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Last active December 17, 2015 04:09
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  • Save BenWiederhake/5548307 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BenWiederhake/5548307 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An extremely simple, dumb, slow, but wonderfully easy-to-use circuit simulator and verifier in roughly 450 "actual" lines of code.
; Install lisp:
;; aptitude install sbcl emacs slime
; Open emacs, and load program:
;; M-x slime
; Now play around:
;; (load "path/to/circ.lisp")
;; (example-1)
;; (example-2)
;; (example-3)
; And most importantly:
;; (print "Have fun! :P")
;;;; Misc and utils.
(defun take (n l)
(do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
(rev-ret nil (cons (first rest) rev-ret))
(rest l (cdr rest)))
((>= i n)
(list (nreverse rev-ret) rest))))
(defun bin-p (e) (typep e 'bit))
(defun binlist-p (n list)
(and (= n (length list))
(loop for e in list unless (bin-p e) return nil finally (return t))))
(defun power-of-two (n) (or (ash 1 n) 0))
;; (defmacro forward-slots (instance &rest slots)
;; (let ((sym (gensym)))
;; `(let ((,sym ,instance))
;; ,@(loop for slot in slots
;; if (listp slot)
;; collect (destructuring-bind (name predicate) slot
;; `(when ,predicate (setf (slot-value ,sym ',name) ,name)))
;; else collect `(setf (slot-value ,sym ',slot) ,slot))
;; ,sym)))
(defun aslist (x)
(etypecase x
(list x)
(symbol (list x))))
(defun as-keyword (sym)
(intern (symbol-name sym) :keyword))
(defmacro define-plain-condition (name (&body slots) lambda-list &body reporting-code)
`(define-condition ,name (simple-condition)
,(loop for slot in slots
collect `(,slot :initarg ,(as-keyword slot)))
(:report (lambda ,lambda-list ,@reporting-code))))
;;;; Interfaces
(defclass circ-element () ()
(:documentation "Base class of any circuitry element"))
(defgeneric ingrad (circ-element) (:documentation "How many inputs this element takes"))
(defgeneric outgrad (circ-element) (:documentation "How many outputs this element provides"))
(defgeneric cost (circ-element) (:documentation "How many inputs this element takesThe cost of a single element"))
(defgeneric depth (circ-element) (:documentation "The depth, as defined in the lecture SysArch"))
(defgeneric eval-circ (circ-element in) (:documentation "Evaluate the output, for a given circuit and input"))
(defmethod ingrad ((circ-element (eql nil))) (error "Not appliccable to NIL"))
(defmethod outgrad ((circ-element (eql nil))) (error "Not appliccable to NIL"))
(defmethod cost ((circ-element (eql nil))) (error "Not appliccable to NIL"))
(defmethod depth ((circ-element (eql nil))) (error "Not appliccable to NIL"))
(defmethod eval-circ ((circ-element (eql nil)) in) (error "Not appliccable to NIL"))
;;;; Common stuff
(defun get-circ (thing)
(etypecase thing
(symbol (or (get thing 'circ-internal)
(error "Can't resolve symbol ~a to a circuit." thing)))
(circ-element thing)))
(defun bind-circ (symbol circ)
(setf (get symbol 'circ-internal) circ))
(defmethod ingrad ((circ-element symbol)) (ingrad (get-circ circ-element)))
(defmethod outgrad ((circ-element symbol)) (outgrad (get-circ circ-element)))
(defmethod cost ((circ-element symbol)) (cost (get-circ circ-element)))
(defmethod depth ((circ-element symbol)) (depth (get-circ circ-element)))
(defmethod eval-circ ((circ-element symbol) in) (eval-circ (get-circ circ-element) in))
(defmethod eval-circ (el (in list))
(eval-circ el
(make-array (length in)
:element-type 'bit
:initial-contents in)))
(defgeneric circ-p (thing))
(defmethod circ-p (thing) nil)
(defmethod circ-p ((thing circ-element)) t)
(defmethod circ-p ((thing symbol)) (not (not (get thing 'circ-internal))))
(defmacro compute (op in) `(eval-circ ',op ',in))
;;;; Atomic operators
(defclass circ-function (circ-element)
((ingrad :initarg :ingrad
:initform (error "Initarg :ingrad must be provided"))
(outgrad :initarg :outgrad
:initform (error "Initarg :outgrad must be provided"))
(cost :initarg :cost
:initform (error "Initarg :cost must be provided"))
(depth :initarg :depth
:initform (error "Initarg :depth must be provided"))
(fn :initarg :fn
:type function
:initform (error "Initarg :fn must be provided"))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((el circ-function) &key &allow-other-keys)
(with-slots (ingrad outgrad cost depth fn) el
(assert (>= ingrad 0))
(assert (>= outgrad 0))
(assert (>= cost 0))
(assert (>= depth 0))
(assert (functionp fn))))
(defmacro defcirc-fn (op fn &key (in 1) (out 1) (cost 1) (depth 1))
`(bind-circ ,op (make-instance
:in ,in :out ,out :cost ,cost :depth ,depth :fn ,fn)))
(defmethod ingrad ((el circ-function)) (slot-value el 'ingrad))
(defmethod outgrad ((el circ-function)) (slot-value el 'outgrad))
(defmethod cost ((el circ-function)) (slot-value el 'cost))
(defmethod depth ((el circ-function)) (slot-value el 'depth))
(defmethod eval-circ ((el circ-function) (in bit-vector))
(with-slots (ingrad fn) el
(assert (= (length in) ingrad))
(funcall fn el in)))
;;;; Definition by table
(defun list2int (list)
(loop with result = 0
for e in list
do (setq result (+ (* 2 result) (ecase e (0 0) (1 1))))
finally (return result)))
(defun vec2int (vector)
(loop with result = 0
for e across vector
do (setq result (+ (* 2 result) (ecase e (0 0) (1 1))))
finally (return result)))
(defun int2list (int length)
(loop repeat length
with result = nil
for nextint = (ash int -1)
do (setq result (cons (- int (ash nextint 1)) result))
do (setq int nextint)
finally (progn
(assert (= 0 int))
(return result))))
(defun list-to-table (list ingrad outgrad)
(let* ((empty-vec (make-array 0 :element-type 'bit))
(table-length (power-of-two ingrad))
(table (make-array table-length :element-type 'bit-vector
:initial-element empty-vec)))
(assert (= (length list) table-length))
for e in list
for (from to) = (take ingrad e)
for from-idx = (list2int from)
do (symbol-macrolet ((dest (aref table from-idx)))
(if (eq dest empty-vec)
(setf dest (make-array outgrad :element-type 'bit
:initial-contents to))
(error "Duplicate definition for input ~a" from))))
(loop for i from 0 to (1- table-length)
when (eq (aref table i) empty-vec)
do (error "Missing definition for input ~a" (int2list i ingrad)))
(defun vector-to-table (vector ingrad outgrad)
(let ((table-length (power-of-two ingrad)))
(assert (= (fill-pointer vector) table-length))
(make-array table-length
:element-type 'bit-vector
(loop for i from 0 to (1- table-length)
(make-array outgrad :element-type 'bit
:initial-contents (aref vector i))))))
(defun gen-operator
(given &key (cost 1) (depth 1)
(ingrad (error "Ingrad must be provided"))
(outgrad (error "Outgrad must be provided")))
(assert (>= ingrad 0))
(assert (>= outgrad 0))
(let ((table (etypecase given
(list (list-to-table given ingrad outgrad))
(vector (vector-to-table given ingrad outgrad)))))
(flet ((lookup (el in)
(declare (ignore el))
(aref table (vec2int in))))
(make-instance 'circ-function :ingrad ingrad :outgrad outgrad
:cost cost :depth depth :fn #'lookup))))
(defun define-operator (op &rest operator-args)
(bind-circ op (apply #'gen-operator operator-args)))
(defmacro defop (op (&key (ingrad nil ingrad-p) (outgrad nil outgrad-p)
(cost nil cost-p) (depth nil depth-p))
&body table)
(macrolet ((key (sym)
(let ((p-sym
(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name sym) "-P"))))
`(when ,p-sym (list ,(as-keyword sym) ,sym)))))
`(define-operator ',op
,(if (listp table)
(list 'quote table)
,@(key ingrad) ,@(key outgrad) ,@(key cost) ,@(key depth))))
;;;; Combined circuits
(defun var-p (thing &key allow-constants allow-nil)
(case thing
((t) nil)
((nil) allow-nil)
((0 1) allow-constants)
(t (typecase thing
(symbol t)
(number t) ; Allow numbers for "efficiency" :S
(t nil)))))
(defun check-var (thing &key allow-constants)
(or (var-p thing :allow-constants allow-constants)
(error "Signal name expected, found ~a instead." thing))
(defun varlist-p (list &key allow-constants allow-nil)
(and (listp list)
(loop for thing in list
unless (var-p thing :allow-constants allow-constants
:allow-nil allow-nil)
return nil
finally (return t))))
(defun gen-symbol-table ()
(let ((symbol-table (make-hash-table)))
; Table: varname => (depth, position)
; inject initial fake signals
(setf (gethash 0 symbol-table) '(0 0)
(gethash 1 symbol-table) '(0 1)
(gethash nil symbol-table) '(0 2))
(defun allocate-var (symbol-table var depth)
(assert (var-p var :allow-nil t))
(if var
(symbol-macrolet ((dest (gethash var symbol-table nil)))
(when dest
(error "Signal ~a already has been defined in this construction!" var))
(let ((pos (hash-table-count symbol-table)))
(setf dest (list depth pos))
(defun allocate-varlist (symbol-table varlist depth)
(loop for var in varlist
collect (allocate-var symbol-table var depth) into collected
finally (return (make-array (length varlist)
:initial-contents collected
:adjustable nil))))
(defun gather-varlist (symbol-table varlist)
with length = (length varlist)
for var in varlist
for (var-depth var-pos) =
(or (gethash (check-var var :allow-constants t) symbol-table nil)
(error "Signal ~a not (yet) defined in this construction!" var))
maximize var-depth into depth
collect var-pos into positions
finally (return (list
(make-array length
:element-type 'integer
:initial-contents positions
:adjustable nil)))))
(defun parse (symbol-table op op-args instructions)
(let ((ingrad (ingrad op))
(outgrad (outgrad op))
(cost 0)
(labels ((push-in-var (var)
(when (>= (length in-varlist) ingrad)
(error "Can't digest ~a: Too many in-arguments." var))
(unless (var-p var :allow-constants t)
(error "Expected variable, not ~a" var))
(push var in-varlist))
(push-in-complex (sub-op sub-op-args)
(let* ((sub-outgrad (outgrad sub-op))
(sub-op-out (loop repeat sub-outgrad
for var = (gensym)
do (push-in-var var)
collect var)))
(incf cost
(parse symbol-table
; We might be operating on source code.
; => append the source, Luke
(append sub-op-args sub-op-out)
(loop until (null op-args)
until (>= (length in-varlist) ingrad)
for in-arg = (pop op-args)
do (if (atom in-arg)
(push-in-var in-arg)
(destructuring-bind (sub-op . sub-args) in-arg
(push-in-complex sub-op sub-args))))
(setf in-varlist (nreverse in-varlist))
(unless (= (length in-varlist) ingrad)
(error "Expected ~a in-args, found only ~a."
ingrad (length in-varlist)))
(unless (= (length op-args) outgrad)
(error "Expected ~a out-args, found only ~a."
outgrad (length op-args)))
(destructuring-bind (depth in-posvec)
(gather-varlist symbol-table in-varlist)
(let* ((out-depth (+ depth (depth op)))
(out-posvec (allocate-varlist symbol-table op-args out-depth))
(instruction (list op in-posvec out-posvec)))
(vector-push-extend instruction instructions)))
(+ cost (cost op)))))
(defun read-bitvector (fromvec posvec)
(let* ((length (length posvec))
(retvec (make-array length :element-type 'bit)))
(loop for i from 0 to (1- length)
do (setf (sbit retvec i)
(sbit fromvec (aref posvec i))))
(defun write-bitvector (fromvec intovec into-posvec)
(let ((length (length fromvec)))
(assert (= length (length into-posvec)))
(loop for i from 0 to (1- length)
do (setf (sbit intovec (aref into-posvec i))
(sbit fromvec i)))))
(defun %construct-thunk% (vargrad instructions out-posvec)
(declare (type (integer 3) vargrad)
(type (vector list) instructions))
(flet ((thunk (el invec)
(declare (type bit-vector invec)
(ignore el))
(let ((varvec (make-array vargrad :element-type 'bit)))
(setf (sbit varvec 0) 0
(sbit varvec 1) 1)
; 2 = "don't care"-bit
(loop for bit across invec
for var-i from 3
for in-i from 0
do (setf (sbit varvec var-i) (sbit invec in-i)))
(loop for (op op-in-posvec op-out-posvec) across instructions
for op-in = (read-bitvector varvec op-in-posvec)
for op-out = (eval-circ op op-in)
do (write-bitvector op-out varvec op-out-posvec))
(read-bitvector varvec out-posvec))))
(defun gen-construct (inputs body outputs)
(assert (varlist-p inputs :allow-nil t))
(assert (varlist-p outputs :allow-constants t))
(let ((symbol-table (gen-symbol-table))
(instructions (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
(cost 0))
; Input
(allocate-varlist symbol-table inputs 0)
; Throughput
(loop for (op . op-args) in body
do (incf cost
(parse symbol-table op op-args instructions)))
; Output
(destructuring-bind (depth out-posvec)
(gather-varlist symbol-table outputs)
; Build
(make-instance 'circ-function
:fn (%construct-thunk% (hash-table-count symbol-table)
:depth depth
:cost cost
:ingrad (length inputs)
:outgrad (length outputs)))))
(defun define-construct (op inputs body outputs)
(bind-circ op (gen-construct inputs body outputs)))
(defmacro construct (op (&rest inputs) (&rest outputs) &body body)
`(define-construct ',op ',inputs ',body ',outputs))
;;;; Verification
(define-plain-condition circ-diff
expected-circ expected-number expected-output
actual-circ actual-number actual-output)
(condition stream)
expected-circ expected-number expected-output
actual-circ actual-number actual-output)
(format stream
"Difference found for input ~a:~%(C#~a) ~a outputs ~a~%(C#~a) ~a outputs ~a"
expected-number expected-circ expected-output
actual-number actual-circ actual-output)))
(define-plain-condition circ-diff-grad
(one-circ one-number one-ingrad one-outgrad
other-circ other-number other-ingrad other-outgrad)
(condition stream)
(with-slots (one-number one-ingrad one-outgrad
other-number other-ingrad other-outgrad) condition
(format stream
"Circuit ~a and circuit ~a have different grads (~a=>~a and ~a=>~a) and are incomparable"
one-number other-number one-ingrad one-outgrad other-ingrad other-outgrad)))
(defun circ-equal (circ-1 &rest circs)
(if (null circs)
(let ((nbits (ingrad circ-1))
(outbits (outgrad circ-1))
(issame t))
(loop for circ in circs for i = 2 then (1+ i)
for other-ingrad = (ingrad circ)
for other-outgrad = (outgrad circ)
unless (and (= other-ingrad nbits) (= other-outgrad outbits))
do (progn
(signal (make-condition 'circ-diff-grad
:one-circ circ-1 :one-number 1
:one-ingrad nbits :one-outgrad outbits
:other-circ circ :other-number i
:other-ingrad other-ingrad :other-outgrad other-outgrad))
(setf issame nil)))
(labels ((run-test (input)
(let ((expected-output (eval-circ circ-1 input)))
(loop for circ in circs for i = 2 then (1+ i)
for actual-output = (eval-circ circ input)
unless (equal actual-output expected-output)
do (progn
(setf issame nil)
(signal (make-condition 'circ-diff :input input
:expected-circ circ-1 :expected-number 1 :expected-output expected-output
:actual-circ circ :actual-number i :actual-output actual-output))))))
(rec-test (remaining fixed)
(if (> remaining 0)
(rec-test (1- remaining) (cons 0 fixed))
(rec-test (1- remaining) (cons 1 fixed)))
(run-test fixed))))
(rec-test nbits nil)
(defun circ-diagnose (&rest circs)
(let ((errors nil)
(error-count 0))
(flet ((report-diag ()
(if (null errors)
(values "Circuits compute the same function :)" T)
(let (messageparts)
(loop for e in errors for i = 1 then (1+ i)
do (decf error-count)
do (setf messageparts (cons (format nil "~a~%" e)
when (> i 10) return nil)
(setf messageparts
(if (> 0 error-count)
(format nil "(~a more differences suppressed)" error-count)
"No further differences.")
(values (apply #'concatenate 'string (nreverse messageparts)) nil)))))
(flet ((notice (condition)
(if (< error-count 100000)
(setf errors (cons condition errors)
error-count (1+ error-count))
(return-from circ-diagnose (report-diag)))))
(handler-bind ((circ-diff-grad #'notice)
(circ-diff #'notice))
(apply #'circ-equal circs)))
(defmacro verify-same (&rest circs)
`(circ-diagnose ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list 'quote x)) circs)))
(defun load-basic ()
(defop or (:ingrad 2 :outgrad 1 :cost 1 :depth 1)
(0 0 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 1) (1 1 1))
(defop and (:ingrad 2 :outgrad 1 :cost 1 :depth 1)
(0 0 0) (0 1 0) (1 0 0) (1 1 1))
(defop not (:ingrad 1 :outgrad 1 :cost 1 :depth 1)
(0 1) (1 0))
(defop xor (:ingrad 2 :outgrad 1 :cost 1 :depth 1)
(0 0 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 1) (1 1 0)))
(defun example-1 ()
(construct my-xor (a b) (out)
(and (or a b)
(not (and a b))
(verify-same xor my-xor)
(defop magic-half-adder (:ingrad 3 :outgrad 2 :cost 123 :depth 132)
(0 0 0 0 0)
(0 0 1 0 1)
(0 1 0 0 1)
(0 1 1 1 0)
(1 0 0 0 1)
(1 0 1 1 0)
(1 1 0 1 0)
(1 1 1 1 1))
(construct half-adder (a b c) (c-out s)
(xor a b a-xor-b)
(or (and a b)
(and a-xor-b c)
(xor a-xor-b c s))
(verify-same magic-half-adder half-adder))
(defun example-2 ()
(construct alt-or (a b) (c)
(not (and (not a) (not b))
(verify-same or alt-or))
(defun example-3 ()
(construct broken-or (a b) (c)
(or 0 b c))
; Results in this text on the console:
;; Difference found for input (1 0):
;; (C#1) BROKEN-OR outputs #*0
;; (C#2) OR outputs #*1
;; No further differences.
(verify-same broken-or or))
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