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Created August 1, 2022 18:24
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Enumerate USBSTOR:
Get-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR\*\* |Select `
@{ n = 'Vendor'; e= { ((($_.PSParentPath -split '[\\]')[-1] -split '[&]')[-3] -split 'Ven_')[-1] } }, `
@{ n = 'Product'; e= { ((($_.PSParentPath -split '[\\]')[-1] -split '[&]')[-2] -split 'Prod_')[-1] } }, `
@{ n = 'Version'; e= { ((($_.PSParentPath -split '[\\]')[-1] -split '[&]')[-1] -split 'Rev_')[-1] } }, `
@{ n = 'Serial_Number'; e= { ($_.PSPath -split '[\\]')[-1] } }, `
@{ n = 'Unique_Serial'; e= { if ((($_.PSPath -split '[\\]')[-1]) -like '?&*'){"No"} else {"Yes"} } } | Format-Table
Enumerate MountedDevices:
$dlvn=Get-Item $key | select -Expand property
$data=Get-Item $key | select -Expand property | % {
$value = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name $_).$_
$dlvn | Foreach {$i=0}{new-object pscustomobject -prop @{Driveletter=$_;Data=$data[$i]}; $i++} | Format-Table
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