf(closestCulture); |
} else { |
var manor = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.x === closest[0] && e.y === closest[1]);}); |
var cell = manor[0].cell; |
if (cells[cell].fn !== i.fn) { |
var minDist = dist * 3; |
land.map(function(l) { |
if (l.fn === i.fn && l.manor !== undefined) { |
var distN = Math.hypot(l.data[0] - i.data[0], l.data[1] - i.data[1]); |
if (distN < minDist) {minDist = distN; cell = l.index;} |
} |
}); |
} |
i.region = cells[cell].region; |
i.culture = cells[cell].culture; |
} |
}); |
console.timeEnd('defineRegions'); |
} |
// Define areas cells |
function drawRegions() { |
console.time('drawRegions'); |
var edges = [], coastalEdges = [], borderEdges = [], neutralEdges = []; // arrays to store edges |
land.map(function(l) { |
var s = l.region; |
if (!edges[s]) {edges[s] = [], coastalEdges[s] = [];} |
var cell = diagram.cells[l.index]; |
cell.halfedges.forEach(function(e) { |
var edge = diagram.edges[e]; |
if (edge.left && edge.right) { |
var ea = edge.left.index; |
if (ea === l.index) {ea = edge.right.index;} |
var opp = cells[ea]; |
if (opp.region !== s) { |
var start = edge[0].join(" "); |
var end = edge[1].join(" "); |
edges[s].push({start, end}); |
if (opp.height >= 0.2 && opp.region > s) {borderEdges.push({start, end});} |
if (opp.height >= 0.2 && opp.region === "neutral") {neutralEdges.push({start, end});} |
if (opp.height < 0.2) {coastalEdges[s].push({start, end});} |
} |
} |
}) |
}); |
edges.map(function(e, i) { |
if (e.length) { |
drawRegion(e, i); |
drawRegionCoast(coastalEdges[i], i); |
} |
}); |
drawBorders(borderEdges, "state"); |
drawBorders(neutralEdges, "neutral"); |
console.timeEnd('drawRegions'); |
} |
function drawRegion(edges, region) { |
var path = "", array = []; |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveLinear); |
while (edges.length > 2) { |
var edgesOrdered = []; // to store points in a correct order |
var start = edges[0].start; |
var end = edges[0].end; |
edges.shift(); |
var spl = start.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
spl = end.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
for (var i = 0; end !== start && i < 2000; i++) { |
var next = $.grep(edges, function(e) {return (e.start == end || e.end == end);}); |
if (next.length > 0) { |
if (next[0].start == end) { |
end = next[0].end; |
} else if (next[0].end == end) { |
end = next[0].start; |
} |
spl = end.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
} |
var rem = edges.indexOf(next[0]); |
edges.splice(rem, 1); |
} |
path += lineGen(edgesOrdered) + "Z "; |
var edgesFormatted = []; |
edgesOrdered.map(function(e) {edgesFormatted.push([+e.scX, +e.scY])}); |
array[array.length] = edgesFormatted; |
} |
var color = states[region].color; |
regions.append("path").attr("d", round(path, 1)).attr("fill", color).attr("stroke", "none").attr("class", "region"+region); |
array.sort(function(a, b){return b.length - a.length;}); |
var name = states[region].name; |
var c = polylabel(array, 1.0); // pole of inaccessibility |
countries.append("text").attr("id", "regionLabel"+region).attr("x", rn(c[0])).attr("y", rn(c[1])).text(name).on("click", editLabel); |
states[region].area = rn(Math.abs(d3.polygonArea(array[0]))); // define region area |
} |
function drawRegionCoast(edges, region) { |
var path = ""; |
while (edges.length > 0) { |
var edgesOrdered = []; // to store points in a correct order |
var start = edges[0].start; |
var end = edges[0].end; |
edges.shift(); |
var spl = start.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
spl = end.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
var next = $.grep(edges, function(e) {return (e.start == end || e.end == end);}); |
while (next.length > 0) { |
if (next[0].start == end) { |
end = next[0].end; |
} else if (next[0].end == end) { |
end = next[0].start; |
} |
spl = end.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
var rem = edges.indexOf(next[0]); |
edges.splice(rem, 1); |
next = $.grep(edges, function(e) {return (e.start == end || e.end == end);}); |
} |
path += lineGen(edgesOrdered); |
} |
var color = states[region].color; |
regions.append("path").attr("d", round(path, 1)).attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke", color).attr("stroke-width", 1.5).attr("class", "region"+region); |
} |
function drawBorders(edges, type) { |
var path = ""; |
if (edges.length < 1) {return;} |
while (edges.length > 0) { |
var edgesOrdered = []; // to store points in a correct order |
var start = edges[0].start; |
var end = edges[0].end; |
edges.shift(); |
var spl = start.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
spl = end.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
var next = $.grep(edges, function(e) {return (e.start == end || e.end == end);}); |
while (next.length > 0) { |
if (next[0].start == end) { |
end = next[0].end; |
} else if (next[0].end == end) { |
end = next[0].start; |
} |
spl = end.split(" "); |
edgesOrdered.push({scX: spl[0], scY: spl[1]}); |
var rem = edges.indexOf(next[0]); |
edges.splice(rem, 1); |
next = $.grep(edges, function(e) {return (e.start == end || e.end == end);}); |
} |
path += lineGen(edgesOrdered); |
} |
if (type === "state") {stateBorders.append("path").attr("d", round(path, 1));} |
if (type === "neutral") {neutralBorders.append("path").attr("d", round(path, 1));} |
} |
// generate region name |
function generateStateName(state) { |
var culture = state; |
if (states[state]) if(manors[states[state].capital]) {culture = manors[states[state].capital].culture;} |
var name = Math.random() < 0.8 ? generateName(culture) : manors[state].name; |
var suffix = "ia"; // common latin suffix |
var vowels = "aeiouy"; |
if (Math.random() < 0.05 && (culture == 3 || culture == 4)) {suffix = "terra";} // 5% "terra" for Italian and Spanish |
if (Math.random() < 0.05 && culture == 2) {suffix = "terre";} // 5% "terre" for French |
if (Math.random() < 0.5 && culture == 0) {suffix = "land";} // 50% "land" for German |
if (Math.random() < 0.33 && (culture == 1 || culture == 6)) {suffix = "land";} // 33% "land" for English and Scandinavian |
if (culture == 5 && name.slice(-2) === "sk") {name.slice(0,-2);} // exclude -sk suffix for Slavic |
if (name.indexOf(suffix) !== -1) {suffix = "";} // null suffix if name already contains it |
var ending = name.slice(-1); |
if (vowels.includes(ending) && name.length > 3) { |
if (Math.random() > 0.2) { |
ending = name.slice(-2,-1); |
if (vowels.includes(ending)) { |
name = name.slice(0,-2) + suffix; // 80% for vv |
} else if (Math.random() > 0.2) { |
name = name.slice(0,-1) + suffix; // 64% for cv |
} |
} |
} else if (Math.random() > 0.5) { |
name += suffix // 50% for cc |
} |
if (name.slice(-4) === "berg") {name += suffix;} // special case for -berg |
return name; |
} |
// draw the Heightmap |
function toggleHeight() { |
var scheme = styleSchemeInput.value; |
var hColor = color; |
if (scheme === "light") {hColor = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateRdYlGn);} |
if (scheme === "green") {hColor = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateGreens);} |
if (scheme === "monochrome") {hColor = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateGreys);} |
if (terrs.selectAll("path").size() == 0) { |
land.map(function(i) { |
terrs.append("path") |
.attr("d", "M" + polygons[i.index].join("L") + "Z") |
.attr("fill", hColor(1 - i.height)) |
.attr("stroke", hColor(1 - i.height)); |
}); |
} else { |
terrs.selectAll("path").remove(); |
} |
} |
// draw Cultures |
function toggleCultures() { |
if (cults.selectAll("path").size() == 0) { |
land.map(function(i) { |
cults.append("path") |
.attr("d", "M" + polygons[i.index].join("L") + "Z") |
.attr("fill", colors8(i.culture / cultures.length)) |
.attr("stroke", colors8(i.culture / cultures.length)); |
}); |
} else { |
cults.selectAll("path").remove(); |
} |
} |
// draw Overlay |
function toggleOverlay() { |
if (overlay.selectAll("*").size() === 0) { |
var type = styleOverlayType.value; |
var size = +styleOverlaySize.value; |
if (type === "hex") { |
var hexbin = d3.hexbin().radius(size).size([mapWidth, mapHeight]); |
overlay.append("path").attr("d", round(hexbin.mesh(), 0)); |
} else if (type === "square") { |
var x = d3.range(size, mapWidth, size); |
var y = d3.range(size, mapHeight, size); |
overlay.append("g").selectAll("line").data(x).enter().append("line") |
.attr("x1", function(d) {return d;}) |
.attr("x2", function(d) {return d;}) |
.attr("y1", 0).attr("y2", mapHeight); |
overlay.append("g").selectAll("line").data(y).enter().append("line") |
.attr("y1", function(d) {return d;}) |
.attr("y2", function(d) {return d;}) |
.attr("x1", 0).attr("x2", mapWidth); |
} else { |
var tr = `translate(80 80) scale(${size / 25})`; |
d3.select("#rose").attr("transform", tr); |
overlay.append("use").attr("xlink:href","#rose"); |
} |
overlay.call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
} else { |
overlay.selectAll("*").remove(); |
} |
} |
// clean data to get rid of redundand info |
function cleanData() { |
console.time("cleanData"); |
cells.map(function(c) { |
delete c.cost; |
delete c.used; |
delete c.coastX; |
delete c.coastY; |
}); |
console.timeEnd("cleanData"); |
} |
// Draw the water flux system (for dubugging) |
function toggleFlux() { |
var colorFlux = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateBlues); |
if (terrs.selectAll("path").size() == 0) { |
land.map(function(i) { |
terrs.append("path") |
.attr("d", "M" + polygons[i.index].join("L") + "Z") |
.attr("fill", colorFlux(0.1 + i.flux)) |
.attr("stroke", colorFlux(0.1 + i.flux)); |
}); |
} else { |
terrs.selectAll("path").remove(); |
} |
} |
// Draw the Relief (need to create more beautiness) |
function drawRelief() { |
console.time('drawRelief'); |
var ea, edge, id, cell, x, y, height, path, dash = "", rnd, count; |
var hill = [], hShade = [], swamp = "", swampCount = 0, forest = "", fShade = "", fLight = "", swamp = ""; |
hill[0] = "", hill[1] = "", hShade[0] = "", hShade[1] = ""; |
var strokes = terrain.append("g").attr("id", "strokes"), |
hills = terrain.append("g").attr("id", "hills"), |
mounts = terrain.append("g").attr("id", "mounts"), |
swamps = terrain.append("g").attr("id", "swamps"), |
forests = terrain.append("g").attr("id", "forests"); |
// sort the land to Draw the top element first (reduce the elements overlapping) |
land.sort(compareY); |
for (i = 0; i < land.length; i++) { |
x = land[i].data[0]; |
y = land[i].data[1]; |
height = land[i].height; |
if (height >= 0.7 && !land[i].river) { |
h = (height - 0.55) * 12; |
if (height < 0.8) { |
count = 2; |
} else { |
count = 1; |
} |
rnd = Math.random() * 0.8 + 0.2; |
for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { |
cx = x - h * 0.9 - c; |
cy = y + h / 4 + c / 2; |
path = "M " + cx + "," + cy + " L " + (cx + h / 3 + rnd) + "," + (cy - h / 4 - rnd * 1.2) + " L " + (cx + h / 1.1) + "," + (cy - h) + " L " + (cx + h + rnd) + "," + (cy - h / 1.2 + rnd) + " L " + (cx + h * 2) + "," + cy; |
mounts.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("stroke", "#5c5c70"); |
path = "M " + cx + "," + cy + " L " + (cx + h / 3 + rnd) + "," + (cy - h / 4 - rnd * 1.2) + " L " + (cx + h / 1.1) + "," + (cy - h) + " L " + (cx + h / 1.5) + "," + cy; |
mounts.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "#999999"); |
dash += "M" + (cx - 0.1) + "," + (cy + 0.3) + " L" + (cx + 2 * h + 0.1) + "," + (cy + 0.3); |
} |
dash += "M" + (cx + 0.4) + "," + (cy + 0.6) + " L" + (cx + 2 * h - 0.3) + "," + (cy + 0.6); |
} else if (height > 0.5 && !land[i].river) { |
h = (height - 0.4) * 10; |
count = Math.floor(4 - h); |
if (h > 1.8) { |
h = 1.8 |
} |
for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { |
cx = x - h - c; |
cy = y + h / 4 + c / 2; |
hill[c] += "M" + cx + "," + cy + " Q" + (cx + h) + "," + (cy - h) + " " + (cx + 2 * h) + "," + cy; |
hShade[c] += "M" + (cx + 0.6 * h) + "," + (cy + 0.1) + " Q" + (cx + h * 0.95) + "," + (cy - h * 0.91) + " " + (cx + 2 * h * 0.97) + "," + cy; |
dash += "M" + (cx - 0.1) + "," + (cy + 0.2) + " L" + (cx + 2 * h + 0.1) + "," + (cy + 0.2); |
} |
dash += "M" + (cx + 0.4) + "," + (cy + 0.4) + " L" + (cx + 2 * h - 0.3) + "," + (cy + 0.4); |
} |
if (height >= 0.21 && height < 0.22 && !land[i].river && swampCount < swampiness && land[i].used != 1) { |
swampCount++; |
land[i].used = 1; |
swamp += drawSwamp(x, y); |
id = land[i].index; |
cell = diagram.cells[id]; |
cell.halfedges.forEach(function(e) { |
edge = diagram.edges[e]; |
ea = edge.left.index; |
if (ea === id || !ea) { |
ea = edge.right.index; |
} |
if (cells[ea].height >= 0.2 && cells[ea].height < 0.3 && !cells[ea].river && cells[ea].used != 1) { |
cells[ea].used = 1; |
swamp += drawSwamp(cells[ea].data[0], cells[ea].data[1]); |
} |
}) |
} |
if (Math.random() < height && height >= 0.22 && height < 0.48 && !land[i].river) { |
for (c = 0; c < Math.floor(height * 8); c++) { |
h = 0.6; |
if (c == 0) { |
cx = x - h - Math.random(); |
cy = y - h - Math.random(); |
} |
if (c == 1) { |
cx = x + h + Math.random(); |
cy = y + h + Math.random(); |
} |
if (c == 2) { |
cx = x - h - Math.random(); |
cy = y + 2 * h + Math.random(); |
} |
forest += "M " + cx + " " + cy + " q -1 0.8 -0.05 1.25 v 0.75 h 0.1 v -0.75 q 0.95 -0.47 -0.05 -1.25 z"; |
fLight += "M " + cx + " " + cy + " q -1 0.8 -0.05 1.25 h 0.1 q 0.95 -0.47 -0.05 -1.25 z"; |
fShade += "M " + cx + " " + cy + " q -1 0.8 -0.05 1.25 q -0.2 -0.55 0 -1.1 z"; |
} |
} |
} |
// draw all these stuff |
strokes.append("path").attr("d", round(dash, 1)); |
hills.append("path").attr("d", round(hill[0], 1)).attr("stroke", "#5c5c70"); |
hills.append("path").attr("d", round(hShade[0], 1)).attr("fill", "white"); |
hills.append("path").attr("d", round(hill[1], 1)).attr("stroke", "#5c5c70"); |
hills.append("path").attr("d", round(hShade[1], 1)).attr("fill", "white").attr("stroke", "white"); |
swamps.append("path").attr("d", round(swamp, 1)); |
forests.append("path").attr("d", forest); |
forests.append("path").attr("d", fLight).attr("fill", "white").attr("stroke", "none"); |
forests.append("path").attr("d", fShade).attr("fill", "#999999").attr("stroke", "none"); |
console.timeEnd('drawRelief'); |
} |
function compareY(a, b) { |
if (a.data[1] > b.data[1]) return 1; |
if (a.data[1] < b.data[1]) return -1; |
return 0; |
} |
function drawSwamp(x, y) { |
var h = 0.6, line = ""; |
for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { |
if (c == 0) { |
cx = x; |
cy = y - 0.5 - Math.random(); |
} |
if (c == 1) { |
cx = x + h + Math.random(); |
cy = y + h + Math.random(); |
} |
if (c == 2) { |
cx = x - h - Math.random(); |
cy = y + 2 * h + Math.random(); |
} |
line += "M" + cx + "," + cy + " H" + (cx - h / 6) + " M" + cx + "," + cy + " H" + (cx + h / 6) + " M" + cx + "," + cy + " L" + (cx - h / 3) + "," + (cy - h / 2) + " M" + cx + "," + cy + " V" + (cy - h / 1.5) + " M" + cx + "," + cy + " L" + (cx + h / 3) + "," + (cy - h / 2); |
line += "M" + (cx - h) + "," + cy + " H" + (cx - h / 2) + " M" + (cx + h / 2) + "," + cy + " H" + (cx + h); |
} |
return line; |
} |
function dragged(e) { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var x = d3.event.x; |
var y = d3.event.y; |
el.raise().classed("drag", true); |
if (el.attr("x")) { |
el.attr("x", x).attr("y", y + 0.8); |
var matrix = el.attr("transform"); |
if (matrix) { |
var angle = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(' ')[0]; |
var bbox = el.node().getBBox(); |
var rotate = "rotate("+ angle + " " + (bbox.x + bbox.width/2) + " " + (bbox.y + bbox.height/2) + ")"; |
el.attr("transform", rotate); |
} |
} else { |
el.attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y); |
} |
} |
function dragended(d) { |
d3.select(this).classed("drag", false); |
} |
// Complete the map for the "customize" mode |
function getMap() { |
exitCustomization(); |
console.time("TOTAL"); |
if (randomizeInput.value === "1") {randomizeOptions();} |
markFeatures(); |
drawOcean(); |
reGraph(); |
resolveDepressions(); |
flux(); |
drawRelief(); |
drawCoastline(); |
manorsAndRegions(); |
cleanData(); |
if (!$("#toggleHeight").hasClass("buttonoff") && terrs.selectAll("path").size() === 0) {toggleHeight();} |
console.timeEnd("TOTAL"); |
} |
// Mouseclick events |
function clicked() { |
var brush = $(".pressed").attr("id"); |
if (customization !== 1 && brush === "brushHill") { |
$("#"+brush).removeClass("pressed"); |
brush = $(".pressed").attr("id"); |
} |
if (customization === 2) { |
var cell = diagram.find(x, y).index; |
var assigned = regions.select("#temp").select("path[data-cell='"+cell+"']"); |
if (assigned.size()) {var s = assigned.attr("data-state");} else {var s = cells[cell].region;} |
if (s === "neutral") {s = states.length - 1;} |
$(".selected").removeClass("selected"); |
$("#state"+s).addClass("selected"); |
} |
if (!brush) {return;} |
var point = d3.mouse(this); |
if ($("#riverAddPoint").hasClass('pressed')) { |
var dists = [], points = []; |
var tr = parseTransform(elSelected.attr("transform")); |
if (tr[5] == "1") { |
point[0] -= +tr[0]; |
point[1] -= +tr[1]; |
} |
rivers.select(".riverPoints").selectAll("circle").each(function() { |
var x = +d3.select(this).attr("cx"); |
var y = +d3.select(this).attr("cy"); |
dists.push(Math.hypot(point[0] - x, point[1] - y)); |
points.push([x, y]); |
}).remove(); |
var index = dists.length; |
if (points.length > 1) { |
var sorted = dists.slice(0).sort(function(a, b) {return a-b;}); |
var closest = dists.indexOf(sorted[0]); |
var next = dists.indexOf(sorted[1]); |
if (closest <= next) {index = closest+1;} else {index = next+1;} |
} |
points.splice(index, 0, [point[0], point[1]]); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.1)); |
var d = drawRiver(points, 2, 1); |
elSelected.attr("d", d).attr("data-points", round(JSON.stringify(points), 1)); |
points.map(function(p) {addRiverPoint(p)}); |
return; |
} |
if ($("#riverNew").hasClass('pressed')) { |
if (elSelected.attr("data-river") !== "new") { |
elSelected.call(d3.drag().on("drag", null)).classed("draggable", false); |
var river = +$("#rivers > path").last().attr("id").slice(5) + 1; |
elSelected = rivers.append("path").attr("data-river", "new").attr("id", "river"+river) |
.attr("data-width", 2).attr("data-increment", 1).on("click", editRiver); |
} |
addRiverPoint({scX:point[0], scY:point[1]}); |
redrawRiver(); |
return; |
} |
if (brush === "addLabel" || brush === "addBurg" || brush.includes("selectCapital")) { |
var cell = diagram.find(x, y).index; |
if (!cell) {return;} |
var x = rn(point[0], 2), y = rn(point[1], 2); |
// get culture in clicked point to generate a name |
var closest = cultureTree.find(x, y); |
var culture = cultureTree.data().indexOf(closest) || 0; |
var name = generateName(culture); |
// please label |
if (brush === "addLabel") { |
addedLabels.append("text").attr("x", x).attr("y", y).text(name).on("click", editLabel); |
if (!shift) {$("#"+brush).removeClass("pressed");} |
} |
if (brush === "addBurg") { |
if (cells[cell].height < 0.2) { |
console.error("Cannot place burg in the water! Select a land cell"); |
return; |
} |
if (cells[cell].manor !== undefined) { |
console.error("There is already a burg in this cell. Select a free cell"); |
return; |
} |
burgs.append("circle").attr("r", .5).attr("stroke-width", .12).attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y).call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
labels.select("#towns").append("text").attr("x", x).attr("y", y).attr("dy", -0.7).text(name).on("click", editLabel); |
var region, state; |
if ($("#burgAdd").hasClass("pressed")) { |
state = +$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state"); |
region = states[state].color === "neutral" ? "neutral" : state; |
var oldRegion = cells[cell].region; |
if (region !== oldRegion) { |
cells[cell].region = region; |
redrawRegions(); |
} |
} else { |
region = cells[cell].region; |
state = region === "neutral" ? states.length - 1 : region; |
} |
var i = manors.length; |
cells[cell].manor = i; |
var score = cells[cell].score; |
if (score <= 0) {score = rn(Math.random(), 2);} |
if (cells[cell].crossroad) {score += cell.crossroad;} // crossroads |
if (cells[cell].confluence) {score += Math.pow(cell.confluence, 0.3);} // confluences |
if (cells[cell].port) {score *= 3;} // port-capital |
var population = rn(score, 1); |
manors.push({i, cell, x, y, region, culture, name, population}); |
recalculateStateData(state); |
updateCountryEditors(); |
if (!shift) { |
$("#"+brush).removeClass("pressed"); |
$("#burgAdd").removeClass("pressed"); |
} |
} |
if (brush.includes("selectCapital")) { |
if (cells[cell].height < 0.2) { |
console.error("Cannot place capital in the water! Select a land cell"); |
return; |
} |
var state = +brush.replace("selectCapital", ""); |
var oldState = cells[cell].region; |
if (oldState === "neutral") {oldState = states.length - 1;} |
if (cells[cell].manor !== undefined) { |
var burg = cells[cell].manor; |
if (states[oldState].capital === burg) { |
console.error("Existing capital cannot be selected as a new state capital! Select other cell"); |
return; |
} else { |
// make capital from existing burg |
var urbanFactor = 0.9; // for old neutrals |
manors[burg].region = state; |
if (oldState === "neutral") {manors[burg].population *= (1 / urbanFactor);} |
manors[burg].population *= 2; // give capital x2 population bonus |
states[state].capital = burg; |
$("#manorLabel"+burg).detach().appendTo($("#capitals")).attr("dy", -1.3); |
$("#manorIcon"+burg).attr("r", 1).attr("stroke-width", .24); |
} |
} else { |
// create new burg for capital |
var i = manors.length; |
cells[cell].manor = i; |
states[state].capital = i; |
var score = cells[cell].score; |
if (score <= 0) {score = rn(Math.random(), 2);} |
if (cells[cell].crossroad) {score += cell.crossroad;} // crossroads |
if (cells[cell].confluence) {score += Math.pow(cell.confluence, 0.3);} // confluences |
if (cells[cell].port) {score *= 3;} // port-capital |
var population = rn(score, 1); |
manors.push({i, cell, x, y, region: state, culture, name, population}); |
burgs.append("circle").attr("r", 1).attr("stroke-width", .24).attr("cx", x).attr("cy", y).call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
capitals.append("text").attr("id", "manorLabel"+i).attr("x", x).attr("y", y).attr("dy", -1.3).text(name).on("click", editLabel); |
} |
cells[cell].region = state; |
cells[cell].neighbors.map(function(n) { |
if (cells[n].height < 0.2) {return;} |
if (cells[n].manor !== undefined) {return;} |
cells[n].region = state; |
}); |
redrawRegions(); |
recalculateStateData(oldState); // re-calc old state data |
recalculateStateData(state); // calc new state data |
editCountries(); |
$("#"+brush).removeClass("pressed"); |
} |
return; |
} |
if (brush === "addRiver") { |
var index = diagram.find(point[0], point[1]).index; |
var cell = cells[index]; |
if (cell.river || cell.height < 0.2) {return;} |
var dataRiver = []; // to store river points |
var river = +$("#rivers > path").last().attr("id").slice(5) + 1; |
cell.flux = 0.85; |
while (cell) { |
cell.river = river; |
var x = cell.data[0], y = cell.data[1]; |
dataRiver.push({x, y, cell:index}); |
var heights = []; |
cell.neighbors.forEach(function(e) {heights.push(cells[e].height);}); |
var minId = heights.indexOf(d3.min(heights)); |
var min = cell.neighbors[minId]; |
var tx = cells[min].data[0], ty = cells[min].data[1]; |
if (cells[min].height < 0.2) { |
var px = (x + tx) / 2; |
var py = (y + ty) / 2; |
dataRiver.push({x: px, y: py, cell:index}); |
cell = undefined; |
} else { |
if (!cells[min].river) {cells[min].flux += cell.flux; cell = cells[min];} |
if (cells[min].river) { |
var r = cells[min].river; |
var riverEl = $("#river"+r); |
var points = JSON.parse(riverEl.attr("data-points")); |
var riverCells = []; |
for (var p = 0; p < points.length; p++) { |
var c = diagram.find(points[p].scX, points[p].scY, 5); |
if (c === null) {continue;} |
if (c.index !== riverCells[riverCells.length-1]) {riverCells.push(c.index);} |
} |
if (dataRiver.length > riverCells.indexOf(min)) { |
cells[min].flux = cell.flux + cells[min].flux / 2; |
cell = cells[min]; |
riverEl.remove(); |
cells.map(function(c) {if (c.river === r) {c.river = undefined;}}) |
} else { |
cells[min].confluence += dataRiver.length; |
cells[min].flux += cell.flux; |
dataRiver.push({x: tx, y: ty, cell:min}); |
cell = undefined; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
var rndFactor = 0.2 + Math.random() * 1.6; // random factor in range 0.2-1.8 |
var riverAmended = amendRiver(dataRiver, rndFactor); |
lineGen.curve(d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.1)); |
var d = drawRiver(riverAmended, 2, 1); |
rivers.append("path").attr("d", d).attr("id", "river"+river) |
.attr("data-points", round(JSON.stringify(riverAmended), 1)) |
.attr("data-width", 2).attr("data-increment", 1).on("click", editRiver); |
return; |
} |
if (customization === 1) { |
var cell = diagram.find(point[0], point[1]).index; |
var power = +brushPower.value; |
if (brush === "brushHill") {add(cell, "hill", power);} |
if (brush === "brushPit") {addPit(1, power, cell);} |
if (brush === "brushRange" || brush === "brushTrough") { |
if (icons.selectAll(".tag").size() === 0) { |
icons.append("circle").attr("r", 3).attr("class", "tag").attr("cx", point[0]).attr("cy", point[1]); |
} else { |
var x = +icons.select(".tag").attr("cx"); |
var y = +icons.select(".tag").attr("cy"); |
var from = diagram.find(x, y).index; |
icons.selectAll(".tag, .line").remove(); |
addRange(brush === "brushRange" ? 1 : -1, power, from, cell); |
} |
} |
updateCellsInRadius(cell, cell); |
mockHeightmap(); |
} |
} |
// re-calculate data for a particular state |
function recalculateStateData(state) { |
var s = states[state]; |
if (s.color === "neutral") {state = "neutral";} |
var ruralFactor = state === "neutral" ? 0.5 : 1; |
var burgs = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.region === state);}); |
s.burgs = burgs.length; |
var burgsPop = 0; // get summ of all burgs population |
burgs.map(function(b) {burgsPop += b.population;}); |
s.urbanPopulation = rn(burgsPop, 2); |
var regionCells = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.region === state);}); |
var cellsScore = 0, area = 0; |
regionCells.map(function(c) { |
cellsScore += Math.pow((1 - c.height), 3) * 10; |
area += rn(Math.abs(d3.polygonArea(polygons[c.index]))); |
}); |
regionCells.map(function(c) {cellsScore += Math.pow((1 - c.height), 3) * 10;}); |
s.cells = regionCells.length; |
s.area = area; |
var graphSizeAdj = 90 / Math.sqrt(cells.length, 2); |
s.ruralPopulation = rn(cellsScore * graphSizeAdj * ruralFactor, 2); |
} |
function editLabel() { |
if (elSelected) { |
elSelected.call(d3.drag().on("drag", null)).classed("draggable", false); |
} |
elSelected = d3.select(this); |
elSelected.call(d3.drag().on("drag", dragged).on("end", dragended)).classed("draggable", true); |
var group = d3.select(this.parentNode); |
updateGroupOptions(); |
editGroupSelect.value = group.attr("id"); |
editFontSelect.value = fonts.indexOf(group.attr("data-font")); |
editSize.value = group.attr("data-size"); |
editColor.value = toHEX(group.attr("fill")); |
editOpacity.value = group.attr("opacity"); |
editText.value = elSelected.text(); |
var matrix = elSelected.attr("transform"); |
if (matrix) { |
var rotation = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(' ')[0]; |
} else { |
var rotation = 0; |
} |
editAngle.value = rotation; |
editAngleValue.innerHTML = rotation + "°"; |
$("#labelEditor").dialog({ |
title: "Edit Label: " + editText.value, |
minHeight: 30, width: "auto", maxWidth: 275, resizable: false, |
position: {my: "center top", at: "bottom", of: this} |
}); |
fetchAdditionalFonts(); |
} |
// fetch default fonts if not done before |
function fetchAdditionalFonts() { |
if (fonts.indexOf("Bitter") === -1) { |
$("head").append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fonts.css">'); |
fonts = fonts.concat(["IM+Fell+English", "Great+Vibes", "Bitter", "Yellowtail", "Montez", "Lobster", "Josefin+Sans", "Shadows+Into+Light", "Orbitron", "Dancing+Script:700", "Bangers", "Chewy", "Architects+Daughter", "Kaushan+Script", "Gloria+Hallelujah", "Satisfy", "Comfortaa:700", "Cinzel"]); |
updateFontOptions(); |
} |
} |
$("#labelEditor .editButton, #labelEditor .editButtonS").click(function() { |
var group = d3.select(elSelected.node().parentNode); |
if (this.id == "editRemoveSingle") { |
alertMessage.innerHTML = "Are you sure you want to remove the label?"; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove label", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
elSelected.remove(); |
$("#labelEditor").dialog("close"); |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "editGroupRemove") { |
var count = group.selectAll("text").size() |
if (count < 2) { |
group.remove(); |
$("#labelEditor").dialog("close"); |
return; |
} |
var message = "Are you sure you want to remove all labels (" + count + ") of that group?"; |
alertMessage.innerHTML = message; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove labels", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
group.remove(); |
$("#labelEditor").dialog("close"); |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "editCopy") { |
var shift = +group.attr("font-size") + 1; |
var xn = +elSelected.attr("x") - shift; |
var yn = +elSelected.attr("y") - shift; |
while (group.selectAll("text[x='" + xn + "']").size() > 0) {xn -= shift; yn -= shift;} |
group.append("text").attr("x", xn).attr("y", yn).text(elSelected.text()) |
.attr("transform", elSelected.attr("transform")).on("click", editLabel); |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "editGroupNew") { |
if ($("#editGroupInput").css("display") === "none") { |
$("#editGroupInput").css("display", "inline-block"); |
$("#editGroupSelect").css("display", "none"); |
editGroupInput.focus(); |
} else { |
$("#editGroupSelect").css("display", "inline-block"); |
$("#editGroupInput").css("display", "none"); |
} |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "editExternalFont") { |
if ($("#editFontInput").css("display") === "none") { |
$("#editFontInput").css("display", "inline-block"); |
$("#editFontSelect").css("display", "none"); |
editFontInput.focus(); |
} else { |
$("#editFontSelect").css("display", "inline-block"); |
$("#editFontInput").css("display", "none"); |
} |
return; |
} |
if (this.id == "editTextRandom") { |
var name; |
// check if label is country name |
if (group.attr("id") === "countries") { |
var state = $.grep(states, function(e) {return (e.name === editText.value);})[0]; |
name = generateStateName(state.i); |
state.name = name; |
} else { |
// check if label is manor name |
var manor = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.name === editText.value);})[0]; |
if (manor) { |
var culture = manor.culture; |
name = generateName(culture); |
manor.name = name; |
} else { |
// if not, get culture closest to BBox centre |
var c = elSelected.node().getBBox(); |
var closest = cultureTree.find((c.x + c.width / 2), (c.y + c.height / 2)); |
var culture = cultureTree.data().indexOf(closest) || 0; |
name = generateName(culture); |
} |
} |
editText.value = name; |
elSelected.text(name); |
$("div[aria-describedby='labelEditor'] .ui-dialog-title").text("Edit Label: " + name); |
return; |
} |
$("#labelEditor .editButton").toggle(); |
if (this.id == "editGroupButton") { |
if ($("#editGroupInput").css("display") !== "none") {$("#editGroupSelect").css("display", "inline-block");} |
if ($("#editGroupRemove").css("display") === "none") { |
$("#editGroupRemove, #editGroupNew").css("display", "inline-block"); |
} else { |
$("#editGroupInput, #editGroupRemove, #editGroupNew").css("display", "none"); |
} |
} |
if (this.id == "editFontButton") {$("#editSizeIcon, #editFontSelect, #editSize").toggle();} |
if (this.id == "editStyleButton") {$("#editOpacityIcon, #editOpacity, #editShadowIcon, #editShadow").toggle();} |
if (this.id == "editAngleButton") {$("#editAngleValue").toggle();} |
if (this.id == "editTextButton") {$("#editTextRandom").toggle();} |
$(this).show().next().toggle(); |
}); |
function updateGroupOptions() { |
editGroupSelect.innerHTML = ""; |
labels.selectAll("g").each(function(d) { |
var opt = document.createElement("option"); |
opt.value = opt.innerHTML = d3.select(this).attr("id"); |
editGroupSelect.add(opt); |
}); |
} |
// on editAngle change |
$("#editAngle").change(function() { |
var c = elSelected.node().getBBox(); |
var rotate = `rotate(${this.value} ${(c.x+c.width/2)} ${(c.y+c.height/2)})`; |
elSelected.attr("transform", rotate); |
}); |
// on editFontInput change. Use a direct link to any @font-face declaration or just font name to fetch from Google Fonts |
$("#editFontInput").change(function() { |
if (editFontInput.value !== "") { |
var url = (editFontInput.value).replace(/ /g, "+"); |
if (url.indexOf("http") === -1) {url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=" + url;} |
addFonts(url); |
editFontInput.value = ""; |
editExternalFont.click(); |
} |
}); |
function addFonts(url) { |
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + url + '">'); |
return fetch(url) |
.then(resp => resp.text()) |
.then(text => { |
let s = document.createElement('style'); |
s.innerHTML = text; |
document.head.appendChild(s); |
let styleSheet = Array.prototype.filter.call( |
document.styleSheets, |
sS => sS.ownerNode === s)[0]; |
let FontRule = rule => { |
let family = rule.style.getPropertyValue('font-family'); |
let weight = rule.style.getPropertyValue('font-weight'); |
let font = family.replace(/['"]+/g, '').replace(/ /g, "+") + ":" + weight; |
if (fonts.indexOf(font) == -1) {fonts.push(font);} |
}; |
for (var r of styleSheet.cssRules) {FontRule(r);} |
document.head.removeChild(s); |
updateFontOptions(); |
}) |
} |
// on any Editor input change |
$("#labelEditor .editTrigger").change(function() { |
$(this).attr("title", $(this).val()); |
elSelected.text(editText.value); // change Label text |
// check if Group was changed |
var group = d3.select(elSelected.node().parentNode); |
var groupOld = group.attr("id"); |
var groupNew = editGroupSelect.value; |
// check if label is country name |
if (elSelected.attr("id").includes("regionLabel")) { |
var state = +elSelected.attr("id").slice(11); |
states[state].name = name; |
} |
// check if label is manor name |
if (elSelected.attr("id").includes("manorLabel")) { |
var manor = +elSelected.attr("id").slice(10); |
manors[manor].name = name; |
} |
if (editGroupInput.value !== "") { |
groupNew = editGroupInput.value.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "_").replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, ""); |
if (Number.isFinite(+groupNew.charAt(0))) {groupNew = "g" + groupNew;} |
} |
if (groupOld !== groupNew) { |
var removed = elSelected.remove(); |
if (labels.select("#"+groupNew).size() > 0) { |
group = labels.select("#"+groupNew); |
editFontSelect.value = fonts.indexOf(group.attr("data-font")); |
editSize.value = group.attr("data-size"); |
editColor.value = toHEX(group.attr("fill")); |
editOpacity.value = group.attr("opacity"); |
} else { |
if (group.selectAll("text").size() === 0) {group.remove();} |
group = labels.append("g").attr("id", groupNew); |
updateGroupOptions(); |
$("#editGroupSelect, #editGroupInput").toggle(); |
editGroupInput.value = ""; |
} |
group.append(function() {return removed.node();}); |
editGroupSelect.value = group.attr("id"); |
} |
// update Group attributes |
var size = +editSize.value; |
var font = fonts[editFontSelect.value].split(':')[0].replace(/\+/g, " "); |
group.attr("data-size", size) |
.attr("font-size", rn((size + (size / scale)) / 2, 2)) |
.attr("font-family", font) |
.attr("data-font", fonts[editFontSelect.value]) |
.attr("fill", editColor.title) |
.attr("opacity", editOpacity.value); |
}); |
// Update font list for Label Editor |
function updateFontOptions() { |
editFontSelect.innerHTML = ""; |
for (var i=0; i < fonts.length; i++) { |
var opt = document.createElement('option'); |
opt.value = i; |
var font = fonts[i].split(':')[0].replace(/\+/g, " "); |
opt.style.fontFamily = opt.innerHTML = font; |
editFontSelect.add(opt); |
} |
} |
// convert RGB color string to HEX without # |
function toHEX(rgb){ |
if (rgb.charAt(0) === "#") {return rgb;} |
rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i); |
return (rgb && rgb.length === 4) ? "#" + |
("0" + parseInt(rgb[1],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + |
("0" + parseInt(rgb[2],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + |
("0" + parseInt(rgb[3],10).toString(16)).slice(-2) : ''; |
} |
// get Curve Type |
function getCurveType() { |
type = curveType.value; |
if (type === "Catmull–Rom") {lineGen.curve(d3.curveCatmullRom);} |
if (type === "Linear") {lineGen.curve(d3.curveLinear);} |
if (type === "Basis") {lineGen.curve(d3.curveBasisClosed);} |
if (type === "Cardinal") {lineGen.curve(d3.curveCardinal);} |
if (type === "Step") {lineGen.curve(d3.curveStep);} |
} |
// round value to d decimals |
function rn(v, d) { |
var d = d || 0; |
var m = Math.pow(10, d); |
return Math.round(v * m) / m; |
} |
// round string to d decimals |
function round(s, d) { |
var d = d || 1; |
return s.replace(/[\d\.-][\d\.e-]*/g, function(n) {return rn(n, d);}) |
} |
// corvent number to short string with SI postfix |
function si(n, d) { |
if (n >= 1e9) {return rn(n / 1e9, 1) + "B";} |
if (n >= 1e8) {return rn(n / 1e6) + "M";} |
if (n >= 1e6) {return rn(n / 1e6, 1) + "M";} |
if (n >= 1e4) {return rn(n / 1e3) + "K";} |
if (n >= 1e3) {return rn(n / 1e3, 1) + "K";} |
return rn(n); |
} |
// getInteger number from user input data |
function getInteger(value) { |
var metric = value.slice(-1); |
if (metric === "K") {return parseInt(value.slice(0, -1) * 1e3);} |
if (metric === "M") {return parseInt(value.slice(0, -1) * 1e6);} |
if (metric === "B") {return parseInt(value.slice(0, -1) * 1e9);} |
return parseInt(value); |
} |
// downalod map as SVG or PNG file |
function saveAsImage(type) { |
console.time("saveAsImage"); |
// get all used fonts |
var fontsInUse = []; // to store fonts currently in use |
labels.selectAll("g").each(function(d) { |
var font = d3.select(this).attr("data-font"); |
if (fontsInUse.indexOf(font) === -1) {fontsInUse.push(font);} |
}); |
var fontsToLoad = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=" + fontsInUse.join("|"); |
// clone svg |
var cloneEl = document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].cloneNode(true); |
cloneEl.id = "clone"; |
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(cloneEl); |
var clone = d3.select("#clone"); |
if (type === "svg") {clone.select("#viewbox").attr("transform", null);} |
// for each g element get inline style |
var emptyG = clone.append("g").node(); |
var defaultStyles = window.getComputedStyle(emptyG); |
clone.selectAll("g, #ruler > g > *, #scaleBar > text").each(function(d) { |
var compStyle = window.getComputedStyle(this); |
var style = ""; |
for (var i=0; i < compStyle.length; i++) { |
var key = compStyle[i]; |
var value = compStyle.getPropertyValue(key); |
if (key !== "cursor" && value != defaultStyles.getPropertyValue(key)) { |
style += key + ':' + value + ';'; |
} |
} |
if (style != "") {this.setAttribute('style', style);} |
}); |
emptyG.remove(); |
// load fonts as dataURI so they will be available in downloaded svg/png |
GFontToDataURI(fontsToLoad).then(cssRules => { |
clone.select("defs").append("style").text(cssRules.join('\n')); |
var svg_xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(clone.node()); |
clone.remove(); |
var blob = new Blob([svg_xml], {type:'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8'}); |
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
var link = document.createElement("a"); |
if (type === "png") { |
canvas.width = mapWidth * 2.4; |
canvas.height = mapHeight * 2.4; |
var img = new Image(); |
img.src = url; |
img.onload = function(){ |
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); |
link.download = "fantasy_map_" + Date.now() + ".png"; |
link.href = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); |
canvas.width = mapWidth; |
canvas.height = mapHeight; |
canvas.style.opacity = 0; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
} |
} else { |
link.download = "fantasy_map_" + Date.now() + ".svg"; |
link.href = url; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
} |
console.timeEnd("saveAsImage"); |
window.setTimeout(function() {window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);}, 2000); |
}); |
} |
// Code from Kaiido's answer: |
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42402584/how-to-use-google-fonts-in-canvas-when-drawing-dom-objects-in-svg |
function GFontToDataURI(url) { |
"use strict;" |
return fetch(url) // first fecth the embed stylesheet page |
.then(resp => resp.text()) // we only need the text of it |
.then(text => { |
let s = document.createElement('style'); |
s.innerHTML = text; |
document.head.appendChild(s); |
let styleSheet = Array.prototype.filter.call( |
document.styleSheets, |
sS => sS.ownerNode === s)[0]; |
let FontRule = rule => { |
let src = rule.style.getPropertyValue('src'); |
let family = rule.style.getPropertyValue('font-family'); |
let url = src.split('url(')[1].split(')')[0]; |
return { |
rule: rule, |
src: src, |
url: url.substring(url.length - 1, 1) |
}; |
}; |
let fontRules = [], fontProms = []; |
for (var r of styleSheet.cssRules) { |
let fR = FontRule(r) |
fontRules.push(fR); |
fontProms.push( |
fetch(fR.url) // fetch the actual font-file (.woff) |
.then(resp => resp.blob()) |
.then(blob => { |
return new Promise(resolve => { |
let f = new FileReader(); |
f.onload = e => resolve(f.result); |
f.readAsDataURL(blob); |
}) |
}) |
.then(dataURL => { |
return fR.rule.cssText.replace(fR.url, dataURL); |
}) |
) |
} |
document.head.removeChild(s); // clean up |
return Promise.all(fontProms); // wait for all this has been done |
}); |
} |
// print displayed map segment |
function printMap() { |
var popUpAndPrint = function() {window.print(); window.close();}; |
setTimeout(popUpAndPrint, 500); |
} |
// Save in .map format, based on FileSystem API |
function saveMap() { |
console.time("saveMap"); |
// data convention: 0 - version; 1 - all points; 2 - cells; 3 - manors; 4 - states; 5 - svg; |
// size stats: points = 6%, cells = 36%, manors and states = 2%, svg = 56%; |
var svg_xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(svg.node()); |
var line = "\r\n"; |
var data = version + line + JSON.stringify(points) + line + JSON.stringify(cells) + line + JSON.stringify(manors) + line + JSON.stringify(states) + line + svg_xml; |
var dataBlob = new Blob([data], {type:"text/plain"}); |
var dataURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob); |
var link = document.createElement("a"); |
link.download = "fantasy_map_" + Date.now() + ".map"; |
link.href = dataURL; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
console.timeEnd("saveMap"); |
window.setTimeout(function() {window.URL.revokeObjectURL(dataURL);}, 2000); |
} |
// Map Loader based on FileSystem API |
$("#fileToLoad").change(function() { |
console.time("loadMap"); |
var fileToLoad = this.files[0]; |
this.value = ""; |
var fileReader = new FileReader(); |
fileReader.onload = function(fileLoadedEvent) { |
var dataLoaded = fileLoadedEvent.target.result; |
var data = dataLoaded.split("\r\n"); |
// data convention: 0 - version; 1 - all points; 2 - cells; 3 - manors; 4 - states; 5 - svg; |
var mapVersion = data[0]; |
if (mapVersion !== version) { |
var message = `The Map version `; |
// mapVersion reference was not added to downloaded map before v. 0.52b, so I cannot support really old files |
if (mapVersion.length <= 10) { |
message += ` (${mapVersion}) `; |
message += `does not match the Generator version (${version}). The map will be auto-updated. In case of critical issues you may send the .map file `; |
message += `<a href="mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Map%20update%20request" target="_top">to me</a>`; |
message += ` or just keep using ` |
message += `<a href="https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Changelog" target="_blank">an appropriate version</a>`; |
message += ` of the Generator`; |
} else { |
message += ` you are trying to load is too old and cannot be updated. `; |
message += `Please re-create the map or just keep using `; |
message += `<a href="https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Changelog" target="_blank">an archived version</a>`; |
message += ` of the Generator. Please note the Gennerator is still on demo and a lot of crusial changes are made every month`; |
} |
alertMessage.innerHTML = message; |
$("#alert").dialog({title: "Load map", buttons: {OK: function() {$(this).dialog("close");}}}); |
} |
if (mapVersion.length > 10) {console.error("Cannot load map"); return;} |
newPoints = [], points = [], cells = [], land = [], riversData = [], island = 0, manors = [], states = [], queue = []; |
svg.remove(); |
points = JSON.parse(data[1]); |
cells = JSON.parse(data[2]); |
land = $.grep(cells, function(e) {return (e.height >= 0.2);}); |
cells.map(function(e) {newPoints.push(e.data);}); |
calculateVoronoi(newPoints); |
manors = JSON.parse(data[3]); |
if (mapVersion === "0.52b" || mapVersion === "0.53b") { |
states = []; |
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", data[4]); |
} else { |
states = JSON.parse(data[4]); |
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", data[5]); |
} |
// redefine variables |
customization = 0, elSelected = ""; |
svg = d3.select("svg").call(zoom); |
mapWidth = +svg.attr("width"); |
mapHeight = +svg.attr("height"); |
defs = svg.select("#deftemp"); |
viewbox = svg.select("#viewbox").on("touchmove mousemove", moved).on("click", clicked); |
ocean = viewbox.select("#ocean"); |
oceanLayers = ocean.select("#oceanLayers"); |
oceanPattern = ocean.select("#oceanPattern"); |
landmass = viewbox.select("#landmass"); |
grid = viewbox.select("#grid"); |
overlay = viewbox.select("id", "overlay"); |
terrs = viewbox.select("#terrs"); |
cults = viewbox.select("#cults"); |
routes = viewbox.select("#routes"); |
roads = routes.select("#roads"); |
trails = routes.select("#trails"); |
rivers = viewbox.select("#rivers"); |
terrain = viewbox.select("#terrain"); |
regions = viewbox.select("#regions"); |
borders = viewbox.select("#borders"); |
stateBorders = borders.select("#stateBorders"); |
neutralBorders = borders.select("#neutralBorders"); |
coastline = viewbox.select("#coastline"); |
lakes = viewbox.select("#lakes"); |
searoutes = routes.select("#searoutes"); |
labels = viewbox.select("#labels"); |
icons = viewbox.select("#icons"); |
burgs = icons.select("#burgs"); |
debug = viewbox.select("#debug"); |
capitals = labels.select("#capitals"); |
towns = labels.select("#towns"); |
countries = labels.select("#countries"); |
ruler = viewbox.select("#ruler"); |
// restore events |
overlay.selectAll("*").call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
labels.selectAll("text").on("click", editLabel); |
burgs.selectAll("circle").call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
rivers.selectAll("path").on("click", editRiver); |
svg.select("#scaleBar").call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)).on("click", editScale); |
ruler.selectAll("g").call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
ruler.selectAll("g").selectAll("text").on("click", removeParent); |
ruler.selectAll(".opisometer").selectAll("circle").call(d3.drag().on("start", opisometerEdgeDrag)); |
ruler.selectAll(".linear").selectAll("circle:not(.center)").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
ruler.selectAll(".linear").selectAll("circle.center").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerCenterDrag)); |
// get countries count |
capitalsCount = +$("#regions > path:last").attr("class").slice(6) + 1; |
regionsOutput.innerHTML = regionsInput.value = capitalsCount; |
// restore layers state |
if (cults.selectAll("path").size() == 0) {$("#toggleCultures").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleCultures").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (terrs.selectAll("path").size() == 0) {$("#toggleHeight").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleHeight").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (regions.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleCountries").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleCountries").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (rivers.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleRivers").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleRivers").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (oceanPattern.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleOcean").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleOcean").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (landmass.attr("display") === "none") {$("#landmass").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#landmass").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (terrain.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleRelief").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleRelief").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (borders.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleBorders").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleBorders").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (burgs.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleIcons").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleIcons").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (labels.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleLabels").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleLabels").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (routes.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleRoutes").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleRoutes").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
if (grid.attr("display") === "none") {$("#toggleGrid").addClass("buttonoff");} else {$("#toggleGrid").removeClass("buttonoff");} |
// update map to support some old versions and fetch fonts |
labels.selectAll("g").each(function(d) { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var font = el.attr("data-font"); |
if (fonts.indexOf(font) === -1) {addFonts("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=" + font);} |
el.attr("data-size", +el.attr("font-size")); |
if (el.style("display") === "none") {el.node().style.display = null;} |
}); |
invokeActiveZooming(); |
console.timeEnd("loadMap"); |
}; |
fileReader.readAsText(fileToLoad, "UTF-8"); |
}); |
// Poisson-disc sampling for a points |
// Source: bl.ocks.org/mbostock/99049112373e12709381; Based on https://www.jasondavies.com/poisson-disc |
function poissonDiscSampler(width, height, radius) { |
var k = 5, // maximum number of points before rejection |
radius2 = radius * radius, |
R = 3 * radius2, |
cellSize = radius * Math.SQRT1_2, |
gridWidth = Math.ceil(width / cellSize), |
gridHeight = Math.ceil(height / cellSize), |
grid = new Array(gridWidth * gridHeight), |
queue = [], |
queueSize = 0, |
sampleSize = 0; |
return function() { |
if (!sampleSize) return sample(Math.random() * width, Math.random() * height); |
// Pick a random existing sample and remove it from the queue |
while (queueSize) { |
var i = Math.random() * queueSize | 0, |
s = queue[i]; |
// Make a new candidate between [radius, 2 * radius] from the existing sample. |
for (var j = 0; j < k; ++j) { |
var a = 2 * Math.PI * Math.random(), |
r = Math.sqrt(Math.random() * R + radius2), |
x = s[0] + r * Math.cos(a), |
y = s[1] + r * Math.sin(a); |
// Reject candidates that are outside the allowed extent, or closer than 2 * radius to any existing sample |
if (0 <= x && x < width && 0 <= y && y < height && far(x, y)) return sample(x, y); |
} |
queue[i] = queue[--queueSize]; |
queue.length = queueSize; |
} |
}; |
function far(x, y) { |
var i = x / cellSize | 0, |
j = y / cellSize | 0, |
i0 = Math.max(i - 2, 0), |
j0 = Math.max(j - 2, 0), |
i1 = Math.min(i + 3, gridWidth), |
j1 = Math.min(j + 3, gridHeight); |
for (j = j0; j < j1; ++j) { |
var o = j * gridWidth; |
for (i = i0; i < i1; ++i) { |
if (s = grid[o + i]) { |
var s, |
dx = s[0] - x, |
dy = s[1] - y; |
if (dx * dx + dy * dy < radius2) return false; |
} |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
function sample(x, y) { |
var s = [x, y]; |
queue.push(s); |
grid[gridWidth * (y / cellSize | 0) + (x / cellSize | 0)] = s; |
++sampleSize; |
++queueSize; |
return s; |
} |
} |
// Hotkeys |
d3.select("body").on("keydown", function() { |
if ($(".ui-dialog").is(":visible")) {return;} |
switch(d3.event.keyCode) { |
case 16: // Shift - hold to continue adding elements on click |
shift = true; |
break; |
case 78: // "N" for new map |
$("#randomMap").click(); |
break; |
case 32: // Space to log focused cell data |
var point = d3.mouse(this); |
var index = diagram.find(point[0], point[1]).index; |
console.table(cells[index]); |
break; |
case 67: // "C" to log cells data |
console.log(cells); |
break; |
case 77: // "B" to log burgs data |
console.table(manors); |
break; |
case 83: // "S" to log states data |
console.table(states); |
break; |
case 27: // Escape (do nothing) |
break; |
case 37: // Left to scroll map left |
if (viewX + 10 <= 0) { |
viewX += 10; |
zoomUpdate(); |
} |
break; |
case 39: // Right to scroll map right |
if (viewX - 10 >= (mapWidth * (scale-1) * -1)) { |
viewX -= 10; |
zoomUpdate(); |
} |
break; |
case 38: // Up to scroll map up |
if (viewY + 10 <= 0) { |
viewY += 10; |
zoomUpdate(); |
} |
break; |
case 40: // Down to scroll map down |
if (viewY - 10 >= (mapHeight * (scale-1) * -1)) { |
viewY -= 10; |
zoomUpdate(); |
} |
break; |
case 107: // Plus to zoom map up |
if (scale < 40) { |
var dx = mapWidth / 2 * (scale-1) + viewX; |
var dy = mapHeight / 2 * (scale-1) + viewY; |
viewX = dx - mapWidth / 2 * scale; |
viewY = dy - mapHeight / 2 * scale; |
scale += 1; |
if (scale > 40) {scale = 40;} |
zoomUpdate(); |
invokeActiveZooming(); |
} |
break; |
case 109: // Minus to zoom map out |
if (scale > 1) { |
var dx = mapWidth / 2 * (scale-1) + viewX; |
var dy = mapHeight / 2 * (scale-1) + viewY; |
viewX += mapWidth / 2 - dx; |
viewY += mapHeight / 2 - dy; |
scale -= 1; |
if (scale < 1) { |
scale = 1; |
viewX = 0; |
viewY = 0; |
} |
zoomUpdate(); |
invokeActiveZooming(); |
} |
break; |
case 9: // Tab to toggle full-screen mode |
$("#mapScreenSize").click(); |
break; |
} |
}).on("keyup", function() { |
if (d3.event.keyCode == 16) {shift = false;} |
}); |
// Toggle Options pane |
$("#optionsTrigger").on("click", function() { |
if ($("#options").css("display") === "none") { |
$("#regenerate").hide(); |
$("#options").fadeIn(); |
$("#layoutTab").click(); |
this.innerHTML = "◀"; |
} else { |
$("#options").fadeOut(); |
this.innerHTML = "▶"; |
} |
}); |
$("#collapsible").hover(function() { |
if ($("#options").css("display") === "none") {$("#regenerate").show();} |
}, function() { |
$("#regenerate").hide(); |
}); |
// move layers on mapLayers dragging (jquery sortable) |
function moveLayer(event, ui) { |
var el = getLayer(ui.item.attr("id")); |
if (el) { |
var prev = getLayer(ui.item.prev().attr("id")); |
var next = getLayer(ui.item.next().attr("id")); |
if (prev) {el.insertAfter(prev);} else if (next) {el.insertBefore(next);} |
} |
} |
// define connection between option layer buttons and actual svg groups |
function getLayer(id) { |
if (id === "toggleGrid") {return $("#grid");} |
if (id === "toggleOverlay") {return $("#overlay");} |
if (id === "toggleHeight") {return $("#terrs");} |
if (id === "toggleCultures") {return $("#cults");} |
if (id === "toggleRoutes") {return $("#routes");} |
if (id === "toggleRivers") {return $("#rivers");} |
if (id === "toggleCountries") {return $("#regions");} |
if (id === "toggleBorders") {return $("#borders");} |
if (id === "toggleRelief") {return $("#terrain");} |
if (id === "toggleLabels") {return $("#labels");} |
if (id === "toggleIcons") {return $("#icons");} |
} |
// UI Button handlers |
$("button, a, li").on("click", function() { |
var id = this.id; |
var parent = this.parentNode.id; |
if (icons.selectAll(".tag").size() > 0) {icons.selectAll(".tag, .line").remove();} |
if (id === "toggleHeight") {toggleHeight();} |
if (id === "toggleCountries") { |
var countries = !$("#toggleCountries").hasClass("buttonoff"); |
var cultures = !$("#toggleCultures").hasClass("buttonoff"); |
if (!countries && cultures) { |
$("#toggleCultures").toggleClass("buttonoff"); |
toggleCultures(); |
} |
$('#regions').fadeToggle(); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "toggleCultures") { |
var countries = !$("#toggleCountries").hasClass("buttonoff"); |
var cultures = !$("#toggleCultures").hasClass("buttonoff"); |
if (!cultures && countries) { |
$("#toggleCountries").toggleClass("buttonoff"); |
$('#regions').fadeToggle(); |
} |
toggleCultures(); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "toggleOverlay") {toggleOverlay();} |
if (id === "toggleFlux") {toggleFlux();} |
if (parent === "mapLayers" || parent === "styleContent") {$(this).toggleClass("buttonoff");} |
if (id === "randomMap" || id === "regenerate") { |
exitCustomization(); |
undraw(); |
resetZoom(1000); |
generate(); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "editCountries") {editCountries();} |
if (id === "editScale") {editScale();} |
if (id === "countriesManually") { |
customization = 2; |
mockRegions(); |
regions.append("g").attr("id", "temp"); |
$("#countriesBottom").children().hide(); |
$("#countriesManuallyButtons").show(); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "crosshair").call(drag); |
} |
if (id === "countriesRegenerate") { |
customization = 3; |
mockRegions(); |
regions.append("g").attr("id", "temp"); |
$("#countriesBottom").children().hide(); |
$("#countriesRegenerateButtons").show(); |
$(".statePower, .icon-resize-full, .stateCells, .icon-check-empty").toggleClass("hidden"); |
$("div[data-sortby='expansion'], div[data-sortby='cells']").toggleClass("hidden"); |
} |
if (id === "countriesManuallyComplete") { |
var changedCells = regions.select("#temp").selectAll("path"); |
var changedStates = []; |
changedCells.each(function() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var cell = +el.attr("data-cell"); |
var stateOld = cells[cell].region; |
var stateNew = el.attr("data-state"); |
if (stateNew !== "neutral") {stateNew = +stateNew;} |
cells[cell].region = stateNew; |
if (cells[cell].manor !== undefined) {manors[cells[cell].manor].region = stateNew;} |
changedStates.push(stateNew, stateOld); |
}); |
changedStates = [...new Set(changedStates)]; |
changedStates.map(function(s) { |
if (s === "neutral") {s = states.length - 1;} |
recalculateStateData(s); |
}); |
$("#countriesManuallyCancel").click(); |
if (changedStates.length) {editCountries();} |
} |
if (id === "countriesManuallyCancel") { |
redrawRegions(); |
if (grid.style("display") === "inline") {toggleGrid.click();} |
if (labels.style("display") === "none") {toggleLabels.click();} |
$("#countriesBottom").children().show(); |
$("#countriesManuallyButtons, #countriesRegenerateButtons").hide(); |
$(".selected").removeClass("selected"); |
$("div[data-sortby='expansion'], .statePower, .icon-resize-full").addClass("hidden"); |
$("div[data-sortby='cells'], .stateCells, .icon-check-empty").removeClass("hidden"); |
customization = 0; |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default").on(".drag", null); |
} |
if (id === "countriesRandomize") { |
var mod = +powerInput.value * 2; |
$(".statePower").each(function(e, i) { |
var state = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
if (states[state].color === "neutral") {return;} |
var power = rn(Math.random() * mod / 2 + 1, 1); |
$(this).val(power); |
$(this).parent().attr("data-expansion", power); |
states[state].power = power; |
}); |
regenerateCountries(); |
} |
if (id === "countriesAdd") { |
var i = states.length; |
// move neutrals to the last line |
if (states[i-1].color === "neutral") {states[i-1].i = i; i -= 1;} |
var name = generateStateName(0); |
var color = colors20(i); |
states.push({i, color, name, capital: "select", cells: 0, burgs: 0, urbanPopulation: 0, ruralPopulation: 0, area: 0, power: 1}); |
states.sort(function(a, b){return a.i - b.i}); |
editCountries(); |
} |
if (id === "countriesPercentage") { |
var el = $("#countriesEditor"); |
if (el.attr("data-type") === "absolute") { |
el.attr("data-type", "percentage"); |
var totalCells = land.length; |
var totalBurgs = +countriesFooterBurgs.innerHTML; |
var totalArea = countriesFooterArea.innerHTML; |
totalArea = getInteger(totalArea.split(" ")[0]); |
var totalPopulation = getInteger(countriesFooterPopulation.innerHTML); |
$("#countriesBody > .states").each(function() { |
var cells = rn($(this).attr("data-cells") / totalCells * 100); |
var burgs = rn($(this).attr("data-burgs") / totalBurgs * 100); |
var area = rn($(this).attr("data-area") / totalArea * 100); |
var population = rn($(this).attr("data-population") / totalPopulation * 100); |
$(this).children().filter(".stateCells").text(cells + "%"); |
$(this).children().filter(".stateBurgs").text(burgs + "%"); |
$(this).children().filter(".stateArea").text(area + "%"); |
$(this).children().filter(".statePopulation").val(population + "%"); |
}); |
} else { |
el.attr("data-type", "absolute"); |
editCountries(); |
} |
} |
if (id === "countriesExport") { |
if ($(".statePower").length === 0) {return;} |
var unit = areaUnit.value === "square" ? distanceUnit.value + "2" : areaUnit.value; |
var data = "Country,Capital,Cells,Burgs,Area ("+ unit +"),Population\n"; // countries headers |
$("#countriesBody > .states").each(function() { |
var country = $(this).attr("data-country"); |
if (country === "bottom") {data += "neutral,"} else {data += country + ",";} |
var capital = $(this).attr("data-capital"); |
if (capital === "bottom" || capital === "select") {data += ","} else {data += capital + ",";} |
data += $(this).attr("data-cells") + ","; |
data += $(this).attr("data-burgs") + ","; |
data += $(this).attr("data-area") + ","; |
var population = +$(this).attr("data-population"); |
data += population + "\n"; |
}); |
data += "\nBurg,Country,Culture,Population\n"; // burgs headers |
manors.map(function(m) { |
if (m.region === "removed") {return;} // skip removed burgs |
data += m.name + ","; |
var country = m.region === "neutral" ? "neutral" : states[m.region].name; |
data += country + ","; |
data += window.cultures[m.culture] + ","; |
var population = m.population * urbanization.value * populationRate.value * 1000; |
data += population + "\n"; |
}); |
var dataBlob = new Blob([data], {type:"text/plain"}); |
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob); |
var link = document.createElement("a"); |
link.download = "countries_data" + Date.now() + ".csv"; |
link.href = url; |
link.click(); |
} |
if (id === "removeCountries") { |
alertMessage.innerHTML = `Are you sure you want to remove all countries?`; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove countries", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
$("#countriesBody").empty(); |
manors.map(function(m) {m.region = "neutral";}); |
land.map(function(l) {l.region = "neutral";}); |
states.map(function(s) { |
var c = +s.capital; |
if (isNaN(c)) {return;} |
$("#manorLabel"+c).detach().appendTo($("#towns")).attr("dy", -0.7); |
$("#manorIcon"+c).attr("r", .5).attr("stroke-width", .12); |
}); |
labels.select("#countries").selectAll("text").remove(); |
regions.selectAll("path").remove(); |
states = []; |
states.push({i: 0, color: "neutral", capital: "neutral", name: "Neutrals"}); |
recalculateStateData(0); |
if ($("#burgsEditor").is(":visible")) {$("#burgsEditor").dialog("close");} |
editCountries(); |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
} |
if (id === "removeBurgs") { |
alertMessage.innerHTML = `Are you sure you want to remove all burgs associated with the country?`; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove associated burgs", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
var state = +$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state"); |
var region = states[state].color === "neutral" ? "neutral" : state; |
$("#burgsBody").empty(); |
manors.map(function(m) { |
if (m.region !== region) {return;} |
m.region = "removed"; |
cells[m.cell].manor = undefined; |
labels.select("#manorLabel"+m.i).remove(); |
icons.select("#manorIcon"+m.i).remove(); |
}); |
states[state].urbanPopulation = 0; |
states[state].burgs = 0; |
states[state].capital = "select"; |
if ($("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) { |
editCountries(); |
$("#burgsEditor").dialog("moveToTop"); |
} |
burgsFooterBurgs.innerHTML = 0; |
burgsFooterPopulation.value = 0; |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
} |
if (id === "changeCapital") {$(this).toggleClass("pressed");} |
if (id === "regenerateBurgNames") { |
var s = +$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state"); |
$(".burgName").each(function(e, i) { |
var b = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var name = generateName(manors[b].culture); |
$(this).val(name); |
$(this).parent().attr("data-burg", name); |
manors[b].name = name; |
labels.select("#manorLabel"+b).text(name); |
}); |
if ($("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) { |
if (states[s].color === "neutral") {return;} |
var c = states[s].capital; |
$("#state"+s).attr("data-capital", manors[c].name); |
$("#state"+s+" > .stateCapital").val(manors[c].name); |
} |
} |
if (id === "burgAdd") {$("#addBurg").click(); $(this).toggleClass("pressed");} |
if (id === "toggleScaleBar") {$("#scaleBar").toggleClass("hidden");} |
if (id === "addRuler") { |
$("#ruler").show(); |
var title = |
`Ruler is an instrument for measuring thelinear lengths. |
One dash shows 30 km (18.6 mi), approximate distance of a daily loaded march. |
Drag edge circles to move the ruler, center circle to split the ruler into 2 parts. |
Click on the ruler label to remove the ruler from the map`; |
var rulerNew = ruler.append("g").attr("class", "linear").call(d3.drag().on("start", elementDrag)); |
var factor = rn(1 / Math.pow(scale, 0.3), 1); |
rulerNew.append("title").text(title); |
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * mapHeight * 0.5 + mapHeight * 0.25); |
var x1 = mapWidth * 0.2, x2 = mapWidth * 0.8; |
var dash = rn(30 / distanceScale.value, 2); |
rulerNew.append("line").attr("x1", x1).attr("y1", y).attr("x2", x2).attr("y2", y).attr("class", "white").attr("stroke-width", factor); |
rulerNew.append("line").attr("x1", x1).attr("y1", y).attr("x2", x2).attr("y2", y).attr("class", "gray").attr("stroke-width", factor).attr("stroke-dasharray", dash); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor).attr("cx", x1).attr("cy", y).attr("data-edge", "left").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("r", 2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.5 * factor).attr("cx", x2).attr("cy", y).attr("data-edge", "rigth").call(d3.drag().on("drag", rulerEdgeDrag)); |
rulerNew.append("circle").attr("r", 1.2 * factor).attr("stroke-width", 0.3 * factor).attr("cx", mapWidth / 2).attr("cy", y).attr("class", "center").call(d3.drag().on("start", rulerCenterDrag)); |
var dist = rn(x2 - x1); |
var label = rn(dist * distanceScale.value) + " " + distanceUnit.value; |
rulerNew.append("text").attr("x", mapWidth / 2).attr("y", y).attr("dy", -1).attr("data-dist", dist).text(label).text(label).on("click", removeParent).attr("font-size", 10 * factor); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "addOpisometer" || id === "addPlanimeter") { |
if ($(this).hasClass("pressed")) { |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default").on(".drag", null); |
$(this).removeClass("pressed"); |
} else { |
$(this).addClass("pressed"); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "crosshair").call(drag); |
} |
return; |
} |
if (id === "removeAllRulers") { |
if ($("#ruler > g").length < 1) {return;} |
alertMessage.innerHTML = `Are you sure you want to remove all placed rulers?`; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove all rulers", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
$("#ruler > g").remove(); |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "editHeightmap") {$("#customizeHeightmap").slideToggle();} |
if (id === "fromScratch") { |
undraw(); |
placePoints(); |
calculateVoronoi(points); |
detectNeighbors("grid"); |
drawScaleBar(); |
customizeHeightmap(); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "fromHeightmap") { |
var heights = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { |
var cell = diagram.find(points[i][0], points[i][1]).index; |
heights.push(cells[cell].height); |
} |
undraw(); |
calculateVoronoi(points); |
detectNeighbors("grid"); |
drawScaleBar(); |
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { |
cells[i].height = heights[i]; |
} |
mockHeightmap(); |
customizeHeightmap(); |
return; |
} |
// heightmap customization buttons |
if (customization === 1) { |
if (id === "paintBrushes") { |
if ($("#brushesPanel").is(":visible")) {return;} |
$("#brushesPanel").dialog({ |
title: "Paint Brushes", |
minHeight: 40, width: "auto", maxWidth: 200, resizable: false, |
position: {my: "right top", at: "right-10 top+10", of: "svg"}}); |
} |
if (id === "rescaleExecute") { |
var subject = rescaleLower.value + "-" + rescaleHigher.value; |
var sign = conditionSign.value; |
var modifier = rescaleModifier.value; |
if (sign === "×") {modifyHeights(subject, 0, +modifier);} |
if (sign === "÷") {modifyHeights(subject, 0, (1 / modifier));} |
if (sign === "+") {modifyHeights(subject, +modifier, 1);} |
if (sign === "-") {modifyHeights(subject, (-1 * modifier), 1);} |
if (sign === "^") {modifyHeights(subject, 0, "^" + modifier);} |
mockHeightmap(); |
} |
if (id === "rescaleButton") { |
$("#modifyButtons").children().not("#rescaleButton, .condition").toggle(); |
} |
if (id === "rescaleCondButton") {$("#modifyButtons").children().not("#rescaleCondButton, #rescaler").toggle();} |
if (id === "undo") {restoreHistory(historyStage - 1);} |
if (id === "redo") {restoreHistory(historyStage + 1);} |
if (id === "smoothHeights") {smoothHeights(4); mockHeightmap();} |
if (id === "disruptHeights") {disruptHeights(); mockHeightmap();} |
if (id === "getMap") {getMap();} |
if (id === "applyTemplate") { |
if ($("#templateEditor").is(":visible")) {return;} |
$("#templateEditor").dialog({ |
title: "Template Editor", |
minHeight: "auto", width: "auto", resizable: false, |
position: {my: "right top", at: "right-10 top+10", of: "svg"} |
}); |
} |
if (id === "convertImage") {convertImage();} |
if (id === "convertImageGrid") {$("#grid").fadeToggle();} |
if (id === "convertImageHeights") {$("#landmass").fadeToggle();} |
if (id === "perspectiveView") { |
// Inputs control |
if ($("#perspectivePanel").is(":visible")) {return;} |
const line = +$("#lineHandle0").attr("data-value"); |
const grad = +$("#lineHandle1").attr("data-value"); |
$("#lineSlider").slider({ |
min: 10, max: 320, step: 1, values: [line, grad], |
create: function() { |
$("#lineHandle0").text("x:"+line); |
$("#lineHandle1").text("y:"+grad); |
}, |
slide: function(event, ui) { |
$("#lineHandle0").text("x:"+ui.values[0]).attr("data-value", ui.values[0]); |
$("#lineHandle1").text("y:"+ui.values[1]).attr("data-value", ui.values[1]); |
drawPerspective(); |
} |
}); |
$("#ySlider").slider({ |
min: 1, max: 5, step: 0.1, value: +$("#yHandle").attr("data-value"), |
create: function() {$("#yHandle").text($("#yHandle").attr("data-value"));}, |
slide: function(event, ui) { |
$("#yHandle").text(ui.value).attr("data-value", ui.value); |
drawPerspective(); |
} |
}); |
$("#scaleSlider").slider({ |
min: 0.5, max: 2, step: 0.1, value: +$("#scaleHandle").attr("data-value"), |
create: function() {$("#scaleHandle").text($("#scaleHandle").attr("data-value"));}, |
slide: function(event, ui) { |
$("#scaleHandle").text(ui.value).attr("data-value", ui.value); |
drawPerspective(); |
} |
}); |
$("#heightSlider").slider({ |
min: 1, max: 50, step: 1, value: +$("#heightHandle").attr("data-value"), |
create: function() {$("#heightHandle").text($("#heightHandle").attr("data-value"));}, |
slide: function(event, ui) { |
$("#heightHandle").text(ui.value).attr("data-value", ui.value); |
drawPerspective(); |
} |
}); |
$("#perspectivePanel").dialog({ |
title: "Perspective View", |
width: 520, height: 360, |
position: {my: "center center", at: "center center", of: "svg"} |
}); |
drawPerspective(); |
return; |
} |
} |
if ($(this).hasClass('radio') && (parent === "addFeature" || parent === "brushesButtons")) { |
if ($(this).hasClass('pressed')) { |
$(".pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default").on(".drag", null);; |
$("#brushRadiusLabel, #brushRadius").attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); |
} else { |
$(".pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
$(this).addClass('pressed'); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "crosshair"); |
if (id.slice(0,5) === "brush" && id !== "brushRange" && id !== "brushTrough") { |
viewbox.call(drag); |
} |
if (parent === "addFeature" || $(this).hasClass("feature")) { |
$("#brushRadiusLabel, #brushRadius").attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); |
} else { |
$("#brushRadiusLabel, #brushRadius").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
if ($(this).hasClass('radio') && parent === "mapFilters") { |
$("svg").removeClass(); |
if ($(this).hasClass('pressed')) { |
$("#mapFilters .pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
} else { |
$("#mapFilters .pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
$(this).addClass('pressed'); |
if (id === "grayscale") {$("svg").addClass("grayscale");} |
if (id === "sepia") {$("svg").addClass("sepia");} |
if (id === "tint") {$("svg").addClass("tint");} |
if (id === "dingy") {$("svg").addClass("dingy");} |
} |
return; |
} |
if (id === "mapScreenSize") { |
if ($("body").hasClass("fullscreen")) { |
mapWidthInput.value = 960; |
mapHeightInput.value = 540; |
$("body").removeClass("fullscreen"); |
$("svg").removeClass("fullscreen"); |
$(this).addClass("icon-resize-full-alt").removeClass("icon-resize-small"); |
} else { |
mapWidthInput.value = $(window).width(); |
mapHeightInput.value = $(window).height(); |
$("body").addClass("fullscreen"); |
$("svg").addClass("fullscreen"); |
$(this).removeClass("icon-resize-full-alt").addClass("icon-resize-small"); |
} |
updateMapSize(); |
} |
if (id === "saveButton") {$("#saveDropdown").slideToggle();} |
if (id === "loadMap") {fileToLoad.click();} |
if (id === "printMap") {printMap();} |
if (id === "zoomReset") {resetZoom(1000);} |
if (id === "zoomPlus") { |
scale += 1; |
if (scale > 40) {scale = 40;} |
zoomUpdate(); |
invokeActiveZooming(); |
} |
if (id === "zoomMinus") { |
scale -= 1; |
if (scale <= 1) {scale = 1; viewX = 0; viewY = 0;} |
zoomUpdate(); |
invokeActiveZooming(); |
} |
if (id === "styleFontPlus" || id === "styleFontMinus") { |
var el = viewbox.select("#"+styleElementSelect.value); |
var mod = id === "styleFontPlus" ? 1.1 : 0.9; |
el.selectAll("g").each(function() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var size = rn(el.attr("font-size") * mod, 2); |
if (size < 0.2) {size = 0.2;} |
el.attr("data-size", size).attr("font-size", rn((size + (size / scale)) / 2, 2)); |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleFillPlus" || id === "styleFillMinus") { |
var el = viewbox.select("#"+styleElementSelect.value); |
var mod = id === "styleFillPlus" ? 1.1 : 0.9; |
el.selectAll("*").each(function() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var size = rn(el.attr("r") * mod, 2); |
if (size < 0.1) {size = 0.1;} |
if (el.node().nodeName === "circle") {el.attr("r", size);} |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleStrokePlus" || id === "styleStrokeMinus") { |
var el = viewbox.select("#"+styleElementSelect.value); |
var mod = id === "styleStrokePlus" ? 1.1 : 0.9; |
el.selectAll("*").each(function() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var size = rn(el.attr("stroke-width") * mod, 2); |
if (size < 0.1) {size = 0.1;} |
if (el.node().nodeName === "circle") {el.attr("stroke-width", size);} |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "templateClear" || id === "brushClear") { |
if (customization === 1) { |
var message = "Are you sure you want to clear the map?"; |
alertMessage.innerHTML = message; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Clear map", |
buttons: { |
"Clear": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "crosshair").call(drag); |
landmassCounter.innerHTML = "0"; |
$("#landmass").empty(); |
cells.map(function(i) {i.height = 0;}); |
// clear history |
history = []; |
historyStage = -1; |
redo.disabled = true; |
undo.disabled = true; |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
} else { |
start.click(); |
} |
} |
if (id === "templateComplete") { |
if (customization === 1 && !$("#getMap").attr("disabled")) {getMap();} |
} |
if (id === "convertColorsMinus") { |
var current = +convertColors.value - 1; |
if (current < 4) {current = 3;} |
convertColors.value = current; |
heightsFromImage(current); |
} |
if (id === "convertColorsPlus") { |
var current = +convertColors.value + 1; |
if (current > 255) {current = 256;} |
convertColors.value = current; |
heightsFromImage(current); |
} |
if (id === "convertOverlayButton") { |
$("#convertImageButtons").children().not(this).not("#imageToLoad, #convertColors").toggle(); |
} |
if (id === "convertAutoLum") {autoAssing("lum");} |
if (id === "convertAutoHue") {autoAssing("hue");} |
if (id === "convertComplete") {completeConvertion();} |
}); |
// support save options |
$("#saveDropdown > div").click(function() { |
var id = this.id; |
if (id === "saveMap") {saveMap();} |
if (id === "saveSVG") {saveAsImage("svg");} |
if (id === "savePNG") {saveAsImage("png");} |
if (id === "activeZooming") { |
$(this).toggleClass("icon-eye icon-eye-off"); |
zoomUpdate(); |
invokeActiveZooming(); |
return; |
} |
$("#saveDropdown").slideUp("fast"); |
}); |
function drawPerspective() { |
console.time("drawPerspective"); |
const width = 320, height = 180; |
const wRatio = mapWidth / width, hRatio = mapHeight / height; |
const lineCount = +$("#lineHandle0").attr("data-value"); |
const lineGranularity = +$("#lineHandle1").attr("data-value"); |
const perspective = document.getElementById("perspective"); |
const pContext = perspective.getContext("2d"); |
const lines = []; |
let i = Math.floor(lineCount); |
while (i--) { |
const x = i / lineCount * width | 0; |
const canvasPoints = []; |
lines.push(canvasPoints); |
let j = Math.floor(lineGranularity); |
while (j--) { |
const y = j / lineGranularity * height | 0; |
let h = getHeightInPoint(x * wRatio, y * hRatio) - 0.2; |
if (h < 0) {h = 0;} |
canvasPoints.push([x, y, h]); |
} |
} |
pContext.clearRect(0, 0, perspective.width, perspective.height); |
for (let canvasPoints of lines) { |
for (let i = 0; i < canvasPoints.length - 1; i++) { |
const pt1 = canvasPoints[i]; |
const pt2 = canvasPoints[i + 1]; |
const avHeight = (pt1[2] + pt2[2]) / 2; |
pContext.beginPath(); |
pContext.moveTo(...transformPt(pt1)); |
pContext.lineTo(...transformPt(pt2)); |
let clr = "rgb(81, 103, 169)"; // water |
if (avHeight !== 0) {clr = color(1 - avHeight - 0.2);} |
pContext.strokeStyle = clr; |
pContext.stroke(); |
} |
} |
console.timeEnd("drawPerspective"); |
} |
// get Height value in point for Perspective view |
function getHeightInPoint(x, y) { |
const index = diagram.find(x, y).index; |
return cells[index].height; |
} |
function transformPt(pt) { |
const width = 320; |
const maxHeight = +$("#heightHandle").attr("data-value"); |
var [x, y] = projectIsometric(pt[0], pt[1]); |
return [x + width / 2 + 10, y + 10 - pt[2] * maxHeight]; |
} |
function projectIsometric(x, y) { |
const scale = $("#scaleHandle").attr("data-value"); |
const yProj = $("#yHandle").attr("data-value"); |
return [(x - y) * scale, (x + y) / yProj * scale]; |
} |
// templateEditor Button handlers |
$("#templateTools > button").on("click", function() { |
var id = this.id; |
id = id.replace("template", ""); |
if (id === "Mountain") { |
var steps = $("#templateBody > div").length; |
if (steps > 0) {return;} |
} |
$("#templateBody").attr("data-changed", 1); |
$("#templateBody").append('<div data-type="' + id + '">' + id + '</div>'); |
var el = $("#templateBody div:last-child"); |
if (id === "Hill" || id === "Pit" || id === "Range" || id === "Trough") { |
var count = '<label>count:<input class="templateElCount" title="Blobs to add" type="number" value="1" min="1" max="99"></label>'; |
} |
if (id === "Hill") { |
var dist = '<label>distribution:<input class="templateElDist" title="Set blobs distribution. 0.5 - map center; 0.1 - any place" type="number" value="0.25" min="0.1" max="0.5" step="0.01"></label>'; |
} |
if (id === "Add" || id === "Multiply") { |
var dist = '<label>to:<select class="templateElDist" title="Change only land or all cells"><option value="all" selected>all cells</option><option value="land">land only</option><option value="interval">interval</option></select></label>'; |
} |
if (id === "Add") { |
var count = '<label>value:<input class="templateElCount" title="Add value to height of all cells (negative values are allowed)" type="number" value="-0.1" min="-1" max="1" step="0.01"></label>'; |
} |
if (id === "Multiply") { |
var count = '<label>by value:<input class="templateElCount" title="Multiply all cells Height by the value" type="number" value="1.1" min="0" max="10" step="0.1"></label>'; |
} |
if (id === "Smooth") { |
var count = '<label>fraction:<input class="templateElCount" title="Set smooth fraction. 1 - full smooth, 2 - half-smooth, etc." type="number" min="1" max="10" value="2"></label>'; |
} |
if (id === "Strait") { |
var count = '<label>width:<input class="templateElCount" title="Set strait width" value="1-7"></label>'; |
} |
el.append('<span title="Remove step" class="icon-trash-empty"></span>'); |
$(".icon-trash-empty").on("click", function() {$(this).parent().remove();}); |
if (dist) {el.append(dist);} |
if (count) {el.append(count);} |
el.find("select.templateElDist").on("input", fireTemplateElDist); |
$("#templateBody").attr("data-changed", 1); |
}); |
// fireTemplateElDist selector handlers |
function fireTemplateElDist() { |
if (this.value === "interval") { |
var interval = prompt("Populate a height interval (e.g. from 0.17 to 0.2), without space, but with hyphen", "0.17-0.2"); |
if (interval) { |
var option = '<option value="' + interval + '">' + interval + '</option>'; |
$(this).append(option).val(interval); |
} |
} |
} |
// templateSelect on change listener |
$("#templateSelect").on("input", function() { |
var steps = $("#templateBody > div").length; |
var changed = +$("#templateBody").attr("data-changed"); |
var template = this.value; |
if (steps && changed === 1) { |
alertMessage.innerHTML = "Are you sure you want to change the base template? All the changes will be lost."; |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Change Template", |
buttons: { |
"Change": function() { |
changeTemplate(template); |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
}, |
Cancel: function() { |
var prev = $("#templateSelect").attr("data-prev"); |
$("#templateSelect").val(prev); |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
} |
}}) |
}); |
} |
if (steps === 0 || changed === 0) {changeTemplate(template);} |
}); |
function changeTemplate(template) { |
$("#templateBody").empty(); |
$("#templateSelect").attr("data-prev", template); |
addStep("Mountain"); |
if (template === "templateVolcano") { |
addStep("Add", 0.05); |
addStep("Multiply", 1.1); |
addStep("Hill", 5, 0.4); |
addStep("Hill", 2, 0.15); |
addStep("Range", 3); |
addStep("Trough", 3); |
} |
if (template === "templateHighIsland") { |
addStep("Add", 0.05); |
addStep("Multiply", 0.9); |
addStep("Range", 4); |
addStep("Hill", 12, 0.25); |
addStep("Trough", 3); |
addStep("Multiply", 0.75, "land"); |
addStep("Hill", 3, 0.15); |
} |
if (template === "templateLowIsland") { |
addStep("Smooth", 2); |
addStep("Range", 1); |
addStep("Hill", 4, 0.4); |
addStep("Hill", 12, 0.2); |
addStep("Trough", 8); |
addStep("Multiply", 0.35, "land"); |
} |
if (template === "templateContinents") { |
addStep("Hill", 24, 0.25); |
addStep("Range", 4); |
addStep("Hill", 3, 0.18); |
addStep("Multiply", 0.7, "land"); |
addStep("Strait", "2-7"); |
addStep("Smooth", 2); |
addStep("Pit", 7); |
addStep("Trough", 8); |
addStep("Multiply", 0.8, "land"); |
addStep("Add", 0.02, "all"); |
} |
if (template === "templateArchipelago") { |
addStep("Add", -0.2, "land"); |
addStep("Hill", 14, 0.17); |
addStep("Range", 5); |
addStep("Strait", "2-4"); |
addStep("Trough", 12); |
addStep("Pit", 8); |
addStep("Add", -0.05, "land"); |
addStep("Multiply", 0.7, "land"); |
addStep("Smooth", 4); |
} |
if (template === "templateAtoll") { |
addStep("Hill", 2, 0.35); |
addStep("Range", 2); |
addStep("Add", 0.07, "all"); |
addStep("Smooth", 1); |
addStep("Multiply", 0.1, "0.27-10"); |
} |
$("#templateBody").attr("data-changed", 0); |
} |
// interprete template function |
function addStep(feature, count, dist) { |
if (!feature) {return;} |
if (feature === "Mountain") {templateMountain.click();} |
if (feature === "Hill") {templateHill.click();} |
if (feature === "Pit") {templatePit.click();} |
if (feature === "Range") {templateRange.click();} |
if (feature === "Trough") {templateTrough.click();} |
if (feature === "Strait") {templateStrait.click();} |
if (feature === "Add") {templateAdd.click();} |
if (feature === "Multiply") {templateMultiply.click();} |
if (feature === "Smooth") {templateSmooth.click();} |
if (count) {$("#templateBody div:last-child .templateElCount").val(count);} |
if (dist) { |
if (dist !== "land") { |
var option = '<option value="' + dist + '">' + dist + '</option>'; |
$("#templateBody div:last-child .templateElDist").append(option); |
} |
$("#templateBody div:last-child .templateElDist").val(dist); |
} |
} |
// Execute custom template |
$("#templateRun").on("click", function() { |
if (customization !== 1) {return;} |
var steps = $("#templateBody > div").length; |
if (steps) {cells.map(function(i) {i.height = 0;});} |
for (var step=1; step <= steps; step++) { |
var element = $("#templateBody div:nth-child(" + step + ")"); |
var type = element.attr("data-type"); |
if (type === "Mountain") {addMountain(); continue;} |
var count = $("#templateBody div:nth-child(" + step + ") .templateElCount").val(); |
var dist = $("#templateBody div:nth-child(" + step + ") .templateElDist").val(); |
if (count) { |
if (count[0] !== "-" && count.includes("-")) { |
var lim = count.split("-"); |
count = Math.floor(Math.random() * (+lim[1] - +lim[0] + 1) + +lim[0]); |
} else { |
count = +count; // parse string |
} |
} |
if (type === "Hill") {addHill(count, +dist);} |
if (type === "Pit") {addPit(count);} |
if (type === "Range") {addRange(count);} |
if (type === "Trough") {addRange(-1 * count);} |
if (type === "Strait") {addStrait(count);} |
if (type === "Add") {modifyHeights(dist, count, 1);} |
if (type === "Multiply") {modifyHeights(dist, 0, count);} |
if (type === "Smooth") {smoothHeights(count);} |
} |
if (steps) {mockHeightmap();} |
}); |
// Save custom template as text file |
$("#templateSave").on("click", function() { |
var steps = $("#templateBody > div").length; |
var stepsData = ""; |
for (var step=1; step <= steps; step++) { |
var element = $("#templateBody div:nth-child(" + step + ")"); |
var type = element.attr("data-type"); |
var count = $("#templateBody div:nth-child(" + step + ") .templateElCount").val(); |
var dist = $("#templateBody div:nth-child(" + step + ") .templateElDist").val(); |
if (!count) {count = "0";} |
if (!dist) {dist = "0";} |
stepsData += type + " " + count + " " + dist + "\r\n"; |
} |
var dataBlob = new Blob([stepsData], {type:"text/plain"}); |
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob); |
var link = document.createElement("a"); |
link.download = "template_" + Date.now() + ".txt"; |
link.href = url; |
link.click(); |
$("#templateBody").attr("data-changed", 0); |
}); |
// Load custom template as text file |
$("#templateLoad").on("click", function() {templateToLoad.click();}); |
$("#templateToLoad").change(function() { |
var fileToLoad = this.files[0]; |
this.value = ""; |
var fileReader = new FileReader(); |
fileReader.onload = function(fileLoadedEvent) { |
var dataLoaded = fileLoadedEvent.target.result; |
var data = dataLoaded.split("\r\n"); |
$("#templateBody").empty(); |
if (data.length > 0) { |
$("#templateBody").attr("data-changed", 1); |
$("#templateSelect").attr("data-prev", "templateCustom").val("templateCustom"); |
} |
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) { |
var line = data[i].split(" "); |
addStep(line[0], line[1], line[2]); |
} |
}; |
fileReader.readAsText(fileToLoad, "UTF-8"); |
}); |
// Image to Heightmap Converter dialog |
function convertImage() { |
$(".pressed").removeClass('pressed'); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default"); |
var div = d3.select("#colorScheme"); |
if (div.selectAll("*").size() === 0) { |
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { |
var width = i < 20 || i > 70 ? "1px" : "3px"; |
if (i === 0) {width = "4px";} |
var clr = color(1-i/100); |
var style = "background-color: " + clr + "; width: " + width; |
div.append("div").attr("data-color", i/100).attr("style", style); |
} |
div.selectAll("*").on("touchmove mousemove", showHeight).on("click", assignHeight); |
} |
if ($("#imageConverter").is(":visible")) {return;} |
$("#imageConverter").dialog({ |
title: "Image to Heightmap Converter", |
minHeight: 30, width: 260, resizable: false, |
position: {my: "right top", at: "right-10 top+10", of: "svg"}}) |
.on('dialogclose', function() {completeConvertion();}); |
} |
// Load image to convert |
$("#convertImageLoad").on("click", function() {imageToLoad.click();}); |
$("#imageToLoad").change(function() { |
console.time("loadImage"); |
// reset style |
viewbox.attr("transform", null); |
grid.attr("stroke-width", .3); |
// load image |
var file = this.files[0]; |
this.value = ""; // reset input value to get triggered if the same file is uploaded |
var reader = new FileReader(); |
var img = new Image; |
// draw image |
img.onload = function() { |
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight); |
heightsFromImage(+convertColors.value); |
console.timeEnd("loadImage"); |
} |
reader.onloadend = function() {img.src = reader.result;} |
reader.readAsDataURL(file); |
}); |
function heightsFromImage(count) { |
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight); |
var data = imageData.data; |
$("#landmass > path, .color-div").remove(); |
$("#landmass, #colorsUnassigned").fadeIn(); |
$("#colorsAssigned").fadeOut(); |
var colors = [], palette = []; |
points.map(function(i) { |
var x = rn(i[0]), y = rn(i[1]); |
if (y == mapHeight) {y--;} |
if (x == mapWidth) {x--;} |
var p = (x + y * mapWidth) * 4; |
var r = data[p], g = data[p + 1], b = data[p + 2]; |
colors.push([r, g, b]); |
}); |
var cmap = MMCQ.quantize(colors, count); |
polygons.map(function(i, d) { |
cells[d].height = undefined; |
var nearest = cmap.nearest(colors[d]); |
var rgb = "rgb(" + nearest[0] + ", " + nearest[1] + ", " + nearest[2] + ")"; |
var hex = toHEX(rgb); |
if (palette.indexOf(hex) === -1) {palette.push(hex);} |
landmass.append("path").attr("d", "M" + i.join("L") + "Z").attr("data-i", d).attr("fill", hex).attr("stroke", hex); |
}); |
landmass.selectAll("path").on("click", landmassClicked); |
palette.sort(function(a, b) {return d3.lab(a).b - d3.lab(b).b;}).map(function(i) { |
$("#colorsUnassigned").append('<div class="color-div" id="' + i.substr(1) + '" style="background-color: ' + i + ';"/>'); |
}); |
$(".color-div").click(selectColor); |
} |
function landmassClicked() { |
var color = d3.select(this).attr("fill"); |
$("#"+color.slice(1)).click(); |
} |
function selectColor() { |
landmass.selectAll(".selectedCell").classed("selectedCell", 0); |
var el = d3.select(this); |
if (el.classed("selectedColor")) { |
el.classed("selectedColor", 0); |
} else { |
$(".selectedColor").removeClass("selectedColor"); |
el.classed("selectedColor", 1); |
$("#colorScheme .hoveredColor").removeClass("hoveredColor"); |
$("#colorsSelectValue").text(0); |
if (el.attr("data-height")) { |
var height = el.attr("data-height"); |
$("#colorScheme div[data-color='" + height + "']").addClass("hoveredColor"); |
$("#colorsSelectValue").text(rn(height * 100)); |
} |
var color = "#" + d3.select(this).attr("id"); |
landmass.selectAll("path").classed("selectedCell", 0); |
landmass.selectAll("path[fill='" + color + "']").classed("selectedCell", 1); |
} |
} |
function showHeight() { |
var el = d3.select(this); |
var height = rn(el.attr("data-color") * 100); |
$("#colorsSelectValue").text(height); |
$("#colorScheme .hoveredColor").removeClass("hoveredColor"); |
el.classed("hoveredColor", 1); |
} |
function assignHeight() { |
var sel = $(".selectedColor")[0]; |
var height = +d3.select(this).attr("data-color"); |
var rgb = color(1-height); |
var hex = toHEX(rgb); |
sel.style.backgroundColor = rgb; |
sel.setAttribute("data-height", height); |
var cur = "#" + sel.id; |
sel.id = hex.substr(1); |
landmass.selectAll(".selectedCell").each(function() { |
d3.select(this).attr("fill", hex).attr("stroke", hex); |
var i = +d3.select(this).attr("data-i"); |
cells[i].height = height; |
}); |
var parent = sel.parentNode; |
if (parent.id === "colorsUnassigned") { |
colorsAssigned.appendChild(sel); |
$("#colorsAssigned").fadeIn(); |
if ($("#colorsUnassigned .color-div").length < 1) {$("#colorsUnassigned").fadeOut();} |
} |
if ($("#colorsAssigned .color-div").length > 1) {sortAssignedColors();} |
} |
// sort colors based on assigned height |
function sortAssignedColors() { |
var data = []; |
var colors = d3.select("#colorsAssigned").selectAll(".color-div"); |
colors.each(function(d) { |
var id = d3.select(this).attr("id"); |
var height = +d3.select(this).attr("data-height"); |
data.push({id, height}); |
}); |
data.sort(function(a, b) {return a.height - b.height}).map(function(i) { |
$("#colorsAssigned").append($("#"+i.id)); |
}); |
} |
// auto assign color based on luminosity or hue |
function autoAssing(type) { |
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight); |
var data = imageData.data; |
$("#landmass > path, .color-div").remove(); |
$("#colorsAssigned").fadeIn(); |
$("#colorsUnassigned").fadeOut(); |
var heights = []; |
polygons.map(function(i, d) { |
var x = rn(i.data[0]), y = rn(i.data[1]); |
if (y == mapHeight) {y--;} |
if (x == mapWidth) {x--;} |
var p = (x + y * mapWidth) * 4; |
var r = data[p], g = data[p + 1], b = data[p + 2]; |
var lab = d3.lab("rgb(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ")"); |
if (type === "hue") { |
var normalized = rn(normalize(lab.b + lab.a / 2, -50, 200), 2); |
} else { |
var normalized = rn(normalize(lab.l, 0, 100), 2); |
} |
heights.push(normalized); |
var rgb = color(1 - normalized); |
var hex = toHEX(rgb); |
cells[d].height = normalized; |
landmass.append("path").attr("d", "M" + i.join("L") + "Z").attr("data-i", d).attr("fill", hex).attr("stroke", hex); |
}); |
heights.sort(function(a, b) {return a - b;}); |
var unique = [...new Set(heights)]; |
unique.map(function(i) { |
var rgb = color(1 - i); |
var hex = toHEX(rgb); |
$("#colorsAssigned").append('<div class="color-div" id="' + hex.substr(1) + '" data-height="' + i + '" style="background-color: ' + hex + ';"/>'); |
}); |
$(".color-div").click(selectColor); |
} |
function normalize(val, min, max) { |
var normalized = (val - min) / (max - min); |
if (normalized < 0) {normalized = 0;} |
if (normalized > 1) {normalized = 1;} |
return normalized; |
} |
function completeConvertion() { |
mockHeightmap(); |
canvas.style.opacity = convertOverlay.value = convertOverlayValue.innerHTML = 0; |
$("#imageConverter").dialog('close'); |
} |
// Clear the map |
function undraw() { |
svg.selectAll("path, circle, line, text, #ruler > g").remove(); |
cells = [], land = [], riversData = [], island = 0, manors = [], states = [], queue = []; |
history = [], historyStage = -1; redo.disabled = true; undo.disabled = true; // clear history |
} |
// Enter Heightmap Customization mode |
function customizeHeightmap() { |
customization = 1; |
svg.transition().duration(1000).call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity); |
$("#customizationMenu").slideDown(); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "crosshair").call(drag); |
landmassCounter.innerHTML = "0"; |
$('#grid').fadeIn(); |
$('#toggleGrid').removeClass("buttonoff"); |
if ($("#labelEditor").is(":visible")) {$("#labelEditor").dialog('close');} |
if ($("#riverEditor").is(":visible")) {$("#riverEditor").dialog('close');} |
} |
// Remove all customization related styles, reset values |
function exitCustomization() { |
customization = 0; |
canvas.style.opacity = 0; |
$("#customizationMenu").slideUp(); |
$("#getMap").attr("disabled", true).addClass("buttonoff"); |
$("#landmass").empty(); |
$('#grid').empty().fadeOut(); |
$('#toggleGrid').addClass("buttonoff"); |
viewbox.style("cursor", "default").on(".drag", null); |
if (!$("#toggleHeight").hasClass("buttonoff")) {toggleHeight();} |
if ($("#imageConverter").is(":visible")) {$("#imageConverter").dialog('close');} |
if ($("#brushesPanel").is(":visible")) {$("#brushesPanel").dialog('close');} |
if ($("#templateEditor").is(":visible")) {$("#templateEditor").dialog('close');} |
history = []; |
historyStage = -1; |
} |
// open editCountries dialog |
function editCountries() { |
$("#countriesBody").empty(); |
$("#countriesHeader").children().removeClass("icon-sort-name-up icon-sort-name-down icon-sort-number-up icon-sort-number-down"); |
var totalArea = 0, totalBurgs = 0, unit, areaConv; |
if (areaUnit.value === "square") {unit = " " + distanceUnit.value + "²";} else {unit = " " + areaUnit.value;} |
var totalPopulation = 0; |
for (var s = 0; s < states.length; s++) { |
$("#countriesBody").append('<div class="states" id="state' + s + '"></div>'); |
var el = $("#countriesBody div:last-child"); |
var burgs = states[s].burgs; |
totalBurgs += burgs; |
// calculate user-friendly area and population |
var area = rn(states[s].area * Math.pow(distanceScale.value, 2)); |
totalArea += area; |
areaConv = si(area) + unit; |
var urban = rn(states[s].urbanPopulation * +urbanization.value * populationRate.value); |
var rural = rn(states[s].ruralPopulation * populationRate.value); |
var population = (urban + rural) * 1000; |
totalPopulation += population; |
var populationConv = si(population); |
var title = `Total population: ${population}K\nRural population: ${rural}K\nUrban population: ${urban}K`; |
// append elements to countriesBody |
if (states[s].color !== "neutral") { |
el.append('<input title="Country color. Click to change" class="stateColor" type="color" value="' + states[s].color + '"/>'); |
el.append('<input title="Country name. Click and type to change" class="stateName" value="' + states[s].name + '" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false"/>'); |
var capital = states[s].capital !== "select" ? manors[states[s].capital].name : "select"; |
if (capital === "select") { |
el.append('<button title="Click on map to select a capital or to create a new capital" class="selectCapital" id="selectCapital' + s + '">★ select</button>'); |
} else { |
el.append('<span title="Country capital. Click to enlange" class="icon-star-empty enlange"></span>'); |
el.append('<input title="Capital name. Click and type to rename" class="stateCapital" value="' + capital + '" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false"/>'); |
} |
el.append('<span title="Country expansionism (defines competitive size)" class="icon-resize-full hidden"></span>'); |
el.append('<input title="Capital expansionism (defines competitive size)" class="statePower hidden" type="number" min="0" max="99" step="0.1" value="' + states[s].power + '"/>'); |
} else { |
el.append('<input class="stateColor placeholder" type="color"/>'); |
el.append('<input title="Neutral burgs are united into this group. Click to change the group name" class="stateName italic" id="stateName' + s + '" value="' + states[s].name + '" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false"/>'); |
el.append('<span class="icon-star-empty placeholder"></span>'); |
el.append('<input class="stateCapital placeholder"/>'); |
el.append('<span class="icon-resize-full hidden placeholder"></span>'); |
el.append('<input class="statePower hidden placeholder" value="0.0"/>'); |
} |
el.append('<span title="Cells count" class="icon-check-empty"></span>'); |
el.append('<div title="Cells count" class="stateCells">' + states[s].cells + '</div>'); |
el.append('<span title="Burgs count. Click to show a full list" style="padding-right: 1px" class="stateBIcon icon-dot-circled"></span>'); |
el.append('<div title="Burgs count. Click to show a full list" class="stateBurgs">' + burgs + '</div>'); |
el.append('<span title="Area: ' + (area + unit) + '" style="padding-right: 4px" class="icon-map-o"></span>'); |
el.append('<div title="Area: ' + (area + unit) + '" class="stateArea">' + areaConv + '</div>'); |
el.append('<span title="' + title + '" class="icon-male"></span>'); |
el.append('<input title="' + title + '" class="statePopulation" value="' + populationConv + '">'); |
if (states[s].color !== "neutral") { |
el.append('<span title="Remove country, all assigned cells will become Neutral" class="icon-trash-empty"></span>'); |
el.attr("data-country", states[s].name).attr("data-capital", capital).attr("data-expansion", states[s].power).attr("data-cells", states[s].cells) |
.attr("data-burgs", states[s].burgs).attr("data-area", area).attr("data-population", population); |
} else { |
el.attr("data-country", "bottom").attr("data-capital", "bottom").attr("data-expansion", "bottom").attr("data-cells", states[s].cells) |
.attr("data-burgs", states[s].burgs).attr("data-area", area).attr("data-population", population); |
} |
} |
// initialize jQuery dialog |
if (!$("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) { |
$("#countriesEditor").dialog({ |
title: "Countries Editor", |
minHeight: "auto", width: "auto", |
position: {my: "right top", at: "right-10 top+10", of: "svg"} |
}).on("dialogclose", function(e) { |
customization = 0; |
if (grid.style("display") === "inline") {toggleGrid.click();} |
if (labels.style("display") === "none") {toggleLabels.click();} |
$("#countriesBottom").children().show(); |
$("#countriesManuallyButtons, #countriesRegenerateButtons").hide(); |
$(".selected").removeClass("selected"); |
customization = 0; |
}); |
} |
// restore customization Editor version |
if (customization === 3) { |
$("div[data-sortby='expansion'], .statePower, .icon-resize-full").removeClass("hidden"); |
$("div[data-sortby='cells'], .stateCells, .icon-check-empty").addClass("hidden"); |
} else { |
$("div[data-sortby='expansion'], .statePower, .icon-resize-full").addClass("hidden"); |
$("div[data-sortby='cells'], .stateCells, .icon-check-empty").removeClass("hidden"); |
} |
// populate total line on footer |
countriesFooterCountries.innerHTML = states.length; |
if (states[states.length-1].color === "neutral") {countriesFooterCountries.innerHTML = states.length - 1;} |
countriesFooterBurgs.innerHTML = totalBurgs; |
countriesFooterArea.innerHTML = si(totalArea) + unit; |
countriesFooterPopulation.innerHTML = si(totalPopulation); |
// handle events |
$(".enlange").click(function() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var capital = states[s].capital; |
var l = labels.select("#manorLabel"+capital); |
var x = +l.attr("x"), y = +l.attr("y"); |
zoomTo(x, y, 8, 1600); |
}); |
$(".stateName").on("input", function() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
states[s].name = this.value; |
labels.select("#regionLabel"+s).text(this.value); |
if ($("#burgsEditor").is(":visible")) { |
if ($("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state") == s) { |
var color = '<input title="Country color. Click to change" type="color" class="stateColor" value="' + states[s].color + '"/>'; |
$("div[aria-describedby='burgsEditor'] .ui-dialog-title").text("Burgs of " + this.value).prepend(color); |
} |
} |
}).hover(focusStates, unfocus); |
$(".states > .stateColor").on("change", function() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
states[s].color = this.value; |
regions.selectAll(".region"+s).attr("fill", this.value).attr("stroke", this.value); |
if ($("#burgsEditor").is(":visible")) { |
if ($("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state") == s) { |
$(".ui-dialog-title > .stateColor").val(this.value); |
} |
} |
}); |
$(".stateCapital").on("input", function() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var capital = states[s].capital; |
manors[capital].name = this.value; |
labels.select("#manorLabel"+capital).text(this.value); |
if ($("#burgsEditor").is(":visible")) { |
if ($("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state") == s) { |
$("#burgs"+capital+" > .burgName").val(this.value); |
} |
} |
}).hover(focusCapital, unfocus); |
$(".stateBurgs, .stateBIcon").on("click", editBurgs).hover(focusBurgs, unfocus); |
$("#countriesBody > .states").on("click", function() { |
if ($(event.target).hasClass("selectCapital")) { |
$(event.target).toggleClass("pressed"); |
} else if (customization === 2) { |
$(".selected").removeClass("selected"); |
$(this).addClass("selected"); |
} |
}); |
$(".statePower").on("input", function() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
states[s].power = +this.value; |
regenerateCountries(); |
}); |
$(".statePopulation").on("change", function() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var popOr = +$(this).parent().attr("data-population"); |
var popNew = getInteger(this.value); |
if (!Number.isInteger(popNew) || popNew < 1000) { |
this.value = si(popOr); |
return; |
} |
var change = popNew / popOr; |
states[s].urbanPopulation = rn(states[s].urbanPopulation * change, 2); |
states[s].ruralPopulation = rn(states[s].ruralPopulation * change, 2); |
var urban = rn(states[s].urbanPopulation * urbanization.value * populationRate.value); |
var rural = rn(states[s].ruralPopulation * populationRate.value); |
var population = (urban + rural) * 1000; |
$(this).parent().attr("data-population", population); |
this.value = si(population); |
var total = 0; |
$("#countriesBody > div").each(function(e, i) { |
total += +$(this).attr("data-population"); |
}); |
countriesFooterPopulation.innerHTML = si(total * 1000); |
if (states[s].color === "neutral") {s = "neutral";} |
manors.map(function(m) { |
if (m.region !== s) {return;} |
m.population = rn(m.population * change, 2); |
}); |
}); |
// fully remove country |
$(".icon-trash-empty").on("click", function() { |
alertMessage.innerHTML = `Are you sure you want to remove the country?`; |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var capital = states[s].capital; |
if (capital === "select") { |
states.splice(s, 1); |
states.map(function(s, i) {s.i = i;}); |
$("#state"+s).remove(); |
return; |
} |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove country", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
states.splice(s, 1); |
states.map(function(s, i) {s.i = i;}); |
$("#manorLabel"+capital).detach().appendTo($("#towns")).attr("dy", -0.7); // change capital label to burg |
$("#manorIcon"+capital).attr("r", .5).attr("stroke-width", .12); |
var burgs = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.region === s);}); |
var urbanFactor = 0.9; |
burgs.map(function(b) { |
if (b.i === capital) {b.population *= 0.5;} |
b.population *= urbanFactor; |
b.region = "neutral"; |
}); |
cells.map(function(c) { |
if (c.region === s) {c.region = "neutral";} |
else if (c.region > s) {c.region -= 1;} |
}); |
// re-calculate neutral data |
if (states[states.length-1].color !== "neutral") { |
states.push({i: states.length, color: "neutral", name: "Neutrals", capital: "neutral"}); |
} |
redrawRegions(); |
recalculateStateData(states.length - 1); // re-calc data for neutrals |
editCountries(); |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
}); |
$("#countriesNeutral").on("change", function() {regenerateCountries();}); |
} |
// burgs list + editor |
function editBurgs(context, s) { |
if (s === undefined) {s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5);} |
$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state", s); |
$("#burgsBody").empty(); |
$("#burgsHeader").children().removeClass("icon-sort-name-up icon-sort-name-down icon-sort-number-up icon-sort-number-down"); |
var region = states[s].color === "neutral" ? "neutral" : s; |
var burgs = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.region === region);}); |
var populationArray = []; |
burgs.map(function(b) { |
$("#burgsBody").append('<div class="states" id="burgs' + b.i + '"></div>'); |
var el = $("#burgsBody div:last-child"); |
el.append('<span title="Click to enlange the burg" style="padding-right: 2px" class="enlange icon-globe"></span>'); |
el.append('<input title="Burg name. Click and type to change" class="burgName" value="' + b.name + '" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false"/>'); |
el.append('<span title="Burg culture" class="icon-book" style="padding-right: 2px"></span>'); |
el.append('<div title="Burg culture" class="burgCulture">' + cultures[b.culture] + '</div>'); |
var population = b.population * urbanization.value * populationRate.value * 1000; |
populationArray.push(population); |
population = population > 1e4 ? si(population) : rn(population, -1); |
el.append('<span title="Population" class="icon-male"></span>'); |
el.append('<input title="Population. Input to change" class="burgPopulation" value="' + population + '"/>'); |
var capital = states[s].capital; |
var type = "z-burg"; // usual burg by default |
if (b.i === capital) {el.append('<span title="Capital" class="icon-star-empty"></span>'); type = "c-capital";} |
else {el.append('<span class="icon-star-empty placeholder"></span>');} |
if (cells[b.cell].port) { |
el.append('<span title="Port" class="icon-anchor small"></span>'); |
if (type === "c-capital") {type = "a-capital-port";} else {type = "p-port";} |
} else { |
el.append('<span class="icon-anchor placeholder"></span>'); |
} |
if (b.i !== capital) {el.append('<span title="Remove burg" class="icon-trash-empty"></span>');} |
el.attr("data-burg", b.name).attr("data-culture", cultures[b.culture]).attr("data-population", b.population).attr("data-type", type); |
}); |
var color = '<input title="Country color. Click to change" type="color" class="stateColor" value="' + states[s].color + '"/>'; |
if (!$("#burgsEditor").is(":visible")) { |
$("#burgsEditor").dialog({ |
title: "Burgs of " + states[s].name, |
minHeight: "auto", width: "auto", |
position: {my: "right bottom", at: "right-10 bottom-10", of: "svg"} |
}); |
} |
if (region !== "neutral") {$("div[aria-describedby='burgsEditor'] .ui-dialog-title").prepend(color);} |
// populate total line on footer |
burgsFooterBurgs.innerHTML = burgs.length; |
burgsFooterCulture.innerHTML = $("#burgsBody div:first-child .burgCulture").text(); |
var avPop = rn(d3.mean(populationArray), -1); |
burgsFooterPopulation.value = avPop; |
$(".enlange").click(function() { |
var b = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var l = labels.select("#manorLabel"+b); |
var x = +l.attr("x"), y = +l.attr("y"); |
zoomTo(x, y, 8, 1600); |
}); |
$("#burgsBody > div").hover(focusBurg, unfocus); |
$("#burgsBody > div").click(function() { |
if (!$("#changeCapital").hasClass("pressed")) {return;} |
var type = $(this).attr("data-type"); |
if (type.includes("capital")) {return;} |
var s = +$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state"); |
var b = +$(this).attr("id").slice(5); |
var oldCap = states[s].capital; |
manors[oldCap].population *= 0.5; |
manors[b].population *= 2; |
states[s].capital = b; |
recalculateStateData(s); |
$("#manorLabel"+oldCap).detach().appendTo($("#towns")).attr("dy", -0.7); |
$("#manorIcon"+oldCap).attr("r", .5).attr("stroke-width", .12); |
$("#manorLabel"+b).detach().appendTo($("#capitals")).attr("dy", -1.3); |
$("#manorIcon"+b).attr("r", 1).attr("stroke-width", .24); |
updateCountryEditors(); |
$("#changeCapital").removeClass("pressed"); |
}); |
$(".burgName").on("input", function() { |
var b = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
manors[b].name = this.value; |
labels.select("#manorLabel"+b).text(this.value); |
if (b === s && $("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) { |
$("#state"+s+" > .stateCapital").val(this.value); |
} |
}); |
$(".ui-dialog-title > .stateColor").on("change", function() { |
states[s].color = this.value; |
regions.selectAll(".region"+s).attr("fill", this.value).attr("stroke", this.value); |
if ($("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) { |
$("#state"+s+" > .stateColor").val(this.value); |
} |
}); |
$(".burgPopulation").on("change", function() { |
var b = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var pop = getInteger(this.value); |
if (!Number.isInteger(pop) || pop < 10) { |
var orig = rn(manors[b].population * urbanization.value * populationRate.value * 1000, 2); |
this.value = si(orig); |
return; |
} |
populationRaw = rn(pop / urbanization.value / populationRate.value / 1000, 2); |
var change = populationRaw - manors[b].population; |
manors[b].population = populationRaw; |
$(this).parent().attr("data-population", populationRaw); |
this.value = si(pop); |
var state = manors[b].region; |
if (state === "neutral") {state = states.length - 1;} |
states[state].urbanPopulation += change; |
updateCountryPopulationUI(state); |
var average = states[state].urbanPopulation / states[state].burgs * urbanization.value * populationRate.value * 1000; |
burgsFooterPopulation.value = rn(average, -1); |
}); |
$("#burgsFooterPopulation").on("change", function() { |
var state = +$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state"); |
var newPop = +this.value; |
var avPop = states[state].urbanPopulation / states[state].burgs * urbanization.value * populationRate.value * 1000; |
if (!Number.isInteger(newPop) || newPop < 10) {this.value = rn(avPop, -1); return;} |
var change = +this.value / avPop; |
$("#burgsBody > div").each(function(e, i) { |
var b = +(this.id).slice(5); |
var pop = rn(manors[b].population * change, 2); |
manors[b].population = pop; |
$(this).attr("data-population", pop); |
var popUI = pop * urbanization.value * populationRate.value * 1000; |
popUI = popUI > 1e4 ? si(popUI) : rn(popUI, -1); |
$(this).children().filter(".burgPopulation").val(popUI); |
}); |
states[state].urbanPopulation = rn(states[state].urbanPopulation * change, 2); |
updateCountryPopulationUI(state); |
}); |
$(".icon-trash-empty").on("click", function() { |
alertMessage.innerHTML = `Are you sure you want to remove the burg?`; |
var b = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
$(function() {$("#alert").dialog({resizable: false, title: "Remove burg", |
buttons: { |
"Remove": function() { |
$(this).dialog("close"); |
var state = +$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state"); |
$("#burgs"+b).remove(); |
var cell = manors[b].cell; |
manors[b].region = "removed"; |
cells[cell].manor = undefined; |
states[state].burgs = states[state].burgs - 1; |
burgsFooterBurgs.innerHTML = states[state].burgs; |
countriesFooterBurgs.innerHTML = +countriesFooterBurgs.innerHTML - 1; |
states[state].urbanPopulation = states[state].urbanPopulation - manors[b].population; |
var avPop = states[state].urbanPopulation / states[state].burgs * urbanization.value * populationRate.value * 1000; |
burgsFooterPopulation.value = rn(avPop, -1); |
if ($("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) { |
$("#state"+state+" > .stateBurgs").text(states[state].burgs); |
} |
labels.select("#manorLabel"+b).remove(); |
icons.select("#manorIcon"+b).remove(); |
}, |
Cancel: function() {$(this).dialog("close");} |
}}) |
}); |
}); |
} |
// onhover style functions |
function focusStates() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var l = labels.select("#regionLabel"+s); |
l.classed("drag", true); |
} |
function focusCapital() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var capital = states[s].capital; |
var l = labels.select("#manorLabel"+capital); |
l.classed("drag", true); |
} |
function focusBurgs() { |
var s = +(this.parentNode.id).slice(5); |
var stateManors = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.region === s);}); |
stateManors.map(function(m) { |
labels.select("#manorLabel"+m.i).classed("drag", true); |
burgs.select("#manorIcon"+m.i).classed("drag", true); |
}); |
} |
function focusBurg() { |
var b = +(this.id).slice(5); |
var l = labels.select("#manorLabel"+b); |
l.classed("drag", true); |
} |
function unfocus() {$(".drag").removeClass("drag");} |
// save dialog position if dialog window is dragged |
$(".dialog").on("dialogdragstop", function(event, ui) { |
localStorage.setItem(this.id, [ui.offset.left, ui.offset.top]); |
}); |
// restore saved dialog position on dialog window open |
$(".dialog").on("dialogopen", function(event, ui) { |
var pos = localStorage.getItem(this.id); |
if (!pos) {return;} |
pos = pos.split(","); |
var at = `left+${pos[0]} top+${pos[1]}`; |
$(this).dialog("option", "position", {my: "left top", at: at, of: "svg"}); |
}); |
// Map scale and measurements editor |
function editScale() { |
$("#ruler").fadeIn(); |
$("#scaleEditor").dialog({ |
title: "Scale Editor", |
minHeight: "auto", width: "auto", resizable: false, |
position: {my: "center bottom", at: "center bottom-10", of: "svg"} |
}); |
} |
// update only UI and sorting value in countryEditor screen |
function updateCountryPopulationUI(s) { |
if ($("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) { |
var urban = rn(states[s].urbanPopulation * +urbanization.value * populationRate.value); |
var rural = rn(states[s].ruralPopulation * populationRate.value); |
var population = (urban + rural) * 1000; |
$("#state"+s).attr("data-population", population); |
$("#state"+s).children().filter(".statePopulation").val(si(population)); |
} |
} |
// update dialogs if measurements are changed |
function updateCountryEditors() { |
if ($("#countriesEditor").is(":visible")) {editCountries();} |
if ($("#burgsEditor").is(":visible")) { |
var s = +$("#burgsEditor").attr("data-state"); |
editBurgs(this, s); |
} |
} |
// remove drawn regions and draw all regions again |
function redrawRegions() { |
regions.selectAll("*").remove(); |
stateBorders.selectAll("*").remove(); |
neutralBorders.selectAll("*").remove(); |
countries.selectAll("text").remove(); |
drawRegions(); |
} |
function regenerateCountries() { |
regions.selectAll("*").remove(); |
land.map(function(l) {l.region = undefined;}); |
neutral = +countriesNeutral.value; |
manors.map(function(m) { |
var state = "neutral", closest = neutral; |
var x = m.x, y = m.y; |
states.map(function(s) { |
if (s.color === "neutral") {return;} |
var c = manors[s.capital]; |
var dist = Math.hypot(c.x - x, c.y - y) / s.power; |
if (cells[m.cell].fn !== cells[c.cell].fn) {dist *= 3;} |
if (dist < closest) {state = s.i; closest = dist;} |
}); |
m.region = state; |
cells[m.cell].region = state; |
}); |
defineRegions(); |
var temp = regions.append("g").attr("id", "temp"); |
land.map(function(l) { |
if (l.region === undefined) {return;} |
if (l.region === "neutral") {return;} |
var color = states[l.region].color; |
temp.append("path") |
.attr("data-cell", l.index).attr("data-state", l.region) |
.attr("d", "M" + polygons[l.index].join("L") + "Z") |
.attr("fill", color).attr("stroke", color); |
}); |
var neutralBurgs = $.grep(manors, function(e) {return (e.region === "neutral");}); |
var last = states.length - 1; |
var type = states[last].color; |
if (type === "neutral" && neutralBurgs.length === 0) { |
// remove neutral line |
$("#state" + last).remove(); |
states.splice(-1); |
} |
// recalculate data for all countries |
states.map(function(s) { |
recalculateStateData(s.i); |
$("#state"+s.i+" > .stateCells").text(s.cells); |
$("#state"+s.i+" > .stateBurgs").text(s.burgs); |
var area = rn(s.area * Math.pow(distanceScale.value, 2)); |
var unit = areaUnit.value === "square" ? " " + distanceUnit.value + "²" : " " + areaUnit.value; |
$("#state"+s.i+" > .stateArea").text(si(area) + unit); |
var urban = rn(s.urbanPopulation * urbanization.value * populationRate.value); |
var rural = rn(s.ruralPopulation * populationRate.value); |
var population = (urban + rural) * 1000; |
$("#state"+s.i+" > .statePopulation").val(si(population)); |
$("#state"+s.i).attr("data-cells", s.cells).attr("data-burgs", s.burgs) |
.attr("data-area", area).attr("data-population", population); |
}); |
if (type !== "neutral" && neutralBurgs.length > 0) { |
// add neutral line |
states.push({i: states.length, color: "neutral", capital: "neutral", name: "Neutrals"}); |
recalculateStateData(states.length - 1); |
editCountries(); |
} |
} |
// enter state edit mode |
function mockRegions() { |
if (grid.style("display") !== "inline") {toggleGrid.click();} |
if (labels.style("display") !== "none") {toggleLabels.click();} |
stateBorders.selectAll("*").remove(); |
neutralBorders.selectAll("*").remove(); |
} |
// handle DOM elements sorting on header click |
$(".sortable").on("click", function() { |
var el = $(this); |
// remove sorting for all siglings except of clicked element |
el.siblings().removeClass("icon-sort-name-up icon-sort-name-down icon-sort-number-up icon-sort-number-down"); |
var type = el.hasClass("alphabetically") ? "name" : "number"; |
var state = "no"; |
if (el.is("[class*='down']")) {state = "asc";} |
if (el.is("[class*='up']")) {state = "desc";} |
var sortby = el.attr("data-sortby"); |
var list = el.parent().next(); // get list container element (e.g. "countriesBody") |
var lines = list.children("div"); // get list elements |
if (state === "no" || state === "asc") { // sort desc |
el.removeClass("icon-sort-" + type + "-down"); |
el.addClass("icon-sort-" + type + "-up"); |
lines.sort(function(a, b) { |
var an = a.getAttribute("data-" + sortby); |
if (an === "bottom") {return 1;} |
var bn = b.getAttribute("data-" + sortby); |
if (bn === "bottom") {return -1;} |
if (type === "number") {an = +an; bn = +bn;} |
if (an > bn) {return 1;} |
if (an < bn) {return -1;} |
return 0; |
}); |
} |
if (state === "desc") { // sort asc |
el.removeClass("icon-sort-" + type + "-up"); |
el.addClass("icon-sort-" + type + "-down"); |
lines.sort(function(a, b) { |
var an = a.getAttribute("data-" + sortby); |
if (an === "bottom") {return 1;} |
var bn = b.getAttribute("data-" + sortby); |
if (bn === "bottom") {return -1;} |
if (type === "number") {an = +an; bn = +bn;} |
if (an < bn) {return 1;} |
if (an > bn) {return -1;} |
return 0; |
}); |
} |
lines.detach().appendTo(list); |
}); |
// updateMapSize |
function updateMapSize() { |
mapWidth = +mapWidthInput.value; |
mapHeight = +mapHeightInput.value; |
svg.attr("width", mapWidth).attr("height", mapHeight); |
voronoi = d3.voronoi().extent([[0, 0], [mapWidth, mapHeight]]); |
oceanPattern.select("rect").attr("width", mapWidth).attr("height", mapHeight); |
oceanLayers.select("rect").attr("width", mapWidth).attr("height", mapHeight); |
scX = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, mapWidth]).range([0, mapWidth]); |
scY = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, mapHeight]).range([0, mapHeight]); |
lineGen = d3.line().x(function(d) {return scX(d.scX);}).y(function(d) {return scY(d.scY);}); |
zoom.translateExtent([[0, 0], [mapWidth, mapHeight]]); |
scalePos = [mapWidth - 10, mapHeight - 10]; |
var bbox = d3.select("#scaleBar").node().getBBox(); |
var tr = [scalePos[0] - bbox.width, scalePos[1] - bbox.height]; |
d3.select("#scaleBar").attr("transform", "translate(" + rn(tr[0]) + "," + rn(tr[1]) + ")"); |
$("#statusbar").css("top", mapHeight + 8); |
if ($("body").hasClass("fullscreen")) {$("#statusbar").css("top", mapHeight - 20);} |
} |
// Options handlers |
$("input, select").on("input change", function() { |
var id = this.id; |
if (id === "styleElementSelect") { |
var sel = this.value; |
var el = viewbox.select("#"+sel); |
$("#styleInputs div").hide(); |
if (sel === "rivers" || sel === "oceanBase" || sel === "lakes" || sel === "landmass" || sel === "burgs") { |
$("#styleFill").css("display", "inline-block"); |
styleFillInput.value = styleFillOutput.value = el.attr("fill"); |
} |
if (sel === "roads" || sel === "trails" || sel === "searoutes" || sel === "lakes" || sel === "stateBorders" || sel === "neutralBorders" || sel === "grid" || sel === "overlay" || sel === "coastline") { |
$("#styleStroke").css("display", "inline-block"); |
styleStrokeInput.value = styleStrokeOutput.value = el.attr("stroke"); |
$("#styleStrokeWidth").css("display", "block"); |
var width = el.attr("stroke-width") || ""; |
styleStrokeWidthInput.value = styleStrokeWidthOutput.value = width; |
} |
if (sel === "roads" || sel === "trails" || sel === "searoutes" || sel === "stateBorders" || sel === "neutralBorders" || sel === "overlay") { |
$("#styleStrokeDasharray, #styleStrokeLinecap").css("display", "block"); |
styleStrokeDasharrayInput.value = el.attr("stroke-dasharray") || ""; |
styleStrokeLinecapInput.value = el.attr("stroke-linecap") || "inherit"; |
} |
if (sel === "regions") { |
$("#styleMultiple").css("display", "inline-block"); |
$("#styleMultiple input").remove(); |
//var count = +$("#regions > path:last").attr("class").slice(6) + 1; |
for (var s = 0; s < states.length; s++) { |
var color = regions.select(".region"+s).attr("fill"); |
$("#styleMultiple").append('<input type="color" id="regionColor' + s + '" value="' + states[s].color + '"/>'); |
} |
$("#styleMultiple input").on("input", function() { |
var id = this.id; |
var r = +id.replace("regionColor", ""); |
states[r].color = this.value; |
regions.selectAll(".region"+r).attr("fill", this.value).attr("stroke", this.value); |
}); |
} |
if (sel === "terrs") {$("#styleScheme").css("display", "block");} |
if (sel === "heightmap") {$("#styleScheme").css("display", "block");} |
if (sel === "cults") { |
$("#styleMultiple").css("display", "inline-block"); |
$("#styleMultiple input").remove(); |
var colors = []; |
cults.selectAll("path").each(function(d) { |
var fill = d3.select(this).attr("fill"); |
if (colors.indexOf(fill) === -1) {colors.push(fill);} |
}); |
for (var c = 0; c < colors.length; c++) { |
$("#styleMultiple").append('<input type="color" id="' + colors[c].substr(1) + '" value="' + colors[c] + '"/>'); |
} |
$("#styleMultiple input").on("input", function() { |
var oldColor = "#" + d3.select(this).attr("id"); |
var newColor = this.value; |
cults.selectAll("path").each(function() { |
var fill = d3.select(this).attr("fill"); |
if (oldColor === fill) {d3.select(this).attr("fill", newColor).attr("stroke", newColor);} |
}); |
$(this).attr("id", newColor.substr(1)); |
}); |
} |
if (sel === "labels") { |
$("#styleFill, #styleFontSize").css("display", "inline-block"); |
styleFillInput.value = styleFillOutput.value = el.select("g").attr("fill"); |
} |
if (sel === "burgs") { |
$("#styleSize").css("display", "block"); |
$("#styleStroke").css("display", "inline-block"); |
styleStrokeInput.value = styleStrokeOutput.value = el.attr("stroke"); |
} |
if (sel === "overlay") { |
$("#styleOverlay").css("display", "block"); |
} |
// opacity |
$("#styleOpacity, #styleFilter").css("display", "block"); |
var opacity = el.attr("opacity") || 1; |
styleOpacityInput.value = styleOpacityOutput.value = opacity; |
// filter |
if (sel == "oceanBase") {el = oceanLayers;} |
styleFilterInput.value = el.attr("filter") || ""; |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleFillInput") { |
styleFillOutput.value = this.value; |
var el = svg.select("#"+styleElementSelect.value); |
if (styleElementSelect.value !== "labels") { |
el.attr('fill', this.value); |
} else { |
el.selectAll("g").attr('fill', this.value); |
} |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleStrokeInput") { |
styleStrokeOutput.value = this.value; |
var el = svg.select("#"+styleElementSelect.value); |
el.attr('stroke', this.value); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleStrokeWidthInput") { |
styleStrokeWidthOutput.value = this.value; |
var sel = styleElementSelect.value; |
svg.select("#"+sel).attr('stroke-width', +this.value); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleStrokeDasharrayInput") { |
var sel = styleElementSelect.value; |
svg.select("#"+sel).attr('stroke-dasharray', this.value); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleStrokeLinecapInput") { |
var sel = styleElementSelect.value; |
svg.select("#"+sel).attr('stroke-linecap', this.value); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleOpacityInput") { |
styleOpacityOutput.value = this.value; |
var sel = styleElementSelect.value; |
svg.select("#"+sel).attr('opacity', this.value); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleFilterInput") { |
var sel = styleElementSelect.value; |
if (sel == "oceanBase") {sel = "oceanLayers";} |
var el = svg.select("#"+sel); |
el.attr('filter', this.value); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleSchemeInput") { |
terrs.selectAll("path").remove(); |
toggleHeight(); |
return; |
} |
if (id === "styleOverlayType") { |
overlay.selectAll("*").remove(); |
if (!$("#toggleOverlay").hasClass("buttonoff")) { |
toggleOverlay(); |
} |
} |
if (id === "styleOverlaySize") { |
styleOverlaySizeOutput.value = this.value; |
overlay.selectAll("*").remove(); |
if (!$("#toggleOverlay").hasClass("buttonoff")) { |
toggleOverlay(); |
} |
} |
if (id === "mapWidthInput" || id === "mapHeightInput") {updateMapSize();} |
if (id === "sizeInput") {graphSize = sizeOutput.value = this.value;} |
if (id === "randomizeInput") {randomizeOutput.innerHTML = +this.value ? "✓" : "✕";} |
if (id === "manorsInput") { |
if (randomizeInput.value === "1") { |
randomizeInput.value = 0; |
randomizeOutput.innerHTML = "✕"; |
} |
manorsCount = manorsOutput.value = this.value; |
} |
if (id === "regionsInput") { |
if (randomizeInput.value === "1") { |
randomizeInput.value = 0; |
randomizeOutput.innerHTML = "✕"; |
} |
capitalsCount = regionsOutput.value = this.value; |
var size = rn(6 - capitalsCount / 20); |
if (size < 3) {size = 3;} |
capitals.attr("data-size", size); |
size = rn(18 - capitalsCount / 6); |
if (size < 4) {size = 4;} |
countries.attr("data-size", size); |
} |
if (id === "powerInput") {powerOutput.value = this.value;} |
if (id === "neutralInput") {neutral = neutralOutput.value = this.value;} |
if (id === "swampinessInput") {swampiness = swampinessOutput.value = this.value;} |
if (id === "sharpnessInput") {sharpness = sharpnessOutput.value = this.value;} |
if (id === "precInput") { |
precipitation = precOutput.value = +precInput.value; |
if (randomizeInput.value === "1") { |
randomizeInput.value = 0; |
randomizeOutput.innerHTML = "✕"; |
} |
} |
if (id === "convertOverlay") {canvas.style.opacity = convertOverlayValue.innerHTML = +this.value;} |
if (id === "populationRate") { |
var population = +populationRate.value; |
var output = si(population * 1000); |
populationRateOutput.innerHTML = output; |
updateCountryEditors(); |
} |
if (id === "urbanization") { |
urbanizationOutput.innerHTML = this.value; |
updateCountryEditors(); |
} |
if (id === "distanceUnit" || id === "distanceScale" || id === "areaUnit") { |
var dUnit = distanceUnit.value; |
if (id === "distanceUnit" && dUnit === "custom_name") { |
var custom = prompt("Provide a custom name for distance unit"); |
if (custom) { |
var opt = document.createElement("option"); |
opt.value = opt.innerHTML = custom; |
distanceUnit.add(opt); |
distanceUnit.value = custom; |
} else { |
this.value = "km"; return; |
} |
} |
var scale = distanceScale.value; |
scaleOutput.innerHTML = scale + " " + dUnit; |
ruler.selectAll("g").each(function() { |
var label; |
var g = d3.select(this); |
var area = +g.select("text").attr("data-area"); |
if (area) { |
var areaConv = area * Math.pow(scale, 2); // convert area to distanceScale |
var unit = areaUnit.value; |
if (unit === "square") {unit = dUnit + "²"} else {unit = areaUnit.value;} |
label = si(areaConv) + " " + unit; |
} else { |
var dist = +g.select("text").attr("data-dist"); |
label = rn(dist * scale) + " " + dUnit; |
} |
g.select("text").text(label); |
}); |
ruler.selectAll(".gray").attr("stroke-dasharray", rn(30 / scale, 2)); |
drawScaleBar(); |
updateCountryEditors(); |
} |
if (id === "barSize") { |
barSizeOutput.innerHTML = this.value; |
$("#scaleBar").removeClass("hidden"); |
drawScaleBar(); |
} |
}); |
$("#rescaler").change(function() { |
var change = rn((+this.value - 5) / 10, 2); |
modifyHeights("all", change, 1); |
mockHeightmap(); |
rescaler.value = 5; |
}); |
$("#layoutPreset").on("change", function() { |
var preset = this.value; |
$("#mapLayers li").not("#toggleOcean, #toggleLandmass").addClass("buttonoff"); |
$("#toggleOcean, #toggleLandmass").removeClass("buttonoff"); |
$("#oceanPattern, #landmass").fadeIn(); |
$("#rivers, #terrain, #borders, #regions, #burgs, #labels, #routes, #grid").fadeOut(); |
cults.selectAll("path").remove(); |
terrs.selectAll("path").remove(); |
if (preset === "layoutPolitical") { |
toggleRivers.click(); |
toggleRelief.click(); |
toggleBorders.click(); |
toggleCountries.click(); |
toggleIcons.click(); |
toggleLabels.click(); |
toggleRoutes.click(); |
} |
if (preset === "layoutCultural") { |
toggleRivers.click(); |
toggleRelief.click(); |
toggleBorders.click(); |
$("#toggleCultures").click(); |
toggleIcons.click(); |
toggleLabels.click(); |
} |
if (preset === "layoutEconomical") { |
toggleRivers.click(); |
toggleRelief.click(); |
toggleBorders.click(); |
toggleIcons.click(); |
toggleLabels.click(); |
toggleRoutes.click(); |
} |
if (preset === "layoutHeightmap") { |
$("#toggleHeight").click(); |
toggleRivers.click(); |
} |
}); |
// UI Button handlers |
$(".tab > button").on("click", function() { |
$(".tabcontent").hide(); |
$(".tab > button").removeClass("active"); |
$(this).addClass("active"); |
var id = this.id; |
if (id === "layoutTab") {$("#layoutContent").show();} |
if (id === "styleTab") {$("#styleContent").show();} |
if (id === "optionsTab") {$("#optionsContent").show();} |
if (id === "customizeTab") {$("#customizeContent").show();} |
}); |
} |
Hi @XCJT. Thank you, zooming is already on D3, just not added to this old version. There are some new cool features developed but not yet deployed, see my blog and jsfiddle. I want to create a stable version and update this page or move to another host as blocks/gist are not really good for that kind of demo. Could you suggest a good platform for a working generator?