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Last active July 20, 2022 12:27
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Proposed Airflow SLA checker
import logging
import random
import string
import threading
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Set
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(threadName)s %(message)s")
class SLACheck:
run_id: str
task_id: str
timestamp: int
class SLAManager:
This class is responsible for maintaining a calendar of checks for SLAs.
It keeps a dictionary of {timestamp, {sla checks}} and waits until a next timestamp is reached. Once
reached, it executes the scheduled SLA checks and waits again until the next timestamp.
_thread = None
_event = None
_sla_calendar: Dict[float, Set[SLACheck]] = defaultdict(set)
_stop_flag = False
def start(self):"Starting %s", self.__class__.__name__)
self._event = threading.Event()
self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._main_loop)
self._thread.daemon = True # Stop this thread if main thread dies
def shutdown(self):"Shutting down.")"There were %s scheduled SLA checks.", len(self))
self._stop_flag = True
del self._thread
def schedule_sla_check(self, timestamp_: int, run_id: str, task_id: str):
Schedule an SLA check at the given timestamp.
:param timestamp_: The timestamp at which to schedule an SLA check.
:param run_id: The run_id of the DAG run to check.
:param task_id: The task_id of the task to check.
# Determine if waiting time should be reset when a check is scheduled prior to the currently earliest
# scheduled check.
should_reset_wait_interval = not self._sla_calendar.keys() or timestamp_ < min(
sla_check = SLACheck(run_id=run_id, task_id=task_id, timestamp=timestamp_)
"Added SLA check %s at timestamp %s (in %s seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = %s.",
timestamp_ - time.time(),
if should_reset_wait_interval:"Added SLA check prior to the earliest timestamp. Resetting wait interval.")
self._event.set() # Set internal flag to True (cancelling any wait() that might happen now)
def _main_loop(self):
"""Infinitely running loop which waits until there's work to do."""
wait_seconds = threading.TIMEOUT_MAX
while True:
if wait_seconds == threading.TIMEOUT_MAX:"No SLAs to check. Waiting till the end of time.")
else:"Waiting %s seconds...", wait_seconds)
self._event.wait(wait_seconds) # Block until timeout or internal flag is set to True
if self._stop_flag:"Exiting main loop.")
self._event.clear() # Reset internal flag to False
wait_seconds = self.do_work()
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Return the total number of scheduled SLA checks."""
return sum(len(_) for _ in self._sla_calendar.values())
def do_work(self) -> float:
Check SLAs and return the number of seconds to wait for the next SLA check.
:return: Number of seconds to wait for the next SLA check.
first_timestamp = min(self._sla_calendar.keys())
if first_timestamp <= time.time():
to_print = self._sla_calendar[first_timestamp]
for s in to_print:
"Checking SLA at timestamp %s (current timestamp = %s, diff = %s seconds) -> %s",
time.time() - first_timestamp,
self._sla_calendar.pop(first_timestamp, None)
"Processed SLA check at timestamp %s. Removed %s SLA check(s). SLA checks remaining = %s.",
if self._sla_calendar:
next_timestamp = min(self._sla_calendar.keys())
wait_seconds = next_timestamp - time.time()
return wait_seconds
return threading.TIMEOUT_MAX
if __name__ == "__main__":
sla_manager = SLAManager()
while True:
# Simulate activity to keep main thread alive
sla_checks_to_add = 3
max_seconds = 30
for _ in range(sla_checks_to_add):
random_timestamp = int(time.time() + random.randint(1, max_seconds))
random_run_id = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10))
random_task_id = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10))
timestamp_=random_timestamp, run_id=random_run_id, task_id=random_task_id
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
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BasPH commented Jul 20, 2022

Example output:

MainThread Starting SLAManager
Thread-1 No SLAs to check. Waiting till the end of time.
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='jlorEzMxpU', task_id='sURAhRwTkb', timestamp=1658314826) at timestamp 1658314826 (in 11.308849811553955 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 1.
MainThread Added SLA check prior to the earliest timestamp. Resetting wait interval.
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='hKQVRiIihn', task_id='nSjcibpDkN', timestamp=1658314830) at timestamp 1658314830 (in 15.308774948120117 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 2.
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='KCInURPVgQ', task_id='hcwuFtaVNY', timestamp=1658314840) at timestamp 1658314840 (in 25.30874013900757 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 3.
Thread-1 Waiting 11.308709859848022 seconds...
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='MDxFXXscxc', task_id='cHzhnSiLlk', timestamp=1658314823) at timestamp 1658314823 (in 3.303438186645508 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 4.
MainThread Added SLA check prior to the earliest timestamp. Resetting wait interval.
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='llSfHINWlx', task_id='lRCYXoTtDi', timestamp=1658314837) at timestamp 1658314837 (in 17.302942991256714 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 5.
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='mDkyJdLTXU', task_id='tbGAXMbvIq', timestamp=1658314844) at timestamp 1658314844 (in 24.302769899368286 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 6.
Thread-1 Waiting 3.3026180267333984 seconds...
Thread-1 Checking SLA at timestamp 1658314823 (current timestamp = 1658314823.0052211, diff = 0.005221128463745117 seconds) -> SLACheck(run_id='MDxFXXscxc', task_id='cHzhnSiLlk', timestamp=1658314823)
Thread-1 Processed SLA check at timestamp 1658314823. Removed 1 SLA check(s). SLA checks remaining = 5.
Thread-1 Waiting 2.9945459365844727 seconds...
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='hipQafODWw', task_id='LfYfofQluu', timestamp=1658314830) at timestamp 1658314830 (in 5.298962831497192 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 6.
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='gjHILAlWOu', task_id='PUBjVLdIUB', timestamp=1658314830) at timestamp 1658314830 (in 5.298620939254761 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 7.
MainThread Added SLA check SLACheck(run_id='hCojLWDszm', task_id='WMhkEqiWQt', timestamp=1658314849) at timestamp 1658314849 (in 24.298451900482178 seconds). Total # of scheduled checks = 8.
Thread-1 Checking SLA at timestamp 1658314826 (current timestamp = 1658314826.0030458, diff = 0.0030469894409179688 seconds) -> SLACheck(run_id='jlorEzMxpU', task_id='sURAhRwTkb', timestamp=1658314826)
Thread-1 Processed SLA check at timestamp 1658314826. Removed 1 SLA check(s). SLA checks remaining = 7.
Thread-1 Waiting 3.996612071990967 seconds...
MainThread Shutting down.
MainThread There were 7 scheduled SLA checks.
Thread-1 Exiting main loop.

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BasPH commented Jul 20, 2022

Note: SLAManager._sla_calendar (dict) is not thread safe. Should be accessed using threading.Lock. Thread-unsafe error can be simulated by setting max_seconds very low and sla_checks_to_add very high.

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