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Arno0x / appinitdllinjection.c
Last active October 12, 2023 23:19
AppInit_DLLs injection
// Compile with: cl.exe appinitdllinjection.c /LD /o appinitdllinjection.dll
// This DLL can only be injected in a x64 process
// Set the registry to automatically load this DLL into 'any' process that is started (at least the ones relying on User32.dll)
// by using the AppInit_DLLs capability:
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs = 'path_to_the_dll' (comma or space separated if required)
// One trick with this registry entry is to separate DLLs with an hex '00' (by editing the value in binary) to hide the DLL name
rsms /
Last active November 24, 2024 15:14
Example programs and tests for the POSIX Asynchronous file I/O

There are some tests ripped out from git:// and made self-containing. They demonstrate and can be used to test the POSIX AIO interface for asynchronous I/O and formerly file IO.

Build with a c compiler (for instance clang or cc):

cc -o aio_read-test aio_read-test.c && ./aio_read-test

Note: Contrary to popular belief, it has been tested and confirmed to actually be asynchronous on Darwin 10.6.0 (xnu 1504.9.26~3).