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Created October 17, 2016 19:36
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Note on Design of Computer Program by Peter Norvig -
"""I didn't finish the class, and the notes are only partial and really not cleaned/organized,
but they represent at the time what I found interesting to remember.
?? --->understand---> problem --->specify---> design --->code
sum(**2 for x in nums)
max(list, key=function) => return the value witch it have max value with the function
max(iter, key=function) => IMPORTANT !!!!
list = "val1 val2".split()
assert x == True #=> error if not true
assert y == True #=> error if not true
return "test pass"
[sf] + 99*[fk] #=> [sf, fk, fk, ...]
tuples (7,9,4) > (7,2,5)
cards = ["6A", "5B", "2A"]
ranks = [r for r,s in cards]
ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r,s in hand]
to check if every item in a list is identical
len(set(list)) == 1
if condition: #boolean
return True
return False
# This is useless, simply do:
return condition
map(math.sqrt, [5, 2, 10]) === [sqrt(x) for x in [5, 2, 10]]
map(pow, [5, -2, 10], [2, 2, 2]) === [pow(x, 2) for x in [5, -2, 10]]
[5, 3, 3, 1, 3] => (5, 1), (3, 3), (1, 1)
set() // count()
if a and b != c: #=> =?= (a and b) != c
the amount of change should be proportionnal with the amount of change in the conceptualisation
sometime, the better way to code a special case is to write....
if (ranks == [14, 5, 4, 3, 2])...
def allmax(iterable, key=None):
"Return a list of all items equal to the max of the iterable."
key = key or (lambda x: x) # key is a parameter that take a function
hands_rank = map(key, iterable)
liste = []
for hand_rank, hand in zip(hands_rank, iterable):
if hand_rank == max(hands_rank):
return liste
mydeck = [r+s for r in '23456789TJQKA' for s in 'SHDC'] # it's a kind of magiiiiiiiiiiiic
deck[n*i:n*(i+1)] for i in nrage(numhands) # 0 à n ou de n à 2n, ect
counts = [0]*9 => counts = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
reversed(range(9)) #=> 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
sinon, il faut faire :
a = range(9)
correctness, efficiency (fast enough), features, elegance "elegance is not optionel"
"The best is the enemy of the good"
groups = [(items.count(x), x) for x in set(items)]
return sorted(groups, reverse=True)
foo.reverse() actually reverses the elements in the container. reversed() doesn't actually reverse anything, it merely returns an object that can be used to iterate over the container's elements in reverse order. This is often faster than actually reversing the elements.
def unzip(pairs): return zip(*pairs)
#=> list of pair => pair of list ?
Lesson 1 : lessons learned
understand, define pieces, reuse, test, explore design space (correctioness, efficiency, elegance, features)
counts = defaultdict(int) #=> dico qui initialise pour chaque definition, la valeur par defaut de int (soit 0)
all((0.9<=counts[item]/e<=1.1) for item in counts) => nice ! all boolean == True
computing (pure fonction) => easier to test --- sorted([3,2,1]) = [1,2,3]
doing (impure fonction/subroutine) --- input = [3,2,1] ; input.sort() ; input==[1,2,3]
## write a function to test impure fonction => testImpute(function, [1,2,3])
hands = itertools.combinations(hand,5)
maxHand = None
for hand in hands:
if hand_rank(maxHand)<hand_rank(hand) : maxHand = hand
return maxHand
itertools.product([1, 2, 3],[100, 200]) => [(1,100), (1,200), (2,100), ...]
info : our computer can do about a billion instruction per sec
calcul the time : (_number of instruction_ (guess) * number of iteration) / 1 billion per sec
if you don't know what design implement, take the simplest and try with it
x is y #=> object x is identical to y
x == y #=> x has the same value as y
houses = first, _, middle, _, _ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] #=> crée la list houses et assigne first à 1 et middle à 3
return next((c, c2))
for(a, b, c) in list
for(a2, b2, c2) in list
if (a == a2)
if (b == b2)
if (c == c2)
list comprehensions
[s for r,s in cards for/if r in "JQK" ... for/if]
same as :
result = []
for r,s in cards:
if r in "JQK":
generator expression (unlike list comprehension, can stop if true)
g = (term for-clause opption(for/ifs)) => return a promise to calcul
(to iterate)
==> raise an error if ended
put that in a loop or create a list of result
for x2 in (sq(x) for x in range(10) if x%2==0):pass
list((sq(x) for x in range(10) if x%2==0 ))
def timedcall(fn, *args):
"Call function with args; return the time in seconds and result."
t0 = time.clock()
result = fn(*args)
t1 = time.clock()
return t1-t0, result
*args => bundle the rest of args in a tuple
#=> def something(f, *args)
#=> fn(*args) => unpack the tuple
#=> something(f, 1, 2, 3) => *args = (1,2,3)
#=> timedcall(zebra_puzzle()) => would compute zebra puzzle and after run the clocks
#=> timedcall(zebra_puzzble) => pass the function (an object) as the argument. run the clock before the calculation
liste = [something(fn, *args) for _ in range(n)] #=> we don't take the index, so "_" is great
something(fn, *args)[0] => to take only the first result of a function
isinstance(n, int)
aspects oriented programs : seperate the differents aspects => correct, efficient, debug
generator functions
def ints(start, end=None):
i = start
while i <= end or end is None:
yield i
i = i+1
L = ints(0, 100000)
L = <generator>
next(L) #=> 0
for i in L: print i #=> 0 1 2 3 4 .... 100000
FOR statements : the whole truth
# for x in items: print x
it = iter(items) # iterable
while True:
x = next(it)
return x
except StopIteration:
Concept inventory
Eefine ideas
Simple implementation
Back enveloppe
Refine code
// Cryptoarithmetic
eval("2+2") #=> 4
eval("1+1 == 3") #=> false
import string
table = string.maketrans("ABC", "123")
f = "A+B == C"
eval(f.translate(table)) #=> eval("1+2==3") #=> True
return None is useless; just don't return anything...
Profiling : where ? time ?
python -m cProfile
import cProfile'test()')
takes the fonction that take the longest time
feawer calls
easier calls
# A revoir l'intérêt
def F(Y,O,U,M,E): return blabla ------------
lambda Y,O,U,M,E : blabla -----------
# compile_word('YOU') => '(1*U+10*O+100*Y)'
liste = ['%s*%s' % (10**index, letter) for (index, letter) in enumerate(reversed(word))] #=> enumerate to pass the index
return "("+"+".join(liste)+")"
list comprehensions [x for x in list in ]
generator expression (---- for -----in ----)
generator yield x
handling types "polymorphism" timedcalls(n, ...) # n= int/float # isinstance
eval # str=>object or function
timing time.clock() timedcall(s)
counting c # we can use the var name "c" because it's just to debug
variable naming
# TODO add a function to an object
def my_function_with_long_name(text):
"Do something"
def test
f = my_function_with_long_name
Regular Expressions // Regular Pattern
find substring string
s= "some long sting with words"
s.find('word') => 21 (the index) (-1 of nothing)
Special char
* a* '',a,aa,...
? a? '',a
. . a,b,c,7,!,... # not the empty string(obvious)
^ ^b ba,bb,b7,...
$ a$ ba,oa,!a,6a
'' '' ''
a a a
ba ba ba
python re
search(parttern, text) => True, if patterns appears anywhere in text
match(parttern, text) => True, if pattern appears at the start of the text
API = Appicatin Programming Interface => return the biggest result
re.match => return the result if it appear at the start
dis.dis(lambda x, y: sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2))
/!\ if '' => False
def seq(x,y) return lambda set().union(*map(y, x(text))
def lit(s):
set_s = set([s]) # Computed once
return lambda Ns: set_s if len(s) in Ns else null
backward compatible != internal (logic of func) /external (call of the function)
def function() <==> function = decorator(function)
try/except: ask forgivness later (contraty to if/else). Good if already a except planned
why list are mutable :!/c-cs212/l-48738183/e-48713825/m-48713627 (cache management)
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it was remembering, thank you

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