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Last active April 19, 2021 16:25
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  • Save BenceSzalai/5e6db79035863d6a0b7f7328c7072ae3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BenceSzalai/5e6db79035863d6a0b7f7328c7072ae3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
generate Content-Security-Policy hashes for inline styles and scripts in SPA mode & add them to html meta tag, write to the console or save to file
* @nuxt/generator v2.14.3 (c) 2016-2020
* - All the amazing contributors
* Released under the MIT License.
* Website:
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
const path = require('path');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const consola = require('consola');
const fsExtra = require('fs-extra');
const htmlMinifier = require('html-minifier');
const nodeHtmlParser = require('node-html-parser');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const utils = require('@nuxt/utils');
function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
const path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(path);
const chalk__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(chalk);
const consola__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(consola);
const fsExtra__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(fsExtra);
const htmlMinifier__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(htmlMinifier);
const crypto__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(crypto);
function _typeof(obj) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} else {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
return _typeof(obj);
function isObject(val) {
return val !== null && _typeof(val) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
function _defu(baseObj, defaults) {
if (!isObject(baseObj)) {
return _defu({}, defaults);
if (!isObject(defaults)) {
return _defu(baseObj, {});
var obj = Object.assign({}, defaults);
for (var key in baseObj) {
if (key === '__proto__' || key === 'constructor') {
var val = baseObj[key];
if (val === null) {
if (isObject(val) && isObject(obj[key])) {
obj[key] = _defu(val, obj[key]);
} else {
obj[key] = val;
return obj;
function defu() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return args.reduce(_defu, {});
var defu_1 = defu;
class Generator {
constructor (nuxt, builder) {
this.nuxt = nuxt;
this.options = nuxt.options;
this.builder = builder;
// Set variables
this.isFullStatic = utils.isFullStatic(this.options);
this.staticRoutes = path__default['default'].resolve(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.static);
this.srcBuiltPath = path__default['default'].resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'client');
this.distPath = this.options.generate.dir;
this.distNuxtPath = path__default['default'].join(
utils.isUrl( ? '' :
// Payloads for full static
if (this.isFullStatic) {
const { staticAssets } = this.options.generate;
this.staticAssetsDir = path__default['default'].resolve(this.distNuxtPath, staticAssets.dir, staticAssets.version);
this.staticAssetsBase = this.options.generate.staticAssets.versionBase;
// Shared payload
this._payload = null;
this.setPayload = (payload) => {
this._payload = defu_1(payload, this._payload);
async generate ({ build = true, init = true } = {}) {
consola__default['default'].debug('Initializing generator...');
await this.initiate({ build, init });
consola__default['default'].debug('Preparing routes for generate...');
const routes = await this.initRoutes();
consola__default['default'].info('Generating pages' + (this.isFullStatic ? ' with full static mode' : ''));
const errors = await this.generateRoutes(routes);
await this.afterGenerate();
// Done hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:done', this, errors);
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:done', this, { errors });
return { errors }
async initiate ({ build = true, init = true } = {}) {
// Wait for nuxt be ready
await this.nuxt.ready();
// Call before hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:before', this, this.options.generate);
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:before', this);
if (build) {
// Add flag to set process.static
// Start build process
} else {
const hasBuilt = await fsExtra__default['default'].exists(path__default['default'].resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'server', 'client.manifest.json'));
if (!hasBuilt) {
throw new Error(
`No build files found in ${this.srcBuiltPath}.\nPlease run \`nuxt build\``
// Initialize dist directory
if (init) {
await this.initDist();
async initRoutes (...args) {
// Resolve config.generate.routes promises before generating the routes
let generateRoutes = [];
if (this.options.router.mode !== 'hash') {
try {
generateRoutes = await utils.promisifyRoute(
this.options.generate.routes || [],
} catch (e) {
consola__default['default'].error('Could not resolve routes');
throw e // eslint-disable-line no-unreachable
let routes = [];
// Generate only index.html for router.mode = 'hash' or client-side apps
if (this.options.router.mode === 'hash') {
routes = ['/'];
} else {
routes = utils.flatRoutes(this.getAppRoutes());
routes = routes.filter(route => this.shouldGenerateRoute(route));
routes = this.decorateWithPayloads(routes, generateRoutes);
// extendRoutes hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:extendRoutes', routes);
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:extendRoutes', { routes });
return routes
shouldGenerateRoute (route) {
return this.options.generate.exclude.every((regex) => {
if (typeof regex === 'string') {
return regex !== route
return !regex.test(route)
getBuildConfig () {
try {
return require(path__default['default'].join(this.options.buildDir, 'nuxt/config.json'))
} catch (err) {
return null
getAppRoutes () {
return require(path__default['default'].join(this.options.buildDir, 'routes.json'))
async generateRoutes (routes) {
const errors = [];
this.routes = [];
this.generatedRoutes = new Set();
routes.forEach(({ route, ...props }) => {
route = decodeURI(route);
this.routes.push({ route, ...props });
// Add routes to the tracked generated routes (for crawler)
// Start generate process
while (this.routes.length) {
let n = 0;
await Promise.all(
.splice(0, this.options.generate.concurrency)
.map(async ({ route, payload }) => {
await utils.waitFor(n++ * this.options.generate.interval);
await this.generateRoute({ route, payload, errors });
// Improve string representation for errors
// TODO: Use consola for more consistency
errors.toString = () => this._formatErrors(errors);
return errors
_formatErrors (errors) {
return errors
.map(({ type, route, error }) => {
const isHandled = type === 'handled';
const color = isHandled ? 'yellow' : 'red';
let line = chalk__default['default'][color](` ${route}\n\n`);
if (isHandled) {
line += chalk__default['default'].grey(JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2) + '\n');
} else {
line += chalk__default['default'].grey(error.stack || error.message || `${error}`);
return line
async afterGenerate () {
const { fallback } = this.options.generate;
// Disable SPA fallback if value isn't a non-empty string
if (typeof fallback !== 'string' || !fallback) {
const fallbackPath = path__default['default'].join(this.distPath, fallback);
// Prevent conflicts
if (await fsExtra__default['default'].exists(fallbackPath)) {
consola__default['default'].warn(`SPA fallback was configured, but the configured path (${fallbackPath}) already exists.`);
// Render and write the SPA template to the fallback path
let { html } = await this.nuxt.server.renderRoute('/', {
spa: true,
staticAssetsBase: this.staticAssetsBase
try {
html = this.minifyHtml(html);
} catch (error) {
consola__default['default'].warn('HTML minification failed for SPA fallback');
const { csp } = this.options.render;
// Calculate CSP hashes
if (csp) {
const { allowedSources, policies } = csp;
const policyObjectAvailable = typeof policies === 'object' && policies !== null && !Array.isArray(policies);
// Only add the hash if 'unsafe-inline' rule isn't present to avoid conflicts (#5387)
const containsUnsafeInlineScriptSrc = policyObjectAvailable && policies['script-src'] && policies['script-src'].includes('\'unsafe-inline\'');
const shouldHashCspScriptSrc = csp.unsafeInlineCompatibility || !containsUnsafeInlineScriptSrc;
const inlineScripts = [];
const inlineStyles = [];
const cspScriptSrcHashes = [];
const cspStyleSrcHashes = [];
const dom = nodeHtmlParser.parse(html, {script: true, style: true});
if (shouldHashCspScriptSrc) {
const inlineScriptTags = dom.querySelectorAll('script');
for (const inlineScriptTag of inlineScriptTags) {
for (const script of inlineScripts) {
const hash = crypto__default['default'].createHash(csp.hashAlgorithm);
const inlineStyleTags = dom.querySelectorAll('style');
for (const inlineStyleTag of inlineStyleTags) {
for (const style of inlineStyles) {
const hash = crypto__default['default'].createHash(csp.hashAlgorithm);
let isReportOnly, cspHeader, cspString;
if (csp.showResult || csp.saveResult ) {
isReportOnly = !!csp.reportOnly;
cspHeader = isReportOnly ? 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only' : 'Content-Security-Policy';
cspString = getCspString({ cspScriptSrcHashes, cspStyleSrcHashes, allowedSources, policies, isReportOnly });
// Show CSP header in console
if (csp.showResult) {
consola__default['default'].info(`CSP Header: ${cspHeader}: ${cspString}`);
// Save CSP header into file
if (csp.saveResult) {
await fsExtra__default['default'].writeFile( path__default['default'].join( this.options.generate.dir, csp.saveResult), `${cspHeader}: ${cspString}`, 'utf8');
consola__default['default'].success(`CSP Header saved as: ${csp.saveResult}`);
// Add csp meta tags
if (csp.addMeta) {
isReportOnly = false;
try { // report-uri is not allowed in HTML meta tag
delete policies['report-uri'];
} catch (e) { }
cspString = getCspString({ cspScriptSrcHashes, cspStyleSrcHashes, allowedSources, policies, isReportOnly });
const head = dom.querySelector('head');
head.appendChild(`<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="${cspString}">`);
html = dom.toString();
await fsExtra__default['default'].writeFile(fallbackPath, html, 'utf8');
consola__default['default'].success('Client-side fallback created: `' + fallback + '`');
async initDist () {
// Clean destination folder
await fsExtra__default['default'].emptyDir(this.distPath);
consola__default['default'].info(`Generating output directory: ${path__default['default'].basename(this.distPath)}/`);
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:distRemoved', this);
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:distRemoved', this);
// Copy static and built files
if (await fsExtra__default['default'].exists(this.staticRoutes)) {
await fsExtra__default['default'].copy(this.staticRoutes, this.distPath);
// Copy .nuxt/dist/client/ to dist/_nuxt/
await fsExtra__default['default'].copy(this.srcBuiltPath, this.distNuxtPath);
if (this.payloadDir) {
await fsExtra__default['default'].ensureDir(this.payloadDir);
// Add .nojekyll file to let GitHub Pages add the _nuxt/ folder
const nojekyllPath = path__default['default'].resolve(this.distPath, '.nojekyll');
fsExtra__default['default'].writeFile(nojekyllPath, '');
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:distCopied', this);
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:distCopied', this);
decorateWithPayloads (routes, generateRoutes) {
const routeMap = {};
// Fill routeMap for known routes
routes.forEach((route) => {
routeMap[route] = { route, payload: null };
// Fill routeMap with given generate.routes
generateRoutes.forEach((route) => {
// route is either a string or like { route : '/my_route/1', payload: {} }
const path = utils.isString(route) ? route : route.route;
routeMap[path] = {
route: path,
payload: route.payload || null
return Object.values(routeMap)
async generateRoute ({ route, payload = {}, errors = [] }) {
let html;
const pageErrors = [];
const setPayload = (_payload) => {
payload = defu_1(_payload, payload);
// Apply shared payload
if (this._payload) {
payload = defu_1(payload, this._payload);
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:route', { route, setPayload });
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:route', { route, setPayload });
try {
const renderContext = {
staticAssetsBase: this.staticAssetsBase
const res = await this.nuxt.server.renderRoute(route, renderContext);
html = res.html;
// If crawler activated and called from generateRoutes()
if (this.options.generate.crawler && this.options.render.ssr) {
const possibleTrailingSlash = this.options.router.trailingSlash ? '/' : '';
nodeHtmlParser.parse(html).querySelectorAll('a').map((el) => {
const sanitizedHref = (el.getAttribute('href') || '')
.replace(this.options.router.base, '/')
.replace(/\/+$/, '')
const route = decodeURI(sanitizedHref + possibleTrailingSlash);
if (route.startsWith('/') && !route.startsWith('//') && !path__default['default'].extname(route) && this.shouldGenerateRoute(route) && !this.generatedRoutes.has(route)) {
this.routes.push({ route });
// Save Static Assets
if (this.staticAssetsDir && renderContext.staticAssets) {
for (const asset of renderContext.staticAssets) {
const assetPath = path__default['default'].join(this.staticAssetsDir, asset.path);
await fsExtra__default['default'].ensureDir(path__default['default'].dirname(assetPath));
await fsExtra__default['default'].writeFile(assetPath, asset.src, 'utf-8');
if (res.error) {
pageErrors.push({ type: 'handled', route, error: res.error });
} catch (err) {
pageErrors.push({ type: 'unhandled', route, error: err });
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:routeFailed', { route, errors: pageErrors });
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:routeFailed', { route, errors: pageErrors });
return false
try {
html = this.minifyHtml(html);
} catch (err) {
const minifyErr = new Error(
`HTML minification failed. Make sure the route generates valid HTML. Failed HTML:\n ${html}`
pageErrors.push({ type: 'unhandled', route, error: minifyErr });
let fileName;
if (this.options.generate.subFolders) {
fileName = path__default['default'].join(route, path__default['default'].sep, 'index.html'); // /about -> /about/index.html
fileName = fileName === '/404/index.html' ? '/404.html' : fileName; // /404 -> /404.html
} else {
const normalizedRoute = route.replace(/\/$/, '');
fileName = route.length > 1 ? path__default['default'].join(path__default['default'].sep, normalizedRoute + '.html') : path__default['default'].join(path__default['default'].sep, 'index.html');
// Call hook to let user update the path & html
const page = {
path: fileName,
exclude: false,
errors: pageErrors
}; = page; // Backward compatibility for export:page hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:page', page);
if (page.exclude) {
return false
page.path = path__default['default'].join(this.distPath, page.path);
// Make sure the sub folders are created
await fsExtra__default['default'].mkdirp(path__default['default'].dirname(page.path));
await fsExtra__default['default'].writeFile(page.path, page.html, 'utf8');
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:routeCreated', { route, path: page.path, errors: pageErrors });
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:routeCreated', { route, path: page.path, errors: pageErrors });
if (pageErrors.length) {
consola__default['default'].error(`Error generating route "${route}": ${ => e.error.message).join(', ')}`);
} else {
consola__default['default'].success(`Generated route "${route}"`);
return true
minifyHtml (html) {
let minificationOptions =;
// Legacy: Override minification options with generate.minify if present
// TODO: Remove in Nuxt version 3
if (typeof this.options.generate.minify !== 'undefined') {
minificationOptions = this.options.generate.minify;
consola__default['default'].warn('generate.minify has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.' +
' Use build.html.minify instead!');
if (!minificationOptions) {
return html
return htmlMinifier__default['default'].minify(html, minificationOptions)
const getCspString = ({ cspScriptSrcHashes, cspStyleSrcHashes, allowedSources, policies, isReportOnly }) => {
const joinedScriptHashes = cspScriptSrcHashes.join(' ');
const baseScriptCspStr = `script-src 'self' ${joinedScriptHashes}`;
const joinedStyleHashes = cspStyleSrcHashes.join(' ');
const baseStyleCspStr = `style-src 'self' ${joinedStyleHashes}`;
const policyObjectAvailable = typeof policies === 'object' && policies !== null && !Array.isArray(policies);
if (Array.isArray(allowedSources) && allowedSources.length) {
const cspStr = `${baseScriptCspStr} ${allowedSources.join(' ')}; ${baseStyleCspStr} ${allowedSources.join(' ')}`;
return isReportOnly && policyObjectAvailable && !!policies['report-uri'] ? `${cspStr}; report-uri ${policies['report-uri']};` : `${cspStr}`
if (policyObjectAvailable) {
const transformedPolicyObject = transformPolicyObject(policies, cspScriptSrcHashes, cspStyleSrcHashes);
return Object.entries(transformedPolicyObject).map(([k, v]) => `${k} ${Array.isArray(v) ? v.join(' ') : v}`).join('; ')
return baseScriptCspStr + '; ' + baseStyleCspStr;
const transformPolicyObject = (policies, cspScriptSrcHashes, cspStyleSrcHashes) => {
const userHasDefinedScriptSrc = policies['script-src'] && Array.isArray(policies['script-src']);
const additionalScriptPolicies = userHasDefinedScriptSrc ? policies['script-src'] : [];
const userHasDefinedStyleSrc = policies['style-src'] && Array.isArray(policies['style-src']);
const additionalStylePolicies = userHasDefinedStyleSrc ? policies['style-src'] : [];
// Self is always needed for inline-scripts, so add it, no matter if the user specified script-src himself.
const scriptHashAndPolicyList = cspScriptSrcHashes.concat('\'self\'', additionalScriptPolicies);
const styleHashAndPolicyList = cspStyleSrcHashes.concat('\'self\'', additionalStylePolicies);
return { ...policies, 'script-src': scriptHashAndPolicyList, 'style-src': styleHashAndPolicyList }
function getGenerator (nuxt) {
return new Generator(nuxt)
exports.Generator = Generator;
exports.getGenerator = getGenerator;
module.exports = {
render: {
csp: {
hashAlgorithm: 'sha256',
policies: {
'script-src': [
'style-src': [
'img-src': [
'report-uri': ['']
addMeta: true, // Adds the meta tag to HTML
showResult: true, // Displays the generated CSP string in the console
saveResult: 'csp_header.txt', // Saves the CSP HTTP Header in this file in the output folder (/dist by default)
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Hi Bence,
I like this solution, tnx! I stumbled upon it via

Could you please help me with implementing?
(1) I am not totally sure where to put the suggested changes in the nuxt.config.js. Where to put the it the file? My config file is here
(2) The diff against generator v2.15.4 ? (which lives in @nuxt\generator\dist\generator.js)?
Any help much appreciated!

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1.) The render: section is just another item to add in your nuxt.config.js, beside other keys, such as after generate.

2.) You just have to replace @nuxt\generator\dist\generator.js with the file above, but note it is a hack. Normally you should not make changes to enything under node_modules.

However based on the PR some tests are failing, so this generator.js may have some issues with Nuxt.js v2.15.4. But according to the results it may only affect the tests, so it may still be usable.
Also it may need to be rebased to the latest master, to work properly, but you may give it a go in v2.15.4. In v2.14.3 it was working definitely.

Unfortunately I don't really use Nuxt.js nowadays, so it is unlikely that I'll move this PR ahead any soon, so unless someone else takes the effort to make it into the Nuxt.js core, it'll not happen as an out-of-the-box feature.

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I will give patching the v2.15.4 version with your changes a go (instead of replacing generator.js).
And see whether it still works, and how to change to fit my use case: writing a valid outputfile (customHttp.yml) that will automatically be picked up by Amazon Amplify. I got the site generation up, triggered by github changes, with a static customHttp,yml file. My goal is to dynamically generate the customHttp.yml file with a modified generate.js.

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BenceSzalai commented Apr 19, 2021

Good! You can find the changes here:
However this is source, so than you need to build.
Or you can just use some compare util to find the changes between the base generator.js of v2.14.3 and the file above.

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