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on('ready', () => {
const tokenDefaults = {
exclude: ["_id", "_pageid", "left", "top", "imgsrc", "width", "height", "layer", "sides"],
areFalse: ["aura1_square", "aura2_square", "emits_bright_light", "emits_low_light", "fliph", "flipv", "has_bright_light_vision", "has_directional_bright_light", "has_directional_dim_light", "has_limit_field_of_night_vision", "has_limit_field_of_vision", "has_night_vision", "isdrawing", "light_hassight", "light_otherplayers", "lockMovement", "show_tooltip", "showname", "showplayers_aura1", "showplayers_aura2", "showplayers_bar1", "showplayers_bar2", "showplayers_bar3", "showplayers_name"],
areTrue: ["playersedit_aura1", "playersedit_aura2", "playersedit_bar1", "playersedit_bar2", "playersedit_bar3", "playersedit_name"],
areNull: ["bar_location", "compact_bar", "night_vision_effect", "night_vision_tint"],
areEmpty: ["_cardid", "adv_fow_view_distance", "aura1_radius", "aura2_radius", "bar1_link", "bar1_max", "bar1_value", "bar2_link",
/*jshint esversion: 9 */
// OPen and Blind Checks for the 5th Edition OGL by Roll20
// Create a token action macro called "OpenChecks" with the action "!OpenChecks"
// Create a token action macro called "BlindChecks" with the action "!BlindChecks"
// Give all your players access to both.
const OpenBlindChecks = (() => {
const buildTable = (values) => {
let getMod = (g) => {
return g ? g.mod : -5;
/*jshint esversion: 9 */
// OPen and Blind Checks for the 5th Edition OGL by Roll20
// Create a token action macro called "OpenChecks" with the action "!OpenChecks"
// Create a token action macro called "BlindChecks" with the action "!BlindChecks"
// Give all your players access to both.
const OpenBlindChecks = (() => {
const buildTable = (values) => {
let getMod = (g) => {
return g ? g.mod : -5;
<style> .phb#p1:after { display:none; } .phb#p2 {counter-reset: phb-page-numbers 0;} </style>

var markdownNotesBio = markdownNotesBio || (() => {
const version = '1.0.1';
const lastUpdate = 1578078196;
const schemaVersion = 1.0;
const CONFIG = {
apiStart: '<!-- API_markdown -->',
apiEnd: '<!-- API_markdown_end -->'
var markdown = markdown || (() => {
const version = '1.0.9';
const lastUpdate = 1578236090;
const checkInstall = () => {
log('-=> markdown v'+version+' <=- ['+(new Date(lastUpdate*1000))+']');
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
var DungeonDraw = DungeonDraw || (function(){
'use strict';
var defaultTexture = 'Old School|#18769c',
cssButtonAnchor = ' style="border: 1px solid AliceBlue; background-color: SteelBlue; color: white;" ',
cssButtonSpan = ' style="color: white; font-weight: normal; display: block; width: 150px;" ',
cssButtonAnchorImg = ' style="border: 1px solid Black; background-color: White; color: white;" ',
cssButtonImg = ' style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; outline: none; border: none;" ',
batchSize: 30,
/*global on, _, log, createObj, findObjs */
/*jslint white: true, multivar: true, single: true, bitwise: true, browser: true */
var RotatingMadness = RotatingMadness || (function(){
"use strict";
var script = {name: "RotatingMadness", version: 1.0, last_update: 1476924569, schema_version: 1.0},
your_library = [
{imgsrc: "", tileName: "mapmaze"},
{imgsrc: "", tileName: "spinner"}