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To infinity and beyond.

Simon Benjámin Benjaminhu

To infinity and beyond.
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PROJECT_REPO="[email protected]"
RELEASE_NAME=$(date +%s--%Y_%m_%d--%H_%M_%S)
# stop script on error signal (-e) and undefined variables (-u)
benoit-cty /
Last active August 25, 2023 16:32
Script to archive Slack messages from a channel list.
Script to archive Slack messages from a channel list.
You have to create a Slack Bot and invite him to private channels.
View for how to configure your account.
Then provide the bot token to this script with the list of channels.
channels = {
lorisleiva / toSqlWithBindings.php
Last active November 12, 2024 12:14
A little macro to get the SQL from a query builder without the annoying "?".
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
Builder::macro('toSqlWithBindings', function () {
$bindings = array_map(
fn ($value) => is_numeric($value) ? $value : "'{$value}'",
mindplay-dk /
Last active June 11, 2024 10:30
PHP upgrades

Upgrading PHP

Guidelines for upgrading the minimum PHP version requirements of packages and projects.

This isn't meant to be an exhaustive guide to upgrading, but as a checklist for the most important upgrades.

PHP 5.3

The first version to support namespaces - any relevant PHP packages/projects usually have this version as the minimum requirement, so this document won't concern itself with upgrades prior to that.

danielcharrua / remove_emoji.php
Created April 2, 2020 11:23
Remove emoji from PHP string.
* This function removes emoji from string
* Used to filter Twilio SMS/MMS for emoji characters and send messages using GSM instead of UCS-2
* Usage remove_emoji('Lorem ipsum 🥊dolor 🤒sit amet, consectetur adipiscing 🍂 elit. 🌰🍁🌿🌾🌼🌻');
function remove_emoji($text){
return preg_replace('/[\x{1F3F4}](?:\x{E0067}\x{E0062}\x{E0077}\x{E006C}\x{E0073}\x{E007F})|[\x{1F3F4}](?:\x{E0067}\x{E0062}\x{E0073}\x{E0063}\x{E0074}\x{E007F})|[\x{1F3F4}](?:\x{E0067}\x{E0062}\x{E0065}\x{E006E}\x{E0067}\x{E007F})|[\x{1F3F4}](?:\x{200D}\x{2620}\x{FE0F})|[\x{1F3F3}](?:\x{FE0F}\x{200D}\x{1F308})|[\x{0023}\x{002A}\x{0030}\x{0031}\x{0032}\x{0033}\x{0034}\x{0035}\x{0036}\x{0037}\x{0038}\x{0039}](?:\x{FE0F}\x{20E3})|[\x{1F441}](?:\x{FE0F}\x{200D}\x{1F5E8}\x{FE0F})|[\x{1F468}\x{1F469}](?:\x{200D}\x{1F467}\x{200D}\x{1F467})|[\x{1F468}\x{1F469}](?:\x{200D}\x{1F467}\x{200D}\x{1F466})|[\x{1F468}\x{1F469}](?:\x{200D}\x{1F467})|[\x{1F468}\x{1F469}](?:\x{200D}\x{1F466}\x{200D}\x{1F466})|[\x{1F468}\x{1F469}](?:\x{200D}\x{1F466})|[\
parallelo3301 / utils.sql
Last active May 6, 2024 02:56
PostgreSQL utils
-- v5
----------------------------------------------------------- basic instance info
-- show db version
SELECT version();
-- uptime
SELECT pg_postmaster_start_time();
-- show connections
estysdesu / create_constraint_if_not_exists.sql
Last active September 13, 2023 00:17
[PostgreSQL: create constraint if not exists] not sure of sql compatibility with other engines #postgres #constraint #sql
// vim: syntax=sql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_constraint_if_not_exists (t_name text, c_name text, constraint_sql text)
-- Look for our constraint
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT constraint_name
FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage
Werninator / php_detect_eol.php
Last active October 3, 2020 17:34
[php] detect EOL type from string
* Detects the end-of-line character of a string.
* modified version from
* @param string $str The string to check.
* @param string $default Default EOL (if not detected).
* @return string The detected EOL, or default one.
function detectEol($str, $default = PHP_EOL) {
mohammedyunus009 /
Last active August 23, 2023 07:42 — forked from rajeevkannav/
Install CMake, pkg-config,GNU Getopt,GCC,poppler,fontforge,pdf2htmlEX in Ubuntu 16.05
# Ubuntu Developer Script For pdf2htmlEx
# Created by Rajeev Kannav Sharma
# Downloads and configures the following:
# CMake, pkg-config
# GNU Getopt
denisgolius /
Created October 4, 2018 06:55 — forked from grenade/
Correct file permissions for ssh keys and config.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/github_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/mozilla_rsa