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Created March 16, 2018 16:02
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SGDR for latest theano version.(python3)
Lasagne implementation of SGDR on WRNs from "SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Restarts" (
This code is based on Lasagne Recipes available at
and on WRNs implementation by Florian Muellerklein available at
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import time
import string
import random
import pickle
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne
import math
from lasagne.nonlinearities import rectify, softmax
from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, DenseLayer, DropoutLayer, batch_norm, BatchNormLayer
from lasagne.layers import ElemwiseSumLayer, NonlinearityLayer, GlobalPoolLayer
from lasagne.layers.dnn import Conv2DDNNLayer as ConvLayer
from lasagne.init import HeNormal
from lasagne.layers import Conv2DLayer as ConvLayer
# for the larger networks (n>=9), we need to adjust pythons recursion limit
# ##################### Load data from CIFAR datasets #######################
# this code assumes the CIFAR dataset files have been extracted in current working directory
# from '' for CIFAR-10
# from '' for CIFAR-100
def unpickle(file):
import pickle as cPickle
fo = open(file, 'rb')
dict = cPickle.load(fo,encoding='latin1')
return dict
def load_data(dataset):
xs = []
ys = []
if dataset == 'CIFAR-10':
for j in range(5):
d = unpickle('cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_'+str(j+1))
x = d['data']
y = d['labels']
d = unpickle('cifar-10-batches-py/test_batch')
if dataset == 'CIFAR-100':
d = unpickle('cifar-100-python/train')
x = d['data']
y = d['fine_labels']
d = unpickle('cifar-100-python/test')
x = np.concatenate(xs)/np.float32(255)
y = np.concatenate(ys)
x = np.dstack((x[:, :1024], x[:, 1024:2048], x[:, 2048:]))
x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], 32, 32, 3)).transpose(0,3,1,2)
# subtract per-pixel mean
pixel_mean = np.mean(x[0:50000],axis=0)
x -= pixel_mean
# create mirrored images
X_train = x[0:50000,:,:,:]
Y_train = y[0:50000]
X_train_flip = X_train[:,:,:,::-1]
Y_train_flip = Y_train
X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_flip),axis=0)
Y_train = np.concatenate((Y_train,Y_train_flip),axis=0)
X_test = x[50000:,:,:,:]
Y_test = y[50000:]
return dict(
X_test = lasagne.utils.floatX(X_test),
Y_test = Y_test.astype('int32'),)
# ##################### Build the neural network model #######################
def ResNet_FullPre_Wide(input_var=None, nout=10, n=3, k=2, dropoutrate = 0):
Adapted from
which was tweaked to be consistent with 'Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks', Kaiming He et al. 2016 (
And 'Wide Residual Networks', Sergey Zagoruyko, Nikos Komodakis 2016 (
n_filters = {0:16, 1:16*k, 2:32*k, 3:64*k}
# create a residual learning building block with two stacked 3x3 convlayers and dropout
def residual_block(l, increase_dim=False, first=False, filters=16):
if increase_dim:
first_stride = (2,2)
first_stride = (1,1)
if first:
# hacky solution to keep layers correct
bn_pre_relu = l
# contains the BN -> ReLU portion, steps 1 to 2
bn_pre_conv = BatchNormLayer(l)
bn_pre_relu = NonlinearityLayer(bn_pre_conv, rectify)
# contains the weight -> BN -> ReLU portion, steps 3 to 5
conv_1 = batch_norm(ConvLayer(bn_pre_relu, num_filters=filters, filter_size=(3,3), stride=first_stride, nonlinearity=rectify, pad='same', W=HeNormal(gain='relu')))
if dropoutrate > 0: # with dropout
dropout = DropoutLayer(conv_1, p=dropoutrate)
# contains the last weight portion, step 6
conv_2 = ConvLayer(dropout, num_filters=filters, filter_size=(3,3), stride=(1,1), nonlinearity=None, pad='same', W=HeNormal(gain='relu'))
else: # without dropout
conv_2 = ConvLayer(conv_1, num_filters=filters, filter_size=(3,3), stride=(1,1), nonlinearity=None, pad='same', W=HeNormal(gain='relu'))
# add shortcut connections
if increase_dim:
# projection shortcut, as option B in paper
projection = ConvLayer(l, num_filters=filters, filter_size=(1,1), stride=(2,2), nonlinearity=None, pad='same', b=None)
block = ElemwiseSumLayer([conv_2, projection])
elif first:
# projection shortcut, as option B in paper
projection = ConvLayer(l, num_filters=filters, filter_size=(1,1), stride=(1,1), nonlinearity=None, pad='same', b=None)
block = ElemwiseSumLayer([conv_2, projection])
block = ElemwiseSumLayer([conv_2, l])
return block
# Building the network
l_in = InputLayer(shape=(None, 3, 32, 32), input_var=input_var)
# first layer=
l = batch_norm(ConvLayer(l_in, num_filters=n_filters[0], filter_size=(3,3), stride=(1,1), nonlinearity=rectify, pad='same', W=HeNormal(gain='relu')))
# first stack of residual blocks
l = residual_block(l, first=True, filters=n_filters[1])
for _ in range(1,n):
l = residual_block(l, filters=n_filters[1])
# second stack of residual blocks
l = residual_block(l, increase_dim=True, filters=n_filters[2])
for _ in range(1,n):
l = residual_block(l, filters=n_filters[2])
# third stack of residual blocks
l = residual_block(l, increase_dim=True, filters=n_filters[3])
for _ in range(1,n):
l = residual_block(l, filters=n_filters[3])
bn_post_conv = BatchNormLayer(l)
bn_post_relu = NonlinearityLayer(bn_post_conv, rectify)
# average pooling
avg_pool = GlobalPoolLayer(bn_post_relu)
# fully connected layer
network = DenseLayer(avg_pool, num_units=nout, W=HeNormal(), nonlinearity=softmax)
return network
# ############################# Batch iterator ###############################
def iterate_minibatches(inputs, targets, batchsize, shuffle=False, augment=False):
assert len(inputs) == len(targets)
if shuffle:
indices = np.arange(len(inputs))
for start_idx in range(0, len(inputs) - batchsize + 1, batchsize):
if shuffle:
excerpt = indices[start_idx:start_idx + batchsize]
excerpt = slice(start_idx, start_idx + batchsize)
if augment:
# as in paper :
# pad feature arrays with 4 pixels on each side
# and do random cropping of 32x32
padded = np.pad(inputs[excerpt],((0,0),(0,0),(4,4),(4,4)),mode='constant')
random_cropped = np.zeros(inputs[excerpt].shape, dtype=np.float32)
crops = np.random.random_integers(0,high=8,size=(batchsize,2))
for r in range(batchsize):
random_cropped[r,:,:,:] = padded[r,:,crops[r,0]:(crops[r,0]+32),crops[r,1]:(crops[r,1]+32)]
inp_exc = random_cropped
inp_exc = inputs[excerpt]
yield inp_exc, targets[excerpt]
# ############################## Main program ################################
def main(dataset = 'CIFAR-10', iscenario = 0, n=5, k = 1, num_epochs=82, model = None, irun = 0, Te = 2.0, E1 = 41, E2 = 61, E3 = 81,
lr = 0.1, lr_fac = 0.1, reg_fac = 0.0005, t0 = math.pi/2.0, Estart = 0, dropoutrate = 0, multFactor = 1):
# Check if CIFAR data exists
if dataset == 'CIFAR-10':
if not os.path.exists("./cifar-10-batches-py"):
print("CIFAR-10 dataset can not be found. Please download the dataset from ''.")
nout = 10
if dataset == 'CIFAR-100':
if not os.path.exists("./cifar-100-python"):
print("CIFAR-100 dataset can not be found. Please download the dataset from ''.")
nout = 100
# Load the dataset
print("Loading data...")
data = load_data(dataset)
X_train = data['X_train']
Y_train = data['Y_train']
X_test = data['X_test']
Y_test = data['Y_test']
# Prepare Theano variables for inputs and targets
input_var = T.tensor4('inputs')
target_var = T.ivector('targets')
# Create neural network model
print("Building model and compiling functions...")
network = ResNet_FullPre_Wide(input_var, nout, n, k, dropoutrate)
print("number of parameters in model: %d" % lasagne.layers.count_params(network, trainable=True))
if model is None:
# Create a loss expression for training, i.e., a scalar objective we want
# to minimize (for our multi-class problem, it is the cross-entropy loss):
prediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(network)
loss = lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy(prediction, target_var)
loss = loss.mean()
# add weight decay
all_layers = lasagne.layers.get_all_layers(network)
sh_reg_fac = theano.shared(lasagne.utils.floatX(reg_fac))
l2_penalty = lasagne.regularization.regularize_layer_params(all_layers, lasagne.regularization.l2) * sh_reg_fac
loss = loss + l2_penalty
# Create update expressions for training
# Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with momentum
params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
sh_lr = theano.shared(lasagne.utils.floatX(lr))
updates = lasagne.updates.momentum(loss, params, learning_rate=sh_lr, momentum=0.9)
# Compile a function performing a training step on a mini-batch (by giving
# the updates dictionary) and returning the corresponding training loss:
train_fn = theano.function([input_var, target_var], loss, updates=updates)
# Create a loss expression for validation/testing
test_prediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
test_loss = lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy(test_prediction, target_var)
test_loss = test_loss.mean()
test_acc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(test_prediction, axis=1), target_var), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
# Compile a second function computing the validation loss and accuracy:
val_fn = theano.function([input_var, target_var], [test_loss, test_acc])
# statistics file
filename = "stat_{}_{}.txt".format(iscenario, irun)
myfile=open(filename, 'w+')
start_time0 = time.time()
tt = 0
TeNext = Te
batchsize = 128
if model is None:
# launch the training loop
print("Starting training...")
# We iterate over epochs:
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
# shuffle training data
train_indices = np.arange(100000)
X_train = X_train[train_indices,:,:,:]
Y_train = Y_train[train_indices]
# In each epoch, we do a full pass over the training data:
train_err = 0
train_batches = 0
start_time = time.time()
for batch in iterate_minibatches(X_train, Y_train, batchsize, shuffle=True, augment=True):
inputs, targets = batch
train_err += train_fn(inputs, targets)
train_batches += 1
if (epoch+1 >= Estart): # time to start adjust learning tate
dt = 2.0*math.pi/float(2.0*Te)
tt = tt + float(dt)/(len(Y_train)/float(batchsize))
if tt >= math.pi:
tt = tt - math.pi
curT = t0 + tt
new_lr = lr * (1.0 + math.sin(curT))/2.0 # lr_min = 0, lr_max = lr
if (epoch+1 == TeNext): # time to restart
tt = 0 # by setting to 0 we set lr to lr_max, see above
Te = Te * multFactor # change the period of restarts
TeNext = TeNext + Te # note the next restart's epoch
# And a full pass over the validation data:
val_err = 0
val_acc = 0
val_batches = 0
for batch in iterate_minibatches(X_test, Y_test, 500, shuffle=False):
inputs, targets = batch
err, acc = val_fn(inputs, targets)
val_err += err
val_acc += acc
val_batches += 1
# Then we print the results for this epoch:
print("Epoch {} of {} took {:.3f}s".format(epoch + 1, num_epochs, time.time() - start_time))
print(" training loss:\t\t{:.6f}".format(train_err / train_batches))
print(" validation loss:\t\t{:.6f}".format(val_err / val_batches))
print(" validation accuracy:\t\t{:.2f} %".format(val_acc / val_batches * 100))
# print some statistics
myfile.write("{}\t{:.15g}\t{:.15g}\t{:.15g}\t{:.15g}\t{:.15g}\t{:.15g}\n".format(epoch, float(sh_lr.get_value()),
time.time() - start_time0, Te, train_err / train_batches, val_err / val_batches, val_acc / val_batches * 100))
# dump the network weights to a file :
if epoch % 10 == 0:
filesave = "network_{}_{}_{}.npz".format(iscenario,irun,epoch)
np.savez(filesave, *lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(network))
# adjust learning rate as in the original approach
if (epoch+1) == E1 or (epoch+1) == E2 or (epoch+1) == E3:
new_lr = sh_lr.get_value() * lr_fac
print("New LR:"+str(new_lr))
# load network weights from model file
with np.load(model) as f:
param_values = [f['arr_%d' % i] for i in range(len(f.files))]
lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(network, param_values)
# Calculate validation error of model:
test_err = 0
test_acc = 0
test_batches = 0
for batch in iterate_minibatches(X_test, Y_test, 500, shuffle=False):
inputs, targets = batch
err, acc = val_fn(inputs, targets)
test_err += err
test_acc += acc
test_batches += 1
print("Final results:")
print(" test loss:\t\t\t{:.6f}".format(test_err / test_batches))
print(" test accuracy:\t\t{:.2f} %".format(
test_acc / test_batches * 100))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# the only input is 'iscenario' index used to reproduce the experiments given in the paper
# scenario #1 and #2 correspond to the original multi-step learning rate decay on CIFAR-10
# scenarios [3-6] are 4 options for our SGDR
# scenarios [7-10] are the same options but for 2 times wider WRNs, i.e., WRN-28-20
# scenarios [11-20] are the same as [1-10] but for CIFAR-100
iscenario = int(sys.argv[1])
model = None
dataset = 'CIFAR-10'
iruns = [1,2,3,4,5]
lr = 0.05
lr_fac = 0.2
reg_fac = 0.0005
t0 = math.pi/2.0
Te = 50
dropoutrate = 0
multFactor = 1
num_epochs = 200
E1 = -1; E2 = -1; E3 = -1; Estart = -1
# CIFAR-10
if (iscenario == 1): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 10; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.1;
if (iscenario == 2): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 10; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.05;
if (iscenario == 3): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 50;
if (iscenario == 4): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 100;
if (iscenario == 5): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 1; multFactor = 2;
if (iscenario == 6): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 10; multFactor = 2;
if (iscenario == 7): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 50;
if (iscenario == 8): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 100;
if (iscenario == 9): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 1; multFactor = 2;
if (iscenario == 10): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 10; multFactor = 2;
# the same for CIFAR-100
if (iscenario == 11): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 10; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.1;
if (iscenario == 12): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 10; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.05;
if (iscenario == 13): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 50;
if (iscenario == 14): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 100;
if (iscenario == 15): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 1; multFactor = 2;
if (iscenario == 16): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 10; Te = 10; multFactor = 2;
if (iscenario == 17): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 50;
if (iscenario == 18): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 100;
if (iscenario == 19): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 1; multFactor = 2;
if (iscenario == 20): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; Te = 10; multFactor = 2;
# very wide nets on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
if (iscenario == 21): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.1;
if (iscenario == 22): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.05;
if (iscenario == 23): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.1;
if (iscenario == 24): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.05;
if (iscenario == 25): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.1;
if (iscenario == 26): dataset = 'CIFAR-10'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.05;
if (iscenario == 27): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.1;
if (iscenario == 28): dataset = 'CIFAR-100'; n = 4; k = 20; E1 = 60; E2 = 120; E3 = 160; Estart = 10000; lr = 0.05;
for irun in iruns:
main(dataset, iscenario, n, k, num_epochs, model, irun, Te, E1, E2, E3, lr, lr_fac, reg_fac, t0, Estart, dropoutrate, multFactor)
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