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Forked from nickoala/
Last active November 23, 2024 21:06
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Build CuraEngine on Raspbian or Ubuntu

Build CuraEngine on Raspbian or Ubuntu

CuraEngine requires libArcus which requires protobuf. Let's build them in turn.

Make sure python3 is Python 3.4 or higher.

Install utilities used by the build process:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y dh-autoreconf cmake git

Additionally, protobuf requires python3-setuptools and libArcus requires python3-sip-dev. Install them:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-setuptools python3-sip-dev

I download everything to home directory and start from there. You may adapt to your preferred location.


Download protobuf's latest release. Choose the one with Python. The filename should be like protobuf-python-N.N.N.tar.gz, where N.N.N is the version number.

I use 3.1.0 as an example. You should use the latest version.

cd ~
tar zxf protobuf-python-3.5.1.tar.gz

Build and install for C++:

cd protobuf-3.5.1
sudo make install

Build and install for Python:

cd python
python3 build
sudo python3 install

Make sure shared libraries can be found:

sudo ldconfig


Clone repository:

cd ~
git clone

Build and install:

cd libArcus
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Make sure shared libraries can be found:

sudo ldconfig

CuraEngine, finally

Clone repository:

cd ~
git clone


cd CuraEngine
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Copy executable to opt folder

mkdir /opt/curaengine && cp -a --no-preserve=owner ~/CuraEngine/build/CuraEngine /opt/curaengine/

Create a symlink to make it global executable

ln -s /opt/curaengine/CuraEngine /usr/local/bin/CuraEngine

Download default settings JSON files downloading a definition file,

cd /opt/curaengine/

try it:

CuraEngine slice -v -p -j /opt/curaengine/fdmprinter.def.json -o example.gcode -l example.stl --next
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simar1998 commented Jun 17, 2019

Hi, when I slice a file the file does not seem to centre itself on the bed. Even though I have changed the fdmprinter.def.json file to include the command line option and enabled the centre boolean value. this is the command I am using . CuraEngine slice -v -p -j /opt/curaengine/ender3.def.json -o /home/simar/cube.gcode -l /opt/stl_upload/cube.stl --next .
Any insight will be helpfull. I have also attached my def.json file.

def file link

Sorry for the pastebin, github was not letting my upload my file directly onto this post even though i modified it to be a text file.

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