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Created February 25, 2015 22:44
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Implementation of typelevel booleans and integers using type projections
* Contains the cool alias for the operations
package object baccata {
type +[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = L#add[R]
type -[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = L#sub[R]
type *[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = L#prod[R]
type /[L <: Integer, R <: NonZeroInt] = L#div[R]
type <[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = L#lt[R]
type <=[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = L#lteq[R]
type >[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = R#lt[L]
type >=[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = R#lteq[L]
type ==[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = L#eq[R]
type min[L <: Integer, R <: Integer] = (L < R)#branch[Integer, L, R]
type minp[L <: NonNegInt, R <: NonNegInt] = (L < R)#branch[NonNegInt, L, R]
type p1 = _0#succ
type p2 = p1#succ
type p3 = p2#succ
type p4 = p3#succ
type p5 = p4#succ
type p6 = p5#succ
type p7 = p6#succ
type p8 = p7#succ
type p9 = p8#succ
type n1 = _0#pred
type n2 = n1#pred
type n3 = n2#pred
type n4 = n3#pred
type n5 = n4#pred
type n6 = n5#pred
type n7 = n6#pred
type n8 = n7#pred
type n9 = n8#pred
// BoolOps:
type ||[L <: Bool, R <: Bool] = L#or[R]
type &&[L <: Bool, R <: Bool] = L#and[R]
package baccata
* Inspired from Grant Beaty's Scunits
trait Bool {
type branch[B,T <: B, E <: B] <: B // typelevel if-then-else
type not <: Bool
type or[R <: Bool] <: Bool
type and[R <: Bool] <: Bool
type Xor[R <: Bool] <: Bool
trait True extends Bool {
type not = False
type branch[B,T <: B, E <: B] = T
type or[R <: Bool] = True
type and[R <: Bool] = R
type Xor[R <: Bool] = R#not
trait False extends Bool {
type not = True
type branch[B,T <: B, E <: B] = E
type or[R <: Bool] = R
type and[R <: Bool] = False
type Xor[R <: Bool] = R
package baccata
* Inspired from Grant Beaty's Scunits
sealed trait Integer {
type N <: Integer
type isZero <: Bool
type isPos <: Bool
type isNeg <: Bool
type abs <: NonNegInt
type sameSign[R <: Integer] = (isPos && R#isPos) || (isNeg && R#isNeg)
type succ <: Integer
type pred <: Integer
type add[N <: Integer] <: Integer
type sub[N <: Integer] <: Integer
type prod[N <: Integer] <: Integer
type div[N <: NonZeroInt] <: Integer
type neg <: Integer
type loop[B,F[_ <: B] <: B, Res <: B] <: B
type lt[N <: Integer] = sub[N]#isNeg
type lteq[N <: Integer] = ({
type minus = sub[N]
type res = minus#isNeg || minus#isZero
type eq[N <: Integer] = sub[N]#isZero
sealed trait NonNegInt extends Integer {
type N <: NonNegInt
type abs = N
type isNeg = False
type succ <: PosInt
type neg <: NonPosInt
type predNat <: NonNegInt
type addNat[R <: NonNegInt] <: NonNegInt
type subNat[R <: NonNegInt] <: NonNegInt
type divNat[D <: PosInt] <: NonNegInt
sealed trait NonPosInt extends Integer {
type N <: NonPosInt
type isPos = False
type pred <: NegInt
type neg <: NonNegInt
type loop[B,F[_ <: B] <: B, Res <: B] = Res
sealed trait NonZeroInt extends Integer {
type N <: NonZeroInt
type isZero = False
type abs <: PosInt
type div[R <: NonZeroInt] = ({
type aRes = abs#divNat[R#abs]
type result = sameSign[R]#branch[Integer, aRes, aRes#neg]
sealed trait NegInt extends NonPosInt with NonZeroInt {
type N <: NegInt
type isNeg = True
type neg <: PosInt
type abs = neg
type succ <: NonPosInt
type pred <: NegInt
sealed trait PosInt extends NonNegInt with NonZeroInt {
type N <: PosInt
type isPos = True
type neg <: NegInt
type pred <: NonNegInt
type succ <: PosInt
type loop[B,F[_ <: B] <: B, Res <: B] = pred#loop[B,F,F[Res]]
case class ++[P <: NonNegInt]() extends PosInt {
type N = ++[P]
type succ = ++[++[P]]
type add[R <: Integer] = P#add[R#succ]
type pred = P
type sub[R <: Integer] = P#sub[R#pred]
type prod[R <: Integer] = P#prod[R]#add[R]
type neg = --[P#neg]
type predNat = P
type addNat[R <: NonNegInt] = P#addNat[R#succ]
type subNat[R <: NonNegInt] = (R#isZero)#branch[NonNegInt, N, P#subNat[R#predNat]]
type divNat[D <: PosInt] = lt[D]#branch[NonNegInt, _0, p1#addNat[subNat[D]#divNat[D]]]
case class --[S <: NonPosInt]() extends NegInt {
type N = --[S]
type succ = S
type add[N <: Integer] = S#add[N#pred]
type pred = --[--[S]]
type sub[N <: Integer] = S#sub[N#succ]
type prod[N <: Integer] = (neg#prod[N])#neg
type neg = ++[S#neg]
class _0 extends NonNegInt with NonPosInt {
type N = _0
type isZero = True
type succ = ++[_0]
type add[R <: Integer] = R
type addNat[R <: NonNegInt] = R
type subNat[R <: NonNegInt] = _0
type divNat[R <: PosInt] = _0
type pred = --[_0]
type predNat = _0
type sub[R <: Integer] = R#neg
type prod[R <: Integer] = _0
type div[R <: NonZeroInt] = _0
type neg = _0
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