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Created May 14, 2015 14:54
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PowerShell script for cleaning multiple projects/solutions in one command line via MSBuild
# Author: Matthew Kelly (@Badgerati)
# Date: May 14 2015
# MSBuildPath: Path to where your MSBuild.exe file resides
# Projects: Array of Project/Solution files
# CleanDebug: Switch to clean build in debug mode
# CleanRelease: Switch to clean build int release mode
# Example:
# > .\CleanMSBuilds.ps1 -MSBuildPath path\to\msbuild.exe -Projects Example1.sln, Example2.sln -CleanDebug -CleanRelease
param (
[string] $MSBuildPath,
[string[]] $Projects,
[switch] $CleanDebug,
[switch] $CleanRelease
function Clean-Build($project, $config) {
$command = "$MSBuildPath $config /t:Clean $project"
Write-Host "Executing: $command"
cmd /c "$command"
if (! $?) {
throw "Clean of '$project' failed."
if (!(Test-Path $MSBuildPath)) {
Write-Error "Cannot find MSBuild at '$MSBuildPath'"
foreach ($project in $Projects) {
if (!(Test-Path $project)) {
Write-Error "Cannot find project/solution at '$project'"
Write-Host "Cleaning Projects/Solutions:"
foreach ($project in $Projects) {
Write-Host " - $project"
foreach ($project in $Projects) {
if ($CleanDebug.IsPresent) {
Clean-Build $project '/p:Configuration=Debug'
if ($CleanRelease.IsPresent) {
Clean-Build $project '/p:Configuration=Release'
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